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E-NA6CE 08-16-2010 03:39 PM

Doppelganger preaching the truth. It is nothing short of pathetic that people do not have the common sense or the reserve to control themselves. Obese people really should be quarantined and violently forced to lose weight. I agree 100% that obese people are more of a public burden than MANY other stereotypes. They are slow, clumsy, incapable of practicing proper hygiene and smell foul.

Braineack 08-16-2010 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by Doppelgänger (Post 617253)
I mean, there are more obese people than smokers, yet smokers are taxed more and more and shunned into corners and banned in even reasonable areas from smoking. It's gotten so bad that years ago a "small" meal at your favorite fast-food join netted to a real, small drink. Now today's "small" is like a "large" from 10 years ago. It's completely preventable and only one's motivation can be blamed.

free health care, cheap mcdonalds. life is good.

Doppelganger preaching the truth. It is nothing short of pathetic that people do not have the common sense or the reserve to control themselves. Obese people really should be quarantined and violently forced to lose weight. I agree 100% that obese people are more of a public burden than MANY other stereotypes. They are slow, clumsy, incapable of practicing proper hygiene and smell foul.
fat people have all the freedom in the world to be as fat as they want. should they get special privileges for it, no. should we point and laugh, yes. Should my choices on what I want to eat, or how much i should pay for said food be affected, fuck no. If we went away with a health care system and people had to pay out of pocket for a heart transplant, you'd bet your bottom dollar mother fuckers would get healthy fast.

I eat a pretty regular diet of "take-out" food, and I've lost 30 lbs over the last year.

cliffs: fuck the government

E-NA6CE 08-16-2010 04:04 PM

Fast food makes me shit, ha ha. Plus, it's gross and has a minimal amount of food value. But you are correct, obese people should be charged premiums for medical and transportation services.

E-NA6CE 08-16-2010 04:04 PM

On a side note, some of these tags are fuckin' hilarious.

fooger03 08-16-2010 04:09 PM

gov't tax on fast food and luxury foods (candy, chips, ice cream) based on weight FTMFW!

If u wanna get fat, better do it on spam and water, bitches!

mgeoffriau 08-16-2010 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 617298)
gov't tax on fast food and luxury foods (candy, chips, ice cream) based on weight FTMFW!

If u wanna get fat, better do it on spam and water, bitches!

There's no need to tax it. There's already a natural consequence -- poor health, which typically results in either (and often both) poor quality of life, and increased medical bills (which results in poor quality of life).

See how easy that is? When you don't let the government incentivize/subsidize things it considers valuable, then you don't have to tax/disincentivize people to counteract that original incentive.

E-NA6CE 08-16-2010 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 617304)
There's no need to tax it. There's already a natural consequence -- poor health, which typically results in either (and often both) poor quality of life, and increased medical bills (which results in poor quality of life).

See how easy that is? When you don't let the government incentivize/subsidize things it considers valuable, then you don't have to tax/disincentivize people to counteract that original incentive.

Except they still have the mentality that is this: "Just one more bite won't hurt, will it? "Oh, I'll just eat it this one time because it's convenient."

gospeed81 08-16-2010 04:44 PM

The government has interfered with the fat market (or food and health markets), and just like every other market totally fucked it up.

We are not designed to eat the way we eat...and you can thank food subsidies for that. Our behavior is also shaped by a lack of real consequences for our actions, and you can thank government health care for that.

End the end we all end up paying for the choices of others.

E-NA6CE 08-16-2010 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by gospeed81 (Post 617313)
The government has interfered with the fat market (or food and health markets), and just like every other market totally fucked it up.

We are not designed to eat the way we eat...and you can thank food subsidies for that. Our behavior is also shaped by a lack of real consequences for our actions, and you can thank government health care for that.

End the end we all end up paying for the choices of others.

And this is exactly why obese people should be paying premiums for medical/transportation/hospitality services. It is only fair for the rest of the people.

fooger03 08-16-2010 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 617304)
There's no need to tax it. There's already a natural consequence -- poor health, which typically results in either (and often both) poor quality of life, and increased medical bills (which results in poor quality of life).

See how easy that is? When you don't let the government incentivize/subsidize things it considers valuable, then you don't have to tax/disincentivize people to counteract that original incentive.

We must figure out how to re-ambiguate "the government" and "the people", because, If I'm not mistaken, we're supposed to be a government by the people, and for the people, no? If we the people, in majority, find obscenely obese people to be a negative impact on our lives (be it healthcare costs, or airplane seating, or generally lacking in economic benefit relative to economic costs) then shouldn't being fat be illegal?

We must also disambiguate "for the people" and "for the people's vote"....but since that generally seems to be the difference between two major political parties, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

E-NA6CE 08-16-2010 04:55 PM

The worst thing for a country is politics. Plain and simple. I don't want to start a massive political debate, but when has it ever been a Peoples' Government where the People manage the Government as a mass. It's apparent that it should really be called for what it is: A small group of people who form the Government and govern the People.

mgeoffriau 08-16-2010 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by E-NA6CE (Post 617305)
Except they still have the mentality that is this: "Just one more bite won't hurt, will it? "Oh, I'll just eat it this one time because it's convenient."

