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scottyd 01-19-2011 10:14 PM

They allow the woman out of the kitchen once.

Bryce 01-20-2011 12:17 AM

Originally Posted by hustler (Post 680607)

Looks like they misspelled the name. There shouldn't be an 'h'.

pusha 01-20-2011 12:25 AM

Can't run from the policia in those.

NA6C-Guy 01-20-2011 02:46 AM

Sweeeeeet! Last year I owed $1200 income tax, this year I get back $1000. I could REALLY use $1000 right now too, pay off some of my medical expenses.

kotomile 01-20-2011 03:07 AM

I get to file for my $1300 lean-burn tax credit this year, woot.

NA6C-Guy 01-20-2011 03:29 AM

Shit, make that $1100. This is the first year EVER that I haven't owed the fucking state. I get $130 from their asses. That should allow me to pay off my nagging smaller medical bills, leaving only the one large one that I will chip away at $50 at a time for the next 5 years. Should even have enough left over to get my D90 like I have been wanting. Not a bad return for only sacrificing ~$80 a paycheck. Almost don't miss it, so it's nice to see it all come back in one lump at the end of the year. Had I worked all last year instead of only 6 months, I would have had double the return and double the niceness.

pusha 01-20-2011 10:04 AM

Is anyone else creeped out by text messages from their parents? My mom sent me a text earlier that read "Do work son." I don't know what to say in response.

Joe Perez 01-20-2011 10:23 AM


pusha 01-20-2011 10:25 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 680703)

Thanks, this one made me lol:

Originally Posted by EMERGENCY
ME: hey. can you pick up an oreo mcflurry from mcdonalds?
DAD: the mickey d shake machine is DOWN!

matthewdesigns 01-20-2011 12:55 PM

Yesterday I reached two milestones.

1) I turned 40 (meh).

2) I legally purchased marijuana across a counter at a retail establishment and received an itemized receipt for said transaction. With a little accounting magic I may even be able to write it off next year, since it is a medical expense after all.

I love this country.

kotomile 01-20-2011 01:28 PM

Do they actually use "street" names for their legal pot? Purple haze, etc.?

Vashthestampede 01-20-2011 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by kotomile (Post 680773)
Do they actually use "street" names for their legal pot? Purple haze, etc.?

Shit. They got more "street name" pot than the streets have!!

Hopefully this law will eventually find its way across the entire US.

matthewdesigns 01-20-2011 01:56 PM

Yeah. They had about 40 varieties and it was all named by the strain/cross just like you'd buy off the street. Here's a link to where I went: http://legalmarijuanadispensary.com/...Itemid=118&i=1

It lists all their strains, what "edibles" they have, prices, etc. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. The place reeked when I got into the lobby, let alone the actual showroom. And since the stuff has to be grown locally by law, you can drive through some industrial areas in town and literally smell the stuff in the air near the grow facilities. The local liberal newspaper is full of ads each week for doctor referrals and "dispensaries", and they even do a quarterly insert that's 20 pages long detailing industry news, etc. There are 3 dispensaries within a 10min walk from my office, and about 130 across town.

ZX-Tex 01-20-2011 02:46 PM

I travel to Boulder from time to time and have seen a few dispensaries there. It is a bit strange to see those coming from Texas where for the most part it is regarded as an evil weed.

Oscar 01-20-2011 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by matthewdesigns (Post 680761)
2) I legally purchased marijuana across a counter at a retail establishment and received an itemized receipt for said transaction. With a little accounting magic I may even be able to write it off next year, since it is a medical expense after all.

I love this country.

Welcome to my world. Minus the receipt and write offs. :fawk:

matthewdesigns 01-20-2011 03:25 PM

I've never been over to the Netherlands, but friends of mine have. It's been a long time coming in the US, but we're still quite a ways away from open use as in coffee bars over your way. Even here in Colorado the law does not allow for open exhibition of the use of medical marijuana (mmj as it's called), it's supposed to be used in-home. Of course, unless you are caught in the act it's difficult to apply the law. Colorado is apparently going to try to create a baseline intoxication limit for mmj use so they can hit you with DWIs if you are driving around. Not a bad thing IMHO, but it's going to be difficult to find a happy medium since tolerances are all over the map from one user to the next.

NA6C-Guy 01-20-2011 04:51 PM

How long do you people usually wait for your federal tax returns? Been so long since I have gotten any back I have forgotten how long I used to wait for the check. Just sent mine in and did the direct deposit shit this year to hopefully reduce time. Bastards better hurry it along and give me my money ASAP!

Bond 01-20-2011 05:20 PM

Got new wheels, pics soon unless I figure out how to upload from my cell

mgeoffriau 01-20-2011 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by NA6C-Guy (Post 680871)
How long do you people usually wait for your federal tax returns? Been so long since I have gotten any back I have forgotten how long I used to wait for the check. Just sent mine in and did the direct deposit shit this year to hopefully reduce time. Bastards better hurry it along and give me my money ASAP!

Depending on what you itemized, your refund might be delayed:


pusha 01-20-2011 05:51 PM

Copped a beej from a girl I've been fiendin' for the past year. Now I just need to sell these S2000 seats.

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