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shuiend 07-10-2017 09:37 AM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1426709)
A little late to the party, but anytime a Laserdisc is mentioned (albeit that's not very often) I always think of this movie:


Wait I am not the only person to have seen SLC Punk? It is one of my favorite movies of all time.


Braineack 07-10-2017 09:39 AM

never seen the movie, but i had the soundtrack on tape iirc. lol

z31maniac 07-10-2017 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1426715)
Wait I am not the only person to have seen SLC Punk? It is one of my favorite movies of all time.


Same here, it's one of the few movies I actually still own. Since before my divorce, I've gone from like 400+ DVD/Blu-Rays, down to about 25.

rx7_guy 07-10-2017 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1426700)
I dont see the problem:


I only have 4 doors total in my stable.

Yes, but there is no way can it ladder in an FD unless its a little Giant lol

thirdgen 07-11-2017 09:13 AM

Braineack 07-11-2017 09:50 AM

i thought prisoners weren't supposed to have shoelaces.

triple88a 07-11-2017 10:54 AM

Imagine a room full of 100 people with 100 dollars each. With every tick of the clock, every person with money gives a dollar to one randomly chosen other person. After some time progresses, how will the money be distributed?

Video of simulation in link.


sixshooter 07-11-2017 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1426913)
i thought prisoners weren't supposed to have shoelaces.

They aren't supposed to as far as I know. I've seen them wearing slippers like Vans, Crocs, and shower slippers everytime I've seen them.






Everyone knows shoelaces are a problem. Well almost everyone, apparently.

sixshooter 07-11-2017 03:01 PM


99mx5 07-11-2017 04:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)

DNMakinson 07-12-2017 12:52 AM


y8s 07-12-2017 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by DNMakinson (Post 1427106)

Hmmm. Calculations are suspect.

Also how many people are evacuated if a wind turbine fails?

shuiend 07-12-2017 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1427160)
Also how many people are evacuated if a wind turbine fails?

Depends on location, same as with a nuclear plant.

DNMakinson 07-12-2017 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1427160)
Hmmm. Calculations are suspect.

Also how many people are evacuated if a wind turbine fails?

There has been a lot of discussions on line over that meme. Generally, there are a lot of negative environmental impacts of the total life cycle of wind turbines.

I used to work for West Texas Utilities when the Federal Fuel Use Act forced us to build our first coal-fired power station. Previously we had been natural gas (including one of first combined cycle plants built in the 1960's). I was impressed by the massive difference in the local fuel processing differences between the two:

Gas yard:


And no slag, fly-ash disposal, or SO4 scrubbers on the back end.

Coal yard:


Including acres of storage in case of a shortage of supply. For the gas plant, we had a couple of tanks of fuel oil for curtailment periods. Rarely used.

Coal Processing pulverizers (along with complex burners, pneumatic conveyors, "clinker" cleaning in the boilers, waste disposal, etc.)


sixshooter 07-12-2017 11:32 AM

4 Attachment(s)

Nearly 120 wind turbines catch fire each year, according to new research - ten times the number reported by the industry.

The figures, compiled by engineers at Imperial College London and the University of Edinburgh, make fire the second-largest cause of accidents after blade failure.
Gas and coal plants burn more often, but it occurs within the boilers where it's supposed to.

Braineack 07-12-2017 11:34 AM


in case you ever needed to cut a bird of prey into two:


DeerHunter 07-12-2017 12:07 PM

Makes me proud to be an Albertan. Sniff!


concealer404 07-12-2017 02:00 PM

My turgidness knows no bounds.


Joe Perez 07-12-2017 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1427160)
Hmmm. Calculations are suspect.

Agreed. The figures given are technically accurate, but fail to account for capacity factor, which is around 90% for most nuclear generating stations, and 30-35% for most US wind-turbine installations. So multiply the 260 mi^2 number by three for a true estimate of overall land-use-to-energy-production ratios.

