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y8s 08-17-2016 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by EO2K (Post 1354450)
:rly: I'd be glad to help you unburden yourself of said millstone.


Make me an offer I can't refuse.

EO2K 08-17-2016 12:08 PM

Fitting image, because I can literally pay you in kittens.

fooger03 08-17-2016 02:36 PM

A peer once explained to me that there are two types of "free".

The first type of "free" is "free beer" - when someone offers you free beer, you say "thank you", you enjoy it, and you move on with your life.

The second type of "free" is "free puppies". Being all responsible men of the proper age to receive both types of free, you know where this is going.

That is all.

rleete 08-17-2016 02:47 PM

Greenlight Network (fiber optic internet) installation is scheduled for this Friday. I am so psyched to be able to tell TWC to piss off, permanently.

mgeoffriau 08-17-2016 04:18 PM

I'm on a conference call and the guy keeps saying "predictament" instead of "predicament". It's killing me.

Joe Perez 08-17-2016 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1354541)
I'm on a conference call and the guy keeps saying "predictament" instead of "predicament". It's killing me.

Start humming the theme from Ferris Bueller very quietly each time he does it.

triple88a 08-18-2016 08:00 PM

I have the TP-Link WDR3600 and it's shit. Drops every couple of days requiring a restart.

fooger03 08-18-2016 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by triple88a (Post 1354906)
I have the TP-Link WDR3600 and it's shit. Drops every couple of days requiring a restart.

Dropped wifi requiring a restart was my chief compliant when I flashed a different firmware. Not only did I never have to reset my router again, but speeds relative to my paid internet speed went from passable to perfect.

Router Database | www.dd-wrt.com

The WDR3600 is in there, and it looks like a straightforward firmware flash using factory firmware flash method.

rleete 08-18-2016 08:21 PM

Strange story: Our local guy in charge is former military. So, he likes to hire former military. Because of this, he was contacted recently by the gov't. They asked him to give a new guy a job, and he said yes. Some sort of relocation program for people who are at-risk to be targeted by bad guys because they helped us in the war.

New guy is Iraqi, former chemistry teacher. Trained as a chemical engineer. Speaks 4 languages, and was used by US forces in Iraq as a translator. Decent enough guy, or so we thought.

Monday, he calls in; wife is sick. Tuesday, same thing, going to the hospital. Wednesday, nothing. Today, nothing. So HR calls. No answer. They call his gov't contact, who can't get a hold of him, either. They call and ask the police to check up on him. Cops go to the apt. and no one is there. Place is cleaned out, and he's in the wind.

*cue creepy Twilight Zone music*

Joe Perez 08-18-2016 08:34 PM

Ryan. Jack Ryan.

Enginerd 08-18-2016 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by EO2K (Post 1354464)
Fitting image, because I can literally pay you in kittens.


stratosteve 08-18-2016 11:10 PM

Did anyone happen to watch the women's 800m heat races tonight (thurs)? Two different heats there were "women" a bit different. One reminded me of sasquatch and the other was a straight up man with a woman's hair.

So i googled the first racers name and sure enough I am not the only one who noticed. There is such a thing as intersex. It is kinda like a hermaphrodite.

Previously, there were tests for levels of certain chemicals that would disqualify you from competing if high enough. The tests have been stopped due to feelz. Guess who won both heats?

fooger03 08-19-2016 08:20 AM

The "ladies" who looked like "men" won both heats.

Earlier in the Olympics, my wife commented on how awesome it was that a transgender female->male was competing in one of the longer runs. She said something along the lines of "that's so awesome that someone who used to be a woman is able to compete with the men". I mentioned "yeah, but it can also go the other way; think of the repercussions of that." She thought about it for perhaps 2 seconds before her jaw nearly fell out of her head.

As I watched the 800m heats, the "semi-females" stood out like sore thumbs - not the "slightly red" sore thumbs, but rather more like "just-got-squashed-by-pneumatic-press" sore thumbs. Visually speaking, there were men running with (and winning) the women's heats.

