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Braineack 02-24-2012 10:19 AM

I drink tons of water, so I constantly have potty breaks. jelly?

devin mac 02-24-2012 11:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by pusha (Post 839176)
cigarette butts are biodegradable

this is actually nowhere near true. butts have plastic content, not to mention the insanely concentrated doses of poisons caught by them that didn't make it into your lungs.

even if they were "biodegradable," it would still take a period of time longer than anyone wants to look at them to just automagically disappear. by that logic, i guess i'll start tossing my apple cores, orange peels, paper fast food bags, peanuts butter cup cups, paper cups form the water cooler, etc... on the sidewalk/loading dock/side of the road/highway along with everyone's cig butts.


if you just feel like tossing them and don't give a f*ck about the environment, wildlife, or the rest of society that thing littering in general is unsightly and unacceptable, or want to allow yourself to believe that tossing cig butts somehow "doesn't count" then fine. just say that. don't try to use some bullsh*t flawed logic about biodegradability or "i pay the taxes for that cleanup" as a shield.

grow a set and just man up to the fact that you're being a huge d-bag when you do it.

devin mac 02-24-2012 11:45 AM

Originally Posted by Doppelgänger (Post 839264)
lulz...that is just as bad as the Big Mac, Super fries and a Diet Coke.

eh, there is SOME validity to this. you're still eliminating some of the calories and massive corn syrup insulin spike.

if part of your normal routine was to eat mcD's three times a week, and you normally had a large coke with each one of those. and you were looking to start making small incremental changes to your eating habits to begin a weight loss journey, cutting out the meals entirely might be a larger step than is mentally feasible right off the bat, so switching to diet coke would still remove 900 calories a week from your caloric load.

cutting 3500 calories is about a pound of fat, everything else being equal. so JUST that change alone could be worth a pound of weight loss a month, if you changed NOTHING else.

sure, you should probably skip the big macs completely... but it's not as worthless a change as I originally thought it was either.

just sayin. ;-)

mgeoffriau 02-24-2012 11:51 AM

That line of thinking assumes that the damage done from artificial sweeteners is better than the damage from the sugar.

Originally Posted by devin mac (Post 839289)
eh, there is SOME validity to this. you're still eliminating some of the calories and massive corn syrup insulin spike.

if part of your normal routine was to eat mcD's three times a week, and you normally had a large coke with each one of those. and you were looking to start making small incremental changes to your eating habits to begin a weight loss journey, cutting out the meals entirely might be a larger step than is mentally feasible right off the bat, so switching to diet coke would still remove 900 calories a week from your caloric load.

cutting 3500 calories is about a pound of fat, everything else being equal. so JUST that change alone could be worth a pound of weight loss a month, if you changed NOTHING else.

sure, you should probably skip the big macs completely... but it's not as worthless a change as I originally thought it was either.

just sayin. ;-)

devin mac 02-24-2012 11:58 AM

right. i'm speaking purely calorically here. obviously the best solution for the individual in question would be to move away from soda entirely, but that's a much larger lifestyle change, as a lot of people just LIKE soda.

with my "clients" (people don't pay me for this, but i have helped a LOT of people lose a LOT of pounds, over the years), i advocate small incremental lifestyle changes that add up over time. when each small change feels "normal", another set of small changes is added, gradually shifting towards the target lifestyle over a longer period. this increases the likelihood that it actually sticks for life, instead of being a temporary "diet" that will just get reversed as soon as a target weight or whatever gets accomplished.

making larger changes right off the bat generally makes people feel like a.) it's temporary, and b.) like they're being deprived of something they like. so when they hit their target of "i want to lose 25lbs" or whatever, they go back to old habits and the weight comes back on almost instantly.

this is just one example of the things i've found to be successful strategies over the years of trial and error. both with myself and with people i've trained. others' mileage may vary, obviously.

mgeoffriau 02-24-2012 12:01 PM

My wife and I started the Primal Blueprint about a month and a half ago. I feel much, much better. Sweets look pretty gross to me now. Soda is way too sweet. Grains are still tempting, I love a good cheeseburger or some pesto pasta.

Joe Perez 02-24-2012 01:21 PM

About eight or nine years ago, I built a house in a nice little planned community in Maineville, Ohio, which is a northeastern suburb of Cincinnati. A very white-picket-fence-ish sort of neighborhood, with manicured lawns and lots of peace, quiet, and conformity.

Not long thereafter, a new family bought the place directly behind me. This family owned two large dogs, which spent most of their lives outside in the back yard. The yard was fenced in, however the dogs, apparently starved for attention, spent an awful lot of their free time howling / barking at nothing in particular. This was especially bothersome late at night and early in the morning.