Also, I am officially a suburbanite:


Braineack 07-12-2017 02:42 PM

Facebook Post

y8s 07-12-2017 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1427252)
Agreed. The figures given are technically accurate, but fail to account for capacity factor, which is around 90% for most nuclear generating stations, and 30-35% for most US wind-turbine installations. So multiply the 260 mi^2 number by three for a true estimate of overall land-use-to-energy-production ratios.

I meant that you can put farms and shit under wind turbines. Or put them in places nobody would be using otherwise (mountains, water, Trump properties)

TurboTim 07-12-2017 04:19 PM



Monk 07-12-2017 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1427284)
I meant that you can put farms and shit under wind turbines. Or put them in places nobody would be using otherwise (mountains, water, Trump properties)

That happens in the midwest quite often.
It's a great way to make a place even uglier.


99mx5 07-12-2017 06:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Joe Perez 07-12-2017 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1427284)
I meant that you can put farms and shit under wind turbines. Or put them in places nobody would be using otherwise (mountains, water, Trump properties)

During my recent drive from Chicago to Hicksville, I drove past several large wind farms. As a rough estimate, I'd say that about 25% of the turbines were turning. And by that, I am saying that, on a farm on which 25% of the turbines were turning, 75% were idle. Same location, same wind.

I am thoroughly disgusted with the political/economic mire which wind power has become.

I mean, forget about the huge monetary waste. The total number of people killed by wind-turbine generation in the US over the past 50 years (more than one) exceeds the total number killed by nuclear generation (zero) by an infinite amount.


codrus 07-13-2017 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1427349)
The total number of people killed by wind-turbine generation in the US over the past 50 years (more than one) exceeds the total number killed by nuclear generation (zero) by an infinite amount.

Civilian nuclear generation, yes. Quite a few have been killed by military nuclear power generation.


aidandj 07-13-2017 12:37 AM

I think the wind farms are really cool looking. To each their own.

Monk 07-13-2017 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by aidandj (Post 1427371)
I think the wind farms are really cool looking. To each their own.

They're sorta neat at first.
The light pollution is obscene though.
If I went outside to look at the stars and the sky was washed out by a sea of blinking red lights, I would be pissed.

Braineack 07-13-2017 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by 99mx5 (Post 1427321)

explain this one to me please.

DNMakinson 07-13-2017 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1427399)
explain this one to me please.

Took me a while also.

Those are the fighters, with, I presume and organizer in the middle, smiling.

Black guy = Chocolate
Middle guy, is kind of pink looking = Strawberry
Right guy (Connor) is lilly white = Vanilla

Apparently someone thought they seemed like 3 scoops of ice cream.

Your Welcome

Braineack 07-13-2017 08:35 AM


Braineack 07-13-2017 08:53 AM

Facebook Post

Joe Perez 07-13-2017 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by codrus (Post 1427369)
Civilian nuclear generation, yes. Quite a few have been killed by military nuclear power generation.

In the US? Cite your source.

By "quite a few," I assume you mean three. That's the total number of fatalities related to military nuclear generation since the dawn of nuclear power. And they were more than 50 years ago.

Specifically, the only fatalities from a reactor incident in the US occurred in 1961. The experimental SL-1 reactor in Idaho Falls underwent a steam explosion, killing three people.

Anyway, this is the pictures thread. Apologies for potatophone pics. I bought the cheapest Android device they had at the AT&T store for the transition period between employers.

A picture of why I jumped at the opportunity to leave Chicago:


Only $29,500 for a parking space? Dude, sign me up!

This is how a nerd packs a moving van:


So far, so good:


To be fair, by the end I'd pretty much maxed this one out. I need less stuff. And yet, this house seems so empty, as though inviting me to acquire more stuff.

Aaaaaah, yes. Very much in my element.


Jones Sausage Road? I'm intrigued.


Satan Life:


m2cupcar 07-13-2017 11:21 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1427436)
This is how a nerd packs a moving van:


I may use that to replace my missing engine bay fuse box lid decal.

y8s 07-13-2017 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1427436)
In the US? Cite your source.

