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Full_Tilt_Boogie 09-16-2019 04:03 PM

Both of you are saying dont be lazy, which is fair enough.

I suppose I could still build a feeder and just get them on a schedule. I wouldnt even have to do the RFID part (shit probably wouldnt work anyway).

rleete 09-16-2019 06:08 PM

Rescue cats often do this. It's compensation for when food gets scarce. You do like concealer404 said, and it won't take long for the new guy to figure it out. Once he knows food is going to be coming every day, and at reasonably fixed times, the gorging will stop.

Nearly all of my cats (who are ALL rescue/shelter cats) have done this. I have never had to mess with feeding times for more than a couple weeks at most.

y8s 09-17-2019 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1549079)
Based on a quick back-of-napkin estimate,

You can use both sides of the napkin, but an envelope usually has writing on the front. feel me?

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1549090)
I have a Google Doc which is my shopping list, and as I think about recipes I'd like to do in the coming days, items go onto that list.

I know you have a system, but google has a service called "keep" that is specifically for keeping lists of things and with checkboxes. You can also collaborate on that list. You USED to be able to add to it by voice but Google fucked that up and now list items go to google express or shopping or whatever service they are failing with.

Anyway, you can slap the shopping list as a widget on your home screen and get some shit done. available at keep.google.com or the google keep app.

But we do also use google sheets as our meal planner tool. it's updated most weeks with a nearly-full dinner plan for the week. It's currently about 1029 lines long.

The interface for google spreadsheets kinda sucks on moble whereas keep is so simple and clutter-free that it is quite intuitive to use and leave open at the store while I shop.

Joe Perez 09-17-2019 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1549271)
You can use both sides of the napkin, but an envelope usually has writing on the front. feel me?


Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1549271)
I know you have a system, but google has a service called "keep" that is specifically for keeping lists of things and with checkboxes.

Is there anything Google doesn't have an app for?

Interesting sidenote: when I went looking for that meme above, I accidentally opened Google Images in a new tab, rather than DuckDuckGo, which is what I normally use.

Google must have noticed that I recently started using the DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials browser plugin, because it prompted me to do a "Google Privacy Checkup."

While there's nothing that I really need to hide about my online activities (well, nothing that doesn't go through PIA on a completely sandboxed machine), I am a little weirded out when I search for something on Amazon, and the next day I'm seeing "sponsored content" for that thing or related things on other sites. That seems to have stopped happening since I started using the DDG extension.

The one that really freaked me out, though, was when I noticed that I was seeing ads for things that I had said aloud while speaking to another person. Not stuff I said while talking on the phone, mind you, just normal everyday conversation while my phone was clipped to my belt. Took a while to figure out how to turn that feature off.

sixshooter 09-17-2019 04:22 PM

Do share

Godless Commie 09-17-2019 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1549273)
Took a while to figure out how to turn that feature off.

Please share how you did that.
I was talking about kitchen remodeling - at home, in the living room, and in pretty broad terms - with my wife, and started getting emails on remodeling deals and packages from national chains within a few hours.

concealer404 09-17-2019 06:08 PM

Have you tried asking your wiretap for a good pancake recipe?

Speaking of apps (i like Keep for general household things), i need something to keep things organized/on my radar at work, unfortunately across like.... 10-12 access points.

PC is Windows 10, i do not have admin control and cannot download 3rd party software. Is going through the painful process of learning OneNote really the way to go here? It's not sustainable long term to track followups in Notepad when i'm receiving 150-200 emails a day.

Joe Perez 09-17-2019 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1549311)
Do share

Originally Posted by Godless Commie (Post 1549325)
Please share how you did that.

