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gearhead_318 01-29-2012 10:31 PM

Originally Posted by scottyd (Post 828020)
You're fighting a loosing battle on this argument.

I disagree, but then again I'm the one that almost got fuked up by an SUV, so maybe I'm biased. I'm still right though, it's not a good idea to be riding where he was.

FRT_Fun 01-29-2012 10:32 PM

The fact of the matter is, the bike had the right to be there. The dumbass that tried to pass him in a double yellow was wrong. That is what made it unsafe. Not the biker. You can't say that the biker made the driver cross the double line. That is dumb. You aren't dumb are you?

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 10:34 PM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 828032)
How is my tablet download and upload speed better over wifi than my computer to the same router through ethernet? Tablet is seeing 16.4mbps down/1.9mbps up and my computer is only doing 15mbps/1.4mbps-ish.

Probably b/c your tablet is brand new and your computer isn't. I'd expect the tablet to be slower really, then again I'm not that knowledgeable with cumpooters.

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 828044)
The fact of the matter is, the bike had the right to be there. The dumbass that tried to pass him in a double yellow was wrong. That is what made it unsafe. Not the biker. You can't say that the biker made the driver cross the double line. That is dumb. You aren't dumb are you?

I totally see your point, and your right, it's mostly the SUV drivers fault. BUT if he wasn't blocking the SUV in the first place then none of this would have happened. But like I said, maybe I'm just pissy b/c I almost got hit. Know what I'm sayen'?

EDIT: I did not mean to make 3 posts in succession.

scottyd 01-29-2012 10:40 PM

Again, your argument is stemming from the bicycle not being in the proper place on the road.

Joe Perez 01-29-2012 10:42 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 828010)
It looked as if he was a recreational rider, and if he lived off the street he was on then he has enough money for a car.


The neighborhood where I live is fairly upscale, the median home value is probably > $1million. I can afford a car, and I in fact own one.

When I am driving my car to and from work, a couple of the roads which I travel upon are somewhat narrow, have no bike lanes, and have raised curbs which would prevent a bicyclist from riding outside of the normal traffic pattern. One such example is Cassia Rd, which you will see in just a moment.

I enjoy driving in a manner which a court might deem "wreckless" but which I consider to be merely "brisk." As an example, this corner, which is about 1/2 mile from where I live, is especially fun to drive through at high speed in either direction:


These streets are frequented by bicyclists, many of whom commute to work each day on a bicycle which costs more than my car (from which, I presume, they do also own a car, but choose to commute via bicycle for reasons which are not economic in nature.) I, too, often commute via bicycle, though admittedly the value of my bike does not exceed that of my car. (It's close- within a few hundred dollars, however that says more about the value of my car than about my bike,)

Despite all of the aforementioned, I can recall neither coming into conflict with a bicyclist while driving (nor with another driver as a result of a bicyclist) nor can I recall having any hillbilly aѕѕholes shout at me from their own car while I am riding my bicycle.

I have occasionally been involved in rather interesting conversations with other cyclists, however that's more to do with the fact that they, being spandex-clad Lance Armstrong wannabees, felt that I was somehow cheating as I passed them and their carbon-fiber bikes while going up a steep hill on my own cheap, steel-framed mountain bike with a basket full of groceries in the back, simply because I happened to have the foresight to equip my bike with a 48 volt electric assist system and they didn't.

FRT_Fun 01-29-2012 10:45 PM

Joe your posts always make me lul. you are my hero.

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 10:46 PM

You should peddle really hard to make it look like your doing it by yourself, they'd love that.

I think the problem comes when bicycles ride on curvy (around here curvy means blind due to vegetation) roads, thats whats dangerous.


Quick question, how old of a car can you finance? How bout' an 05'? Something tells me no.

NA6C-Guy 01-29-2012 10:57 PM

I'm most irritated by the fact that these riders are typically riding on very busy main roads, despite there being nice, long, perfectly good riding roads all throughout the same area. They just choose to be all "look at me!" and ride in the middle of the goddamn main highway, clogging up hundreds or thousands of cars. Move out of the ------- way Lance!

Joe Perez 01-29-2012 10:58 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 828054)
You should peddle really hard to make it look like your doing it by yourself, they'd love that.

Oh, I do.

