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Bryce 04-07-2011 01:25 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 711474)

It's jump, not warp. Warp = faster-than-light travel through linear space (Star Trek.) Jump = instantaneous transfer across folded space (BSG / Wing Commander.)


I was trying to remember if they spool up their warp/jump/FTL drives. I'm watching Stargate Universe right now too so it's all getting mixed together. BSG > *

Joe Perez 04-07-2011 01:32 AM

Originally Posted by Bryce (Post 711479)
I was trying to remember if they spool up their warp/jump/FTL drives. I'm watching Stargate Universe right now too so it's all getting mixed together. BSG > *

I will admit that the one scene (which you haven't gotten to yet) where we actually get to see the jumpdrive "spool" was a huge letdown- I wish they'd have kept it a mystery.

But I won't spoil it too much. Just remember- the Arrow of Apollo will show us the way.

viperormiata 04-07-2011 03:37 AM

This is a post from the Bass Guitar forum that I'm on. I figured you guys might enjoy it.

Originally Posted by Wyrm74 (Post 8241011)
I originally posted this story in "The Legendary Farting During a Show" thread, but it works here too so...

I was playing a gig at a VERY small venue called Eleanor's Tavern in a tiny town in Washington state, just over the Idaho border. My old band (I was just a teenager playing with a bunch of older guys) used to play there about once a month or so as my drummer was friends with the owners.

We would set up just outside the bathrooms after they moved a few tables out of the way. There was no stage or anything, just us tucked into a corner. It was getting pretty late in the evening and the place was packed. We had people dancing literally right in front of us. We were right in the middle of Cat Scratch Fever when our singer just stopped singing. I looked over to see what was up and saw the craziest look of surprise and revulsion I have ever seen on anyone. I watched the corners of his mouth turn down and his nose crinkle just as his head snapped back in an effort to get away. About then, I realized what must have happened and tried to start moving away but there was no where to go. This thing fell on me like an avalanche and I started to gag. To this day, that is the single most foul smelling fart I have ever been witness to and I've been known to knock tile off a wall myself. It smelled like someone had been eating rancid tuna sandwiches smothered in bad coleslaw and deer guts while washing it all down with week old dirty dishwater.

The worst part is, we were completely trapped with NO possible escape and an entire dance floor filled with people between us and the exit. I'm standing there with my eyes watering trying not to puke, and blearily watching my bandmates enduring the same through the tears. Considering the looks on all our faces, it must have looked like we just witnessed a ritual murder or something. Then...it starts making it's way through the crowd. I start to see some light at the end of the tunnel thinking to myself "Hey, everyone will clear out and we can get the hell out of here!". Well, I was right about that but as it turns out I was overly optimistic about how quickly the mass exodus would occur. Whoever greased their shorts with this lovely little cookie was right up front with us and it took like what seemed about 3 days to make it to the back of the crowd. I put down my bass, stepped up to the people in front of me, put out my hands, leaned forward to put my back into it, and just started pushing. I think I might have been the first one out! Stiff-arm FTW!

After we got outside and I made sure my band mates were all right (this part looked like the aftermath of a fire after everyone gets safely out of the building and people are standing around coughing, just glad to be alive) and I noticed my guitarist was missing. Well, I was just going to wait to find out what happened to him because there was NO WAY I was going back in there until the wait staff had a chance to open windows, air it out, and possible check with the EPA to make sure it was safe to go back inside. About 30 minutes later we went back in after repeated assurances that it was safe to do so to find out what became of the guitar player. Personally, I feared him dead. I just knew he was going to be laying face down in front of his amp, blue, cold, and very still with blood on his neck from clawing at it as he suffocated.

Fortunately he wasn't dead, but he might have wished that he was. He had been all hung over from tying one on the night before and had been struggling to keep it together before any of this even started. When that wall-o-putrid hit him, he threw down his guitar and bolted into the bathroom to hurl his guts out. The best part? The toilet was stopped up after someone left the mother-of-all-floaters in the can, and as you know, that kind of thing doesn't stop bar patrons from continuing to use said toilet. Yep, ol' Keith got down on his knees to puke and hadn't really noticed the problem because his eyes were still watering from the previous tear in the time-space continuum. Just as he opened his eyes to make sure he was on target, an entire toilet bowl loaded with shite and wizz stared back at him. I understand that the force with which his lunch left him was catastrophic in proportion, and something akin to the yield of a 100 mega-ton nuclear weapon. He managed to stagger to his feet, still vomiting at power-washer velocity and made it over to the garbage can. He upended it (it was full) and finished the deed. After splashing some cold water on his face while dry-heaving, he made it to the bar to let the owner know what was up. He had been cleaning and mopping for a good 15 minutes by the time we got back inside.

