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Erat 01-10-2021 09:34 PM

I have an 18 month old outstanding invoice for a repair that was made on our fire system which happened to be installed bran new 3 months prior. About once every 3 months they send me an email with a reminder to pay and i politely reply, asking the owner to call me to discuss it knowing full well i'll never hear from him.
We're talking 2" sprinkler line failure, SOB completely separated. Looked like Niagara falls, never saw more water in my life fall from the ceiling. These scumbags are trying to ding me $400 to cap the branch line that failed. Literally 20 minute job, and $10 in parts. I'd pay for parts, that's not a huge issue, but the labor for the repair, nah. They never even fixed the branch line that broke, it's still capped. $350k job i gave them for the complete install and they're trying to ride me out of $400.

I had taken issue with the fact that these guys were using a 1/2" impact guns to drive down 5/16" coupling bolts. I knew there would be some with hairline fractures, and sure enough.

To be honest, most of my contractors treat me extremely well. Hell, we just had a job replacing some worn down parts in an old air handler. The company i pay to do quarterly PMs on some equipment(filters & inspection type stuff) i don't have time for did it on PM time and just charged us a counter sale for the parts. But don't get me started on the air compressor guys, they're starting to get as scummy as the sprinkler people. I feel your pain Joe and no it's not too far. They'll take advantage of you in a heartbeat unless you check them.

I don't have a picture of that failure in question, but i do have this recent incident to share.


I blame it all on lack of skilled trade in the workforce. It's bad and getting worse.

Edit** I just realized your guy and my guy are both named Eric... Hmm :rofl:

Joe Perez 01-10-2021 09:53 PM

I feel you.

Their contract is up in six months. We have a different company which handles our systems at Sears as well as the main studio. Those guys have been honest and straight.

The only reason that [Company name] is still in charge of the system at Hancock is that they installed it, and I've been too lazy to deal with the paperwork to transfer that system over to Company B. It's just too easy for me to send an email each year to Contracts saying "Renew as per terms attached."

But this just cost them the renewal. It's not even about the money, it's about being douchebags and assuming that most people won't notice.

xturner 01-10-2021 10:00 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1590444)
I've been preparing to say "fuck you" to the company which installed the fire protection system at my transmitter suite at Hancock for some time. And this ain't some bit player. They're one of the big names in the Chicago fire protection market. But they're just smarmy as hell, and have a weaselly disposition about them.

Mind you: I pay them an annual contract to inspect, service, and maintain that system. It's one of those things that I just don't have time to deal with, so it's easier to pay someone else to worry about it for me. I have no problem with that. Me paying someone else to keep track of my fire protection systems is a totally legitimate business model.

The last inspection was last month. We paid for that inspection, as usual.

Last week, I get a report which says that the filter cartridge on the VESDA* system is expired, and needs to be replaced. $131 for the part, and $618 to install it.

* = fancy smoke-detector that draws air into a central unit with a pump from sampling-points all around the room, and shines a laser through it. It is, in seriousness, the best money can buy.

Now, to be clear, I don't give a shit about $618. I have spent more than that while taking a piss. Not kidding. Unzip, start the stream, phone rings, answer with left hand, hear description of problem, give an order on how to solve it, put phone away, stream ends, two shakes, tuck and zip. That was a $7k piss.

It's the principle of the matter. If you're going to try to fuck me, at least tell me that my hair is nice and soft, and that you like the color of my shirt, as well as how it fits me.

After my first email, which was phrased along the lines of "I think there may be an error on this quote. $618 to install a filter? Would you please check on this for me?" they replied back that service calls are a four hour minimum, but they will graciously cut that in half because they have a job in the building next week anyway.

After much deliberation, I sent them the following:

Eric, what's puzzling me is this:

[Company name] installed this system.

[Company name] has maintained / inspected this system since it was installed.

Given that the usable lifetime of these filters is known and documented, it seems that [Company name] should know, in advance, when it's time for one to be replaced.

So, I guess what I'm asking is whether [Company name] is not keeping track of the service-life of components in our system, or merely electing to send technicians out to perform inspections without them being equipped with the service parts which they know will need to be replaced?

Was that too much?

I don't feel like it was too much.

I think [Company name] will probably be butt-hurt because they got called out - you know, they’re a big company with terribly many demanding customers and can’t be expected to always(or maybe ever) exhibit professional standards.

I managed several service contracts on critical equipment, although none as serious as fire protection, for years. In every case, I received a case of regular service parts well before the technicians arrived. Sometimes, there was stuff that wasn’t needed, but it was easier and cheaper for them to throw some stuff away than to shut me down again.
Of course, it takes balls of a whole different order to double charge for something that should have been done during a routine service call. The salesperson should suffer accordingly. Have him come in, and 10 minutes before he arrives go to the lobby and enter his biggest competitor’s name in the visitors log as having just left. Kinda stupid, but I know that salesmen can’t help looking at who else has been around.

Of course, that behavior begs for competitive proposal anyway.

Joe Perez 01-10-2021 10:10 PM

Competitive bid is already done. Company B (the one which services my other sites) will have the contract come June.

Now that I think about it, I'm really tempted to use the "tell me that my hair is nice and soft..." line when terminating the contract with Company A in six months.

Erat 01-10-2021 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by xturner (Post 1590452)
The salesperson should suffer accordingly. Have him come in, and 10 minutes before he arrives go to the lobby and enter his biggest competitor’s name in the visitors log as having just left. Kinda stupid, but I know that salesmen can’t help looking at who else has been around.

