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hustler 04-06-2012 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by Shearhead_3:16 (Post 860333)
How long was it? I'm wondering if its an hour that they make into 30 minutes of funny TV, or if he is really funny enough to make a funny 30 minute tv show every week.

I thought every minute of the actual was fun, but Houston can't find any humor in abortion, Jessica, bible, rape, or child molestation jokes, lol.

Joe Perez 04-06-2012 10:13 PM

10 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Y8s
what's worse is they eat animal substitutes in some sort of sadistic evil plot to still feel like they've killed an animal.

Indeed they do. And,

Originally Posted by mx5autoxer (Post 860058)
I have no interest in avoiding factory meat to change the industry as that is futile. I just don't want the hormones and antibiotics.

Now, I'm going to break from character here for a moment, as I haz a confused.


This evening, as I was riding my bicycle home from work (thus consuming no foreign oil, generating no emissions, and getting a good workout all at the same time) I happened to stop by the grocery store to purchase meat and beer. While there, my curiosity was aroused and I did some investigating.

Here we see an organic, vegan, faux-meat product made by Turtle Island foods, which appears to be a popular brand. This particular example claims to emulate an Italian sausage:


And here is the backside of the product:


This meat-free sausage contains 270 calories and 13g of fat per hectogram. So that's our baseline.

I then wondered over to the "real meat" area, and picked an equivalent-looking sausage at random. This particular one contains feta cheese, which sounds tasty so I bought a pack:


And the reverse, showing us that it is free of antibiotics, hormones, preservatives, and made from animals which are not fed scraps of other animals. (It is also cheaper.):


Correcting for portion size, this sausage contains 175 calories and 11.25g of fat per hectogram. (And remember, cheese is the third ingredient, which bumps the fat content relative to a cheese-less sausage, but I said I'd pick one at random and I decided to stick with my first choice in the interest of fair science.)



I'm not quite sure what the point of eating simulated meat is, given that it costs more than real meat, as is apparently not as good for you.

But I'm open to suggestions.

blaen99 04-06-2012 10:16 PM

Originally Posted by hustler (Post 860338)
I thought every minute of the actual was fun, but Houston can't find any humor in abortion, Jessica, bible, rape, or child molestation jokes, lol.


Quick, someone book this guy for the MT.net meet!

hustler 04-06-2012 10:16 PM

Good Friday jokes were also not well received. I scored a few looks for laughing.

gearhead_318 04-06-2012 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by hustler (Post 860338)
I thought every minute of the actual was fun, but Houston can't find any humor in abortion, Jessica, bible, rape, or child molestation jokes, lol.

Sounded like a good show to me. How is it that people go to a Tosh.0 show, knowing goddamn well what they are about to see, and then get upset when the content offends their delicate sensibilities?

Originally Posted by hustler (Post 860341)
Good Friday jokes were also not well received. I scored a few looks for laughing.

Good. Laugh loud

...as you throw them to the lions

FRT_Fun 04-07-2012 12:25 AM

Daniel Tosh doesn't just do Tosh.0... he does stand up as well....

hustler 04-07-2012 01:03 AM

Originally Posted by Shearhead_3:16 (Post 860363)
Sounded like a good show to me. How is it that people go to a Tosh.0 show, knowing goddamn well what they are about to see, and then get upset when the content offends their delicate sensibilities?

It was fairly clear that many of the people in the audience didn't watch the show.

gearhead_318 04-07-2012 02:01 AM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 860393)
Daniel Tosh doesn't just do Tosh.0... he does stand up as well....


Originally Posted by hustler (Post 860406)
It was fairly clear that many of the people in the audience didn't watch the show.

Thats their fault. I hope they where extremely offended and weeped into their pillows before falling into a nightmarish slumber.

y8s 04-07-2012 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 860339)
Indeed they do. And,Now, I'm going to break from character here for a moment, as I haz a confused.

<upside down question mark kitty question mark>

This evening, as I was riding my bicycle home from work (thus consuming no foreign oil, generating no emissions, and getting a good workout all at the same time) I happened to stop by the grocery store to purchase meat and beer. While there, my curiosity was aroused and I did some investigating.

