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aidandj 06-21-2017 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1423377)
So, your position is that people should be allowed to use EBT funds to purchase cigarettes and beer?


Joe Perez 06-21-2017 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by aidandj (Post 1423380)

While I appreciate the meme (:likecat: awarded), it's not a strawman argument at all. It was a question (hence the question mark) based upon extrapolation from incomplete data, to wit: "EBT money is fungible, y'all. Sure, maybe there's a transactional cost involved, but you're not going to stop folks from buying cheetos, cigarettes, or drugs."

Without presupposing that you are speaking for mgeoffriau, I will ask the following: If I assume that your answer is "no," then why not? Why draw the line at that specific point? Fritos, cigarettes, Mountain Dew and beer are all functionally interchangeable. They are all perfectly legal, mostly nutrition-free, and have a moderately deleterious effect on health.

Mobius 06-21-2017 09:15 PM

Joe is correct; the accusation of using strawman argument is false. Way to spread fake news, Aidan.

There are two types of people in this world:

a) those who cannot extrapolate from incomplete data

aidandj 06-21-2017 09:22 PM

impression of refuting an opponent'sargument, while refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man

he never made an argument that they shouldn't be regulated at all. Just that regulation is pointless

I stand by my meme.

sixshooter 06-21-2017 10:26 PM


mgeoffriau 06-22-2017 12:17 AM

What if I told you the appropriate question is not whether EBT funds should be regulated or restricted, but whether EBT funds should exist at all?

Actually, I don't have a real problem with the status quo. The categorical restrictions could be cleaned up as noted previously, but that's mostly window dressing (which is fine). At the end of the day, you are still supplementing income, and people will find a way to use that income on whatever they want. A modicum of regulation (for appearances) is fine with me; wasting money trying to enforce that regulation is less palatable from my point of view.

Joe Perez 06-22-2017 07:46 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1423407)
What if I told you the appropriate question is not whether EBT funds should be regulated or restricted, but whether EBT funds should exist at all?

Heh. I tend to agree, but I'm a realist. Poor people vote, and liberal politicians (and the SJW sheep who worship them) love generating headlines like "GOP issues mandatory starvation order!"

But that's slipping into politics...

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1423407)
Actually, I don't have a real problem with the status quo. The categorical restrictions could be cleaned up as noted previously, but that's mostly window dressing (which is fine). At the end of the day, you are still supplementing income, and people will find a way to use that income on whatever they want. A modicum of regulation (for appearances) is fine with me; wasting money trying to enforce that regulation is less palatable from my point of view.

That's a very reasonable answer.

rleete 06-22-2017 08:01 AM

A sniper with Canada's elite special forces in Iraq has shattered the world record for the longest confirmed kill shot in military history at a staggering distance of 3,450 meters. (over 2.1 miles)


Ho. Lee. Chit.

y8s 06-22-2017 09:33 AM

I've got your fungible right here:


Anyone wanna trade for some soda?

Girz0r 06-22-2017 09:44 AM

EBT, SNAP etc.. should be 'food', gtfo with candy, sodas and junk...


mgeoffriau 06-23-2017 10:31 AM

Well, crap. Got the MRI results on my ankle this morning. Completely clean.

I mean, yay, no arthroscopic surgery in the near future. But, boo, why has my ankle been inexplicably hurting for the last 6 months?

Doc gave (sold) me an ankle brace, said it might help, might not, and then said to resume exercise and see if it gets worse again.

Mobius 06-23-2017 02:15 PM

Have you ruled out a footwear problem? If you've been wearing the same shoes mostly for an extended period of time, issues can arise. I had a pair of Keen boots in 2015 that I wore almost daily, after having worn keen lowtops for years, that I finally figured out was causing the tendonitis in my right Achilles tendon. Years before that a pair of shoes I wore daily that were too soft in sole support caused plantar fasciitis in both feet.

mgeoffriau 06-23-2017 02:29 PM

It's possible, but unlikely. I've worn various minimalist-type shoes for years now with no issues. My wife and I have been walking almost every day in the evening for 2+ years now. And I play(ed) sports every Saturday with occasional minor injuries but no chronic pain.

Sometime in January I noticed nagging pain in my left ankle. A day after playing sports, it would be sore. It would gradually improve, then I'd play again next week and it would start over. So I did a couple weeks of nightly cold/hot alternating foot baths, compression/elevation, and Traumeel ointment. I stopped playing sports for 3-4 months. And after all that it feels almost perfectly normal when I'm just walking around. If I do anything beyond that -- walking down a staircase, jumping, light jogging, then I feel the soreness again.

The doc was guessing cartilage damage, as that would be consistent with low-to-moderate, diffuse pain, the lack of instability, and the slow or stalled healing process. But the MRI showed nothing.

Mobius 06-23-2017 04:04 PM

Same sport over this timeframe? Same sports footwear?

mgeoffriau 06-23-2017 04:17 PM

Yup, no changes there.

The only possible change that preceded the soreness was a severe ankle sprain on the other side. I sprained my right ankle about 6 months prior to the onset of soreness in the left ankle (so about 12 months ago from now). I could walk on it but it was very swollen and bruised down to my toes. After 3 weeks off I returned to sports (carefully) with an Aircast A60 ankle brace. The ankle healed up nicely and it's been basically fine since that initial acute sprain healed. I did, however, continue to wear the ankle brace on that right ankle to guard against possible re-injury. When my left ankle started getting sore, I discontinued using the (right) ankle brace out of concern that perhaps it was creating uneven stress on my ankles. However, I've had 5+ months to heal up since then and the left ankle remains sore.

Joe Perez 06-26-2017 09:28 PM

Serious question for people who live in houses:

Why is it that, in every house I look at with a modern, open-plan kitchen, the sink is placed front-and-center out on the island, while the cooktop is shoved against a wall in the back?





The sink should be an afterthought. It's where the clutter goes. It's where the cleanup happens after the main event. The cooktop IS the main event. Why do you hide it away?

I ask seriously.

mgeoffriau 06-26-2017 09:34 PM

Easier construction if the exhaust hood is integrated with the cabinets, or at least on a wall.

Joe Perez 06-26-2017 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1424312)
Easier construction if the exhaust hood is integrated with the cabinets, or at least on a wall.

That is a seriously lazy excuse. I could make the same point about plumbing (including the vent pipe) being easier to install in a wall.

Hanging an exhaust hood from the ceiling is a small price to pay for having a kitchen layout which does not suck.

good2go 06-26-2017 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1424319)

That is a seriously lazy excuse. I could make the same point about plumbing (including the vent pipe) being easier to install in a wall.

Hanging an exhaust hood from the ceiling is a small price to pay for having a kitchen layout which does not suck.

It's actually not. Any serious cooking on the stove requires serious ventilation (unless you want your house to stink for hours after every meal). The updraft required for serious (high BTU) cooking is not discrete in the least, especially when you have raised ceilings, and thus makes a rather grotesque monolith in what could otherwise be an open and airy room (which all the rage, BTW).

I have a smaller 2nd sink at the end of the island, and cook-top in the middle of the island (as you would prefer), with a poor excuse for a "down draft" ventilation system to go with it. (Note: if you are a serious cook, do NOT do this. It sucks! . . . ehr, actually no, it doesn't suck enough!)

At some point, you have to decide if you are serious about cooking, or about looks (and resale value).


codrus 06-27-2017 12:25 AM

It's also safer and more practical to keep the heat-soaked cooktop up against a wall.

Of course, I think open plan kitchens are stupid.


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