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Godless Commie 02-12-2020 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by triple88a (Post 1561961)
Found this gem of a guide..Electric power steering in a miata using the original miata rack.




Joe Perez 02-12-2020 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by gooflophaze (Post 1561971)
I've been wondering why people haven't tried taking the electric pump out of the mazda3's..

Because it would probably be quite difficult to steer the 3 with the pump removed.

sixshooter 02-13-2020 10:21 AM


A mysterious deep space radio burst is sending signals to Earth every 16 days

February 12, 2020 at 6:50 AM EST - Updated February 12 at 12:11 PM

(CBS News) - A mysterious object in a galaxy 500 million light-years away is confusing scientists with its signals. It appears to be transmitting signals that reach Earth in a repeating, 16-day pattern, but researchers have no idea why.

According to a recent study, this marks the first time astronomers have detected a reliable pattern in the signals, known as fast radio bursts, or FRBs. It's an important step in figuring out where the bursts originate from.

Before now, such pulses appeared to be random in timing. That changed when the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst Project (CHIME/FRB) discovered a repeating pattern.

The recently detected FRB, known as FRB 180916.J0158+65, sends out bursts that last for four days before stopping for 12 days and then repeating. The first 28 cycles were observed between September 2018 and October 2019 using the CHIME radio telescope in British Columbia.

"We conclude that this is the first detected periodicity of any kind in an FRB source," the study's authors said. "The discovery of a 16.35-day periodicity in a repeating FRB source is an important clue to the nature of this object."

(more at link)

triple88a 02-15-2020 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by Godless Commie (Post 1561976)

Yeah i've seen your thread. It's nice but the whole reason to go electric is to get rid of all the fluids and pumps and stuff and mesh the electric motor in the steering rod directly.

kenzo42 02-16-2020 03:07 PM

Anyone familair with an error like this? This is a Management Program that integrates with a viewer program. They are made by the same company and should work together. The issue is the management program (Server 2002 era) is very old and the viewer program is newer (Server 2008 era).


Godless Commie 02-16-2020 09:33 PM

Quick question..

Dish soap or hair spray to install OEM rubber suspension bushings?

y8s 02-17-2020 08:59 AM

Originally Posted by Godless Commie (Post 1562290)
Quick question..

Dish soap or hair spray to install OEM rubber suspension bushings?

usually I lazy mode and use windex.

sixshooter 02-26-2020 10:25 AM

Take 5 minutes and listen to this interview. Scary incident involving a task force.

Seeking Accountability for Cops in Brownback v. King by Cato Daily Podcast

Joe Perez 02-27-2020 08:52 PM

Today, I used the phrase "... which is longer than the gestational period of an otter" in a meeting of VPs and department heads at work.

DNMakinson 02-28-2020 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1563239)
Today, I used the phrase "... which is longer than the gestational period of an otter" in a meeting of VPs and department heads at work.

You made me look. Very interesting fact, though:

North American, smooth, spot-necked, and marine otters in North American zoological parks have demonstrated delayed implantation for as long as 10 months. When the fertilized egg has divided into a hollow ball of cells one layer thick (blastocyst stage) it stops developing, and floats in the uterus. After several months the blastocyst implants in the uterine wall and continues to develop. Actual embryonic development takes only about two months. Delayed implantation ensures that the pup will be born when environmental conditions are optimal for its survival. It also allows some recovery time for the mother from her last pregnancy.

When you used the phrase, were you aware that it is a very nebulous time? Or was this just a random, Perezian phrase?


Joe Perez 02-28-2020 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by DNMakinson (Post 1563264)
When you used the phrase, were you aware that it is a very nebulous time? Or was this just a random, Perezian phrase?

I'd previously researched animals with long or wildly variable gestational periods, having suspected that information might prove useful in the future for precisely this reason. Some, such as elephants and whales, are obvious. I chose the otter as a "remember this specific mammal" because the duration of its pregnancy is nonintuitively variable, and is thus a good proxy for projects which are likely to suffer from external delays which are reasonably forseeable to someone with experience in similar contexts.

sixshooter 02-28-2020 08:53 AM

Did anyone question the meaning of that observation?