Being essentially the non-confrontational sort, I went to Jungle Jim's, which is perhaps the most interesting supermarket in the world. To give you some idea, they have guided tours, an animatronic singing lion, luxury restrooms (voted Cintas Best Restroom in America 2007), a full-size replica of the SS Minnow in the seafood department, a couple of 1,000 gallon live-fish tanks, etc. It's basically a theme park with free admission that also happens to sell groceries. Lots of groceries. Lots of exotic groceries.

One of the more interesting things which you can purchase at Jungle Jim's is a calf's head. You can also buy goat heads and pig heads, but I decided on the calf's head. It comes with the skin removed, but is otherwise essentially complete, eyes and all. If you've never seen a skinned whole calf's head, it's the sort of thing which, if you were to walk out of your house one morning and find staring at you from atop a six-foot pole stuck into your front lawn with a crudely hand-painted sign nailed to it, might tend to freak you out just a bit.

So that's exactly what I did.

I can't even remember what I painted on the sign- it was pretty straightforward and not threatening in any specific way, something to the effect of "Please quiet down your dogs."

Now, I don't want to go taking credit here, as I can't prove that one thing had anything to do with another, but for reasons known only to them, my backyard neighbors apparently decided that they loved their dogs quite a lot, and that it would be better if they lived indoors.

I felt pretty baus about that.

devin mac 02-24-2012 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 839297)
My wife and I started the Primal Blueprint about a month and a half ago. I feel much, much better. Sweets look pretty gross to me now. Soda is way too sweet. Grains are still tempting, I love a good cheeseburger or some pesto pasta.

yeah, primal and paleo are all the rage right now, and there is some decent science behind them, as far as our current metabolic understanding goes.

the problem always becomes the way it's presented to people. it very often becomes a massive lifestyle change all at once, rather than a slow transition. this simply lessens the chances of it "sticking" long term.

Doppelgänger 02-24-2012 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by devin mac (Post 839289)
eh, there is SOME validity to this. you're still eliminating some of the calories and massive corn syrup insulin spike.

if part of your normal routine was to eat mcD's three times a week, and you normally had a large coke with each one of those. and you were looking to start making small incremental changes to your eating habits to begin a weight loss journey, cutting out the meals entirely might be a larger step than is mentally feasible right off the bat, so switching to diet coke would still remove 900 calories a week from your caloric load.

cutting 3500 calories is about a pound of fat, everything else being equal. so JUST that change alone could be worth a pound of weight loss a month, if you changed NOTHING else.

sure, you should probably skip the big macs completely... but it's not as worthless a change as I originally thought it was either.

just sayin. ;-)

A 900 calorie difference over 3 drinks in a week? That's 300 calorie difference between regular and diet per drink. This given we are assuming just the aforementioned drinks at McDs three times a week. In my opinion, the general person ordering the #1, large with diet drink has a mentality of "oh well I'm drinking a diet soda so I can have XX meal or XX snack later".
I agree that cutting the shitty food being cut out is the solution for most of these people, but that is not likely to happen mostly due to sloth.
For the most part, I've cut fast food out of my diet...that's not to say I'm the most healthy eater either (I just happened to finish some chicken tenders and fries for lunch here from the cafe in my building, fried btw...which is a once about every 2 weeks treat for me). It does make me happy that I can pass by the usual chains and not care to want it....even when I'm starving. I'd rather swing by QuickTrip and grab two taquitos or a hotdog along with a small Poweraid insted of a burger from a drive-thru or not eat at all.

devin mac 02-24-2012 01:29 PM

joe, that's so far beyond win.

Braineack 02-24-2012 01:32 PM

I think that store was on an episode of Shipping Wars.

devin mac 02-24-2012 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by Doppelgänger (Post 839332)
A 900 calorie difference over 3 drinks in a week? That's 300 calorie difference between regular and diet per drink. This given we are assuming just the aforementioned drinks at McDs three times a week. In my opinion, the general person ordering the #1, large with diet drink has a mentality of "oh well I'm drinking a diet soda so I can have XX meal or XX snack later".
I agree that cutting the shitty food being cut out is the solution for most of these people, but that is not likely to happen mostly due to sloth.
For the most part, I've cut fast food out of my diet...that's not to say I'm the most healthy eater either (I just happened to finish some chicken tenders and fries for lunch here from the cafe in my building, fried btw). It does make me happy that I can pass by the usual chains and not care to want it....even when I'm starving. I'd rather swing by QuickTrip and grab two taquitos or a hotdog along with a small Poweraid insted of a burger from a drive-thru.

yeah, a large coke at mcD's is 310 cals...

again, i'm saying this in context of how i work with people to slowly change their diets over the course of 6 months, a year. this is generally in the context of using a food journal to drive towards a set of goals.

