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Joe Perez 10-26-2016 01:56 PM


Waking up to find 2,182 new emails is not a promising start to the day.

rleete 10-26-2016 01:59 PM

Originally Posted by EO2K (Post 1370039)
BBC Four - James May: The Reassembler
I have no idea why, but I'm really enjoying this series. I believe all of S01 is now on youtube.

Those are quite entertaining if you like Mr. May.
I believe he could make just about anything worth watching. He's just got that way about him.


sixshooter 10-26-2016 02:18 PM

Fuel tank "burst" on Miata during race at VIR.

aidandj 10-26-2016 02:26 PM

sketchy. Wonder if he had a plugged vent or something.

Girz0r 10-26-2016 02:36 PM

sixshooter 10-26-2016 02:37 PM

Ben Waddell has become an Internet sensation since his Mazda Miata went up in flames on Saturday at Virginia International Raceway. Invited to drive alongside a group of drivers, the young racer was the in the best and worst position when the Miata turned into a rolling barbecue.
Thanks to his experience racing sedans in IMSA's Continental Tire Series, Waddell put that professional background to good use on Saturday and crafted an exit plan that prevented a bad situation from turning tragic.
Here's video of the incident that Waddell put on Twitter:
Scary moment today as my car caught on fire after a fuel leak. Lucky to walk away and most importantly I am okay, with only a few blisters. pic.twitter.com/Q8MunMyuK2
— Ben Waddell (@BenWaddell) October 23, 2016
"We were doing the 13-hour at VIR, it was my first stint, I went out, reported some vibrations, and then I noticed I was smelling a lot more fumes than usual and reported that, too, and they asked if I could keep going," he told RoadandTrack.com
"Eventually the car got a lot louder—super loud—so I pulled into the pits and half the exhaust fell off, so they pulled the back half off from the rear bumper, put it behind the wall and sent me out. Two laps later I was exiting Oak Tree, heard a loud pop, thought it was a tire blowing, and then I noticed fuel. My body clenched up, closed off my esophagus, and my body wouldn't let me breathe because of the fumes."
Despite the lack of incoming oxygen, Waddell calmed himself and started to pull off the track.
"Then I saw the fuel visually starting to pour, pulled off into the grass—I heading towards a concrete wall but couldn't really wait much longer to get out. I started trying to take off the steering wheel while headed at the wall, and got it slowed enough to where it was a light bump to stop the car.
"Once I was halfway out, it lit, then I started running and noticed both my ankles were on fire, saw my right ankle went out, then saw the left went for about 30 second, cupped it with both hands until it went out, and by that point my heart was going about a million miles an hour."

It might sound like a series of routine sponsor mentions, but in light of the minor injuries he sustained, Waddell has good reason to offer praise.
"I need to thank Sparco for my suit, Arai for my helmet, and Oakley for my gloves because they helped me to survive in one piece," he said. "I talked to the team and they don't know what happened yet. There was so much fuel in the my seat I have a chemical burn just from sitting in it for however many seconds. It was hot enough to make the [metal] buckle on the helmet chin strap stick to my skin…"
Waddell's attention soon turned to the footage of the incident.
"I was in the ambulance and was asking them to get the GoPro, but they said it was melted," he said. "When I got back from the infield care center, we pulled it out and found the SD card was fine. That's amazing, and it has been a lot more popular online than I expected."

The crazy experience has also left Waddell with some lingering injuries, and has made sleeping peacefully somewhat hard, but it's to be expected. Sticking to his schedule has also been a priority since Saturday's fire.
"Yeah, I still went to school today because I need to," he said. "I have blisters on my left ankle and on the bottom of my chin, and it singed my eyebrows, but you have to move on."
Looking to the future, Waddell tested a Global Rallycross car the day before the VIR enduro and is hoping to join a junior open-wheel racing series in 2017. He's also willing to confirm his short-term plans.
"I'm not going to a gas station anytime soon," he said with a laugh. "I'll let my car run out before I get anywhere near fuel right now…"

Top of the fuel tank popped open, spewing fuel upwards. The sheet metal covering above that is not completely sealed, and with the interior removed leaves a lot of little holes and slits. Also note that removing the seatbelts leaves a "corridor" along each side for fuel to get into the passenger compartment from the trunk (go take a peak at an SM). Short of taping and covering over EVERYTHING back there, a fuel leak in the trunk will result in fuel getting into the cabin.

