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Sparetire 01-29-2012 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by pusha (Post 827712)
move nugget discussion to gun thread so I can give you tips and advice on refinishing

Will post pics when done/give up.

Biggest thing I'll need to do is grind down the sides of the buttplate to fit the new, super ergonomical high tech narrow profile.

The reciever fits in just fine, as does the mag/trigger guard. Might duracote the barrel or something, it is really scratched up where the bayonet afixes.

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 04:33 PM


So I was driving down the road, rounded a corner, and saw the following:
One dipsh*t on a bicycle riding roughly 1'-1.5' to the right of the white line that signifies where the road ends, meaning he was on the road. He is waring a reflective jacket, yippee.
The second dipsh*t is driving an average sized SUV, I think it was Japanese. This dipsh*t sees the dipsh*t on the bike and decides to go around instead of waiting for a straight section of the road to pass the idiot who wont get off the road so as not to put himself and others in danger, he decides to go for it. In doing so, I, who was driving the other way, had to slam on my brakes to avoid a head on collision. As I pass the bicyclist, I yell at him to let him know how retarded he is. Somebody needed to,
If you ride a bicycle on a busy, curvy, two lane road and can not keep up with the flow of traffic, you have no business being where you are. You are putting yourself, and others in danger. Piss off.
If you are the type of person who passes on blind sections of road, uses both lanes during "spirited" driving, talks on your phone when you shouldn't, texts while driving or insights my rage for any other reason I may choose, I hate you and you should sell your car and live in the woods. Piss off.

/end rant.

rleete 01-29-2012 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by gearhead_318 (Post 827914)
and you should roll your car and die in the woods.


Joe Perez 01-29-2012 05:42 PM

So, the guy on the bike, who from what you've said was obeying the rules of the road, is a dipsh1t why?

FRT_Fun 01-29-2012 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 827936)
So, the guy on the bike, who from what you've said was obeying the rules of the road, is a dipsh1t why?

I'm also confused at this.

The only person in your story that fails is the driver that tried to pass him.

You are SUPPOSED to ride there so that drivers do not try and pass you in the same lane. Positioning yourself more towards the center makes drivers pass you like a normal car, which is what is supposed to be done. The guy on the bike was following normal road etiquette.

y8s 01-29-2012 06:15 PM

Go ride your bike a few weeks on high-traffic roads and see if you think the guy yelling at you from the car is ever not a complete a$$hole.

Joe Perez 01-29-2012 06:44 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Oddly enough, I have never had this problem, despite the fact that I regularly commute to and from work by bicycle. Perhaps the more fundamental problem is that people from southern Ohio are all a bunch of ignorant hillbillies?

Anyway, getting back to the random pictures.

Where's Wall·E?


y8s 01-29-2012 07:22 PM

spoiler alert:

he's down in the lower left between Bad Robot and Cylon. Just up fron VINCENT.

also funny notables: Bender eyeing Eve. The robot cat and mouse from Advance and be Mechanized.

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 08:22 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 827936)
So, the guy on the bike, who from what you've said was obeying the rules of the road, is a dipsh1t why?

He was too far into the road, if that makes sense. IMO he should have been on the other side of the white line, he had room.
He was not going fast enough to keep up with the flow of traffic. The speed limit on this road is 40 and there are PLENTY of other roads to ride on where the speed limit is 25, theres even a bike/running path up the road from where he was.

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 827939)
I'm also confused at this.

The only person in your story that fails is the driver that tried to pass him.

You are SUPPOSED to ride there so that drivers do not try and pass you in the same lane. Positioning yourself more towards the center makes drivers pass you like a normal car, which is what is supposed to be done. The guy on the bike was following normal road etiquette.

It still puts himself and me in danger. Bicyclists want it both ways, they want to be given the right to use the roads, but not have to keep up with the flow of traffic or get out of the way of cars. If a car was going that slowly then it would be pulled over by the fuzz, and rightly so. This is the second time that I've almost been in a head on collision because some douchebag on a 10 speed was riding where he should not be.

Joe Perez 01-29-2012 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 827998)
He was too far into the road, if that makes sense. IMO he should have been on the other side of the white line, he had room.

