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emo douche on omegle...

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Old 05-02-2010, 02:40 AM
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Default emo douche on omegle...

i came across this asshat on omegle about 10 mins ago, since I cant sleep...

Long conversation, just wasting my time at travis afb until tomorrow.

going to be censored due to policy, but I trust you have an imagination.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: relkhgpo,m
You: damn cat
Stranger: lolz wtf are u on
Stranger: smoking to much dak i think hahaha
You: a computer, dumb ***
Stranger: fucktard
You: asshat
Stranger: fuckmouth
You: one eyed **** stick
Stranger: slutface
You: touche... im out of names.
Stranger: haha im nt retard
Stranger: i win
You: whats a nt, numb nuts
You: thats right... you failed.
Stranger: biiitch
Stranger: i win
You: I win
Stranger: *****
You: jew
Stranger: cumhole
You: chode
Stranger: dickface
Stranger: hahaha
You: wtf it took you 20 seconds to type hahahahahahakdsljgsdflkgjsdbhdlmgj' h
Stranger: i win be my slave
Stranger: !!
Stranger: ;P
You: nevARR!!! You have to catch me first!!
You: A wild ***** appears!
Stranger: lolz a wild ***** hahahaha
You: what do you do?
Stranger: why sum1 has to use it ofcoure
Stranger: and since im ur master tht would u ;P
You: hmmm.... but I use the power of LUBE!! I am a slippery fellow
Stranger: haha lube jus helpz go in faster hahahahaha
You: please tell me your a chick... either wise... GHEY!!
Stranger: gawd itz ahmazing hw many ppl cant freaken read
You: anyways... I also have vibro-power!! actually, you never mentioned.
Stranger: vibro power?
You: -facepalm-
Stranger: an ew tht meanz ur a guy right?
Stranger: and u like vibro power ****** hahahahaha
Stranger: LMAO
Stranger: ;P
You: pffft your the one that wantts to master it