Ten minutes later, after the rest of us got our laughter under control we finished out the night. There was a brief PA announcement before we started up again to let eveyone know that if they needed to "express" themselves they had better leave the bar first or we would be done playing for the evening.

Poor Keith, I don't know that I've ever seen anyone look so forlorn as he did just a-swinging that mop around that jacked-up little bathroom. That's my story folks. Thanks for reading.

pusha 04-07-2011 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by Pen2_the_penguin (Post 711379)
Nice fridge, Pusha

Older than Jesus' meconium.

pusha 04-07-2011 03:54 AM

I just had sex with the girl I've been seeing. There's nothing greater than sneaking some MT action in while she's in the bathroom.

Pen2_the_penguin 04-07-2011 04:05 AM

we appreciate that you're thinking of us <3

pusha 04-07-2011 04:08 AM

Forever and always, brotha man. How else do you think I can keep the dance going so long? Baseball statistics? Nahhh, gotta think about my bros!!!!!!

Pen2_the_penguin 04-07-2011 04:11 AM

bros before hoes my man, leave me a spot on bed for spooning.

pusha 04-07-2011 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by Pen2_the_penguin (Post 711507)
bros before hoes my man, leave me a spot on bed for spooning.

You can fight her for the wet spot.

Pen2_the_penguin 04-07-2011 04:22 AM

do I at least get a towel if I win? I just like to know its there, but not touch it... its cold and shit.

NA6C-Guy 04-07-2011 09:30 AM

Random thought of the day. After looking on Facebook for people I went to school with, out of boredom, I found a trend that seems to be pretty true at both school systems I went to growing up. The really hot girls, the hottest in the school ended up looking mediocre once they get into their mid 20's, but it seems to ones that ended up really hot were the ones that were mediocre back then. Cute, but not the ones every guy drooled over.

rider384 04-07-2011 10:04 AM

Holy shit, I was literally just arguing about this with my friend, but were were using celebrities. It was a little different though.

I said that the people who are "hot" and "sexy" will end up looking worn out and dried up in 15 or 20 years. People who are pretty or beautiful will end up being just as beautiful in 15 or 20 years (albeit looking a bit older).

TurboTim 04-07-2011 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by na6c-guy (Post 711543)
random thought of the day. After looking on facebook for people i went to school with, out of boredom, i found a trend that seems to be pretty true at both school systems i went to growing up. The really hot girls, the hottest in the school ended up looking mediocre once they get into their mid 20's, but it seems to ones that ended up really hot were the ones that were mediocre back then. Cute, but not the ones every guy drooled over.


My HS girlfriend looks...odd...today. haha.

EDIT: I'm sure she's say the same about me however.

Braineack 04-07-2011 10:28 AM

Originally Posted by TurboTim (Post 711552)
EDIT: I'm sure she's say the same about me however.


mgeoffriau 04-07-2011 05:45 PM

How can someone accumulate nearly 2500 posts on a car forum, and then post something like this:


rleete 04-07-2011 06:56 PM

By not searching and reading.

pusha 04-08-2011 01:07 AM

This is amazing.


pusha 04-08-2011 01:08 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 711725)
How can someone accumulate nearly 2500 posts on a car forum, and then post something like this:


He posts actively on CR as well. He tried to tell me that I don't own a C5 Z06 and that I post pics of other people's cars and say their mine.

messiahx 04-08-2011 01:11 AM

Originally Posted by Pusha (Post 711839)
He posts actively on CR as well. He tried to tell me that I don't own a C5 Z06 and that I post pics of other people's cars and say their mine.

LOL. Everyone already knows you do that. Common knowledge.

pusha 04-08-2011 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by messiahx (Post 711840)
LOL. Everyone already knows you do that. Common knowledge.

Yeah, I even went so far as to steal one, mod it with all the mods I said mine had and drive all the way up to race Jared.

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