Like I said, the motor is just an assist. It will propel you at a reasonable speed on flat ground, but on hills, you still have to work pretty hard. And that's really what makes it funny- we're both gunning it up the hill, pedaling like hell, I just happen to be passing the spandex-clad folks on their $5k bikes while wearing ratty shorts and peddling a cheap, department-store mountain bike with fatty tires and a milk crate on the back.

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 828051)
Joe your posts always make me lul. you are my hero.

I do it just for you. :pitlab:

Joe Perez 01-29-2012 11:00 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 828054)
Quick question, how old of a car can you finance? How bout' an 05'? Something tells me no.

Are you asking me?

I would imagine that you can take out a loan to purchase a car of virtually any age. Just think about all the "Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem!" and "Got a Job? Got $50? Then you're approved!" used-car lots you drive past which are filled with 10-15 year old vehicles.

Of course, you're an idiot if you're thinking of financing any car.

gearhead_318 01-30-2012 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 828061)
Are you asking me?

I would imagine that you can take out a loan to purchase a car of virtually any age. Just think about all the "Bad Credit? No Credit? No Problem!" and "Got a Job? Got $50? Then you're approved!" used-car lots you drive past which are filled with 10-15 year old vehicles.

Of course, you're an idiot if you're thinking of financing any car.

Asking anyone with knowledge.
I'm wanting an NB, and I don't think banks will do a loan on a 7+ year old car, but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else knew.
If I did get a loan, I could get it at a good rate and pay almost $1k a month, more then $1K after 3 months. If I got a $6K loan @ 5% that would be ~$265 per month, If I got that payed off in 8-10 months (conservatively) that would probably give me a pretty great credit score, well worth the $300 interest on the loan.
I generally try to avoid stealerships, but if I could get the right car at the right price and not get sodomized on the loan interest, I'd go for it.

pusha 01-30-2012 01:10 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 828081)
Asking anyone with knowledge.
I'm wanting an NB, and I don't think banks will do a loan on a 7+ year old car, but I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else knew.
If I did get a loan, I could get it at a good rate and pay almost $1k a month, more then $1K after 3 months. If I got a $6K loan @ 5% that would be ~$265 per month, If I got that payed off in 8-10 months (conservatively) that would probably give me a pretty great credit score, well worth the $300 interest on the loan.
I generally try to avoid stealerships, but if I could get the right car at the right price and not get sodomized on the loan interest, I'd go for it.

A credit union (NavyFed if you enlist) will finance an old, shitty car for you.

gearhead_318 01-30-2012 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by pusha (Post 828083)
A credit union (NavyFed if you enlist) will finance an old, shitty car for you.

Thanks, thats the information I was looking for. Do they give a chit about credit history if your enlisted? Because I have virtually none.

pusha 01-30-2012 01:17 AM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 828085)
Thanks, thats the information I was looking for. Do they give a chit about credit history if your enlisted? Because I have virtually none.

I'm not sure, you'll have a steady income stream though.

Honestly, I would not run out and buy a car (or anything) if I were you.

Save your money.

Joe Perez 01-30-2012 01:24 AM

You don't need to buy from a dealer- all they're doing is acting as a broker for third-party loans.

Most, if not all, local credit unions and banks offer financing for used cars. I just checked SDCCU, and their current published rate for a model year 2002-2007 vehicle on a 36 month term is 3.9% APR for up to 120% of KBB value.

gearhead_318 01-30-2012 01:25 AM

Honestly I was only asking b/c I was looking at Mazdaspeed Miatas (ghay), but if I think about it I only will need 2-3 thousand over what I'll sell my NA for to get the NB I want, so I wont need a loan. But I will be getting a NB, 2ish guns, and a new laptop (>$400 probably) and that'll be over 6 months probably. I'd like a V1 and a gopro too now that I think about it, but I'll get 'em both used. Don't worry Pusha, I'd like to be saving at least 2/3 of my paycheck.

Thanks Joe, if I do end up needing/wanting a loan thats some more info that will come in handy.

pusha 01-30-2012 01:27 AM

Don't forget that most, if not all, of the toys you buy will have to in the US if you get deployed.

I'd recommend leasing some swag-ass car and just vacating the lease when/if you get orders.

gearhead_318 01-30-2012 01:36 AM

I can leave the car at my parents house where it will get started on a regular biases, same with any miscellaneous crap and handguns. Any assault rifle(s) will go in some sort of storage facility or a trusted friends house.

pusha 01-30-2012 01:39 AM

you are stupid

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