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turotufas 02-14-2011 11:39 PM

Forget Top Gear, I was watching Skins! Lol.

Jk. I've been multitasking. Writing my 'screenplay' while watching Top Gear/listening to the dirtiest of Dubstep.

Bond 02-15-2011 12:09 AM

ROFL his spark plug just came out!

Great episode, I lol'd on multiple occasions

NA6C-Guy 02-15-2011 04:32 AM

I assume we are talking about Top Gear UK?

Bond 02-15-2011 09:41 AM

Yes, they go to the Middle East and perform the duties of 3 wise men

mgeoffriau 02-15-2011 09:45 AM

Yay! I got a ticket this morning.

Motorcycle cop sits under the overpass, slowing interstate traffic down to about 45-50 mph. I'm in the right lane, waiting to exit at the next off ramp. Lady in the SUV (stereotype, but it's true) in front of me finally catches sight of the cop sitting on his bike and slams on her brakes down to about 30 mph. I check the right lane (on ramp from previous exit) quickly and rather than get rear-ended in traffic, signal and move over to the right.

BOOM. Lights on.

I'm polite and cooperative. When it's clear that he's writing me a citation (for "Improper Passing" because I crossed a solid white line) anyway, I say, "Did you see that the lady in front of me slammed on her brakes when she saw you? I had a choice between moving over or slamming on my brakes too and possibly getting rear-ended if the guy behind me isn't paying attention." He just looked at me and said, "That's improper passing, sir, it's unsafe."


Traffic was FINE until you came out here this morning and slowed traffic down 10 mph BELOW the speed limit, bunching up 2 miles of cars together. NOW it's unsafe, dipshit.

Braineack 02-15-2011 09:48 AM

But he's serving and protecting.

I also find that traffic signs that display current conditions or lane closures cause worse traffic than without.

People slow down to read "heavy congestion exits 60-200" and make shit worse.

Bond 02-15-2011 10:11 AM

I wish I understood your sig, is this like the new thing to do, Pusha did it too

Doppelgänger 02-15-2011 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 690103)
Yay! I got a ticket this morning.

In your case, I would go to court, plead not guilty and state it was a matter of safety that the car behind you was about to rear-end you and that to prevent any accident you had to move to the lane to the right to avoid the impending accident. BS them and even go as far as to say that you've been rear-ended before in a similar situation and that you'd prefer not to be in that position again. Also state that you were slowing down at a proper following distance from the car in front of you but the car behind you wasn't paying attention. If that fails, at least ask for a reduced offence that is a 0-point or non-reporting offence. But that's just what I would do.

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 690105)
But he's serving and protecting.

Serving road-use tax bills and protecting his job security....that's about all that stands for.

ZX-Tex 02-15-2011 10:34 AM

I hate people that slam on the brakes when they see a cop in order to slow down to 10-20 mph slower than the speed limit. Fucking infuriating.

icantthink4155 02-15-2011 10:49 AM

Why does Gamefly have to be so expensive? Why do they charge double what Netflix does and they dont even offer an instant way to play?

Oscar 02-15-2011 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by Bond (Post 690116)
I wish I understood your sig, is this like the new thing to do, Pusha did it too

All cool kids do this. Get with it:loser:

mgeoffriau 02-15-2011 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by Oscar (Post 690152)
All cool kids do this. Get with it:loser:

Your sig is justified
But on the wrong side

Joe Perez 02-15-2011 11:45 AM

So, yesterday morning, the PC which I use at the office (running XP SP3) bluescreened hard. On rebooot, it shows the splashscreen but then it BSODs before the login screen.

This happens to be a fairly small office (20 people) located quite a long way from the nearest "official" Harris location.

I call the corporate help desk (in Florida) and they say that I have two options: I can FedEx the machine to them and they'll try to have it back to me by Friday, or I can wait until next Tuesday when they have a tech scheduled to be in this area. Clearly, neither of these choices are acceptable.

So I get on another machine, go to the Ubuntu website, and download a LiveCD image. I burn it, stick it in my main PC, and boot into Linux.

After an exceedingly short period of fiddling, I have the machine working beautifully in dual-screen mode, talking to our Windows network, accessing our Windows server, and printing to our Windows-served printers. I can see and access the local Windows filesystem on my hard drive, so I'm able to continue working normally. So far, Visio and AutoCAD are the only two things I haven't been able to use. OpenOffice is working quite nicely for everything else.

Now bear in mind that this machine is booted off a CD, so it has no actual Linux filesystem on any of the local drives. So this is roughly equivalent to personal computing in the early 80s, when you booted the machine off a floppy and had no hard drive. Ok, so occasionally I have to sit and wait for the CD to spin when opening an application, but overall, the machine is working better now than it ever did before as an official "Harris Standard Client" with all of the antivirus, antifilesharing, and antiproductivity shit they had loaded onto it.

I think I may actually make this my normal operating configuration. (Well, I'll install it on the hard drive, but you know what I mean.) VMWare in Unity mode should fulfill my need for Visio and ACAD. It's actualy quite tempting. (Though the IT folks will blow a gasket when they find out, I'm sure.)

(As an aside: if you guys aren't familiar with Unity, or with VMWare in general, it's fucking awesome. Basically, you can seamlessly run individual apps in a virtualized window as part of the main desktop, kind of like what the Mac folks do in order to be compatible with the rest of the world. This would probably be a good solution for all you folks having problems with your ECu tuning software on Win7-64.)

I love it when shit just works.

Oscar 02-15-2011 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 690162)
Your sig is justified
But on the wrong side

I forgot:noob:

turotufas 02-15-2011 12:08 PM

O hai look I haz too Big n' Bold. lol

rider384 02-15-2011 12:34 PM

Anyone got a song that honestly gives them a rush when you listen to it?

For me it's Brain Damage/Eclipse (especially) from Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. There are one or two others that I can't think of right now.

pusha 02-15-2011 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by Bond (Post 690116)
I wish I understood your sig, is this like the new thing to do, Pusha did it too

I did it first.

icantthink4155 02-15-2011 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 690103)
Yay! I got a ticket this morning.

Originally Posted by Doppelgänger (Post 690123)
In your case, I would go to court, plead not guilty and state it was a matter of safety that the car behind you was about to rear-end you and that to prevent any accident you had to move to the lane to the right to avoid the impending accident.

I agree with this completely, that shit pisses me off so badly. I regularly pass traffic cops at 5+ the limit when everyone else slows down around them.

Doppelgänger 02-15-2011 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by rider384 (Post 690196)
Anyone got a song that honestly gives them a rush when you listen to it?

For me it's Brain Damage/Eclipse (especially) from Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd. There are one or two others that I can't think of right now.

Lately my song for that is The Dead Flag Blues by Godspeed You! Black Emporer

mgeoffriau 02-15-2011 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by icantthink4155 (Post 690233)
I agree with this completely, that shit pisses me off so badly. I regularly pass traffic cops at 5+ the limit when everyone else slows down around them.

If the ticket is less that $100 (and I am pretty sure it is), there's no way I'm wasting half a day of work (and dealing with the aggravation) to fight it, especially given the real possibility that I wouldn't win or would only succeed in having the fine lessened but not removed.

The state knows just how hard it can kick me in the face before I fight back, and this isn't it.

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