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NA6C-Guy 01-27-2012 07:16 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Yeah, I was a bit pissed to see this yesterday when I was assigned a "new" truck. Luckily I will only have to live with this pile of ---- for a month or two. Even worse than the condition is the fact it's one of the handful of automatic trucks they have in their fleet that they are trying to phase out. I was set up to run this weekend, but they didn't have the truck inspected and cleaned for me, so I have to wait till Monday.






How does someone who spends 20 hours a day in their truck, let it get that ------- disgusting. I'm going to have to get seat and mattress covers for it, because even after cleaning I won't want to touch them.

Faeflora 01-27-2012 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by mx5autoxer (Post 825307)
Relevant to ^. Is it racist to, in general, not find black women attractive? Or (once again, in general) Asian/Indian/Nordic/etc. women? I have a pretty certain type of woman that I find attractive. I've been called racist mulitple times because someone has asked if I find so-and-so attractive and I say, "No I generally don't find [insert race] attractive." I'm talking from a purely visual standpoint. I'll gladly talk to them and be friends, but I like brunettes with big butts and only occasionally find girls attractive if they don't fit that criteria.

No, it's not racist. I just don't have sex with or get boners from animals.

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 826008)
Ii had a skateboard and a drum set and bleached hair and no friends.

You still have no friends.

FRT_Fun 01-27-2012 08:08 PM

Kindle Fire, you are ------- amazing. I love you.

iPhone, your days are numbered, going prepaid w/ old shitty flip phone I have in my junk drawer.

Faeflora 01-27-2012 08:55 PM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 827381)
Kindle Fire, you are ------- amazing. I love you.

iPhone, your days are numbered, going prepaid w/ old shitty flip phone I have in my junk drawer.

Why do you like it? I have considered getting the fire or ipadaddy

FRT_Fun 01-27-2012 09:20 PM

Originally Posted by Faeflora (Post 827393)
Why do you like it? I have considered getting the fire or ipadaddy

Well I think its the perfect size. I can type super fast on it. Being able to download stuff from the amazon store like books and music is balling. Its really fairly quick. Loooong battery life. Works great, very intuitive. Honestly minus the small memory size I have 0 complaints. But with amazon cloud storage space is not an issue anyways.

Plus $208 shipped same day local delivery = win.

Joe Perez 01-27-2012 09:24 PM

Next season of TopGear starts in two days.

FRT_Fun 01-27-2012 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 827403)
Next season of TopGear starts in two days.

It saddens me how few episodes they do these days. Ah well, it's always hilarious and fun to watch either way. The India one was kinda meh, but ah well I had a few laughs. Apparently the Indians did not.

NA6C-Guy 01-27-2012 09:41 PM

Why are religious types so damn sensitive and get sandy vag any time you make any comment to the contrary of their belief? I just COULDN'T leave this alone, on facebook.


She: ‎"Two hands clasped in fervent prayer is more powerful than 1,000,000 hands working day & night..."

Me: Tell the Chinese migrant workers that. Prayer never built a railroad. ;-)

Her Friend: Prayer my never have built a railroad, but it sure can save a life which is more than any human can do.

Me: Doctors can't save lives? Why have doctors then, couldn't we just pray for cures to our ailments?

After that she jumped my ---- and talked about how offended and hurtful my posts were... :

She: Jesse, you can't understand how God works or the joy, the love, and the peace God gives unless you have had an encounter with the Holy Spirit & know how powerful the Word of God is. I know that you don't believe and I respect that, and I would appreciate it if you would give me that same respect in return. I almost feel like you're mocking what I believe in. I've seen some of your statuses that I definitely did not agree with, but I chose not to make any negative or disrespectful remarks. You should think about that.


She got all of that from those two posts, simply pointing out the obvious, very basic observations. So sensitive!

gearhead_318 01-27-2012 10:08 PM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 827409)
Why are religious types so damn sensitive and get sandy vag any time you make any comment to the contrary of their belief? I just COULDN'T leave this alone, on facebook.


She: ‎"Two hands clasped in fervent prayer is more powerful than 1,000,000 hands working day & night..."

Me: Tell the Chinese migrant workers that. Prayer never built a railroad. ;-)

Her Friend: Prayer my never have built a railroad, but it sure can save a life which is more than any human can do.

Me: Doctors can't save lives? Why have doctors then, couldn't we just pray for cures to our ailments?

After that she jumped my ---- and talked about how offended and hurtful my posts were... :

She: Jesse, you can't understand how God works or the joy, the love, and the peace God gives unless you have had an encounter with the Holy Spirit & know how powerful the Word of God is. I know that you don't believe and I respect that, and I would appreciate it if you would give me that same respect in return. I almost feel like you're mocking what I believe in. I've seen some of your statuses that I definitely did not agree with, but I chose not to make any negative or disrespectful remarks. You should think about that.


She got all of that from those two posts, simply pointing out the obvious, very basic observations. So sensitive!

IDK about you, but I grew up going to Mass every Sunday, so I have the luxury of being able to say something like "yeah, I tried that and I still fervently believe it's all bullhonkey" after hearing a "unless you have had an encounter with the Holy Spirit" like comment.
Brain coming in to b*tch at us for talking 'bout religion in 3.. 2.. 1..

