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rleete 03-16-2016 12:17 PM

Which is still illegal for the very same reasons.

Edit: My friend, former Miata owner and current NY State Trooper says that the lead vehicle would be charged in the case of an accident. The official phrase he used was "commission of a dangerous act".

triple88a 03-16-2016 12:18 PM

Flashing the lights is also considered brake checking especially when you let go of the gas and the vehicle starts decelerating. The only legal way to do it is by turning on your headlights. When your foot goes on the brake pedal it leaves the "how hard did you brake" part to the imagination of the judge. As said, most states consider this reckless driving and a misdemeanor.

aidandj 03-16-2016 12:18 PM

Up until the brake check the lead car did nothing wrong. It is not illegal to drive slower than the speed limit (which we don't know if he did or not) in the passing lane...if you are passing

aidandj 03-16-2016 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by triple88a (Post 1316151)
Flashing the lights is also considered brake checking especially when you let go of the gas and the vehicle starts decelerating. The only legal way to do it is by turning on your headlights. When your foot goes on the brake pedal it leaves the "how hard did you brake" part to the imagination of the judge. As said, most states consider this reckless driving and a misdemeanor.

Not when there are cars to your right merging, or maybe another car showed signs of entering your lane. Car should have left enough distance in front of them. That is also the law.

triple88a 03-16-2016 12:21 PM

Correct. I'm not saying the idiot in the back was right for tailgating. I'm just saying the guy in front was also guilty for brake checking him. Both are wrong.

Girz0r 03-16-2016 12:26 PM



aidandj 03-16-2016 12:29 PM

I see no way that you could prove that there wasn't a valid reason for hitting the brakes. car malfunction, debris in the road, movement from another driver.

Where you can easily prove that the following car was way too close.

Joe Perez 03-16-2016 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by aidandj (Post 1316160)

So, not that I have any intention of paying money for it, but I think it's kind of cool that there's a tool you can use to simulate the universe and make changes to it.

(I wonder if the simulation simulates all of the simulations running within it, which in turn simulate the simulations running within them, etc.)

triple88a 03-16-2016 12:36 PM

Thats actually a horrible program. KSP > Universe sandbox2

Joe Perez 03-16-2016 12:39 PM

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Originally Posted by triple88a (Post 1316162)
Thats actually a horrible program. KSP > Universe sandbox2

Does KSP emulate the universe?


triple88a 03-16-2016 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1316164)
Does KSP emulate the universe?

Yes with mods but in KSP you can also play in the created universe.

good2go 03-16-2016 12:56 PM

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Originally Posted by triple88a (Post 1316151)
Flashing the lights is also considered brake checking especially when you let go of the gas and the vehicle starts decelerating. The only legal way to do it is by turning on your headlights. When your foot goes on the brake pedal it leaves the "how hard did you brake" part to the imagination of the judge. As said, most states consider this reckless driving and a misdemeanor.

So what if the lead driver had something urgent happening with the engine and suddenly realized they needed to pull over and wanted to do it in the least disruptive way possible. Are they not ever allowed to depress the brake pedal without having to be liable for some tailgating asshole who not only left insufficient room for reaction time, but also chose to not pay attention WHILE they were glued to his ass?!!

I abhor anyone that legitimately brake checks someone, and truth be told, I tend more toward being the tailgater that the tailgatee, but there is a reasonable limit where pressuring a car from behind to "make your presence felt" and "demonstrating your desire to go faster" become criminally reckless. Like when you're so damn close you can't react without losing control of your car!

I always learned you move to the right and let faster traffic go by, and I do that, but I also always understood that you never drive faster or closer than you can control your car to stop without causing an accident (i.e. if you rear-end someone, it's 99% chance it's your own fault).

Numerous times I have had jackwads park on my ass while I'm in the fast lane behind 2 or 3 other cars waiting for some granny in front of all of us to finally move over. Basically, there is nowhere to go and it's just a matter of waiting, so nothing is gained by said jackwad to be parked 10' off my ass at 70mph. In such instances, I have flashed my brake lights by just breathing on the brake pedal momentarily. Sometimes they take the hint and fall back to a close, yet respectable distance, but I have had others freak the fuck out, honk, scream, flip me off and act like i tried to kill them.

Whether or not there is a law that says you're not supposed to flash your brake lights to signal someone of your impending intention to slow down or just to back off, the far greater transgression in this instance was clearly with the completely inept tailgater who risked the lives of everyone around her (it was a 42 yo woman apparently) by driving in a manner that was completely outside of the safe and controllable envelope for her and her vehicle. In short, she was quite literally OUT OF CONTROL.


EDIT: Image added for compliance


TurboTim 03-16-2016 01:03 PM

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KSP worth $40 IYHO?


Joe Perez 03-16-2016 01:35 PM

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Looks familiar. I do believe that's the current-gen model of my PC at work:


y8s 03-16-2016 01:39 PM

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hey armchair traffic investigators: post some goddamn pictures or I will give you warnings. A picture of text will get you double warning because it's not funny after the first 10 times.

eggplant dildos.



99mx5 03-16-2016 02:07 PM

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triple88a 03-16-2016 02:13 PM

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Originally Posted by TurboTim (Post 1316176)
KSP worth $40 IYHO?

I recommend waiting for a discount. they run them quite often. I should say i have 433 hours in it recorded on steam. I was playing it outside of steam for quite a bit. The next patch will be good because they will add multicore support which this game NEEDs.


My mining rig on one of jupiters moons refueling my explorer.

Braineack 03-16-2016 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by triple88a (Post 1316155)
Correct. I'm not saying the idiot in the back was right for tailgating. I'm just saying the guy in front was also guilty for brake checking him. Both are wrong.

i tailgated a car yesterday going slow in the fast lane.

i passed him on the right, and then he flashed his hidden red and blues at me.

had MD plates so i continued to speed off.

fooger03 03-16-2016 03:48 PM

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It's never illegal to slow down, unless such slowing down is to a speed below the minimum speed limit when there are no apparent reasons for such slowing down (traffic density, weather, herd of hippopotamus, etc.) I know you are able to be sued in civil court for "brake checking", but I'm not sure I've ever heard of a criminal conviction for it.

What *is* illegal is tailgating, at least here in my home state of Ohio and apparently in the other Winner Take All state according to this public service announcement.

It's the responsibility of the trailing car to ensure that they are never in a position which jeopardizes their ability to come to a complete stop before making contact with something ahead of them.


+1 vote for karma.

sixshooter 03-16-2016 04:23 PM

^What he said.

It is not illegal to use your brakes.

It is also not illegal to decide you want to abort your passing attempt and instead slow down and get behind the car on the right.

It is, however, illegal to diddle with your cell phone (technical term) and not notice vehicles slowing ahead of you in such a way as to cause an accident.

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