Coupled to the supposition/rumor that the rear exhaust was removed from the car, the implication is that the exhaust heated up the tank, the cap and rollover valve allowed the tank to pressurize, and the seals around the fuel sender/pump a the top of the tank (or one of the worm-clamped hoses) gave up in a blaze of glory...

Braineack 10-26-2016 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1370063)

Waking up to find 2,182 new emails is not a promising start to the day.

How many were:


mgeoffriau 10-26-2016 02:45 PM

2000+ emails? I'm betting server logs or something similar.


Joe Perez 10-26-2016 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1370084)
How many were:


We had a single hard drive fail in a single RAID overnight. There was a hot spare, and the server seamlessly failed over to the backup RAID while the primary array automatically rebuilt itself. Apparently, however, the RAID felt the need to send a separate email for every single operation which took place during the process.

This is called "make sure that if your corporate IT folks configure something, they use common sense in setting up the alert parameters."

A raid:




The distinction is essentially meaningless- both are annoying.

DeerHunter 10-26-2016 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by m2cupcar (Post 1370054)

[Best Spock imitation] Fascinating!

Reminds me of the opening credits for Westworld:

Monk 10-26-2016 04:18 PM

EO2K 10-26-2016 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1370082)
"Eventually the car got a lot louder—super loud—so I pulled into the pits and half the exhaust fell off, so they pulled the back half off from the rear bumper, put it behind the wall and sent me out. Two laps later I was exiting Oak Tree, heard a loud pop, thought it was a tire blowing, and then I noticed fuel."

That's the problem right there. When they pulled the back half off the exhaust they started cooking the fuel tank. Even if the vents were still in place they probably couldn't keep up with that kind of temperature rise.

A couple years ago at the 25 hour race one of our cars got bumped in the rear, split the exhaust and started doing the same thing. When the car came in for fuel I was standing next to the fueler when he popped the gas cap and a geyser of boiling hot fuel came shooting out of the filler neck. No fire, but much puckering was had by all. IIRC we took a fuel spill penalty, things could have obviously been much worse.

turbofan 10-26-2016 05:31 PM

Friggin' terrifying.

hi_im_sean 10-26-2016 05:52 PM







bahurd 10-26-2016 06:02 PM

Wingsuit Flyer Gets Too Close To Canopy And Smacks Straight Into A Tree

Eric, the flyer, wore a flying suit outside of his skill level and flew straight through an 8-inch wide tree trunk, snapping the top 20 feet completely off. He should have died, but he didn't. Instead, he awoke in the hospital with little memory of the incident and no major injuries.

Joe Perez 10-26-2016 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by DeerHunter (Post 1370104)
Reminds me of the opening credits for Westworld

There's a new Westworld TV series?!?!


Godless Commie 10-26-2016 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1370130)
There's a new Westworld TV series?!?!

Make sure to catch Black Hole Sun and Paint it Black in episode 1...


neogenesis2004 10-26-2016 07:14 PM

It's on HBO. Quite good so far, but most HBO shows are IMO...

triple88a 10-26-2016 10:48 PM


Joe Perez 10-26-2016 11:04 PM

Originally Posted by neogenesis2004 (Post 1370136)
It's on HBO. Quite good so far, but most HBO shows are IMO...

OZ = Fan-fucking-tastic.
The Wire = Fan-fucking-tastic.
Six Feet Under = Fan-fucking-tastic.
The Sopranos = Fan-fucking-tastic.
Deadwood = Fan-fucking-tastic.
Band of Brothers = Fan-fucking-tastic.
The Pacific = Fan-fucking-tastic.
From the Earth to the Moon = Fan-fucking-tastic.
The Newsroom = Fan-fucking-tastic.
Silicon Valley = Fan-fucking-tastic.
Sex & The City = Well... ten out of eleven ain't bad.

And while we're in the 80s...

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