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y8s 03-29-2017 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1402008)
Serious question, with preamble:

Crazy idea, but MS OneNote and a tablet or phablet with pen, a la Galaxy Note/Tablet and S-Pen.

The handwriting recognition is reasonable with the pen--maybe try it at a b&m store. Office Lens to scan and OCR with the camera. Then you can still have hand-written chickenscratch and paste it into a note.

I do typically use OneNote on desktop, but I find it to be handy for storing all sorts of shit.

Girz0r 03-29-2017 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by good2go (Post 1401920)
Always pisses me off when I hear stuff like this, where the "fix" is to medicate. :vash:

I think it's wrong to medicate a child (yes, 13 is a child) until the basics are all completely solid and stabilized to normalcy. Those basics being a genuinely healthy diet (as free of processed foods as possible), a significant amount of routine exercise, and proper sleep. I believe if you stabilize those 3 things, you can eliminate the need for at least 90% of what gets routinely shoved down our kids throats. (Hell, adults too for that matter.)

I agree

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 1401921)
You are what you eat. Eat crap, feel like crap.

Taki's is the kid's best friend. What makes me kinda tick is that the dad doesn't do basic home cooking of foods. Always eating out.

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1401937)
I just ate some funfetti cupcakes. I feel fettitastic.


Originally Posted by aidandj (Post 1401938)
I agree with Ian. When I eat a big Mac it makes me happy. When I eat kale I want to kill myself.

Depression has been proven to be genetic. If you don't believe it I will lump you in with those anti vaxxer fuckwits.

Yes a healthy diet had benefits. But it doesn't cure all. And it sure as hell won't fix all medical issues.

Bacon is my cure for depression.

Kale is pretty gross though, I'd rather have spinach myself. I know nothing of depression diagnoses :dunno: I'd assume it is a case a both genetic and not eating correctly.

Originally Posted by good2go (Post 1401961)
You guys are taking it to the opposite extreme. I'm not talking about new age pseudo medicine, herbal/vitamin bullshit, or kale grown under sunlight filtered through crystals; just plain old "real" food (and no fukin cheetos washed down with redbull).

As far as accurately diagnosing a true psych disorder in 13yo, good luck. The variables that exist with a subject on the cusp of puberty and just all the normal self-awareness/ identity discovery that goes on with a person at that age is enough too wildly distort the findings. Plenty of docs happy to do so though, apparently.


Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1402053)
Yeah, I have to agree with the "fix your diet first" group. I don't think a bad diet causes depression, but it sure can be a factor in the severity of it.

I know a guy whose wife struggles with anxiety attacks and depression. When I found out that she was drinking 3 to 4 Diet Cokes a day, I sent him some info about the effects of aspartame. He thanked me but said that "taking away" her Diet Cokes would just cause more anxiety, and that their life is just easier if she takes her psych meds.

Now, I'm all for psych meds if that's what you need. But if you could avoid that just by changing your dietary habits? Wouldn't that be worth it?

And I say that as someone who watched his wife drastically change her diet for a couple years in order to address an ongoing (medical, not psych) issue.

I agree. And to hell with aspartame... I avoid it at all cost. I've heard pretty bad stories of seizures with some close friends and now their family member is a vegetable.

Originally Posted by czubaka (Post 1402055)
I suffer from depression, somewhere over 25 years now (I don't recommend it). It's abated some, even after getting off of my main antidepressant. One of the big changes I made was quitting diet sodas. I don't know if that helped in the mental area, but it was a massive change for the positive in my eating. With the aspartame, I never felt full, always hungry. Within two days after stopping, I could enjoy a meal and feel content. Best change I've made so far.


I will post if I hear anything else from my co-worker.

rleete 03-29-2017 12:42 PM

After my recent weight loss (30+ pounds), I feel like a new person. I have lots more energy, and more importantly, more drive to get up off my ass and do things. Instead of sitting in front of a computer watching other people make/do stuff, I've started getting back into doing it myself. Not that this is any kind of scientific study, but I know it worked for me, and my diet wasn't all that bad to begin. Just cutting out the sugar and a great deal of the starch makes me less lethargic.

