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mgeoffriau 08-25-2016 12:10 PM



Joe Perez 08-25-2016 08:56 PM

^ crazy shit.

click to play

gesso 08-26-2016 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by mgeoffriau (Post 1356466)
Unicycle gif

Oh man, I like to consider myself a decent unicyclist and a bit of thrill seeker, but f'that, that's a good way to die.

B6Tfastiva 08-26-2016 07:41 AM

Passed this every morning this week. Has to be a daily driver it's always in a different spot when I drive by. Little rough looking but but it's in better shape than most I've seen. https://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.mia...0776c5adac.jpg

m2cupcar 08-26-2016 10:31 AM

thumpetto007 08-26-2016 11:42 AM

I like how those people are laughing, they have no idea what those sounds are.

I actually spent a lot of time practicing car sounds with my mouth, and you can make lots more sounds by not only using your lips, like that guy was doing. Supras are easy, you can get your throat to resonate along with your oral cavity. External wastegates can be imitated by changing lips from an "o" shape with teeth open, to lips open with teeth closed. Adds that extra dimension of sound.

V8 with a roots supercharger are the hardest, you have to nail the rumble, along with the whine, which are both sounds coming from the throat.

sixshooter 08-26-2016 12:32 PM


sixshooter 08-26-2016 12:41 PM


Joe Perez 08-26-2016 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1356777)
(dive bombing)

Definitely a Florida-centric joke. :giggle:

I decided not to take a condo which I otherwise liked (good view, great location, easy parking) for the following reason:


They were all like that. And the "fuse box" contained actual screw-type fuses.

Here's a picture of a girl paying for something at McDonald's with a $100 bill:


And a kid who was actually directing traffic at an intersection:


And the master bedroom of a different condo I looked at, in which the owners had placed two stuffed dog plushies on the bed.


Before leaving, I re-arranged the dogs to make it appear that they were engaged in the act of coitus.

And on a completely unrelated note, this guy is attempting to create art:


EO2K 08-26-2016 01:05 PM

turbofan 08-26-2016 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by thumpetto007 (Post 1356745)
I like how those people are laughing, they have no idea what those sounds are.

I actually spent a lot of time practicing car sounds with my mouth, and you can make lots more sounds by not only using your lips, like that guy was doing. Supras are easy, you can get your throat to resonate along with your oral cavity. External wastegates can be imitated by changing lips from an "o" shape with teeth open, to lips open with teeth closed. Adds that extra dimension of sound.

V8 with a roots supercharger are the hardest, you have to nail the rumble, along with the whine, which are both sounds coming from the throat.

You realize you now have to make a video for us, right?

That kid on the show was pretty good, but I've never seen anyone do it better than this guy.

EO2K 08-26-2016 01:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 237414

Gave me a chuckle this morning :giggle:

turbofan 08-26-2016 01:59 PM


Braineack 08-26-2016 02:31 PM

Facebook Post

thumpetto007 08-26-2016 03:04 PM

shit's funny. pulls the finger out to point lol

i found this on the tubes... another guy doing car sounds, skip to 5:45 for the demonstration, or just watch the whole vid, he gets into the different characteristics of the V10 sound he is reproducing...

sixshooter 08-26-2016 03:14 PM

Braineack 08-26-2016 04:47 PM

Riding the Bus with My Sister Reviews & Ratings - IMDb


Watching "Riding the Bus with My Sister" was a life-changing experience for me. Before it started I was a dyed-in-the-wool hardcore atheist, but now, having watched it, I believe Satan is real. There's simply no other explanation for the existence of this cinematic turd. Everyone involved should be deeply ashamed. It made me feel sorry for actors in general, because who else would be desperate and needy enough to be seen publicly humiliating themselves like this? People do some strange things for money, but being in this outdoes any stunt Fear Factor challenged its contestants with. "Go on, we dare you to be in a Hallmark TV movie with Rosie O'Donnell playing a retard." "Uh, no thanks." Anjelica Huston proves directorial talent isn't necessarily hereditary, but honestly what could she do with this material (other than the smart thing, which would have been run like hell in the opposite direction)? Rosie O'Donnell is horrible as a rule, but in "Riding the Bus with My Sister" she is the face that launched a thousand nightmares. I am afraid to go to sleep tonight. During one of the many sappy Hallmark commercials peppered throughout the broadcast, a woman visits her newly independent Downs syndrome brother. He has a quiet dignity and speaks well. Rosie O'Donnell, on the other hand, plays an obnoxious braying freak. But she's not alone. It was an interesting choice to include nary a sympathetic or even mildly likable character. Maybe Richard T. Jones's Jesse, but only because I like that actor and felt bad he was in this. Really bad.

And I never thought I'd write these words, but there's actually something worse than the output of Nicholas Sparks. The writing, the acting, the everything is horrendous. A+ for homogeneity, I suppose.

Like many of the other posters here I tuned in for "the wrong reasons." I did not want my heart warmed (thought heartburn was resultant); I wanted laughs. I did get them, but the pain became almost unbearable midway through. Like a marathon of masochism, my wife and I made it all the way to the bitter, completely devoid of revelation end—a true endurance test that left us questioning our sanity. We clearly lack good sense.

And actually, it sort of deserves two ratings: 1 out of 10 in terms of genuine merit, but 10 out of 10 on the "so bad it'll blow your mind" scale.

Can we start taking up a collection to jettison Rosie into space? Please? Side note: 3 cast members of the remake of "Dawn of the Dead" were in this. Go Canada!

Additional side note: having just attended the Diane Arbus retrospective at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, I wonder if the decision to make Andie MacDowell's character a photographer who gets a solo show featuring shots of her retarded sister was a misguided homage to Arbus and her "Untitled" series of photos of retarded women. Nah, I'm giving credit where credit isn't due.

...Evidently Rosie subscribes to the "worst stereotypes of mentally handicapped persons" school of acting. She balls up her fists and hold them close to my chest, like some gigantic flightless bird. She juts her lower chin out, her face frozen with about as much depth of feeling as an extra in a George Romero "Living Dead" movie...and her voice. It is not an exaggeration to say, if it were used against Iraqi prisoners, it would be at the top of the Human Rights violations list. This combination croak / screech - Gilford Godfrey, part Pee-Wee Herman, and part "Which Way Did He Go, George?" - is in fact a talent; neither my wife nor I could actually reproduce this noise she was making. Mentally challenged folk do not look like this, do not talk like this. Her performance insults them.

She is an insult to acting. Watching 10 seconds of her insulted my intelligence as well as assaulted my senses. The actors who worked with her should have their therapy bills covered by the studio.

Joe Perez 08-26-2016 08:57 PM

Can I has time machine?

triple88a 08-27-2016 01:26 PM

Best teacher ever.


A Burns Middle School teacher gave students a racist test | Fusion

DNMakinson 08-27-2016 01:43 PM


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