By "quite a few," I assume you mean three. That's the total number of fatalities related to military nuclear generation since the dawn of nuclear power. And they were more than 50 years ago.

Specifically, the only fatalities from a reactor incident in the US occurred in 1961. The experimental SL-1 reactor in Idaho Falls underwent a steam explosion, killing three people.

I guess there were no negative effects to humanity from 3 mile island, chernobyl, or fukushima? Nobody got even a little cancer or anything?

I see the argument though. Storage for spent nuclear fuel is tough but can kinda be done safely for a decent amount of time, but at least we don't just let it fly around the atmosphere after generating power like we do with wind. That's gotta be bad. Wind kills people all the time. In their little stick and nail built houses!

Let's just hope that the Terrorists and North Koreans don't get ahold of windmill technology and attach it to a plane and come after us.


Here is an excerpt from some sciencey types:
(yes the article aknowledges the impacts of wind power to wildlife, land use, and humanity)

Estimates of total global warming emissions depend on a number of factors, including wind speed, percent of time the wind is blowing, and the material composition of the wind turbine [13]. Most estimates of wind turbine life-cycle global warming emissions are between 0.02 and 0.04 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour. To put this into context, estimates of life-cycle global warming emissions for natural gas generated electricity are between 0.6 and 2 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour and estimates for coal-generated electricity are 1.4 and 3.6 pounds of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt-hour [14].

[13] National Academy of Sciences. 2010. Electricity from Renewable Resources: Status, Prospects, and Impediments.

[14] IPCC, 2011: IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation. Prepared by Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [O. Edenhofer, R. Pichs-Madruga, Y. Sokona, K. Seyboth, P. Matschoss, S. Kadner, T. Zwickel, P. Eickemeier, G. Hansen, S. Schlömer, C. von Stechow (eds)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 1075 pp. (Chapter 7 & 9).

Davezorz 07-13-2017 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1427252)
Agreed. The figures given are technically accurate, but fail to account for capacity factor, which is around 90% for most nuclear generating stations, and 30-35% for most US wind-turbine installations. So multiply the 260 mi^2 number by three for a true estimate of overall land-use-to-energy-production ratios.

Most calcs I see use 100% for any site that is combustion/steam fed.

Interesting note, here in the northeast, natural gas prices are so low that it is driving coal and even nuclear plants out of business. Generators and utilities are pushing for subsidies based on on-site storage capability. Nuke plants can run for 18-24 months without refueling, while coal plants typically have 20-40 days worth of fuel on site. CNG is not stored and is delivered to power plants on a Just-in-time basis, similar to your home. This can be a problem when demand for gas outstrips the infrastructures ability to deliver it. There is a local 1 1000 MW combined cycle plant in my area that was not allowed to operate during the 2014 polar vortex due to pressure drop concerns in the gas pipelines heading east. I am sure there were others that had similar issues.

Not trying to shill for coal or nuclear, but I think there is a decent argument to be made for diversified generation, and making sure the electric grid can handle stresses.

Davezorz 07-13-2017 12:12 PM

I was trying to edit my previous post to add a picture, but the edit feature does not seem to be working on this computer.

so here is a waste coal burning facility. Technically a green energy source!

sixshooter 07-13-2017 01:47 PM

1 Attachment(s)
One of my customers is a power plant that used to burn coal. Because of the green movement they spend millions of dollars to convert to biomass electricity generation. So now 90 tractor trailer loads of mulched wood arrive everyday 7 days a week. So, in the name of green energy they are clear cutting forests around here. We apparently didn't need these pesky forests.

Here is a picture of one of my machines with a 19 cubic yard bucket pushing mulch up into a pile after being deposited there by a 100 yd walking floor tractor trailer.

y8s 07-13-2017 02:05 PM

lets not confuse the stupidity of greenwashing with unrenewable resources that terraform the planet.

