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Trayvon Martin: What say y'all?

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Old 07-27-2013, 06:38 PM
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Default Thomas Sowell

The Left by Thomas Sowell

In the case of Trayvon Martin, we have the Left creating a white person out of George Zimmerman in order for the circumstances to fit their narrative.
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Old 07-28-2013, 09:24 AM
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I haven't touched on the Trayvon Martin issue because race matters in this country are the paralysis of the American people. To constructively discuss Trayvon would require empathy, introspection and an understanding of America's social and economic history. This is why the open forums we have seen thus far seem to fuel more ignorance and bias than reasonable debate.

To be brutally honest, the only reason people are even aware of Trayvon Martin is because it became a topic within mainstream news and pop culture. Meaning: News directors saw it as a profitable, sensational story. Hundreds of blacks die annually in South Side Chicago without even a blurb. Trayvon isn't in the mainstream news for any reason other than ratings and profit. The news coverage on the Zimmerman case almost implies that the killing of this young black man is somehow an anomaly and I resent that.

In this country, if it isn't streamlined through mainstream media and pop culture, it doesn't seem to warrant national debate. Our "government" continues to wreak havoc on our civil liberties and there is little to no protest from the black community because of media diversion tactics that keep such pertinent issues out of mainstream media. But if Jay-Z or Rihanna were to make mention of it, we'd suddenly be jolted out of our sugar comas and protesting on freeways.

My point being, people are up in arms about Trayvon based on regurgitated pundits and manipulated facts aired to elicit emotion while fueling America's anger and division. That's how you boost ratings. No different from Piers Morgan's desperate rant over gun control when he knew his ratings were in the dumps. And from where I stand, anyone who still relies on corporate-owned media pundits to support an argument isn't equipped to offer worthwhile solutions.

People are using Trayvon Martin's death as an excuse to project their own deep-seated issues with racism and will not be capable of intelligent, empathetic debate until they've cooled down and afforded themselves an education.

Addressing Trayvon without first addressing the absence of critical thinking in our schools, the lack of introspection, the reasons for our low tolerance and our country's skewed value system does nothing more than create a sounding board for the ignorant. So rather than facilitate more racism outcry, I'd like to address young black people specifically.

I believe we lost that trial for Trayvon long before he was killed. Trayvon was doomed the moment ignorance became synonymous with young black America . We lost that case by using media outlets (music, movies, social media, etc.) as vehicles to perpetuate the same negative images and social issues that destroyed the black community in the first place. When we went on record glorifying violent crime and when we voted for a president we never thought to hold accountable. When we signed on to do reality shows that fed into the media's stereotypes of black men, we ingrained an image of Trayvon Martin so overwhelming that who he actually may have been didn't matter anymore.

Don't you find it peculiar that the same media outlets who have worked so diligently to galvanize the negative stigmas of black men in America are now airing open debates on improving the image of black males in American media? Do you honestly think CNN is using their competitive time slots for philanthropy?

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel

If we really wanted to ensure Trayvon Martin's killing was not in vain, we'd stop perpetuating negative images that are now synonymous with black men in America. We'd stop rapping about selling drugs and killing ******. The next time we saw a man beating a woman, we'd call for help or break it up, but one thing we would not do is stand by with our cellphones out -- yelling WORLDSTAR! Instead of rewarding kids for memorization, we'd reward them for independent and critical thinking.

We'd spend less time subconsciously repeating lyrics about death and murder and more time understanding why we are so willing to twerk to songs that bemean women and boast of having things we cannot afford. We'd set examples of self-love for our youth by honoring our own hair, skin and eye color. We'd stop spending money on designer gear that we should be spending on our physical and psychological health. We'd seek information outside the corporate owned-media that manipulates us. We'd stop letting television babysit our kids and we'd quit regurgitating pundits we haven't come up with on our own.

Education, introspection, self-love and excellence are the only ways to overcome the wrath of ignorance. So before going back to popping molly and getting Turnt Up, I urge you to consider the implications of your actions. Your child's life may depend on it.
Romany Malco, July 17, 2013
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Old 07-29-2013, 01:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Chilicharger665
I really dont like O'Reilly, but that clip was great.

someone else liked it:

more reading about failed policies:

The advancement of the black community in America stalled and has actually regressed ever since Democrats took that community under their wing in the 1960's.