Here we see an organic, vegan, faux-meat product made by Turtle Island foods, which appears to be a popular brand. This particular example claims to emulate an Italian sausage:

<tofurkey sausage>

And here is the backside of the product:

<rear of tofurkey sausage>

This meat-free sausage contains 270 calories and 13g of fat per hectogram. So that's our baseline.

I then wondered over to the "real meat" area, and picked an equivalent-looking sausage at random. This particular one contains feta cheese, which sounds tasty so I bought a pack:

<chicken feta>

And the reverse, showing us that it is free of antibiotics, hormones, preservatives, and made from animals which are not fed scraps of other animals. (It is also cheaper.):

<chicken feta rear>

Correcting for portion size, this sausage contains 175 calories and 11.25g of fat per hectogram. (And remember, cheese is the third ingredient, which bumps the fat content relative to a cheese-less sausage, but I said I'd pick one at random and I decided to stick with my first choice in the interest of fair science.)



I'm not quite sure what the point of eating simulated meat is, given that it costs more than real meat, as is apparently not as good for you.

But I'm open to suggestions.

Joe, first thing is this: fat is not bad. forget any association you have with "fat" the food and "fat" the obese people you disdain. Of course there are exceptions: trans fats and interesterified fats--the latter being the toxic BS produced to allow manufacturers to put "no trans fats!" on their label.

Think olive oil and fish oil. Those are both fat. And they are both good and critical to supporting human life. Your body can't produce essential fatty acids but they are essential.


Second thing to note is the allegations on the chicken package.

It's against the law to feed chickens hormones. Period. Advertising it is like putting a sticker on your car that says "I am not murdering anyone"

no antibiotics is good.

vegetarian fed means jack. like cows eating corn instead of grass. meaningless.

plutonium is 100% natural. another BS claim.

no nitrates/nitrites is very good.

USDA Organic: means it has to comply with lots of stuff. this one is legit. I dont see it on the tofurky product probably because it's not up to the minimum % of ingredients to get the seal. hence take it with a grain of salt. sadly the USDA currently exempts hops from the organic requirement because samuel smith's beer lobbied to exclude them because of the limited amount of organic hops available. Wife tells me this is changing though.

back to the sausage wars:
the tofurky looks to have a bazillion carbs in it compared to the meat one. No surprise there as soybeans are pretty carb-heavy. fortunately it's mostly fiber and not mostly sugar. that means your body will pass most of it out the back door.

that said, the chicken feta sausage does look pretty tasty.

and I agree that the fake one appears to be less good for you. I suspect it's kind of like cupcakes. we dont eat them because they're good for us. we eat them because they're tasty. those are vegan cupcakes.

hustler 04-07-2012 12:06 PM

"What is the most bauce way to tune cruise?" I thought you would never ask!!!
1.Get on highway
2.Place brick on throttle to maintain throttle position
3.Open fuel and spark tables
4.Adjust VE and spark tables to reduce PW at a given throttle position

mgeoffriau 04-07-2012 12:56 PM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 860472)
like cows eating corn instead of grass. meaningless.

I'll throw a half-hearted disagreement out there. I agree it doesn't mean much, but there is a small nutritional difference.


y8s 04-07-2012 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 860504)
I'll throw a half-hearted disagreement out there. I agree it doesn't mean much, but there is a small nutritional difference.


no no wait hold on
you misunderstand my analysis!

"vegetarian fed" is meaningless (lets hope they aren't cannibals)


corn fed (while a plant) is lame.

mgeoffriau 04-07-2012 01:11 PM

Oh, I gotcha. Agreed.

redturbomiata 04-07-2012 01:13 PM

3 Attachment(s)
if it wasnt for the broken taillight you would never know.

and i did the finish panel and top of the bumper as well, wet sanded but not buffed yet

hustler 04-07-2012 01:23 PM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 860509)
"vegetarian fed" is meaningless (lets hope they aren't cannibals)

hustler 04-07-2012 01:28 PM

I think I bought this MS2 for my daily out of boredom, lol. Its been a lot of fun over the last couple days to tune a car again with a little mystery.

rleete 04-07-2012 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by redturbomiata (Post 860516)
if it wasnt for the broken taillight you would never know.