Stranger: and yes i did mention try readin my first sentence moron ;P
Stranger: wateva dnt lie haha
You: this is your first sentence, incomplete as it may "lolz wtf are u on"
Stranger: oh well **** meh no wonder why ppl are acting wierd lolz
Stranger: no wait **** omegle
Stranger: itz thier fault ppl aint seein it
You: well at least this chat has been reconized as fail.
Stranger: lolz i guess so fail master
Stranger: an bw way im 19 m an pretty much emo lolz so u can go away an play wif ure ***** nw haha ;P
You: and lets clarify... your gay for wanting a ***** for a slave, and to master... I am a *****, a dick, of which I have, but you still persisted.
You: a smellz a pedobear
Stranger: wtf are u still smoking hahah
Stranger: gawd i want sum of tht **** hahahaha
Stranger: ur **** out of ur mind LMAO
You: actually, im quite sober, in fact I live on an air force base, as military.... as for you, idk...
Stranger: oooooooooh soldier hah wtf are doin on a site like this hahahaha
Stranger: wat a moron
You: I just like to waste time on omegle while waiting for planes to land, so I can unload them
You: soldier would be incorrect, try airman, you uneducated emo ******.
Stranger: not even ur hidin in the cargo hold smokin dak hahaha
Stranger: haha **** u tht was so laame
Stranger: u fail
Stranger: go smoke ur flowers hahaha
You: i fail? where did I fail? you wanted a ***** easily shoved somewhere
Stranger: oh **** u reetard
You: ha! douchebag
Stranger: slutace ***** ****
Stranger: u cant come up wif more namez then meh bitchfuckslut
You: and yet you still make references to penises... ***, dick, *****... must I continue?
You: and wtf is a slutace? is that some made up bullshit that you obviously pulled from your rainbow-laced ***?
Stranger: hahah u fuckass hw long were u plannin tht one haha
You: I planned it while I was typing, so about 10 seconds ago.
Stranger: sure wateva letz add liar on the list of namez
Stranger: fuckmouth
You: you said that already.
You: yawn.
Stranger: oh screw u
You: queef.
Stranger: gtfo
Stranger: stfu
Stranger: foad!!!
You: you lose.
Stranger: i win fucktard u lose
You: remember, down the road, not across it
You: and there is choices, look it the box-cutter section at home depot
Stranger: gawd u really need to stop smokin crack
Stranger: lolz no need
Stranger: u ****** moron
You: obviously, since you pussed out and are still living
Stranger: meh tiz harder then u think fuckass
You: right...
Stranger: wateva like i care wat u think
You: Its the pinical of my LIFE
Stranger: **** u oh look herez another name ASSHOLW
You: IT HURTS!!!
You: nope, its just gas.
Stranger: i still win
Stranger: retard
You: no, you dont, because your still living
You: you dont ******* know what emo is, no one does, I was a freshman when it started
You: nothing but *****, diluted, washed up, anti-conformist goths.
Stranger: **** u ,u dnt kno ****
You: you want to know why girls dont like you? They dont want to ****** in the relationship
Stranger: lolz who saiz they dnt
Stranger: im fucken hot
Stranger: u *******
You: wow, how dense can you fet
You: get*
Stranger: bt i dnt give a ****
You: now, the pain is so great, but your self-esteem has led you to believe your some hot ****, quite contradicting, isnt it
Stranger: look at my dailybooth girlz comment all the time i flirt wif them an all tht fucked up **** bt u kno wat I DNT GIV A ****!!
You: your what? its the ******* internet
You: no one cares about you in real life
You: why do you think omegle exist?
Stranger: hah understatement of the year
Stranger: im nt stupid u ****
You: yes, you are
Stranger: wateva im tired of this conversation
You: very very stupid
You: i thought you didnt care
You: you wonder why no one listens to a little whiny bitch like you, its because you cant handle direct contradition, and critisizim
You: and yet the disconnect button is still not clicked... cause you still have a beef with it
You: *****
You: bitch.
You: type type away
You: blah blah blah
You: slow ***
Stranger: lolz ur such an *******
You: remember, im a dick. duh
You: dicks **** over ********, and pussies.
Stranger: ooh ur smart alright
You: jesus christ, grow a pair and do something about it
You: bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
You: type type type
Stranger: do sumthing abt WAT! wtf are u on abt
You: if your life hurts soooooooo ******* bad, why isnt it ended yet?
You: stop the pain, right?
Stranger: oh haha i c
Stranger: no i getcha
You: and before you tell me I dont know ****, why dont you enlighten me a bit, what does "emo" mean to you
You: fyi, life is how you live it. its not a ******* chore
Stranger: gawd ur soo ****** anoyinf like fucken srsly
You: srsly... liek omg... jebus
Stranger: u kno wat why the **** are u still here
You: because you still havent disconnected you stupid ****
You: im enjoying my time
You: I enjoy my life, hard as it may be, I survived hs, have a wife, and a newborn girl, I am the complete opposite to you
You: and at the age of 22!! like, OMG
Stranger: haha u pedofile ****
You: do you file pedos? learn to spell, thats what school is for
Stranger: wow tht was lame
You: lameness for lame people
Stranger: lame ness for ur lame life
Stranger: haha ur wofe is probably heat on an annoyin **** like you hahah
You: I used to listen to hawthorne heights, but I bet you dont know who those whiny *** dumbasses are, do you
You: a wofe?
Stranger: ie shes ****** ur bestie hhahahahahhaha
Stranger: u lame *** motherfucken ********
You: I am suprised I understood the converstion thus far
Stranger: im suprise ure still maried hahahahaha
You: I am suprised your still alive HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAOFHdofsafgjhfgj
Stranger: haha u fuckface jus contraicted urself hahaha
You: fail
You: fail hard.
Stranger: u said i didnt have the gutz so whay are u suprised im alive hahahahah
Stranger: COMPLETE FAIL!!!
You: I am on 4 hours of sleep, whats your damn excuse... oh wait, no education
Stranger: u ****** retard go **** yah mum haha
You: mum? are we british now?
Stranger: oh no wait to late hahaha
Stranger: bt itz alright cause ur family are fucken whorez haha like talkin to meh nw (:
You: hey dumb ****, the reason I said I am suprised, is because you still dont have the ***** to separate from this conversation
You: pffft.
Stranger: yea didnt think so
You: didnt think? think what? you dont even think what you are about to say
You: you go on a typing fury of stupid
Stranger: u probably wake up after ****** sum1 and the first thin they say to you is "sum family reunion huh? " hahahahaha
Stranger: fucktad
Stranger: ur mothers waitinfg for yah
You: what? that makes no sense... jesus, your grammar is worse than I thought
Stranger: hahahaha
You: my moms dead, but I dont give a ****
Stranger: wateva sure she
You: have you noticed i am taking direct stabs at you, and all you can do is petty childish banter name calling of family members
Stranger: point being moron
Stranger: oh i kno itz tht you ant ur family are fucken hoez
You: hoez? wtf is that
Stranger: oooh bnice life
You: you waste more time typing like a *** than actually spelling
Stranger: stop playin wif ure little cousin pedo freak haha
Stranger: stop ****** ur mum hahaha
Stranger: dead my *** hahaha
You: oh no, what to do, the emo is still saying old lame retarded comebacks that died off in the 6th grade
Stranger: haha ur obviously american sick ****
You: and your teeth is probably more fucked up than your emo wrists
Stranger: tht dosent even make since
You: of course not, because your a queef
Stranger: okay then so when did your muma die then hmmmmmmmm
You: jan, 26th, 1997
You: car accident over donner summit, on I80.. in between Reno NV and Sacromento CA
Stranger: wateva ud be **** like wat nine
Stranger: besides whoz funken fault was tht
You: I mentioned my age already, god dammit your sooo ******* stupid
Stranger: weell **** me for nt givin a **** about hw old u are
You: I can tell you the last four of my american SS# and you still would ask for it later
You: you care now
You: you asked
Stranger: lolz thtz why u dnt speed stupid bitch
You: try 65mph over black ice
You: the honda could only reach 65 due to goverment standards of company vehicles
You: at least her pain was eased at the hospital, and still died... what does that say about you?
You: it sounds to me that you like life a lil to much to let go of sooo much painnnnn
You: you know, the disconnect is just...
You: right...
You: VVV there...
Stranger: anyway wateva i may be mean but im nt tht mean well i try nt 2be if your mother really is dead then im sorry, my mother was murdered 3 years ago, yes i am gay been hinding it all my life and i regret her nt knowing i dnt really care wat u think bt yea im gunna go nw
Stranger: bye
You: my brother is a *** to, no joke true story... I have nothing against gays.
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oh and things I did lie about, but pulled out of my *** within 10 seconds...