As the decades have passed, it's become apparent Democratic social policies are not advancing the fortunes of the black community. In fact, many of the failed policies have been actively harming it.

Democratic leaders in our major cities have had over forty years to get a handle on the problem of crime and gangs. Their policies simply don't work. But they are ideologically bound to these failed policies, and so they are stuck. They cannot do what Rudy Giuliani did in New York because they don't share his views on crime and law enforcement. Indeed, they vehemently reject them.

The biggest fear of the progressive movement is that blacks are going to wake up and see what's happened. The black community must never realize it is the progressive policies of the white liberal Democrats that caused their societal disintegration and the increase in inner city crime, of which they bear most of the cost, especially in lives lost.

Progressives send out hand-picked black leaders to constantly tell the community that what is really holding them back, and explains the stalling of the community's advancement in America since the 1960's, is white racism.
To demonstrate that white racism is prevalent, systemic and endemic in America, these leaders and their friends in the media are constantly looking for cases that can fit a narrative of oppressive white racism. They are forced to distort what few candidate cases do arise, such as they did with the Trayvon Martin tragedy.

Almost every single "fact" of the original narrative the country was told about this case turned out to be false. The original narrative as it was first presented was that of a hulking white racist who jumped out of his vehicle to chase down and catch a tiny black child. The white racist then viciously beat this black child for several minutes. The child's screams for help could be heard on a 911 audio tape, and the screams ended when the white racist cold-bloodedly executes him with a handgun.

And so the country just spent two years of its time consumed with a case that was sold to it on bogus merits. And the people who did the selling are already looking for the next outrage case to take nationwide to serve as their next "proof" of white racism.

By constantly keeping the black community focused on white racism as the source of their struggles, progressives drown out any attempt to discuss gangs and crime, and why Democratic leaders in these major cities can't seem to do anything effective in combating this much, much greater threat to the black community. They'd rather people keep an eye peeled for Bull Connor in a pickup truck instead of wondering why the city government can't seem to lock up truly dangerous repeat criminals.

Yet polls indicate that the public in general is no longer buying the strategy, as just 24% believe Zimmerman acted based on racism. This is after 2 years of incessant claims by racial hucksters that this was an open-and-shut case of white racism.
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Old 07-30-2013, 08:42 AM
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Lee County, Florida Sheriff Mike Scott sent a letter to Lee County Branch NAACP president James Muwakkil explaining his disdain for the way he believes the NAACP ignores "epidemic" black-on-black violence in certain parts of Florida while allegedly trying to recast the Trayvon Martin shooting as white vs. black violence to score political points:

Record numbers of young, black males have been gunned down in Ft. Myers in an epidemic of alarming proportions over the last few years. In virtually every instance the killer was also black and the majority of those cases remain open... To date I am unaware of any appreciable attention or public outcry the NAACP locally or nationally have afforded these issues in our own, proverbial backyard.


Conversely, you immediately inserted yourself and the Lee County Branch in the matter of Trayvon Martin's tragic death in a city hours from ours and publicly declared the matter to have been mishandled by the police


I consider you a friend and hope my candor does not ruin that; however, I simply find myself unable to support your professional agenda, which I believe actually contradicts the goal of eliminating double standards.
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Old 07-30-2013, 09:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Braineack
someone else liked it:

and now [black] people hate Lemon:

Don Lemon: Bill O'Reilly's 'Got A Point' About Black People (VIDEO)

Just saw Fruitvale Station. Heard Lemon remarks. There is nothing I can say. Yet. I just have to wonder. Exactly which America does he live in? But if I had a dollar for every turn coat **** who made it up and out, then cut the rope ladder behind him... they get to thinking that good money, good suits and good manners will make them see you differently... I'll tell you what though. If you step to the plate, your behind better be ready to take a pitch.
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Old 08-21-2013, 05:21 PM
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More on POTUS children:

No Cookies | Herald Sun
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Old 09-09-2013, 06:25 PM
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Douche bag with a Gun On the loose.
George Zimmerman's Wife on 911 Tape: 'I Am Really, Really Scared' - Yahoo!
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Old 09-09-2013, 07:47 PM
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id be pretty pissed my wife went on national TV and said she wasnt sure she wanted to remain with me as well.
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Old 09-09-2013, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by bbundy
"A Lake Mary police official later said Zimmerman did not have a gun, officers never found a gun and that Zimmerman himself said he never had a gun on him."

