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Cococarbine3 08-25-2010 02:17 AM


I went to the shooting range once and shot a 22... good times. I'm better at paintball though, and the ammo is cheaper.

Haha this one's good too: http://www.smosh.com/videos/if-video-games-were-real

Pen2_the_penguin 08-25-2010 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by Cococarbine3 (Post 621075)

I went to the shooting range once and shot a 22... good times. I'm better at paintball though, and the ammo is cheaper.

Haha this one's good too: http://www.smosh.com/videos/if-video-games-were-real

lol at the end.

"And remember... DONT USE GUNS!!!"

*background voice*
"...except for fun..."

buffon01 08-25-2010 08:57 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 620964)
I bet you struggled on vocabulary tests.

I guess.

E-NA6CE 08-25-2010 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by Bond (Post 620923)

Plan: don't die.

As long as you respect it and know the mechanics of the bike and can overcome your instinct to freeze up or target fixate, you will be fine. But be wary, the moment you lose respect for your bike will be the moment you become separated from it... usually at high speeds. Oh, AND ALWAYS WEAR YOUR GEAR!!!!!!!! I low-sided my 600RR last year at about 210-220 and all I got was a dislocated shoulder, a fucked up knee and a broken finger. Not a scratch on me thanks to gear. ATGATT. <--- Memorize that: All The Gear, All The Time. Don't be a squidly retard and go around town and Yut Ugh!

Bond 08-25-2010 10:45 AM

I always wear all my shit, I enjoy having skin. The bike is way above my riding capabilities, but I enjoy the challenge. Throttle control has never been so important. I am in love with this bike, it handles way better than my 550, and the torque is an addiction. Gotta love 0-100 in 6 seconds, with the front wheel skipping across the pavement. I also enjoy the dominence it has on the highway, and its pretty comfortable too.

I love my new beast.

mgeoffriau 08-25-2010 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by buffon01 (Post 621142)
I guess.

wench != winch

gospeed81 08-25-2010 11:09 AM

I need to post a "140lb wench FS" CL ad....

E-NA6CE 08-25-2010 11:15 AM

Originally Posted by Bond (Post 621213)
I always wear all my shit, I enjoy having skin. The bike is way above my riding capabilities, but I enjoy the challenge. Throttle control has never been so important. I am in love with this bike, it handles way better than my 550, and the torque is an addiction. Gotta love 0-100 in 6 seconds, with the front wheel skipping across the pavement. I also enjoy the dominence it has on the highway, and its pretty comfortable too.

I love my new beast.

It's all about throttle control. Have you Twist of The Wrist Vol. 1 or 2 yet? I'd suggest getting a copy. It should be your two-wheeled bible.

fooger03 08-25-2010 11:36 AM

If you're going to turn, turn. If you're going too fast, turn harder.

There are 2 things that can happen if you're going too fast, and turn harder:
1. You lowside
2. Your bike grips better than you expected, and you do indeed make the turn.

There are 2 things that can happen if you're going to fast, freeze up, and try to stop instead of turn:
1. You run into the ditch/guardrail/wall/etc.
2. You run into the oncoming car.


E-NA6CE 08-25-2010 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 621260)
If you're going to turn, turn. If you're going too fast, turn harder.

There are 2 things that can happen if you're going too fast, and turn harder:
1. You lowside
2. Your bike grips better than you expected, and you do indeed make the turn.

There are 2 things that can happen if you're going to fast, freeze up, and try to stop instead of turn:
1. You run into the ditch/guardrail/wall/etc.
2. You run into the oncoming car.


Pretty much. Here's a good quote for the O.P.:

"If you find yourself red hot coming into a corner and you KNOW for a fact that you're not going to make the turn, the only thing you should be doing is positioning yourself for the turn and then MAKE the turn."

Well, it goes something like that, ha ha. I can't remember the exact wording. The point is that your bike will do far more than your self-preserving mind will make you think. My first track day I went hot into a corner and rode it out into the gravel. When I got back to the pits my coach told me my bike would have taken the same corner 30 MPH faster. So I went out, did 30 MPH faster, held my breath and sailed through the corner without a problem. Then I shifted a few gears, took another corner, got head shake and crashed, ha ha.

Joe Perez 08-25-2010 12:45 PM

Spent the past few days up at USC doing an install for KSCR. A few observations:

1: Really cool campus. Reminded me a lot of UF, or any of the other old land-grant southern universities. Just kinda weird that one moment you're walking around in a shitty part of LA, and then you cross over this magical dividing line and suddenly you're in a really serene (and surprisingly large) college campus.

