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rider384 05-04-2010 10:18 PM

EDIT: Fuck

I lol'd so hard I had to take a lol break.

Marc D 05-05-2010 12:48 AM

Originally Posted by Doppelgänger (Post 567574)
It is almost that easy. I got in for another interview tomorrow. Yesterday we just walked though the facility. That is one busy fucking place with shit going everywhere. I am ready for it though...nice hard manual labor for my lazy ass. Since I'm too lazy to go lift weights/work out on my own, this will be good for me... 2.5-4 hours a day 5 days a week, average package weight is 40lb.

Hope you enjoy it. My friend has been working at UPS for years, they only started having him do deliveries about a year and a half ago. From the stories on what he tells me that happens at work, working at UPS isn't for everyone, thats for sure. Apparently, dislocated fingers, arms, getting knocked out cold by boxes dropping is a common thing.

NA6C-Guy 05-05-2010 12:56 AM

I tried to get a job at UPS/Overnight (UPS bought out Overnight, not sure if it's local or international) for like a year, even with my uncle being a truck driver I couldn't get a job there.

FRT_Fun 05-05-2010 12:57 AM

I tried to get a job there like 6 years ago... ended up getting another job before that happened.. oh well.

NA6C-Guy 05-05-2010 01:08 AM

OH NO! WHY GOD! Damn it 4chan!!! Someone brought up Faygo cola, which I have drank many times over the years, and always liked it pretty well. After someone said it was made with real sugar, I did some research, but the research gave me info I didn't like. Apparently the band Insane Clown Posse supports Faygo and talks about it in their songs. I don't know if I can bring myself to drink it anymore, knowing a bunch of goddamn juggalos drink it.

I FUCKING HATE JUGGALOS!!! HATE Honestly, I can't think of a group of people I hate more than them. Bunch of trailer trash, inbred rednecks that run their fucking mouthes and talk shit, all with their faces painted up like retarded clowns. Thank god I have never encountered them in real life. I hope they stay isolated to their little hole in the wall, backwood trailer park and leave me the fuck alone!

FRT_Fun 05-05-2010 01:11 AM

The miata needs to have an air cooled engine. So sick of draining coolant. Yes I'm that lazy. Stupid cheap ass metal tubes that lead to and from the heater core are leaking like the little bitches they are. I'm in TX now, eff it I"m gonna loop that shit.

NA6C-Guy 05-05-2010 01:14 AM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 568130)
The miata needs to have an air cooled engine. So sick of draining coolant. Yes I'm that lazy. Stupid cheap ass metal tubes that lead to and from the heater core are leaking like the little bitches they are. I'm in TX now, eff it I"m gonna loop that shit.

The ones under the dash, that come out of the fire wall? Brass?

FRT_Fun 05-05-2010 01:16 AM

Yea those ones.. is it brass? idk.. They are leaking. On either side of the firewall.. Sigh.

NA6C-Guy 05-05-2010 01:20 AM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 568132)
Yea those ones.. is it brass? idk.. They are leaking. On either side of the firewall.. Sigh.

If it's from rubbing against the firewall, you can slide a piece of rubber hose over the bad spot and put clamps on it to stop the leak, and the hose will also act as protection, like a grommet. I've had to do that before, to avoid new hard lines and dash removal.

FRT_Fun 05-05-2010 01:24 AM

Hmm. I'm gonna have to drain the coolant either way... unless there is a reason to keep the heater core other than for heat I will probably just loop the lines and remove the rest this fall when start my new projects.

NA6C-Guy 05-05-2010 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by FRT_Fun (Post 568137)
Hmm. I'm gonna have to drain the coolant either way... unless there is a reason to keep the heater core other than for heat I will probably just loop the lines and remove the rest this fall when start my new projects.

That would be best. Still get a little heat in the winter just from the firewall and tunnel radiation.

Bond 05-05-2010 03:04 AM

Don't under estimate TX winter coldness, it gets a wee bit chillay

FRT_Fun 05-05-2010 03:22 AM

Originally Posted by Bond (Post 568153)
Don't under estimate TX winter coldness, it gets a wee bit chillay

It gets hot too... but I don't have A/C :giggle:

Bond 05-05-2010 03:37 AM

Me either, I'm going to fucking die this summer, I could barely stand it today

Jfornachon 05-05-2010 04:51 AM

Originally Posted by turotufas (Post 566137)
Thunder storms just came through my area and fucked shit up. Power off for hours and tress falling on my peoples houses. Ain't that some bull stuff!