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Old 09-09-2013, 09:50 PM
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Bitches be crazy.

She's getting money from someone.
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Old 09-09-2013, 10:49 PM
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Or maybe he really is an *******, just as it was obvious to everybody who wasnt busy being up on the cross.
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Old 09-11-2013, 10:52 AM
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Love, relationships, divorce, and murder cases - can be hell. Survivors of trauma all react differently emotionally and physically, and you can say that deserved or not, both George and Shelly Zimmerman had suffered trauma.

Some survivors go through survivor guilt, some get euphoric and feel invincible. The legal situation dragged on for over a year and when it was all over the highs and lows of the endorphins and other (natural) chemicals have worn off the result can be unpredictable. You could probably classify it as a form of PTSD.

It is important that you be trained in advance to know the possible effects of a traumatic event such as this on you before it happens so that when it does you can compensate and perhaps include counseling in your post event plan. I doubt either of them had prepared themselves properly for such an eventuality.

I hope someone who cares about them pulls them aside and settles them the heck down because both of them could be on a collision course to something far worse than just a failed marriage.

Tips for Survivors of a Traumatic Event - from .gov


Although behavioral responses to disaster may involve aggression, domestic violence or increases in substance use, these behaviors are not typical unless they were pre-existing issues for the survivor. Common adverse behavioral stress reactions include isolation, withdrawal and developmentally inappropriate feelings of dependency (regression). Cognitive difficulties following a disaster are not uncommon and may include intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, memory problems, impaired concentration, dissociation, depersonalization, derealization or time distortion.

Common emotional reactions include feelings of fearfulness, anxiety, psychological and physical distress, depression, irritability, frustration or significant fear regarding one’s sense of safety and security. It is also not uncommon for some survivors to feel heroic, euphoric or invulnerable, especially during or immediately following the disaster event, because they have survived. Conversely, a feeling of psychological “numbness” is not unusual. Post-disaster adjustment problems can also occur and include increases in family stress and fears related to the event. According to Robert Ursano, survivors living with severe disabilities or disfigurement as a result of a disaster are approximately 35 percent more likely to experience psychological problems.
From: "All-trauma-is-not-the-same"
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Old 09-11-2013, 07:43 PM
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Maybe the bitch wants her life back an is not only resentful but truly a bitch.
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Old 09-15-2013, 12:14 AM
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Well well well.

Shellie Zimmerman Arrested and Charged with Battery Against George Zimmerman - National Report | National Report
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Old 09-15-2013, 09:10 AM
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Mark - Please find us a different source. I feel like I need to wash my hands after visiting that website...
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Old 09-15-2013, 10:04 AM
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I think maybe the point of that website was missed. Here's another article from them.

Sandra Fluke Reveals Plan To Beat "World Group Intercourse Record" As Protest Against **** Shaming | Manfred Peregrine | National Report
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Old 09-15-2013, 12:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack
Mark - Please find us a different source. I feel like I need to wash my hands after visiting that website...
I feel that way with Biden as VP...
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Old 09-19-2013, 01:42 PM
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Originally Posted by cordycord
I feel that way with Biden as VP...
Like. Lolol
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Old 10-08-2013, 08:38 AM
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Parents Upset After Trayvon Martin Day Planned During Local Homecoming Week « CBS Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Parents were upset after Carrick High School approved a plan to have a Trayvon Martin theme day during the school’s homecoming.

The homecoming committee, and school voted and approved the theme which is part of school spirit week.

Parents were upset that kids were being encouraged to wear hoodies to school during the Wednesday theme.
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Old 10-08-2013, 10:37 AM
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