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Faeflora 06-07-2011 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 735341)
Meh, not hairy enough. I like dem bears!



rider384 06-07-2011 12:03 PM

Would I be stupid to rip my turbo off and put an M62 SC on? Just as a technical exercise more than anything, but I want to toy with SC's. Could I hit 225rwhp with an M62? One of the reasons I ask is because my turbo shat the bed and I have the choice of going with a new turbo or selling the bits and going supercharged.

Braineack 06-07-2011 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by tom@ffs
they have four versions of the lp pumps. They make similar flow as the hp (high pressure) pumps but, according to walbro, are for "output pressures available: 4, 6, 8 & 10 psig". Not quite enough for injector use but great for old british cars and old american muscle that needs something better than the mechanical pumps.


Braineack 06-07-2011 03:12 PM

more quotes of the day:

I don't have the time or the energy to argue with everybody, but you shouldn't go around cutting up your little babies," Troutman said. "Why don't people [expletive] get that? For me, this was never about religion. It was about protecting babies from their parents not knowing that circumcision was started in America to end masturbation.

pusha 06-07-2011 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by Faeflora (Post 735394)

unedited pic pls

sixshooter 06-07-2011 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 735478)
more quotes of the day:

Damn! I guess the Jews were doing it for 2500 years in anticipationof the mastubatory propensity of American youth. Wait, I get it! Leviticus 11:6 was an Old Testament prophesy about the rise of Playboy in the last century when it says, "And the hare...he is unclean unto you." Wow! Those Jews sure are ahead of their time. I'll have to read the rest of Leviticus tonight and see if it mentions that video with Jenny McCarthy getting nailed on that pool table. I should have been warned more specifically about that one back in the day. I'm lucky I don't walk with a cane and a golden retriever. You could have cut half of it off and I still would have beat my bloody stump into submission in my youth. That's how I rolled. Hormones are a bitch. What were we talking about again?

rleete 06-07-2011 09:16 PM

^good post!

pusha 06-08-2011 03:34 AM

I sometimes rub my feet on furniture and smell it after. :)

NA6C-Guy 06-08-2011 07:29 AM

Goddamn bastards. Do payments being turned over to a collection agency automatically mean it will show up on your credit? Assholes are St. Vincents hospital turned me over to one, even though to my knowledge I have made all payments on time. If I didn't, it's because they have the worst online bill pay I have ever used. Only another $2000 to go to pay off my surgery.

Braineack 06-08-2011 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 735718)
Goddamn bastards. Do payments being turned over to a collection agency automatically mean it will show up on your credit? Assholes are St. Vincents hospital turned me over to one, even though to my knowledge I have made all payments on time. If I didn't, it's because they have the worst online bill pay I have ever used. Only another $2000 to go to pay off my surgery.

pretty sure it does yes. and they will harass the fuck out of you.

NA6C-Guy 06-08-2011 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 735729)
pretty sure it does yes. and they will harass the fuck out of you.

Yeah, it's not my first time, unfortunately. I had a killer credit score ~2 years ago, I bet it looks like dog shit today. Damn medical issues costing me out the ass in both money and credit.

sixshooter 06-08-2011 09:51 AM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 735718)
Goddamn bastards. Do payments being turned over to a collection agency automatically mean it will show up on your credit? Assholes are St. Vincents hospital turned me over to one, even though to my knowledge I have made all payments on time. If I didn't, it's because they have the worst online bill pay I have ever used. Only another $2000 to go to pay off my surgery.

The bad news: It was possibly already reported at 60 and 90 days overdue. After a certain period of time being overdue (up to the discretion of the receivables department manager), the debt is sold to a collection agency at a percentage of its value (commonly 1%-20%) that varies depending upon the newness of the debt and the perceived likelihood of recovery. Entities will not typically sell a debt to a CA unless the stream of payments have stopped for a period of time or the debtor is not answering their phone calls or returning them. Regular phone contact and a regular stream of even very small payments on a debt will usually keep the debt from being sold. You want them to know that your debt is "recoverable." Often you will be notified of their intention to turn your debt over to a CA before it happens if you are in regular phone contact.