Ahh, when I read things like this it reminds me of why I love SoCal. Yes I said SoCal. Enjoy the weather. I know I do.

Have a great day,

turotufas 05-05-2010 06:22 AM

I wish I was in Cali right now. I left my top down. Now there's a puddle in my seat.

Doppelgänger 05-05-2010 07:47 AM

Originally Posted by Marc D (Post 568121)
Hope you enjoy it. My friend has been working at UPS for years, they only started having him do deliveries about a year and a half ago. From the stories on what he tells me that happens at work, working at UPS isn't for everyone, thats for sure. Apparently, dislocated fingers, arms, getting knocked out cold by boxes dropping is a common thing.

Yeah. I have a good bit of warehouse expierence though. They walked us around to show us what goes on there. Some of the guys were getting chicken about having to do that much physical labor. I laughed. At one of my previous jobs, all we did was unload and sort 53ft trailers of various product that was stacked floor to ceiling ....boxes from 1lb to rolls of carpet weighing 75lb in the same truck.....and did that for 8+ hrs a day....making loading trucks for 3.5hrs seem like a cake walk.

Vashthestampede 05-05-2010 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by Doppelgänger (Post 568184)
Yeah. I have a good bit of warehouse experience though. They walked us around to show us what goes on there. Some of the guys were getting chicken about having to do that much physical labor. I laughed. At one of my previous jobs, all we did was unload and sort 53ft trailers of various product that was stacked floor to ceiling ....boxes from 1lb to rolls of carpet weighing 75lb in the same truck.....and did that for 8+ hrs a day....making loading trucks for 3.5hrs seem like a cake walk.

A good friend of mine used to work at UPS in the warehouse for 3-4 years. It was a good job no doubt about that, but I used to HATE when he would bitch about the labor. I was like dude, your fucking inside, probably dont walk more than a few hundred feet a day, lifting boxes that are less than 100lbs, for a 8 hour shift. I would tell him to come pour concrete with me for a 14 hour day in the rain and he'll never bitch about his "cush" job again. He would usually shut up after that.

Good luck landing the job dude. :bigtu: I know like 5 or 6 people that do, or have worked at UPS and the benefits and pay is pretty good. Who knows, maybe you'll luck out and get a drivers position and you can rock those fag shorts they make you wear. lol :giggle:

Doppelgänger 05-05-2010 08:00 AM

Originally Posted by m2cupcar (Post 567650)
Dopple- a buddy of mine has spent his entire working career at UPS ultimately getting a delivery/driver position. He said as far as jobs go, it's a good one for the following reasons- great benefits (including retirement), good pay, he doesn't have to work in an office, for the most part doesn't have to deal directly with customers and he likes driving around. Yes it IS hard work but worth the return. He also mentioned that there was an avenue for him to work his way up, which not all jobs have, even if/when they claim you can.

Yeah, the guy that is working with us only works there part time as a manager and that's his only job...so I'd imagine working hard and stepping up pays off quite well. Hell, if I were ever offered a driver position, I'd quit my fulltime job in a heartbeat and take it....those drivers make good money. It was also explained how there are different tasks i nthe sorting process and that some of the jobs require a little extra training...but learning to do such jobs nets $1-$2 raises as soon as you learn them.

Doppelgänger 05-05-2010 08:01 AM

Originally Posted by Vashthestampede (Post 568187)
A good friend of mine used to work at UPS in the warehouse for 3-4 years. It was a good job no doubt about that, but I used to HATE when he would bitch about the labor. I was like dude, your fucking inside, probably dont walk more than a few hundred feet a day, lifting boxes that are less than 100lbs, for a 8 hour shift. I would tell him to come pour concrete with me for a 14 hour day in the rain and he'll never bitch about his "cush" job again. He would usually shut up after that.

Good luck landing the job dude. :bigtu: I know like 5 or 6 people that do, or have worked at UPS and the benefits and pay is pretty good. Who knows, maybe you'll luck out and get a drivers position and you can rock those fag shorts they make you wear. lol :giggle:

Thank you, Sir.

I'd rock those shorts proudly....maybe even wear them when I'm off the clock...like to the mall or in da club.

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