Joe Perez 02-28-2020 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1563269)
Did anyone question the meaning of that observation?


That's why I love working here.

Joe Perez 02-29-2020 02:33 PM

Every time I watch a James Bond film, I can't help but think about the legal and bureaucratic arrangements required to purchase the island, demolish the remains of the old secret base left over from the last villain, construct the new secret base upon it, outfit the base with both commonly accessible and stolen military hardware, set up a program to recruit and train the henchmen, bribe the necessary public officials, arrange for the nuclear material to be acquired and handled (along with all of the related shell companies), and so on.

In other words, Bond is really a tale about how efficient logistics management can be when directed towards evil.

Godless Commie 02-29-2020 05:19 PM

So I took my car to TUV for the mandatory biennial test.
Passed emissions test.
They took the car in for the overall inspection and I started waiting.

Then I saw all the techs gather by my car. The hood was up. They called the manager, too.

A while later, the manager came up to me. He was horrified.
He very politely asked me what I had under the hood. I said turbos. Plural.

And then, for the first time ever in TUV history, they gave me my money back, tore up the forms and said I have never set foot in their facility. I was never there.
I mean, you either pass, or you fail. They keep the money you pay them. They gave me back every cent.

Turns out there are new regulations and consumers are not even allowed to touch their engines. Mine must have gone waaay over the top!

All this means one thing. I will spend an entire day to revert the car back to stockish, pass the test, and spend another day at the garage, um, drinking tea...

Joe Perez 02-29-2020 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Godless Commie (Post 1563351)
I will spend an entire day to revert the car back to stockish, pass the test, and spend another day at the garage, um, drinking tea...

This sounds not entirely unlike my time in California.

With the exception that the day would have ended in court, rather than with a very congenial parting of ways between all parties involved, and the tearing up of the relevant papers.

So... Turkey is better than California, where this sort of thing is involved.

(Having never had proper Turkish tea, I cannot comment there.)

rleete 03-01-2020 09:19 AM

Team 1511 Rolling Thunder had their firs regional match in Miami Valley, OH. They finished in 24th place (out of 60) in the qualification matches. They were picked as part of the 6th alliance, which was promptly eliminated in the quarter finals. However, they won the most prestigious award there is, The Chairman's Award. This allows then to play at the championships; sort of a wildcard playoff berth. We have about 2 months to improve our robot so as to be competitive.

In 16 years, our team has won Chairman's Award 9 times. Only 2 other teams have won it more, and they have both been around for a lot longer (25-30 years), so have had a lot more chances. There are about 5000 teams world wide these days.

Joe Perez 03-01-2020 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 1563383)
Team 1511 Rolling Thunder had their firs regional match in Miami Valley, OH. They finished in 24th place (out of 60) in the qualification matches.

Not long after moving from Florida to Cincinnati, I began to take note of people referring to Miami.

I assumed that they were bullshitting me. This proved to be incorrect.

Any fatalities?

rleete 03-01-2020 05:46 PM

No. These events are very tightly monitored for safety. Not even a lot of broken robots, either.

Very interesting designs, though. The stuff the kids come up with to perform the tasks is sometimes quite astounding.

Trent 03-05-2020 09:51 PM

My wife just informed me she has booked me a discovery flight with the local flight school for May as an anniversary present. Cessna 172.

We talked about it some last year, but it was still a nice surprise, since I didn't think she was too thrilled with the idea at the time.

But I've have had an interest in all things aviation since I was a boy (frankly ridiculous amount of hours flying xc in Flight Simulator 95 on my Packard Bell 486DX2), but never had the circumstances to do anything with that interest in real life. Honestly still don't at 36, but I feel like I owe it to myself to at least try it.

I don't think I'd be able to make it a career, but more of a hobby. Like many of us on here with TRUBOs I know a thing or two about blowing obscene amounts of money on experiences.

Here's to hoping it's what I have it hyped up to be in my mind. Honestly pretty nervous about it. lol.

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