Nice work.

Faeflora 04-07-2012 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 860472)
and I agree that the fake one appears to be less good for you. I suspect it's kind of like cupcakes. we dont eat them because they're good for us. we eat them because they're tasty. those are vegan cupcakes.

Vegan cupcakes are VERY good. As good as regular cupcakes. I remember nonvegan foods very well.

No, Tofurky italian sausage is nothing like regular italian sausage. It's not that bad though, especially in a hot dog bun.

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 860044)
2. fixing your own diet solves 1/7,000,000,000th of the problem. I married a sustainable ag advocate who attempts to change things on the production side. therefore I don't feel guilty eating meat (at least when I know where it came from and how it was produced). her work on the farm bill will (hopefully, eventually, unlikely because corn farmers love subsidies) ultimately improve the situation for the whole country, not just one skinny indonesian with questionable sawzall skillz.

Yeah I agree that I am "fixing" 1/7billionth of the problem but I am vegan to please myself. I also give a big pile of money and am leaving a damn big pile to PETA so I can leverage my personal impact on the lives of animals on the planet. Yay. I feel good about myself.

AND I AM NOT INDONESIAN NOR AM I SKINNY. you should feel bad for trolling me

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 859976)
Ok, I've had to do some research here to find the correct vocabulary to express my opprobrium.

"Ethical vegetarians" piss me off. These are the folks who refrain from eating animals or using animal products because it is morally wrong to so so. To quote ethicalvegetarian.com: "Although ethical vegetarians enjoy the benefits of the healthy diet and lifestyle of vegetarianism, they are not vegetarians because of health reasons: they are vegetarians because they want to minimize cruelty and death in the world. Good health is just a pleasant side-effect."

So, when an ethical vegetarian explains to me why it's wrong to have leather upholstery in my car, or even to drink most commercially-produced wines (because the fining agents used to clarify the wine are derived from animal products), and then they go and eat a slice of bread, that's just utter hypocrisy. If it is morally wrong to kill animals, then the production of bread is tantamount to genocide on a scale unparalleled in all of human history- more yeast are incinerated in a single hour at the baker's oven than the total number of people of all races put to death in all the concentration camps of WWII combined.

In fact, ethical vegetarians are inherently anti-Christian. The production of bread is discussed 361 times in the king James bible. It is practically a metaphor for the entire religion, inasmuch as Christ compares himself to bread, and promotes its ritualistic consumption to his disciples shortly before his execution.

So by their worldview, ethical vegetarians must denounce Christianity (as well as Judaism) as supporting the greatest and most widespread racial holocaust the world has ever known.

Given the present sociopolitical climate in the US, Christianity is very much in vogue right now, and weirdm scary people who denounce it are fit to be ostracised.

Is that really what you want? Do you want to murder baby Jesus? Because every time you refuse to kill and eat an animal, that's exactly what you are doing.

Down with ethical vegetarians.

Well, yes I do believe religion in all forms is for fuckying idiots. Religion is for the weak. And most people are indeed weak. Universal FAIL.

And yes, I do believe that life is life, and in order to live you must kill other life. Blah blah blah.

I agree that any people who rub their fuckying faces in other people's shi are annoying motherfukers. That goes for religious people, aggressive/critical vegetarians/vegans, nationalists, hicks, racists etc.

gearhead_318 04-07-2012 05:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 859976)
...inasmuch as Christ compares himself to bread, and promotes its ritualistic consumption to his disciples shortly before his execution.

It was explained to me that Christians (or at least Catholics) believe that the unleavened bread & whine that are taken during communion are literally the body and blood of christ, thats when I started to think...


FRT_Fun 04-07-2012 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by Shearhead_3:16 (Post 860417)
extremely large picture

I am assuming Hustler went to the Daniel Tosh stand up in Houston.

Originally Posted by Shearhead_3:16 (Post 860333)
How long was it? I'm wondering if its an hour that they make into 30 minutes of funny TV, or if he is really funny enough to make a funny 30 minute tv show every week.

Your quote here makes me assume you think he went to a Tosh.0 screening or something. Which if my above statement is correct, he did not.

So one must come to the conclusion you did not know that he did stand up, and only had a TV show.

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