While I understand your sentiment, it still sounds to me like he was riding in accordance with the law.

This is the second time that I've almost been in a head on collision because some douchebag on a 10 speed was riding where he should not be.
From your initial description, I understood the proximate cause of you needing to apply your brakes to be the driver of an SUV who elected to "go around instead of waiting for a straight section of the road to pass" while approaching what I assume from your description to be a blind curve. (We can infer from this that the SUV driver most likely crossed over a double-yellow line.)

I used to live in Mason, OH, which is a northeastern suburb of Cincinnati, for those unfamiliar with the area. Spent five years there, and the one thing which I most vividly recall concerning the entire driver training / licensing process is that the state Driver's License Handbook spent a full page describing how and when it is legal to take possession of the carcass of a deer which you have hit and killed with your car.

Given the relatively high priority which the state of Ohio places on roadkill cuisine, and the fact that "camouflage" is a recognized vehicle color for the purposes of titling and registration (source), I stand by my earlier observation. Hillbillies, the lot of you. :D

NA6C-Guy 01-29-2012 08:50 PM

I like impulse purchases. Picked up a tablet today. ASUS Eee Pad Transformer, 16GB version. Pretty nifty little gadget. Only bought it because it's easier to use for web browsing and watching videos than my phone. Still picking up a laptop in the next few weeks.

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 828003)
True truths.

Yeah, he was probably acting within the law, but IMO that doesn't make it right. He still wasn't using common sense.
They tend to whine when one of there own gets turned into ground beef by an Explorer.

BTW, I don't like it here. I was raised in a nice area of Kentucky (LaGrange to be exact, which is NW of Louisville), went to the best public school distract in the state and miss it there, despite the number of fat bible thumping inbreds there are there (they would pass through on there way to Walmart, not kidding). I don't like living in such a highly populated area. I don't know if I'll ever go back, but I ain't stayen' here. I hear Texas is nice, I'd miss winter and hills though.

mgeoffriau 01-29-2012 08:54 PM

What if that was the road he needed to use to reach his destination?

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 828008)
What if that was the road he needed to use to reach his destination?

It looked as if he was a recreational rider, and if he lived off the street he was on then he has enough money for a car. If for some reason he does not have the means for a car and is going somewhere, there was plenty of room off the road for him to ride. I'm not as mad at him as the SUV driver, but he moves slower so he got yelled at. The fact is if bicyclist were not riding there, it would be safer for everyone. Thats a fact.

scottyd 01-29-2012 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 828010)
It looked as if he was a recreational rider, and if he lived off the street he was on then he has enough money for a car. If for some reason he does not have the means for a car and is going somewhere, there was plenty of room off the road for him to ride. I'm not as mad at him as the SUV driver, but he moves slower so he got yelled at. The fact is if bicyclist were not riding there, it would be safer for everyone. Thats a fact.

Worst argument ever. I agree the cyclist was in the wrong spot. He should have been over.

Let's see you ride a bike at 40mph.

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by scottyd (Post 828013)
Worst argument ever. I agree the cyclist was in the wrong spot. He should have been over.

Let's see you ride a bike at 40mph.

I'm not saying he should ride 40mph, I'm saying that if he can't (and he can't) then he shouldn't be on that road. Would you ride a bike on an interstate?

scottyd 01-29-2012 09:20 PM

Because you can.

Hate to break it to you, but the same argument can be said about slow moving vehicles.

Cyclists enjoy twisty mountain roads just as much as drivers do.
Again, I agree that he should have been tucked against the side of the road. But to say that a person can't be on the road because you say so? Sounds pretty damn ignorant to me.

gearhead_318 01-29-2012 09:31 PM

If his being there is going to get him or me killed or injured then he shouldn't be there. Not a damn thing ignorant about that.

scottyd 01-29-2012 09:39 PM

You're fighting a loosing battle on this argument.

NA6C-Guy 01-29-2012 10:11 PM

How is my tablet download and upload speed better over wifi than my computer to the same router through ethernet? Tablet is seeing 16.4mbps down/1.9mbps up and my computer is only doing 15mbps/1.4mbps-ish.

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