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Joe Perez 08-25-2010 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by levnubhin (Post 621329)
holy fuck

Yeah, and the scary part is, all that test illustrates is that I'd maxed out the 100 megabit ethernet connection of the particular PC that I happened to be sitting at. The actual pipe out to the backbone proper has got to be many orders of magnitude faster than that.

(Remember when a T1 was considered the ultimate in hot-shit connectivity? This is seventy times faster, and it's just some random PC in an office somewhere.)

Hell, I remember when I was living in the dorm at UF in 1995, and we had run a couple of a 4800 baud serial lines up to the rooms from a termserver we found in the basement that was connected to the campus ring. That was just the awesomest shit imaginable, since it was a direct, always-on connection to the mainframe with no modem involved.

Oh, how times change.

Braineack 08-25-2010 04:12 PM

BBSing ftw.

rleete 08-25-2010 05:24 PM

4800? Man, you ARE old!

Joe Perez 08-25-2010 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 621445)
4800? Man, you ARE old!

Well, I also owned a then-new 14.4 modem, however the 4800 baud ports were greatly advantageous. At first, we merely pulled one to each dorm room, and everybody used whatever terminal software they had to access a shell connection. (One guy had an actual DEC VT-220 terminal on his desk.) Since the connection was very reliable and always on, it didn't matter if downloads took longer, you could simply the queue them up and let them run overnight.

Remember, back then, internet access was a two-step process. You dialed up a server and were presented with a shell, and then ran your applications such as Pine or Lynx on the server itself, doing everything in 80x25 text mode. So if you wanted to download a file from Usenet, first you downloaded it from the internet to the server, and then you'd use Kermit or Xmodem to download it from the server to your actual PC.

Later, we consolidated all the ports into a single room, and hooked them up to Mauricio's computer, which was running Linux (which, at that time, was brand-new.) We then pulled RG-58 coax through the ceiling to all the rooms, and bought ourselves 10 megabit ethernet cards (which, back then, were both very expensive and fairly rare) and networked all the PCs on the floor together. We compiled a copy of TIA and left it running on the VAX at all times, directed to the ports which were tied to Mo's Linux machine, which in turn used SLIP to create a tunneled TCP/IP connection. By that point, most of us had upgraded to Windows 3.1 or Win 95, so we used Winsock to connect our machines to Mo's server, and Viola! We had TCP/IP connections right on our desktop, with a total bandwidth of up to 28,800 baud, depending on who else was using the connection!

(This was a hell of a cool thing in 1995.)

The ethernet network also had another use. The first of the multiplayer FPS games such as Doom II and Rise of the Triad had just come out, so using Novell IPX/SPX, we were able to run multiplayer deathmatch games, which frequently went on until sunrise.

NA6C-Guy 08-25-2010 06:10 PM

As far back as I go is 28.8, which was when I got my first computer sometime in the early 90's I guess it was. I'm a young punk.

sixshooter 08-25-2010 07:02 PM

Doom II :drool:

That was totally boss!:laugh:

I noticed your somewhat unnecessary use of the word "random." You've already been around the college kids too long.

fooger03 08-25-2010 07:40 PM

lol...my first modem was a 2400

olderguy 08-25-2010 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 621496)
lol...my first modem was a 2400

My Commodore 64 didn't have a modem

rider384 08-25-2010 08:14 PM

My first dial-up connection was a dual-modem/phone line 56k setup :cool:

viperormiata 08-25-2010 08:28 PM


Dis shit is getting real ya feel me?

Reverant 08-25-2010 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 621456)
Remember, back then, internet access was a two-step process. You dialed up a server and were presented with a shell, and then ran your applications such as Pine or Lynx on the server itself, doing everything in 80x25 text mode.

I had forgotten the days where I had to run minicom, connect, pass the username/password in cleartext, and once the login was accepted and garbage started showing up, I had to immediately terminate minicom without hanging up and start pppd by hand on the shell.

Then the scripted connections came and we all rejoiced.

The KDE and kppp arrived and we rejoiced even more.

Joe Perez 08-25-2010 09:51 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 621484)
I noticed your somewhat unnecessary use of the word "random." You've already been around the college kids too long.

I take umbrage at that observation.

I had to do a little research to support my assertion here, but the use of "Random" in this context is well-established, and predates my own existence on the earth by at least a decade.
J. Random Hacker:
[very common] A mythical figure like the Unknown Soldier; the archetypal hacker nerd. This term is one of the oldest in the jargon, apparently going back to MIT in the 1960s. See random, Suzie COBOL. This may originally have been inspired by ‘J. Fred Muggs’, a show-biz chimpanzee whose name was a household word back in the early days of TMRC, and was probably influenced by ‘J. Presper Eckert’ (one of the co-inventors of the electronic computer.)
Source: The New Hacker's Dictionary (J. Random Hacker)
some random X: adj.
Used to indicate a member of class X, with the implication that Xs are interchangeable. “I think some random cracker tripped over the guest timeout last night.” See also J. Random.
Source: The New Hacker's Dictionary (some random X)

ZX-Tex 08-25-2010 10:33 PM


Can I get an amen for the Zep?

Bond 08-26-2010 12:04 AM

Originally Posted by viperormiata (Post 621522)

Shit meng, this internet shit just got real up in hur

Originally Posted by ZX-Tex (Post 621548)

Can I get an amen for the Zep?

Amen, I was wearing a Led zep shirt today and I found out it was glow in the dark, pretty sweeeeeeet

viperormiata 08-26-2010 04:00 AM

Motor Swap FAIL
This would suck so bad, how could some one be this dumb? Lol, the guys laugh is actually just as funny!


turotufas 08-26-2010 05:44 AM

What the fuck is wrong with my car! I had to run a red light (5 am no traffic) to keep it from stalling.

Jah let me sleep well tonight for tomorrow.

Bryce 08-26-2010 06:05 AM

I was an AOL child. I do remember daddy getting a 14k, then 28k, then 56k modem back in the day.

shuiend 08-26-2010 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by viperormiata (Post 621522)

I mean Jay and Silent Bob did that shit way back in the day, that rapper needs to keep up to date.

Braineack 08-26-2010 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by turotufas (Post 621662)
What the fuck is wrong with my car! I had to run a red light (5 am no traffic) to keep it from stalling.

Jah let me sleep well tonight for tomorrow.

officer braineack: nice try there son.

Trent 08-26-2010 09:14 AM

Originally Posted by Bryce (Post 621663)
I was an AOL child. I do remember daddy getting a 14k, then 28k, then 56k modem back in the day.

Ah, for the days when internet was a gentleman's pursuit -- back before every Joe Sweatsock could wedge himself behind a keyboard and log in from Raleigh-Durham.

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