TurboTim 03-29-2017 01:10 PM

I just finished a hamburger (BLT/mayo on top) & small cajun fries from 5 guys for lunch, and my usual sparkling lemon lime water. I haven't had 5 guys in 3 months or so, since chickfila opened. I go out for lunch avg. 1x week.

I feel not good. I have the sweats. But damn was it tasty.

turbofan 03-29-2017 01:30 PM

Yeah, there's definitely a middle ground with depression and the effects of diet on it.

If all you do is sit around and play games and don't eat well, receiving lots of negative input and poor nutrition and almost certainly obesity, you're going to have a bad time, particularly with a genetic predisposition towards depression.

Get out, exercise, eat better, and the need for medication may decrease. If it DOESN'T, THEN you still have medication at your disposal.

HOWEVER... it's a cycle. If you're suffering from depression, the chances of having the motivation to get out and do stuff and change diet and such are going to be very poor. Often times, medication can be the assistance needed to start a healthier cycle where the medication can then be reduced or eliminated.

It worked this way with my ex wife. Bigtime depression and anxiety. Got on meds, which gave her the freedom to change her lifestyle. As she ate better, cut out processed foods, and started regularly exercising, she was able to eliminate the medication entirely. Yes, there were still rough days, but by and large she was able to manage it without medication as long as she maintained her healthier lifestyle. Bigtime family history of anxiety and depression too.

18psi 03-29-2017 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 1402119)
After my recent weight loss (30+ pounds), I feel like a new person. I have lots more energy, and more importantly, more drive to get up off my ass and do things. Instead of sitting in front of a computer watching other people make/do stuff, I've started getting back into doing it myself. Not that this is any kind of scientific study, but I know it worked for me, and my diet wasn't all that bad to begin. Just cutting out the sugar and a great deal of the starch makes me less lethargic.

Agreed completely, also from exact same personal experience.

That was last year about the same time as now. Then got lazy and back to where I started. Time to start walking/biking and eating at least somewhat clean and get back to that place, because that place feels great.

EO2K 03-29-2017 01:53 PM

@Joe Perez - https://www.livescribe.com/en-us/

Coworker has the OG LiveScribe and its nothing short of amazing. I thought it was bullshit at first because it sounded too good to be true, but his has been working flawlessly for years. Seriously check them out, I'm sure vids and reviews exist.

good2go 03-29-2017 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by turbofan (Post 1402129)

HOWEVER... it's a cycle. If you're suffering from depression, the chances of having the motivation to get out and do stuff and change diet and such are going to be very poor. Often times, medication can be the assistance needed to start a healthier cycle where the medication can then be reduced or eliminated.


True enough for an adult, but when dealing with a child, there is a lot more discretion (hence responsibility) available to the parent. I cringe every time a see a fat little grammar school aged oompah-loompa waddling along at the store; shame on their parents! (Same goes for those with obese pets!!)

EO2K 03-29-2017 02:53 PM

Don't worry, the speed they give kids these days will help them burn off the weight.

turbofan 03-29-2017 03:25 PM

Originally Posted by good2go (Post 1402152)
True enough for an adult, but when dealing with a child, there is a lot more discretion (hence responsibility) available to the parent. I cringe every time a see a fat little grammar school aged oompah-loompa waddling along at the store; shame on their parents! (Same goes for those with obese pets!!)

Totally agree. Poor parental choices/poor family situation has exacerbated his condition. At this point, medication may still be required, but the kid won't get properly better without better encouragement from parents.

stratosteve 03-29-2017 05:53 PM

Off topic....

I made an ebay purchase using the buy it now option. Paid immediately using paypal. Seller shipped the item and I received it today. I go and use the item, it isnt working as described (fully functional in desc). Contact seller and he is normally very quick to respond. I asked him why he didnt disclose the issues I found in moments after using. No response.