Collections agencies will report the delinquent debt. And they will often assess additional late fees and other costs that you will have no legal ground to fight. They have a license to extort and they will use it. They can and very often will wreck your credit for up to seven years if you don't pay them what they ask. Typically, once you reach or almost reach the amount of the original debt you can negotiate a settlement for the additional costs. But before you send the agreed upon final check, get a signed statement from them, by mail, stating the amount you owe and that payment of that amount by a certain date will satisfy your debt and you will be released from that debt. Then send them the check and when the executed and cancelled check (or an electronic photocopy) comes to you from your bank showing that it was paid, put that and the letter in a file and keep it FOREVER for your protection because some other scavenging debt collection agency may come back for more money in 6, 8 or 15 years. You will need the proof that the debt was legally satisfied.

The collection agency will request electronic payment and/or your checking account routing number off of the bottom of your paper checks. DO NOT EVER GIVE IT TO THEM!!!! Since you owe them a legal debt, giving them these numbers is you giving them implicit access to remove as much money as THEY want from your checking account, regardless of how much you might have agreed to them being allowed to take. They can and will clean out your checking account every time you add money to it. And they can do it with relative impunity because you owe them a legal debt and granted them access to your account. SEND ONLY PAPER CHECKS TO A COLLECTION AGENCY. Paper checks offer you the protection of only allowing them access to the amount written on the check. They are legally allowed to lie to you on the phone. Paper documents are king.

For further information on this and other consumer protection related topics, try listening to the commercial-free podcasts of The Clark Howard Show. He can help you "save more, spend less, and avoid getting ripped off." He covers everything from cheap airfare, to car insurance, to cell phone deals, to scams, and everything else. He's a little nerdy but he is really good at what he does.

Doppelgänger 06-08-2011 10:00 AM

Also make sure that if you settle for any amout other than the full amount owed, that they send you a 1099 form. They will submit it to the IRS and might not send it to you whinch will cause the IRS to hunt you down for the difference in amount paid vs. owed and credit it as income and bill you. Happened to me on some stuff I paid off. Also, when you settle for a lesser amount, it still shows on your credit that it was not paid in full.

Braineack 06-08-2011 10:09 AM

If the debt is still in dispute, never send them one dime. the second you do, you are admitting to the debt.

If you can dodge them for ~5 years (whatever the limit is) and debt is legally null & void.

NA6C-Guy 06-08-2011 10:16 AM

God I'm gonna have to choke a bitch. This is infuriating. I just paid off one collection agency about 3 months ago. I was getting daily calls them them, every morning when I was trying to sleep. Now this shit, and like I said, if I did go over, it couldn't have been by more than a day or two. They had the worst online bill pay site I have ever seen. Circa 1996, and no actual payment due date. I guess they expected you to just pay them and keep a 30-31 day cycle yourself. Fuck them with a spiked baseball bat. I hope this company is as reasonable as the last one I dealt with. Once I contacted them, they were nice and worked out a fair payment plan and didn't seem to screw me over in any way.

gearhead_318 06-08-2011 08:13 PM

Lotus Elan vs NA Miata

rleete 06-08-2011 08:51 PM

Makes the Miata look fat.

Vashthestampede 06-08-2011 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 735754)
If the debt is still in dispute, never send them one dime. the second you do, you are admitting to the debt.

If you can dodge them for ~5 years (whatever the limit is) and debt is legally null & void.

I had something like this happen and I disputed the debt with the company for years. It finally went to collections and I just never responded to the letters or phone calls. About a year ago I decided to try and do the right thing and take care of it, so I called the collections company and tried to work something out.

The actual amount owed for the account was paid and I had receipts for everything. It was the interest that got out of hand and was showing me "owing" 3 times what I had actually purchased and paid. I tried like hell explaining the situation to the women and eventually told her I would settle at a lesser amount. She didnt like my number and gave me another one instead that was still extremely high. I told her to either take my offer or I'll just go back to ignoring the calls/letters and she still didnt take it. I said "I hope this call is recorded so your company can see how acting like a bitch doesn't get them any money" then I hung up.

I havent heard one thing since then and actually just found out the other day when the realtor pulled my credit that it was "charged off" and low and behold I still had good credit (not excellent, but still good). This is the only thing I had happen like this and otherwise I don't carry debt and pay for things as I go.

pusha 06-10-2011 11:13 AM

Since it's been almost 48 hours since something's been posted here, I'm going to go ahead and ask a question.

Why in the FUCK do girls air out their shit over Facebook? I don't want to wake up errday to a bunch of bullshit about "TURNS OUT HE WASNT THE 1," "You want IT you got IT!" etc.

Braineack 06-10-2011 11:15 AM

daddy issues.

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