"lets shave 3500 calories from your weekly consumption"

something like the above simple simple change is a QUARTER of that. a couple other seemingly innocuous changes will get the other 3/4's and show someone that small changes can really add up over time, and not make them feel like they're giving up everything they love. that's been the key to success in my own experiences.

not the whole solution, but rome wasn't built in a day, and the new lives i've helped people craft weren't either. sure i could get weight off people quicker with more aggressive methods, but i'm more interested in seeing that weight NEVER come back, than i am about seeing it come off as quickly as possible.

it also goes without saying that NONE of this works if the person in question isn't dedicated enough to want to make literal changes in their lives in the first place.

Doppelgänger 02-24-2012 01:40 PM

Has anyone been keeping up with this crazy Hemy Neuman murder trial? This sh!t happened like 3 miles up the street from me. The G.E. building they all worked in is a place I pass by every day (and often wonder exactly what it is they do there). Man, I'm not one to follow stuff like this, but it really is turning out to be a tale of twisted stories, books of lies and suspense. I think the widow is the victim is trying to cause a mistrial by disregarding the DA and the judge by talkign to witnesses and such. I bet she eventually gets indited on conspiracy charges. The biotch is guilty eventhough she didn't pull the trigger. I'm also willing to bet the the writes of Law & Order are already busy writing this into an episode and Lifetime Network is already casting roles.

Originally Posted by devin mac (Post 839338)
yeah, a large coke at mcD's is 310 cals...

again, i'm saying this in context of how i work with people to slowly change their diets over the course of 6 months, a year. this is generally in the context of using a food journal to drive towards a set of goals.

"lets shave 3500 calories from your weekly consumption"

something like the above simple simple change is a QUARTER of that. a couple other seemingly innocuous changes will get the other 3/4's and show someone that small changes can really add up over time, and not make them feel like they're giving up everything they love. that's been the key to success in my own experiences.

not the whole solution, but rome wasn't built in a day, and the new lives i've helped people craft weren't either. sure i could get weight off people quicker with more aggressive methods, but i'm more interested in seeing that weight NEVER come back, than i am about seeing it come off as quickly as possible.

it also goes without saying that NONE of this works if the person in question isn't dedicated enough to want to make literal changes in their lives in the first place.

I get what you're saying. It really takes making the small changes to show one's self that it can be done in order to get to the next step. I should try a new treatment that involves sitting down with fatties and looking over the finances and expenses. Figure out what they spend on just food and cut that budget by 75%. How many broke ass college students do you see who are fat? :giggle:

Sheesh, 3500 calories...it takes me about 2.5-3 days to eat that many calories.

flying_solo 02-24-2012 04:18 PM

Joe that is awesome.

Vashthestampede 02-26-2012 01:29 PM

One of the local junkyards said they'd give me $300 for my 2003 Taurus, running and driving condition. Just a little beat up and needs some parts replaced. :jerkit:

I'm going to start parting it out this week and I bet I'll snag $300 back just from the radio, 3rd brake light, front grill, window switches and ash tray.

My goal is to make more back from parting it than I paid for it last fall. Whatever is left will go to the other local junkyard.

I was debating doing something else with it, like driving it off a cliff or donating it to the fire department to use as a burn demonstration, but now I have a challenge in front of me.

pusha 02-26-2012 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by devin mac (Post 839284)
if you just feel like tossing them and don't give a f*ck about the environment, wildlife, or the rest of society that thing littering in general is unsightly and unacceptable, or want to allow yourself to believe that tossing cig butts somehow "doesn't count" then fine. just say that. don't try to use some bullsh*t flawed logic about biodegradability or "i pay the taxes for that cleanup" as a shield.

grow a set and just man up to the fact that you're being a huge d-bag when you do it.

I quit smoking cigarettes. I toss my cigar butts out the window now instead. Problem?

rleete 02-26-2012 07:36 PM

What do you guys recommend for replacement door speakers? I find it very hard to believe a hell of a lot of people are buying the $200 clearwater set.

Joe Perez 02-26-2012 07:54 PM

IMO, the door speakers hardly matter, given that they're pointed at your ankles. Buy whatever 6.5" speaker is cheapest from Crutchfield, and spend $60-70 on some reasonable-quality 3.5" speakers for the headrests.

mgeoffriau 02-26-2012 08:06 PM

Joe's right. I don't bother with full amp setups etc in a Miata...I just have a pair of Infinity Kappa's that I keep and swap from car to car. Buy a car, swap the Kappa's in...sell a car, take the Kappa's out and put the originals back in. They work well with typical headunit power...very efficient so you get good volume and reasonable clarity.

y8s 02-26-2012 08:27 PM

reasonably priced and light door speaker options:

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