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Girz0r 03-31-2016 11:32 PM

What really sucks is that he's a top rated allergist in the area and just informed me about tolerance :dunno:

But like I said earlier, I just avoid nuts except peanuts... but even then it's rare that I have anything nutty. I even order Thai food with no nuts just for safety.

Sunflower seeds though, nom all day.

In terms of allergen tolerance... anything from mold spore, pollen, cat dandruff... I try to take in as much as possible. Blow my nose, drink water and get over it :dunno:

z31maniac 04-01-2016 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by codrus (Post 1320004)
The presence of peanut flour doesn't make cereal tastier, it just makes it marginally cheaper..

Why do you hate capitalism?


sixshooter 04-01-2016 09:32 AM

Jimmy Carter made it very difficult for many Americans to live, and he was just a peanut farmer. Peanuts must be pretty insidious.

If there was a common food ingredient/supplement/additive that could kill my child I would not wish to rely upon the judgement of the child. I would endeavor, post haste, to desensitize them for their protection as Master Perez's parents did.

I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocane powder. And cats.

mgeoffriau 04-01-2016 09:34 AM

Dammit, I can't believe I missed these. What a deal.

Boxster Sport Seats from A Lotus Elise | eBay

y8s 04-01-2016 09:48 AM

At least we can all agree that nobody here is allergic to putting hairy nuts in thier mouth.

In an unrelated ironic twist of fate, my son has no allergies but does not like chocolate. He will eat everything else. Loves raw oysters. He's 3 and a half.

B6Tfastiva 04-01-2016 10:49 AM

No kids but a friend of mine has two. At their school the kids with peanut allergies have to sit at a separate table. One father is home schooling now because he showed up at a school event and they were serving food which had peanuts in it. Everything was clearly labeled and highlighted if it had them in it.

mgeoffriau 04-01-2016 07:04 PM

So I built a new HTPC and decided to repurpose the old HTPC as a NAS server. I've got it up and running with Win10 with a shared disk that I've got mapped on my other computers so they can use it for system backups. I also have an FTP server running so that my Foscam webcam can upload to it.

What other cool things can I do with it? Seems like I should find some other interesting uses for it, if it's going to sit there sucking up electricity 24 hours a day.

Joe Perez 04-01-2016 07:12 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1320286)
What other cool things can I do with it? Seems like I should find some other interesting uses for it, if it's going to sit there sucking up electricity 24 hours a day.

Load Peerblock and the VPN service of your choosing, and have a dedicated torrent box.

Run a copy of WildCat! BBS on it, with a telnet -> modem emulator, and host a round of Global War.

Make your services available to SETI@home.

Host the world's largest single collection of pictures of ducks wearing hats.

shuiend 04-01-2016 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1320286)
So I built a new HTPC and decided to repurpose the old HTPC as a NAS server. I've got it up and running with Win10 with a shared disk that I've got mapped on my other computers so they can use it for system backups. I also have an FTP server running so that my Foscam webcam can upload to it.

What other cool things can I do with it? Seems like I should find some other interesting uses for it, if it's going to sit there sucking up electricity 24 hours a day.

Install a real server OS on it like Linux.

mgeoffriau 04-01-2016 07:26 PM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1320290)
Install a real server OS on it like Linux.

For what purpose? I'm not hosting a public web page, or storing a medical records database.

bahurd 04-01-2016 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1320288)
Run a copy of WildCat! BBS on it

I'll try and find my original Wildcat BBS disks from 1993. 4 lines. Leading edge....

Joe Perez 04-04-2016 08:46 AM

"A vaguely defined monolithic entity, which is shrouded in a veil of secrecy and may or may not appear to be part government and part corporation, exploits a small number of individuals, some of whom may or may not be clones / replicants / other engineered humanoids, using a cleverly devised series of lies and manipulation, in order to provide a high standard of living for the masses, who may or may not actually be enslaved without their knowing it."
- Pretty much every good sci-fi film of the past 35 years.

Girz0r 04-04-2016 09:01 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1320695)
"A vaguely defined monolithic entity, which is shrouded in a veil of secrecy and may or may not appear to be part government and part corporation, exploits a small number of individuals, some of whom may or may not be clones / replicants / other engineered humanoids, using a cleverly devised series of lies and manipulation, in order to provide a high standard of living for the masses, who may or may not actually be enslaved without their knowing it."
- Pretty much every good sci-fi film of the past 35 years.

Sounds familiar... :eggplant:

Joe Perez 04-04-2016 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by Girz0r (Post 1320697)
Sounds familiar... :eggplant:

It struck me when I watched "Oblivion" last night. Very good movie, which I recommend.

But then I realized that the underlying plot concept was the same as Moon. And The Matrix. And Aliens. And Blade Runner. And Battlestar Galactica. And Minority Report. And The Island. And Cube Zero. (edit: and Portal.)

Not a criticism; all good movies. Just an observation.

Girz0r 04-04-2016 10:22 AM

That's a great list of movies :D

Event Horizon? yay or nay?

Joe Perez 04-04-2016 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by Girz0r (Post 1320715)
Event Horizon? yay or nay?

Can't recall that I've watched it. I will rectify that.

Oh, and add Portal to my list as well. GLaDOS lies to test subjects, who may or may not be clones of former employees, in order to exploit and manipulate them into doing science for the benefit of the people who are still alive, who may or may not actually be alive.

codrus 04-04-2016 01:17 PM

Counter-example: The Martian.


Joe Perez 04-04-2016 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by codrus (Post 1320801)
Counter-example: The Martian.

True enough. And also an excellent film, though not really sci-fi in the popular sense; no aliens, no fictional technology, etc. More of a pure drama which happens to be set against a technological background. eg: it portrays events which are plausible in the present-day, rather than being futuristic or other-worldly. (Yes, technically Mars is an "other world," but you know what I mean.)

Falls into much the same category as 2001. Very intellectual, and conflict arises from circumstances and from within, with no external antagonist.

So, revise my above to read "90% of all good sci-fi..." :D

mgeoffriau 04-04-2016 01:28 PM

How about Solaris (the original or the remake)?

Joe Perez 04-04-2016 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1320815)
How about Solaris (the original or the remake)?

I said *good* sci-fi. :giggle:

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