-dead mother
-age (im 21)

Last edited by Pen2_the_penguin; 05-02-2010 at 12:55 PM. Reason: I dont care if joe is unsatisfied... leave my titles alone
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Old 05-02-2010, 02:58 AM
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Dood holy **** it is Saturday night, get away from the ******* computer!
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Old 05-02-2010, 03:08 AM
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LOVE TO!!! but the Travis afb has this lame ghey ALCON protection now, its Alchohol condition level for possible DUIs... no one is allowed off base after 12am now...
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Old 05-02-2010, 03:09 AM
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Oh so they didn't invite you to the circle jerk...
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Old 05-02-2010, 03:29 AM
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no... *sniff*
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Old 05-02-2010, 06:55 AM
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The kids last statement was kind of deep man.
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Old 05-02-2010, 10:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Pen2_the_penguin
LOVE TO!!! but the Travis afb has this lame ghey ALCON protection now, its Alchohol condition level for possible DUIs... no one is allowed off base after 12am now...
FUUUCCKKKKK that, I stumbled on to post around 0700 this morning, right after the bars finally closed up for the night.
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Old 05-02-2010, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Pen2_the_penguin
LOVE TO!!! but the Travis afb has this lame ghey ALCON protection now, its Alchohol condition level for possible DUIs... no one is allowed off base after 12am now...
So that's what that means.. I'd been wondering. The Air Force is weird. On the one hand, they pride themselves in having "the best and the brightest", but on the other they make y'all wear reflective belts during HoD, they just put up stop signs where roads cross the troop walk here, and last week they put up pylons at every minor crosswalk along the main road. Do they figure y'all don't know how to cross the street?
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Old 05-02-2010, 11:55 AM
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Kept waiting for "I put on my Robe and Wizard Hat."

Was not satisfied.
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Old 05-02-2010, 12:41 PM
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I like the lack of vowels used in the conversation.
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Old 05-02-2010, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Bond
I like the lack of vowels used in the conversation.
wow, didn't notice that.... good call, guess I was more tired than I thought
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Old 05-03-2010, 05:24 PM
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Old 05-03-2010, 07:22 PM
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I lol'd at Joe P's bloodninja reference. Classic.
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