So what? As long as I'm not paying for their medical bills, more power to them. They are making a decision -- the immediate gratification of gluttony is more valuable to them then the later years of their life, their money, and their ability to not sweat on relatively mild days.

E-NA6CE 08-16-2010 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 617322)
So what? As long as I'm not paying for their medical bills, more power to them. They are making a decision -- the immediate gratification of gluttony is more valuable to them then the later years of their life, their money, and their ability to not sweat on relatively mild days.

You mean sweat from just breathing. Ha ha ha ha. But for real, I posted that because it's something that will affect us because the government will just use our tax dollars to help fund the implementation of self-help programs for obese people.

gospeed81 08-16-2010 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 617318)
We must figure out how to re-ambiguate "the government" and "the people", because, If I'm not mistaken, we're supposed to be a government by the people, and for the people, no? If we the people, in majority, find obscenely obese people to be a negative impact on our lives (be it healthcare costs, or airplane seating, or generally lacking in economic benefit relative to economic costs) then shouldn't being fat be illegal?

We must also disambiguate "for the people" and "for the people's vote"....but since that generally seems to be the difference between two major political parties, I don't see that happening anytime soon.

The whole thing is....they are people too.

They have the freedom to be fat, and their vote counts just as much as mine does.

I don't agree with our Canadian friend with the gay sigpic...they shouldn't die, or be forced to be healthy. They should however have to face natural consequences...and like Brain said, shouldn't receive special treatment, by airlines, by the government, etc.

I do agree that airlines should charge by pound. It's not discriminatory, it's simple logistics...we ARE nothing but weight to them, and their job is to move weight. Flat rate flying is kind of ridiculous in reality, but the USPS does flat-rate too...and last I heard they were doing great :bowrofl:

McDonalds is cheap. Now ask yourself WHY?

Artificial food prices. Their whole menu is BUILT on the five most subsidized food crops. It is not in their best interest to provide us with healthy food...but to turn a profit. If a market, affected by government intervention, allows them to sell arguably tasty food at something well below what a trip to the store costs, all while being much more convenient, then it's NO WONDER whole slews of Americans have changed their eating habits.

Who can you blame? Lobbyists, congressmen, etc.

Now fast forward a decade. Joe Fatass now has diabetes/heart problems/thewholeotherslewofrealhealthproblemstracedtoobesi ty and is at the hospital debating which taxpayer funded treatment option is best for him.

Blame the same people...

Yes, you can blame the obese for their poor choices...but admit that it's not a natural choice being made. Easier method to getting fat, with lessened consequences.

Welcome to the land of the free*...

*just not free from an obese government

fooger03 08-16-2010 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 617322)
So what? As long as I'm not paying for their medical bills, more power to them. They are making a decision -- the immediate gratification of gluttony is more valuable to them then the later years of their life, their money, and their ability to not sweat on relatively mild days.

But you ARE paying for their medical bills....Unless you don't have health insurance, and aren't paying taxes for medicare/medicaid.

Insurance companies spread the cost of the few expensive people among the majority of the less expensive people...put another way, If it weren't for people that had to have triple bypass surgeries, and diabetes supplies, and....and....and..., your health insurance premiums would be substantially lower. You would also be paying far less in taxes to support medicare...

fooger03 08-16-2010 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by gospeed81 (Post 617328)
I don't agree with our Canadian friend with the gay sigpic...they shouldn't die, or be forced to be healthy.

Don't forget to consider that Canadian healthcare is 100% socialized...

mgeoffriau 08-16-2010 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by fooger03 (Post 617329)
But you ARE paying for their medical bills....Unless you don't have health insurance, and aren't paying taxes for medicare/medicaid.

Insurance companies spread the cost of the few expensive people among the majority of the less expensive people...put another way, If it weren't for people that had to have triple bypass surgeries, and diabetes supplies, and....and....and..., your health insurance premiums would be substantially lower. You would also be paying far less in taxes to support medicare...

I don't support the Medicare/Medicaid system.

Insurance companies do discriminate based on health factors like weight and lifestyle by charging different rates.

And before government made it a healthcost subsidization program, insurance companies were allowed to reject new coverage for potential clients they considered too much of a risk.

E-NA6CE 08-16-2010 05:17 PM

my sigpic is awesome. You love it. But I didn't say they should be killed, they should be forced to be healthier, especially since they directly affect our insurance premiums and everything else that we are taxed on. Plain and simple.

Joe Perez 08-16-2010 05:36 PM

It's so damned easy to stir the pot with you guys.

Bring on the forced labor camps! :D

gospeed81 08-16-2010 05:49 PM

Originally Posted by E-NA6CE (Post 617334)
I didn't say they should be killed

Originally Posted by E-NA6CE (Post 617238)
Fat people are nothing but an eye sore. They are too physically unable to be useful. We should just kill them for not having any motivation.

And your sig pic makes me feel weird inside.

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