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rleete 03-04-2024 05:47 PM

Just spent most of last night and this morning in the hospital. Not for me, but my 97-year-old mom. She had a case of aphasia, and while she showed no other symptoms of a stroke, it is sometimes an indicator. So, EMT, hospital, battery of tests (including CT and MRI), and now she is home with no signs of it ever happening. Turns out, hypoglycemia is sometimes a cause, and she hadn't eaten all day. Thanks for scaring us, mom.

xturner 03-04-2024 06:44 PM

We had to have a live-in caretaker for my mom when she was 95, to make sure she ate and otherwise was taken care of. It was crazy expensive - hope you don’t have to go that way.

rleete 03-04-2024 07:30 PM

My mom would never stand for it. She's as stubborn as she is tough.

sixshooter 03-05-2024 11:10 PM


I'm glad she's ok. The pain of older parents is real. I love you, brother. Hang in.

I love your inkpen.

DNMakinson 03-07-2024 11:42 AM

Mom passed on last night. She had not left our house for about 2 years. Was fairly strong, and good sense of humor (despite little short term memory) until the last 5 weeks. Then downward quickly.

rleete 03-07-2024 11:52 AM

My condolences.

xturner 03-07-2024 01:45 PM

Sorry to hear. I hope she went easy.

sixshooter 03-07-2024 06:42 PM

I'm sorry for your loss, brother.

shuiend 03-09-2024 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by DNMakinson (Post 1647249)
Mom passed on last night. She had not left our house for about 2 years. Was fairly strong, and good sense of humor (despite little short term memory) until the last 5 weeks. Then downward quickly.

Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully she was able to go peacefully.

Let me know if you need anything. I am just down the road a bit.

Lokiel 03-09-2024 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by TalkingPie (Post 1646386)

Those two look like teenage girls posing for a "Duck Lips" selfie!

Magnificent photo.

DNMakinson 03-11-2024 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1647354)
Sorry to hear about that. Hopefully she was able to go peacefully.

Let me know if you need anything. I am just down the road a bit.

Thanks, Lars. All her children were here. That was nice.

Feeling a bit melancholy last couple of days. My sister is here helping go through an enormous amount of memorabilia and pictures.

I think I have the support I need. But, of course, it can be hard to tell.


Gee Emm 03-11-2024 07:33 PM

My sympathies to you, it is a hard row to hoe, and all the preceding rationalisations and preparing for the inevitable mean shit when it happens (did for me anyway). Give yourself time and space to grieve your way. Some like to get busy, others take time - losing a parent is a big deal no matter the circs or history. When her mother died, my daughter just couldn't part with the house, so her two brothers waited a couple of years until she was ready (the mother and I were long divorced).

sixshooter 03-16-2024 11:24 AM

In 1908, New York City's 120,000 horses produced 60,000 gallons of urine and 2.5 million pounds of manure every day. *

*Mike Wallace, Greater Gotham: A History of New York City from 1898 to 1919 (Oxford University Press, 2017), p. 245

G3ML1NGZ 03-20-2024 05:59 PM

well. That's the town where I grew up. Evacuated and most likely never lived in again.


Joe Perez 03-20-2024 07:07 PM

Originally Posted by G3ML1NGZ (Post 1647839)
(Blue Lagoon)

God damn... That is insane.

G3ML1NGZ 03-20-2024 07:54 PM

yep. I moved away a few years ago. But both Dóri (my buddy that came with me to meet Sixshooter and Miatat2fast in Florida) and I lived in the first few houses closest to the lava flow. Dóri still lived there and had to leave his home behind. Still kinda surreal.

sixshooter 03-21-2024 08:32 PM

Sorry about your hometown. That's terrible.

Joe Perez 03-27-2024 11:44 PM

Originally Posted by G3ML1NGZ (Post 1647845)
yep. I moved away a few years ago. But both Dóri (my buddy that came with me to meet Sixshooter and Miatat2fast in Florida) and I lived in the first few houses closest to the lava flow. Dóri still lived there and had to leave his home behind. Still kinda surreal.

I grew up in western Florida, USA, in the 1970s / 80s. Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda were the two cities, specifically. Which means that every school I attended, and every house I lived in as a child, have all been destroyed by the hurricanes which took place in the early 2000s.

So I sort of have a feeling of solidarity in this situation, with you specifically.

And that is why I say this: God damn, dude. This is brutal.

They were all rebuilt afterwards,

It was never the same. All modern, no respect for the tradition of the past.

G3ML1NGZ 04-18-2024 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1647917)
Sorry about your hometown. That's terrible.

Thanks man, housing situation was already kinda nuts. now ~3400 persons need homes and some people simply see desperate people and see easy money.

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1648135)
They were all rebuilt afterwards

Yeah. We always see the storms in the US and wonder why people rebuild in the same location where storms are known to roll through. Let's just say that I get it now.

See the building to the left of the lava flow? like RIGHT next to it? I'm going there to 3d scan the factory next week.

G3ML1NGZ 04-26-2024 04:54 PM

in more uplifting news. I'M A DAD!


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