Miata Turbo Forum - Boost cars, acquire cats.

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TrickerZ 07-10-2015 01:32 PM

Rode this today

Braineack 07-10-2015 01:37 PM

Joe Perez 07-10-2015 01:57 PM

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Reminds me of the ship's mechanic in Alien Resurrection.


TurboTim 07-10-2015 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by TrickerZ (Post 1247996)
Rode this today

-ferrari coaster-

Great Adventure is right by me so I've been on Kingda ka a bunch of times. not as quick as the Ferrari coaster but pulls a little more G's on launch. These hydraulic launch coasters are no joke. It pulls pretty good, levels off, then pulls harder towards the end. OOOfff.

There's now a free fall on the Kingda Ka tower...haven't done that one yet.

triple88a 07-11-2015 01:12 AM

Facebook Post

kenzo42 07-11-2015 03:27 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1247998)

How do all mechanics not have back problems? Leaning over into the engine bay for even an hour kills my lower back.

oilstain 07-11-2015 10:51 AM

Originally Posted by kenzo42 (Post 1248127)
How do all mechanics not have back problems? Leaning over into the engine bay for even an hour kills my lower back.

This is the problem I expected to see fixed in that video, essentially a SuperMan rig that attaches to an engine hoist. Know that stupid little coolant hose that attaches to the back of the engine? Ha, I'm flying now, you fucker!

mgeoffriau 07-11-2015 11:56 AM

sixshooter 07-11-2015 06:38 PM

The Random Pictures Thread. Only Rule: Post here more and entertain me.
2 Attachment(s)

samnavy 07-11-2015 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by TurboTim (Post 1248031)
...not as quick as the Ferrari coaster but pulls a little more G's on launch. These hydraulic launch coasters are no joke. It pulls pretty good, levels off, then pulls harder towards the end...

I'd love to go one one of these coasters that advertise how "fast" they are and compare them to a catapult shot off an aircraft carrier.

I know that even slower aircraft (like the Hawkeye that I fly) compare to the acceleration curve of a top-fuel dragster, but it's every little nuance that changes the experience.

I've got a feeling that the new magnetic catapults are gonna be "pussy-speed" compared to the steam stuff of old.

Joe Perez 07-11-2015 10:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1248248)
I'd love to go one one of these coasters that advertise how "fast" they are and compare them to a catapult shot off an aircraft carrier.

This one (which hasn't yet been constructed) claims to sustain +10g for 60 seconds:


Yes, the whole point of it is to kill the rider. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia_Coaster

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1248248)
I've got a feeling that the new magnetic catapults are gonna be "pussy-speed" compared to the steam stuff of old.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were engineered to produce a linear acceleration, achieving the same velocity at the end of the stroke, but with lower peak impulse. Decreased stress on the airframes (and the nose gear), and probably more energy-efficient as well.

Also, this is apparently a real thing:


samnavy 07-11-2015 11:22 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1248249)
This one (which hasn't yet been constructed) claims to sustain +10g for 60 seconds:

I wouldn't be surprised if they were engineered to produce a linear acceleration, achieving the same velocity at the end of the stroke, but with lower peak impulse. Decreased stress on the airframes (and the nose gear), and probably more energy-efficient as well.

I've been exposed to 6 G's transient in a Tomcat and a 7 G momentary in a Hornet... both experiences were not fun. 10 G's are not something that the human body can sustain with useful consciousness for more than a few seconds without a lot of preparation/anticipation. and even then.

As for carrier launches... steam catapults are not very good at "progressive" advance of acceleration. I'm a former flight deck officer and have personal experience at this. When the steam hits the piston, it's all or nothing... from the pilots seat, it feels list 0-40 is instantaneous, and the 40-140 takes another 2-3 seconds. I'm not kidding... by the seat-of-the-pants, it feels like the plane slams you in the back at 50mph and THEN accelerates to launch speed. Catapult launches are not pleasant.

shooterschmidty 07-12-2015 08:47 AM

The F-16 centrifuge profile peaks at 9 G's for 15 seconds with an onset rate of 8 G's/second if I recall correctly. It definitely isn't pleasant, but it's a really cool experience. It's very unique, and a little creepy, to watch your field of view shrink as you try to force more blood to your head.

TrickerZ 07-12-2015 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1248249)
Also, this is apparently a real thing:


Turbo + alternator for a hybrid?

hi_im_sean 07-12-2015 10:40 AM

2 Attachment(s)
This is incredible, how have we not known this?



Joe Perez 07-12-2015 11:02 AM

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Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1248250)
I've been exposed to 6 G's transient in a Tomcat and a 7 G momentary in a Hornet... both experiences were not fun. 10 G's are not something that the human body can sustain with useful consciousness for more than a few seconds without a lot of preparation/anticipation. and even then.

As per the link I posted, that specific coaster is intended to kill the rider. Hence the name "Euthanasia Coaster."

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1248250)
As for carrier launches... steam catapults are not very good at "progressive" advance of acceleration. I'm a former flight deck officer and have personal experience at this. When the steam hits the piston, it's all or nothing... from the pilots seat, it feels list 0-40 is instantaneous, and the 40-140 takes another 2-3 seconds. I'm not kidding... by the seat-of-the-pants, it feels like the plane slams you in the back at 50mph and THEN accelerates to launch speed.

I'm sure that the new electric catapults will feel less dramatic to the pilot, which is kind of the whole point. From an engineering perspective, decreasing peak impulse and providing a closed-loop, linear acceleration curve is all benefit and zero drawback. Greater efficiency, and less stress on both airframe components and the launcher itself. The next generation of carrier-qualified fighters will be able to use the same 1.6 diffs as their AF cousins, rather than needing to be upgraded to the heavier 1.8 units.*

* = A joke, a joke... I know the Navy will keep specifying 1.8 diffs long after carrier warfare is a dim memory.

Originally Posted by TrickerZ (Post 1248272)
Turbo + alternator for a hybrid?

Within the constraints of calling a current-gen Formula 1 car a hybrid, yes.


The Honda 2015 F1 Power Unit explained - Car Engineer

The system uses two motor-generators; one on the turbo shaft (MGU-H), another coupled to the drivetrain (MGU-K).

During braking, the drivetrain motor puts electricity into a battery, and then on the transition from decel into accel, that electricity is fed into the turbo motor to spool it up immediately. At high-RPM WOT, useful energy can be extracted from the turbo shaft (above and beyond what's being used to power the compressor) and fed directly into the drivetrain motor to increase WHP, with any energy left in the battery being available to the drivetrain motor on a "push-for-boost" basis.

golftdibrad 07-13-2015 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1248281)

I'm sure that the new electric catapults will feel less dramatic to the pilot, which is kind of the whole point. From an engineering perspective, decreasing peak impulse and providing a closed-loop, linear acceleration curve is all benefit and zero drawback. Greater efficiency, and less stress on both airframe components and the launcher itself. The next generation of carrier-qualified fighters will be able to use the same 1.6 diffs as their AF cousins, rather than needing to be upgraded to the heavier 1.8 units.*

not to mention they wont need to wait for steam to replenish before cycling the next aircraft. Usually not a problem, but a good problem to eliminate.

shuiend 07-14-2015 09:12 AM

Originally Posted by hi_im_sean (Post 1248277)
This is incredible, how have we not known this?


That picture made my day.


Braineack 07-14-2015 10:45 AM

they should install generators in the coolant pipes from the radiator, when the car overheats it can generate it's own electricity to power the fans.

Monk 07-14-2015 12:33 PM

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Here's that thing that was a planet once:


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