In other news I think I saw a fat guy getting arrested when I was a Kroger just now. coolstorybro

NA6C-Guy 01-27-2012 10:24 PM

Originally Posted by Gearhead_318 (Post 827413)
IDK about you, but I grew up going to Mass every Sunday, so I have the luxury of being able to say something like "yeah, I tried that and I still fervently believe it's all bullhonkey" after hearing a "unless you have had an encounter with the Holy Spirit" like comment.
Brain coming in to b*tch at us for talking 'bout religion in 3.. 2.. 1..

In other news I think I saw a fat guy getting arrested when I was a Kroger just now. coolstorybro

I was raised in a religious family, but fortunately for me my parents never really attended church, but all of my aunts and uncles are very much religious and they all sit around regurgitating that ---- up all over the place. But yeah, I have experienced it enough to know it's all crap and to me (no offense) is all very foolish and childish.

I'm just blown away by how often people of strong faith, have their faith shaken by such simple remarks as mine. Clearly they have major doubts themselves and anyone questioning it wouldn't effect them so.

PS... WHY THE ---- CAN'T I GET DRUNK!!! A whole bottle of wine, and 5 or 6 beers, and not even a decent buzz. I'm maybe a 2 out of 10 on the buzz scale (which does not include the drunk scale). This is ridiculous! WHY GOD!?

gearhead_318 01-27-2012 10:33 PM

I know when I was catholic, atheist stuff scared me because I saw truth and reason, and it contradicted what had been taught my entire life. The first time I saw 'Religulous' I didn't like it because it shook a lot of deep seated beliefs. I remember I talked to a friend of mine not long after seeing the movie, we talking about how people don't get it because they don't get they you need to have faith. ( :facepalm: <- me now)
I will say that religion taught me some very important lessons, question things, use reason, and recognize that you can be wrong. I know now that with age I don't so much acquire more knowledge as realize how much stuff there is that I don't know about, and should really try to learn about. Somebody should tell that to ever 18 y/o, they wouldn't lessen, but maybe they would figure it out faster.

y8s 01-27-2012 10:46 PM

My aunt and uncle prayed really hard for my grandma just before she died.

Sparetire 01-27-2012 10:51 PM

Frustrating at work this week.

Took out rage on Mosin Nagant Stock. Turns out that I can use about 6 beers, a bunch of 60 grit sanding disks, and a Friday night to turn a Mosin stock into a pretty quality youth sized Mosin stock. ----. Still fits me well though. I'm only about 5'10. Now, what color to stain it. Its a pretty nice lightly colored pine with a low density grain pattern.

Sparetire 01-27-2012 10:56 PM

Oh yeah, and on religious beliefs:

I really get a laugh at people who have absolute faith in their reasoning and observation while so readily pointing out how inadequate other people's logic is. As someone about to turn 30 who has looked back on his life and realized to some extent the absolute fucktardedness of his previous positions, I find this really funny. Good luck to you all.

gearhead_318 01-27-2012 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by Sparetire (Post 827427)
Oh yeah, and on religious beliefs:

I really get a laugh at people who have absolute faith in their reasoning and observation while so readily pointing out how inadequate other people's logic is. As someone about to turn 30 who has looked back on his life and realized to some extent the absolute fucktardedness of his previous positions, I find this really funny. Good luck to you all.

If we had a religion thread like we use to, I could ask you on what side of the metaphorical pew you stand, or kneel, but I can't, because we don't, because it got closed, even though 1,000 circle jerk political threads are still around, and not closed. :disgruntled:

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 827424)
My aunt and uncle prayed really hard for my grandma just before she died.

Did it help?

Sparetire 01-27-2012 11:08 PM

Meh. Fark it. Everything dies sometime Gear'. Bring forth the religion!

I believe in god. And I pray everyday, no joke. I am also pro-choice, and work with a bunch of therapists, many of whom are gay. I am seriously not making this up. By most standards I am one of the most conflicted and miserable creatures on this planet.

And personally, I think its really funny when people start talking truth and all based on their observations. I really, truly don't discount the matrix effect, where everything I perceive including this is a bunch of delusional hooey. I don't eliminate the possibility that this whole life is one big test and a bunch of stuff that makes perfect 1+1=2 sense right now will eventually be shown to be absolute crap.

So when I hear about religion as some mass delusion or primitive philosophy or whatever, I just sort of laugh a bit. Because in the words of Frank Zappa: Don't kid yourself, we are all in uniform." no mater if we think so or not.

gearhead_318 01-27-2012 11:19 PM

When I made the religion thread I hoped people would say interesting stuff like that more often.
I disagree with you, but I will respect your opinion because I don't think your an idiot. Coincidentally, I'm an atheist who is pro life (only slightly, I don't really care that much to be frank). I support the gays and think they should be allowed in the military, after all, if I got shot up I'd rather have a gay dude then a chick near me to drag my busted a$$ to relative safety. Also, as far as the hole "matrix" thing goes, some theoretical physicists think there may be other dimensions where the outcomes of different events play out. I saw it in "Through the wormhole" with Morgan Freeman.

FRT_Fun 01-27-2012 11:50 PM

Wow you can't post images with swear words in them because they are "---" out and the link becomes invalid. FaCKFaCKFaCKFaCK

gearhead_318 01-27-2012 11:57 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 827436)
Wow you can't post images with swear words in them because they are "---" out and the link becomes invalid. FaCKFaCKFaCKFaCK

Open picture
Take screen shot
Save screen shot
Post screen shot

Or I'll do it for you because I'm such a swell dude:


FRT_Fun 01-28-2012 12:02 AM

Too much effort.

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