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jtothawhat 06-01-2011 04:48 PM

I found a black widow under my car when I was putting in my rear sway bar when I lived in San Diego...I sprayed my whole car with raid and never had a problem again.

trickyrix 06-01-2011 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by hustler (Post 733502)
On my annual kayaking trip this year, us drunks built a huge bonfire, I'm talking 3 55-gallon drums full of wood. Then, someone stuffed a half-full can of Raid in there. It was pretty impressive. I highly recommend you do the same.

When I was a kid, we used to sneak out with the Raid can and a Bic lighter so we could set GI Joe toys on fire with our patented Raid flamethrower.

See also: Playing tennis with Raid-soaked flaming tennis balls.

It's a wonder we didn't burn the whole neighborhood to the ground...

spitefulcheerio 06-01-2011 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by trickyrix (Post 733509)
When I was a kid, we used to sneak out with the Raid can and a Bic lighter so we could set GI Joe toys on fire with our patented Raid flamethrower.

See also: Playing tennis with Raid-soaked flaming tennis balls.

It's a wonder we didn't burn the whole neighborhood to the ground...

I had a buddy who use to burn ants with a can of Axe and a lighter........

....one time the flame traveled back into the can and blew up on him. One of the funniest things I've ever seen.

As for the bug bombs, most are designed to produce little to no residue so set one of those bad boys off and you'll clear them out. They'll come back again though.

NA6C-Guy 06-01-2011 05:43 PM

I too have the spiders factory option. Never had the issue in other cars, only this one. Almost every damn day I see one, or step down into a web when getting in the car. Sometimes I'll even be driving along and have a little bastard slip down a web strand and dangle right in front of my face while I'm driving. That works well, because I'm terrified of spiders and I nearly wreck trying to find something to smash it with.

gearhead_318 06-01-2011 06:49 PM

Originally Posted by rccote (Post 733432)
Having let my car sit after doing a bunch of work led me to a brown widow problem. They were everywhere underneath and making their way inside. The fogger worked so go with that. I still can't shake the chills I get when I re-live having to drop my transmission with these little bastards coming down on me.

I think Brown widows are only native to Australia, here in N America we have the slightly less venomous but equally creepy Black Widow. We also have the Brown Recluse, which I think is smaller then the (female) Black Widow, which got it's name from biting off the head of the male after mating. Also, the female has a red hourglass on it's abdomen.
If your going to spider bomb the car, don't forget the trunk, leave the glove compartment open, get the the underside of the car and if it's kept in a garage then bomb there too. I hate spiders with a fucking vengeance. Kill em' all.

spitefulcheerio 06-01-2011 06:52 PM

One of my parents friends got bit by a brown recluse......her ear literally started to decay because of the venom

94mx5red 06-01-2011 06:55 PM

The only good bug is a dead bug.

9671111 06-01-2011 07:57 PM


rmcelwee 06-01-2011 08:51 PM

We had a horrible brown widow problem here for a couple of years. Took a ton of hard work but we got them under control. The thick web is a giveaway so we just looked for them every day and sprayed directly on them and the egg sack. 1,000 cans of spider killer later and we rarely see them now.






icantthink4155 06-01-2011 09:10 PM

I get single line webs in my car, I know Ive had spiders in it before, but I never see them now. Had an ant issue for a while, they were making nest around my trunk lid.

gearhead_318 06-01-2011 09:36 PM

I can no longer view this thread for fear of seeing scary spider pix. For some reason the Black Widow freaks me out more then most, now I'm itching like a crack fiend thinking I've got something with 8 legs crawling on me.

cpolly69 06-01-2011 09:52 PM

there is a tiny white one that has been dead and in my headlight housing since i bought the car...
omg now i remember how weird starship troopers was...

would you like to know more

elesjuan 06-01-2011 10:13 PM

Good luck.

The trees around my house are a haven for the brown tree spider and they get freakin TINY!

I used to find tiny spider webs in the headlights of my Mazdaspeed6!!!

sixshooter 06-02-2011 10:04 AM

Gearhead, the brown widow also has the little orange hourglass. And they have a distinctive spiky egg sack. They are easily identifiable as not being a brown recluse.









9671111 06-02-2011 10:24 AM


thagr81 us 06-02-2011 10:30 AM

I had a nightmare about spiders last night thanks to this thread... Thanks assholes! However, I used a Shop-Vac to kill them and then sucked up a bug bomb after I got them all. WIN!

Clos561 06-02-2011 11:04 AM

im gona buy a bomb and some spray. I live in south Florida and i see spiders all the time around my house, esp more now cause the weather is probably best for breeding or some shit.

im just sacred that ill be driving and get bit by one of these fuckers then freak out and crash or something.

its the worst when you stomp one then the babies scatter off the back! lol

ScottFW 06-02-2011 01:51 PM

I never see spiders in my cars. Except today. Went to roll up the window as I was getting on the highway and there's one dangling from the roof down towards the door sill. It was decent sized but probably not one that's dangerous to humans. I managed to keep the car pointed mostly straight ahead as I hurriedly brushed it out the window. Just thought it was weird that the only time I see a spider in any of my cars is the day after reading this thread. So, I blame all of you.

rleete 06-02-2011 02:12 PM

It musta been a quantum spider.

Gotpsi? 06-02-2011 05:22 PM

I also hate spiders, I had a friend bring a old wv rabbit to my shop that has been since turned into an awesome track car but it was towed out of a field and we killed 15+ black widows on it, then I found one hanging off my race car and that was it. We turned off everything one night and lit off an entire case of those bombs and left for the night. The next day we found so many more I coundn't keep track but they where all dead or so close to dead that they didn't move much so we shop vac'ed them up and have not seem any since. We put one in each corner, one dead center, and under front and back of each car.

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