From a PC where you're logged into your Google account, go to https://myaccount.google.com/

Click on "Manage your data & personalization":


Click on "Voice & Audio Activity":


Hit this switch to turn the function off:


Click on "Manage Activity" (from the screen above) to see all the stuff it's recorded and entered into your history. I don't have a screen to show you (mine's all deleted) but it was really astonishing. Random sentences which I had spoken aloud over the past few years while my phone was holstered. Weird stuff, like me sitting in a chair in one of the control rooms, talking to another engineer about something (I can't remember what it was), and the next day I saw an ad for that exact thing. After that happened a few times I started digging, and found that yes, my phone was always listening to me and sending everything I (or anyone around me) said to Google, where it was parsed, the "important" parts selected, and that info stored as part of my history.

I'm sure I probably agreed to it as part of some EULA or another, but man, they did not go out of their way to publicize that fact.

Anyway, from that screen, here's how you clear the data:


No idea if this ACTUALLY clears the data, or just hides it from you.

Anyway, you can also go through the other categories to see how Google records your location history, your search history, your App & Device history, etc. It's a shockingly large and specific amount of data, which is why police love Google (and also Apple.)

Godless Commie 09-17-2019 10:21 PM

Thank you, Joe.
That is one dark rabbit hole...

I did notice an interesting thing about voice and audio activity:
I obviously live in Turkey, and speak in Turkish during most of my waking hours.
English is the default language on all devices I own and/or use, because Turkish translation of any operation system on any device is gibberish.
My phone apparently recorded pieces of a few English conversations and Google maps commands. There are just a couple of Turkish phrases there, and the reason is Google thought I was saying something in English.

Going back to the latest example I provided a couple posts earlier (about kitchen remodeling), that conversation was in Turkish, and there is no record of it in voice and audio activity history.

This leads me to believe voice recording for commercial and whatever else reason goes far beyond what Google allows the individual users to see in their respective histories.

I friend of mine removes his phone battery when he sits down to talk business. I used to laugh at him, but he may have a point, after all.

Joe Perez 09-17-2019 11:16 PM

You're welcome.

While I'm still a huge Android fan, my opinion of Google overall has really soured over the past year as I've become more aware of all of the many ways that they are either performing or enabling mass-surveillance on a scale which George Orwell could never have imagined.

I no longer use Google for any search activity- I've totally switched to Duck Duck Go. I have the Duck Duck Privacy Essentials extension installed on all of my desktop browser, and I use their Android browser instead of Chrome on my mobile devices.

I haven't yet found good replacements for Google Docs or Google Sheets, both of which I use everyday for business purposes. I'm less worried about those, as it's all very dry, boring stuff like lists of IP addresses, lists of router inputs / outputs, our cable database, etc. Nothing exploitable (we're a 10.180 house). Thinking about possibly migrating that stuff over to DropBox.

Google Photos and Gmail are the really tough ones. I've not found anything even remotely as streamlined yet. I'm not really concerned by Photos (I haven't encountered any odd behavior from it), but it's obvious that the contents of emails which I send and receive are being scanned and used to steer marketing (Google even has a name for this: "content extraction"), and I have found no privacy settings related to that yet.

Godless Commie 09-18-2019 08:53 AM

I formatted my laptop recently (ssd conversion) and have been using Brave since.
Much easier on the system compared to Chrome.

Brave uses Duck Duck Go.

z31maniac 09-18-2019 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by concealer404 (Post 1549327)
Is going through the painful process of learning OneNote really the way to go here? It's not sustainable long term to track followups in Notepad when i'm receiving 150-200 emails a day.

I don't find OneNote difficult, but I don't use it past essentially jotting down notes.

Have you tried Trello? We were previously using that to track projects. You can upload files, set reminders, due dates, etc. We now use Microsoft Planner which I don't like as much.

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1549349)
While I'm still a huge Android fan, my opinion of Google overall has really soured over the past year as I've become more aware of all of the many ways that they are either performing or enabling mass-surveillance on a scale which George Orwell could never have imagined.

Agreed. But I suspect Apple does it just as much. But I stick with the Google phones for now because I use GoogleFi. I bought my phone outright and pay ~$30/month for service. Some prices I see that people blow me away.