I gave him most of the afternoon to respond and nothing. I go to open a item not as described claim and it wouldnt let me. He is a new ebayer and there is a hold on the payment. Ebay says contact paypal. Paypal says he doesnt have an account with them and reversed my payment. I verified the seller requested paypal as payment. Paypal says no big deal and this will be a learning event for him. What is gonna happen now besides me getting poor feedback?

18psi 03-29-2017 06:04 PM


EO2K 03-29-2017 06:35 PM

You can contact ebay and get that neg feedback erased. I did this a while back, ebay is super biased toward the buyer so as long as you keep shit documented (and it sounds like you have) you should be fine.

stratosteve 03-29-2017 06:47 PM

What happens if the seller contacts me, asking for alternate payment or for me to send the product back? Tell them to pound sand?

bahurd 03-29-2017 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by stratosteve (Post 1402213)
What happens if the seller contacts me, asking for alternate payment or for me to send the product back? Tell them to pound sand?

Use your conscience if you have one. Doesn't PayPal have access to your account?

fooger03 03-29-2017 07:25 PM

I have found that there are no good alternatives to a pen(cil) and notebook.

stratosteve 03-29-2017 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by bahurd (Post 1402217)
Use your conscience if you have one. Doesn't PayPal have access to your account?

Paypal is who reversed the charges, not me. If the seller wanted to make this right, he would have contacted me by now?

I have a conscience, thank you. By that comment, I am guessing you are making the seller out to be the victim? Remember he is the one that sold a product advertised as being fully functional. I am not one to game the system and am just now reading about people who do. I had no idea how easy it is. I only buy on ebay and up until now, have never had a problem. I am guessing he wont contact me. I would send the shit back if he paid for the return.

Joe Perez 03-29-2017 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by EO2K (Post 1402134)

I'm looking for a hardware solution, not an Android app. Capacitive touchscreens just don't react quickly or precisely enough to properly capture handwriting (even with a stylus), and palm-rejection is imperfect. Been down this road already.

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 1402221)
I have found that there are no good alternatives to a pen(cil) and notebook.

I'm finding this to be the case...

bahurd 03-29-2017 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by stratosteve (Post 1402222)
Paypal is who reversed the charges, not me. If the seller wanted to make this right, he would have contacted me by now?

I have a conscience, thank you. By that comment, I am guessing you are making the seller out to be the victim? Remember he is the one that sold a product advertised as being fully functional. I am not one to game the system and am just now reading about people who do. I had no idea how easy it is. I only buy on ebay and up until now, have never had a problem. I am guessing he wont contact me. I would send the shit back if he paid for the return.

Sorry, wasn't being sarcastic although in retrospect it came out that way. If it were me, I'd return it. I mean you aren't happy with it right? You paid for something and that something didn't meet your expectation. PayPal gave you your money back. Don't you think the seller should get his item back?

I'm one of those guys who doesn't try and game the system.

codrus 03-29-2017 07:59 PM

Originally Posted by stratosteve (Post 1402222)
Paypal is who reversed the charges, not me. If the seller wanted to make this right, he would have contacted me by now?

I have a conscience, thank you. By that comment, I am guessing you are making the seller out to be the victim? Remember he is the one that sold a product advertised as being fully functional. I am not one to game the system and am just now reading about people who do. I had no idea how easy it is. I only buy on ebay and up until now, have never had a problem. I am guessing he wont contact me. I would send the shit back if he paid for the return.

The way I see it, if the seller contacts you for alternate payment or returning the item, you have four choices:

1) send him some payment (presumably not full payment, since it's broken but perhaps you still want it for parts or something)
2) ship the item back at your expense
3) ship the item back at his expense
4) ignore him and keep the broken item

IMHO, having a conscience should block out #4 (screwing him back may feel like justice, but it's really not), #3 is fully reasonable assuming you feel it's entirely his fault for misrepresenting it, #2 is reasonable if you feel like it's partly your fault, and #1 is only reasonable if you want to keep it anyway.


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