Typically, when a competitor does not fit in with a specific competitive class, that competitor is moved up to the next more competitive class, as a competitive advantage for one is far less degrading to competition than a competitive disadvantage for one. It's strange to me that these hefemales are not running and competing with the men. It seems some time ago, there was a "testosterone" test to determine if women were taking banned testosterone supplements as PEDs; that test was then complained about and outlawed because it prevented some women from competing. I think that is the exact test that we need to implement - not to prevent self-proclaimed "women" from competing, but rather as a barometer to determine if they will be required to compete with the rest of the men.

shuiend 08-19-2016 08:24 AM

I think you two care way to much about it. IOC cleared them so, they are fine to race where they were at.

stratosteve 08-19-2016 08:54 AM


At this point what difference does it make?

y8s 08-19-2016 09:35 AM


triple88a 08-19-2016 01:56 PM

Any of you guys know a program for windows 7-8-10 that will show me which speaker is making noise and how much?

sixshooter 08-20-2016 11:00 AM

For those of you with Amazon Prime who watch tv/movies/etc. on it, I'd like to recommend a documentary movie. "JJ Grey & Mofro - Brighter Days" is the name of it. It is about a grassroots musician who paired up with an already successful instrumental funk band. It contains some interspersed concert performance footage featuring full length song performances. He has a very distinct, powerful voice and a gritty, soulful style. He starts to come into his own in the fourth concert song, both in terms of songwriting and emotion.

I just thought I'd share.

EO2K 08-22-2016 04:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
^^ Those guys occasionally play venues up in Santa Cruz, one of the radio stations I listen to occasionally gives away tickets. So you are saying they are worth seeing?

I put Windows 10 on my work laptop today, and I thought this was appropriate:

Attachment 237419

EO2K 08-22-2016 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 1354394)
I have one of RT-N66U (previous version) within 2 feet of me right now. Never a hiccup, it just keeps working. Asus stuff is great, and the interface is really nice.

Buy it.

Good to know. I've never owned anything made by Asus ever, so I figured I'd ask.

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 1354401)
The old Linksys Routers (And, seemingly, most older routers - and probably most newer routers if history has anything to say about it) require the DD-WRT firmware to actually do what they say they'll do out of the box.

Linksys WRT54GL - DD-WRT Wiki

The Linksys firmware is akin to Windows 3.1 on a fully built Core i7 rig.

Yep! I've set up half a dozen devices with dd-wrt over the years, its win.

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1354417)
Do it. It's the best version of the ASUS AC1900 line. Apparently a lot of stores have a mix of v1 and v3 versions, buy the v3 if you can. Merlin's firmware for the RT-AC68U supposedly works fine on it.

I bought Y8s R7000, so ...close enough?

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 1354420)
Linksys SUCK. I had an older router, which "required" me to upgrade the firmware. Halfway through, it just stopped. Essentially, the upgrade bricked the unit. When I contacted the company, they claimed it was a known issue, but would do nothing to help fix it.

I will never own one of their products ever again after that.

The Asus worked right out of the box. The only thing I had to do was set the password. It has never had to be rebooted in about two years, unlike the Linksys, which needed a reboot about every two weeks.

I've never had that type of experience with stock firmware on OLDER Linksys devices, but then I haven't purchased anything new since maybe 2007?

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1354423)
I will say that I think ASUS routers tend to run hot. When my RT-N66U failed I disassembled it and found evidence of overheating (seriously discolored traces, the main heatsink was bowed not making full contact across the two chips it covered, etc.).

For my RT-AC68R, I bought a cheap multi-speed USB 5v computer fan, plugged it into a USB phone charger, and propped the fan behind the router. Made a huge difference in the CPU and radio temps.

I snipped out the image, but how are you pulling that temp data? I ain't scared of no fan. Most of these things run on 12vdc so tapping power from either the wall wart or the USB won't be an issue.

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1354427)
I have an R7000 Nighthawk I just decommissioned because I'm simplifying and don't need.

Yep! She's a beaut! Sitting on my desk right now. I just updated the factory firmware, now I'm trying to decide if I want to go with something open source or not. The dd-wrt site does not list the R7000 but I know there are other projects out there.

The factory interface is not that bad. Its very "user friendly" and not in a bad way. My dad could probably figure out how to sent this thing up.

Thanks for all the feedback guys! :likecat:

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