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1549349)
I no longer use Google for any search activity- I've totally switched to Duck Duck Go. I have the Duck Duck Privacy Essentials extension installed on all of my desktop browser, and I use their Android browser instead of Chrome on my mobile devices.

I may have to look into this extension, but no idea if it would impact signing into the various sites we have. I already have 3 different VPNs on my machine for different tasks. One for Oracle stuff, one for using our Virtual Machines, and another that provides a static IP so I can import our new help build every week to the developer portal.

concealer404 09-18-2019 09:15 AM

Trello looks neat, but not available on my work PC. I don't even seem to have Microsoft Planner, so there's that. Sigh.

It's not that i find OneNote particularly difficult, it's that it's as you say, not REALLY meant for what i'd be trying to force it to do.

Godless Commie 09-18-2019 09:20 AM

Just ordered a 8 channel automotive oscilloscope.
The brand is Hantek.
Does not have a screen, so it hooks up to the laptop and uses the monitor.

Pretty excite.

Joe Perez 09-18-2019 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1549386)
Agreed. But I suspect Apple does it just as much.

I suspect they're close. Relatively few companies which have both access to large amounts of user data, and the means to monetize it, would choose not to do so.

It's sad how Google, which disrupted Microsoft 20 years ago, has become that which they once despised.

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1549386)
I may have to look into this extension, but no idea if it would impact signing into the various sites we have. I already have 3 different VPNs on my machine for different tasks. One for Oracle stuff, one for using our Virtual Machines, and another that provides a static IP so I can import our new help build every week to the developer portal.

Do said VPNs launch from within a browser?

I use two VPNs; PIA for personal stuff on the sandbox machine, and Pulse Secure for work. Both are applications which run external to any browser, and are thus unaffected by a browser plugin / extension.

Joe Perez 09-18-2019 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by Godless Commie (Post 1549390)
Just ordered a 8 channel automotive oscilloscope.
The brand is Hantek.

I have a couple of two-channel Hantek scopes.

The older one (about 10 years) is rock-solid reliable. The software for the newer one seems... delicate.

Still, assuming the software works for you, I find the quality / accuracy of the hardware to be more than adequate for everyday tasks.

z31maniac 09-18-2019 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by concealer404 (Post 1549389)
Trello looks neat, but not available on my work PC. I don't even seem to have Microsoft Planner, so there's that. Sigh.

It's not that i find OneNote particularly difficult, it's that it's as you say, not REALLY meant for what i'd be trying to force it to do.

There is a Trello website, you don't have to use the app. It's what we did.

Or are you saying the website is blocked by your admin?

z31maniac 09-18-2019 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1549392)
Do said VPNs launch from within a browser?

I use two VPNs; PIA for personal stuff on the sandbox machine, and Pulse Secure for work. Both are applications which run external to any browser, and are thus unaffected by a browser plugin / extension.

1 does, the other 2 don't.

concealer404 09-18-2019 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1549402)
There is a Trello website, you don't have to use the app. It's what we did.

Or are you saying the website is blocked by your admin?

Unsure if it's blocked or not, but generally traveling outside of the company intranet is frowned upon and a great way to get a nastygram or two, and that's just annoyance i don't want to deal with.

z31maniac 09-18-2019 10:26 AM

Originally Posted by concealer404 (Post 1549406)
Unsure if it's blocked or not, but generally traveling outside of the company intranet is frowned upon and a great way to get a nastygram or two, and that's just annoyance i don't want to deal with.

That's an unfortunate environment to deal with. We have admin rights to all our computer and frequently have "nonstandard" software installed on our machines. For example, the VPN I use for this "another that provides a static IP so I can import our new help build every week to the developer portal," is nonstandard and "not allowed" by IT.

The flip side is, there isn't an approved VPN from IT that would allow me to complete that task.

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