Joe Perez 07-13-2017 02:06 PM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1427453)
I guess there were no negative effects to humanity from 3 mile island, chernobyl, or fukushima? Nobody got even a little cancer or anything?

First, I specifically said "In the US." Chernobyl and Fuku sucked ass, but TMI was a total non-event as far as public health is concerned. Every credible report I've read puts the total number of additional cancers to the population stemming from TMI at between zero and one.

But not even Chernobyl and Fuku combined kill anywhere near as many people as rooftop solar, nat gas and wind. I know you were joking about wind power being dangerous, but as compared to nuclear, it actually is. I'm being totally serious.

Here's an article which discusses public health effects of power generation, and looks specifically at mortality rates for different sources of energy: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesco...ce-always-paid

Originally Posted by Davezorz (Post 1427459)
Most calcs I see use 100% for any site that is combustion/steam fed.

True, but I'm a realist. Nuke plants spend more time than coal / oil / gas plants shut down for scheduled maintenance. They don't shut down often, but when they do, they're typically off the grid for weeks.

Originally Posted by Davezorz (Post 1427463)
I was trying to edit my previous post to add a picture, but the edit feature does not seem to be working on this computer.

so here is a waste coal burning facility. Technically a green energy source!

Way cool. :bigtu:

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1427480)
One of my customers is a power plant that used to burn coal. Because of the green movement they spend millions of dollars to convert to biomass electricity generation. So now 90 tractor trailer loads of mulched wood arrive everyday 7 days a week. So, in the name of green energy they are clear cutting forests around here. We apparently didn't need these pesky forests.

Serious question: Do either government regulations or market forces require that new trees be planted to replace those torn down, at a rate which equals or exceeds consumption?

good2go 07-13-2017 02:15 PM

Wait, I thought this was NOT to be a political thread (?).

. . . lest we go:


y8s 07-13-2017 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1427483)
Here's an article which discusses public health effects of power generation, and looks specifically at mortality rates for different sources of energy: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesco...ce-always-paid

That's very interesting data. Yes, wind/solar appear much worse than nuclear. But holy F#$K compared to coal, oil, and biomass!

Sidenote: don't those wind and solar maintenance dudes wear harnesses?

unrelated mutagen picture.

TurboTim 07-13-2017 03:35 PM

99mx5 07-13-2017 05:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Rated G. One of the many hidden things in Disney animated movies.


codrus 07-13-2017 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1427436)
By "quite a few," I assume you mean three. That's the total number of fatalities related to military nuclear generation since the dawn of nuclear power. And they were more than 50 years ago.

I was thinking of SL-1 -- OK, so "a few", rather than "quite a few".

I had also been thinking of USS Thresher, but re-reading the material on it it's only partially related. The leak that sank it wasn't related to the reactor plumbing (this was the part I'd forgotten), and the only reactor-related part is that it got emergency-scrammed by the leak, so they couldn't use it to get to the surface and escape.


thirdgen 07-13-2017 06:29 PM

Joe Perez 07-13-2017 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by y8s (Post 1427495)
That's very interesting data. Yes, wind/solar appear much worse than nuclear. But holy F#$K compared to coal, oil, and biomass!

Sidenote: don't those wind and solar maintenance dudes wear harnesses?

Yep. And that's the problem. If you're not familiar with the difference between base-load and peak-load generating capacity, google it. Windmills and solar panels are great, but until we develop the technology to store and release energy at grid-scale in real time, they simply cannot replace base-load generators. Which means that every single nuke plant that gets shut down is replaced with a fossil-fuel plant, and that's pretty much the Worst Possible Thing™.

Originally Posted by codrus (Post 1427518)
I had also been thinking of USS Thresher, but re-reading the material on it it's only partially related.

To be honest, I kinda forgot about Thresher. And yeah, it's a tossup. The leak was not in the reactor plumbing, but it was in the engine room. But even if we include the crew of 129 aboard, US nuclear power still causes fewer fatalities per hundred years than any other generating technology.

Moving on....