2: Really cool libraries. Dohney in particular. The main reading room reminded me of the NY Public Library, and the stacks, holy cow, them's some proper old-school collections. Nine stores, four of which are below-ground, claustrophobic as hell (6-7 foot ceilings, some stacks so narrow a fat person wouldn't fit), funky old Westinghouse elevators, the whole nine yards. On the downside, you have to enter a university ID and password to use the card catalog PCs. Now that is a total dick move. Fortunately, they had a few spots where you could get a WiFi signal, so I used my laptop, but still, chalk that one up in the "Lose" column. (And, to be honest, I kind of already know which sections I like- HV6773, QA76, and UB271.)

3: I feel old. At point in a meeting on Saturday, a fellow was fast-forwarding through about a hundred PowerPoint slides, whereupon I said "No whammy, no whammy, no whammy, STOP!" Not a single person got it. Then I realized that not a single person in the room had even been born when Press Your Luck went off the air. In 1986. To these kids, "The 80s" means approximately the same thing as "The 60s" did to me when I was their age. It's a vague thing that happened to your parents, where they had strange music and dressed like retards, and you thought the Russians wanted to kill you. (For those few of you here who grew up in the 60s, you have my profoundest apologies for the behavior and attitude of my generation, but also my deepest empathy. I finally understand your point of view.)

4: For those of you currently enrolled in college, or about to go, or are planning to go, cherish these / those years. Drink them up to the fullest, my friend. College is an alternate reality, and unless your name is Brin or Jobs or Andreessen, this is truly as good as it gets. But it doesn't matter- you won't appreciate it until it's over.

5: When I was in college, the bicycle I had was old, ugly and out of date. Ironically, had I kept that bike and handed it over to a college student today, they'd probably be quite happy with it, for it would be not merely retro, but properly vintage. (Well, truthfully, they'd have probably been pissed at the cracked frame, twisted fork, and bent rims, and just trashed the thing and bought something modern that looked exactly like it, but I'm speaking from an aesthetic perspective, not a technical one.)

Braineack 08-25-2010 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 621315)

5: When I was in college, the bicycle I had was old, ugly and out of date. Ironically, had I kept that bike and handed it over to a college student today, they'd probably be quite happy with it, for it would be not merely retro, but properly vintage. (Well, truthfully, they'd have probably need pissed at the cracked frame, twisted fork, and bent rims, and just trashed the thing and bought something modern that looked exactly like it, but I'm speaking from an aesthetic perspective, not a technical one.)

I built myself a fixed gear bike, when I left college I gave it to my favorite scenester.

Joe Perez 08-25-2010 01:29 PM

When I graduated, I left my bike sitting, unchained, against a signpost. It was sort of tribute act- bicycle theft at UF was rampant, and mine had survived the whole four years, being left out in the open on campus every single night (including over the semester breaks) without so much as a wheel or a seat disappearing.

So as a token of gratitude, I offered it as a sacrifice to Shimanos, the god of bicycle theft.

Oh, one other thing I forgot to mention about USC. They have pretty good internet connectivity there:


levnubhin 08-25-2010 01:30 PM

holy fuck
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shuiend 08-25-2010 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 621321)
I built myself a fixed gear bike, when I left college I gave it to my favorite scenester.

So you just left if parked outside? I bet it was gone in minutes in Richmond.

mgeoffriau 08-25-2010 01:47 PM

Does anyone else irrationally lust over what is, in all likelihood, probably a pretty terrible car?

I want this:


Doppelgänger 08-25-2010 01:51 PM

I have sat in one of those..... a local member has one. I <3 the headlight actuation.

Braineack 08-25-2010 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 621330)
So you just left if parked outside? I bet it was gone in minutes in Richmond.

nah, i brought it into classes with me..otherwise, yes it would have been. I had a bike stolen once, found it parked in some dudes yard, a few doors down for sale, so i stole it back. i also cut the spokes off all the other bikes he had locked up in his backyard for sale...whoops.

mgeoffriau 08-25-2010 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by Doppelgänger (Post 621342)
I have sat in one of those..... a local member has one. I <3 the headlight actuation.

My Dad owned one. Bought it used, drove it home, parked it, and it never started again. Finally sold it to a guy who towed it away. I guess that's part of the irrational attraction to me.

rleete 08-25-2010 02:12 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 621340)
Does anyone else irrationally lust over what is, in all likelihood, probably a pretty terrible car?

At least once a year, or whenever I see a cool car for sale. If it's a basket case, I dream of restoring it to pristine condition, and then driving the hell out of it.

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