I straight up tell salesmen that i'm looking at bids from their competitors. No sense in hiding it and most salesmen understand.
I've taken contracts, whited out the important stuff and let other salesmen / companies see it. This way they know they are going to be bidding apples to apples. I believe it to be good faith, i'm honest with them, they'll be honest with me. Not that i let my guard down.

I also don't sign no early termination contracts. Scumbag companies can get fucked. I've canceled two contracts in the last 10 years half way through their term.

sixshooter 01-12-2021 08:22 AM

With mobile equipment, usage time varies so I don't have any relevant experience. I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they don't (but should) track installation of finite life components. A smart person at a fire protection company would employ a system that generates a letter to the customer advising the finite life component will be due for replacement and asking the customer for an appointment for maintenance.

Joe Perez 01-12-2021 08:37 AM

If they did that, they wouldn't be able to bill me for a second trip to replace the part which the inspection has found is overdue for replacement.

I'm guessing that a lot of their customers are just too busy to care.

Godless Commie 01-22-2021 11:10 AM

I was watching the downhill ski races and they immediately cut away to a snooker tournament as soon as the last racer crossed the finish line.
Now my TV screen is all fogged up.

TalkingPie 01-25-2021 02:23 PM

A man goes to a funeral. He asks the widow if he could say a word. He goes to the front and says “Plethora” and sits back down. The widow leans over and whispers, “Thanks, that means a lot.”

Godless Commie 02-15-2021 07:10 PM

It was 73F and sunny all week, the weather turned on a dime in the space of 6 hours on Saturday, now we have just over 6" of snow everywhere.
The weirdest snowstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning.
Kitchen is stocked, we are not leaving the house.

shuiend 02-16-2021 08:38 AM

Originally Posted by Godless Commie (Post 1593062)
It was 73F and sunny all week, the weather turned on a dime in the space of 6 hours on Saturday, now we have just over 6" of snow everywhere.
The weirdest snowstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning.
Kitchen is stocked, we are not leaving the house.

At least you are not in Texas, they are royally fucked currently. I have friends with a tent setup in their living room trying to stay warm.

Joe Perez 02-16-2021 08:46 AM

The view out the back window this morning:


That Jeep belongs to my next door neighbor. It and my car share the garage which is just offscreen to the left of this image.

It's moved about a foot in the past ten minutes. All four wheels are spinning.

Erat 02-16-2021 09:46 AM

This truck is unstoppable.
was plowing through 20+" snow drifts

Thankfully we only got about 10". Just some big drifts.

LukeG 02-16-2021 10:18 AM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1593084)
At least you are not in Texas, they are royally fucked currently. I have friends with a tent setup in their living room trying to stay warm.

Most of our friends and family in Austin do not have power and have not for at least a day now. It is currently 14 degrees out. Eight inches of snow and it is the middle ages here. 911 is telling people that are stranded there is nothing they can do. What a shit show.

z31maniac 02-16-2021 10:58 AM

Here in the OKC area, they have implemented rolling blackouts due to power/gas demand.

It's really sad to read the comments on news stories and see people who refuse to turn the thermostat down a few degrees like it being 65 in the house is going to kill them. We got hit with one of the rolling blackouts yesterday. -6 outside, the house dropped 5 degrees in one hour.

That these people don't realize a sweatshirt and a blanket is better than no power...............so many stupid idiots in this state.

Erat 02-16-2021 11:09 AM

High gas users like big industry / my workplace get put on notice. We get a call to stop using gas and electricity, we stop. This way they can continue to provide for residential.

We use an assload of gas here:

Also. Buy a generator. If even to run the blower, inducer, and electronics on your furnace. Usually gas supply dips but doesn't completely go down like electricity.

A few years ago when it was -23 we had trouble keeping some equipment running but the supply was still there. They eventually shut us down.

shuiend 02-16-2021 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by LukeG (Post 1593093)
Most of our friends and family in Austin do not have power and have not for at least a day now. It is currently 14 degrees out. Eight inches of snow and it is the middle ages here. 911 is telling people that are stranded there is nothing they can do. What a shit show.

Yep I keep hearing lots of bad stories. It really sucks, and it is not going to start getting better until sometime at least tomorrow. My little sister is down in San Antonio and still has power and most likely won't loose it. She luckily stocked up on Saturday. I talked to Corky Bell Monday morning and he did not have power and was out getting fire wood. I really feel bad for the old. My other friends made it through the night in their tent. The gas stove still working for them has made it not to bad. Thy can see their breath inside the house, but hot bacon is really good.

Stay safe Luke. Hope you and your family make it through this.

I am on the other hand over here in SC, it is 62 out and I don't have a jacket on while working. For breakfast I got a milkshake. 2021 is looking to be another fun year. I really want to go back ti 1999.

sixshooter 02-16-2021 02:56 PM

Lessons learned, don't depend upon the government or other impersonal organizations for your life and wellbeing if at all possible. Have a backup plan in place before you need it.

Food, water, electricity, heat should be backed up. This is standard boy scout stuff reinforced by living in a hurricane prone state.

Erat 02-16-2021 05:09 PM

Just got off the phone with my cousins that live just outside of Dallas.
They went to the ranch to tend to the animals for the last few days(still have power at the ranch). I guess they lost 1 horse, not sure why, Michigan horses do fine in sub zero weather... But their city house lost power. Everything froze. Water damaged everything. This is the same story with basically everyone down there.

Man that sucks.

z31maniac 02-16-2021 05:14 PM

Originally Posted by Erat (Post 1593098)
. Buy a generator. If even to run the blower, inducer, and electronics on your furnace. Usually gas supply dips but doesn't completely go down like electricity.

It's on the list as soon as this round of storms pass.

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