I'm pretty much unpacked at this point:


While I was unloading the truck, the mail arrived. In most parts of the US, the mail arrives in a white, right-hand-drive truck, with "US Postal Service" printed on the side. Here in New Bern, it arrives in a purple Ford F150 with an amber strobe light on top, and the lady driving it (from the left hand position) leans over to the passenger side window at every stop.


I live in the fucking sticks. I have become those who I once mocked...

And yeah, it turns out to be one of those states where you can't buy liquor at the grocery store. Fucking tight-ass southerners...


Also, people here suck at parking. The owner of this VW managed to fuck it up in not one but TWO axis:



And I always hate the moment when you drop off the truck. It signifies the end of a journey. You served me well, Unit # 91601445.


Joe Perez 07-13-2017 06:55 PM

Seems like a recipe for a fun evening:


bahurd 07-13-2017 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1427535)
To be honest, I kinda forgot about Thresher.


Thresher loss was huge news in my home state at the time. BTW, it looks like you screwed up 4 spots with the truck....

Planning on staying for long?

good2go 07-13-2017 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1427535)


Also, people here suck at parking. ...


So you fit right in Joe. :facepalm: :bowrofl:

Joe Perez 07-13-2017 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by bahurd (Post 1427538)
Thresher loss was huge news in my home state at the time. BTW, it looks like you screwed up 4 spots with the truck....

Planning on staying for long?

To be fair, I parked that truck out at the extreme far end of the lot, near the storefronts with a "FOR LEASE" sign in the window. Mr. VW was right up front near the entrance to Harris-Teeter.

Also, a belated ode to Shitibike II:

Good bye, Shitibike II. You served me well and faithfully. Now, I part with you as I did your predecessor, abandoned on the street against a signpost. May the thief who takes you find joy in your existence.


TalkingPie 07-13-2017 10:02 PM

Joe, I'm impressed that you found Unibroue down there.

Along with the women, beer is one of the things we produce in fine quality in my little part of the world.

mgeoffriau 07-13-2017 11:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The kitchen/breakroom at my new employer:

Attachment 237088

thirdgen 07-14-2017 12:28 AM

Originally Posted by TalkingPie (Post 1427570)
beer is one of the things we produce in fine quality in my little part of the world.

Peche Mortel.../ thread.


DeerHunter 07-14-2017 03:03 AM


Scaxx 07-14-2017 05:41 AM

Lol, I wanna say I hope it's satire, but you just never know anymore.

olderguy 07-14-2017 06:50 AM

Originally Posted by Scaxx (Post 1427595)
Lol, I wanna say I hope it's satire, but you just never know anymore.

I knew a guy that thought that if a charging transformer were plugged into a switchable outlet and the outlet were turned off, it would discharge the phone attached to it.

Braineack 07-14-2017 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1427573)
The kitchen/breakroom at my new employer:


this is the breakroom in my office:


sixshooter 07-14-2017 09:39 AM


Posted: Jul 14 2017 08:01AM EDT
Updated: Jul 14 2017 08:56AM EDT

LAND O' LAKES (FOX 13) - A hole has opened up in the ground in a Pasco neighborhood.
Pasco Emergency Management said one home has started to fall into the depression. It is located at 21835 Ocean Pines Drive in Land O’ Lakes.
Surrounding homes are being evacuated. The total number is unknown. There have been no reported injuries.
The live video on TV now shows that as parts of the house fall, the hole is full of water and waves slosh back and forth. Totally crazy. Must be an underground river or spring in a limestone cavern that opened up. This is currently ongoing. It has eaten the road all the way across now on the live feed. http://www.fox13news.com/live

z31maniac 07-14-2017 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1427573)
The kitchen/breakroom at my new employer:


Hmm better cabinet/snack setup, but I see no TV/PS4/Ping pong table either. How many employees? I think we only have about 45-50 in our office and half the time only about half are working in the office.

Must have Larry E. up his game in the break room. But they are too busy trying to take over the rest of the floor in our building at the moment.

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