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Trayvon Martin: What say y'all?

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Old 07-15-2013, 09:57 AM
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Hustler had a busy weekend:

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Old 07-15-2013, 10:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Joe Perez
Various individual who work in media may have their own specific biases, but as a whole, the only agenda which "the media" has is to make money by inflaming opinion via whatever means available, and then selling tickets to the show.
I think you've got most of that right, but it's a mistake to completely blow off the notion of concerted effort via bias.

See: JournoList.
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Old 07-15-2013, 10:32 AM
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To be fair, this is the jury:


Rub your face in it! Swallow down that hard pill! Black blood spills in the streets of America nightly at the hands other blacks
Yeah gimme that anger...once again that rage...that misguided angst when you true enemy is your own complacency and cowardice.
Curse kick scream yell tweet unfollow. Don't matter to me if y'all don't start valuing yourselves N*****S will be in the same boat tomorrow
Nobody knows what really happened except trayvon and Zimmerman. The justice system relies on reasonable doubt not our emotions.
Attached Thumbnails Trayvon Martin: What say y'all?-deen%2520tweet.jpg  
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Old 07-15-2013, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Braineack
Hustler had a busy weekend:

Typical white people. Want to fix everything with money.
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Old 07-15-2013, 11:15 AM
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Is deductive thought my privilege, too? Or is it my burden?
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Old 07-15-2013, 11:31 AM
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Thinking is not an automatic function. In any hour and issue of his life, man is free to think or to evade that effort. Thinking requires a state of full, focused awareness. The act of focusing one’s consciousness is volitional. It varies when one grasps the concept “table” or the concept “justice,” when one grasps that 2 + 2 = 4 or that e = mc2.

A man cannot think if he places something—anything—above his perception of reality. He cannot follow the evidence unswervingly or uphold his conclusions intransigently, while regarding compliance with other men as his moral imperative, self-abasement as his highest virtue, and sacrifice as his primary duty. He cannot use his brain while surrendering his sovereignty over it, i.e., while accepting his neighbors as its owner and term-setter.
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Old 07-15-2013, 11:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Joe Perez
Various individual who work in media may have their own specific biases, but as a whole, the only agenda which "the media" has is to make money by inflaming opinion via whatever means available, and then selling tickets to the show.
They are all graduates from the same leftie university system and all drink the same KoolAid. And when hiring journalists the system self-perpetuates itself by screening out non KoolAid drinkers.

The academe was heavily influenced by Big Money almost 100 years ago, as discovered by a the Reece Congressional Commission:
Tax-exempt foundations - SourceWatch

"In 1952, Congress commissioned the *** Committee to investigate U.S. foundations. In 1953 it was the Reece Committee, and the author of this book was its general counsel. Wormser concedes that 'the emphasis on a search for organized Communist penetration of foundations absorbed much of the energy of the investigators and detracted somewhat from the efficacy of their general inquiry into subversion.' (page 177). He is more interested in an emerging elite that has control of gigantic financial resources: 'An unparalleled amount of power is concentrated increasingly in the hands of an interlocking and self-perpetuating group. Unlike the power of corporate management, it is unchecked by stockholders; unlike the power of government, it is unchecked by the people; unlike the power of churches, it is unchecked by any firmly established canons of value.' the Committee shed light on the big foundations' promotion of empiricism, centralized team research, big universities over small colleges, moral relativism, internationalism, and social engineering.

"In the international field, foundations, and an interlock among some of them and certain intermediary organizations, have exercised a strong effect upon our foreign policy and upon public education in things international. This has been accomplished by vast propaganda, by supplying executives and advisors to government, and by controlling much research in this area through the power of the purse. The net result of these combined efforts has been to promote 'internationalism' in a particular sense - a form directed toward 'world government' and a derogation of American 'nationalism.'
"They observed that the major foundations 'have actively supported attacks upon our social and government system and financed the promotion of socialism and collectivist ideas.' The Reece Committee clearly declared that the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations, a private invitation-only club of the very wealthy and of politicians, which include mass media directors and editors-in-chief) was 'in essence an agency of the United States Government' and that its 'productions are not objective but are directed overwhelmingly at promoting a globalist concept.'"
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Old 07-15-2013, 11:47 AM
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Originally Posted by shuiend
Picture time because I am bored this morning.
holy ****, i cant even read that
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Old 07-15-2013, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by JasonC SBB
They are all graduates from the same leftie university system and all drink the same KoolAid. And when hiring journalists the system self-perpetuates itself by screening out non KoolAid drinkers.
Jason, I don't know what to say here except that you are making a highly uninformed argument to someone who actually works in the media industry.

I wish that there was some way I could impart to you the first-hand knowledge and experience which I have gained in a decade and a half of working hand-in-hand with the exact people and agencies which you are attempting to caricature as being somehow comparable to the League of Evil. Trust me, most of these people are too dumb to have any kind of agenda, and the ones who aren't only care about winning awards and making money.
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Old 07-15-2013, 12:05 PM
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Social engineers are almost always intellectuals because it is exactly these kinds of people who believe they know better than everyone else on how to live their lives. They have the arrogance to believe that they can make society better through top-down control.

The early progressives from the early Progressive Era were racists and Eugenicists:
Eugenics: Progressivism's Ultimate Social Engineering : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

They were believers in social engineering and "making the human race and the world better". They believed that some races were inferior and to eliminate them in the USA, proposed a high minimum wage so that unskilled labor would not be hired and they would starve (at least they got economic cause and effect right). They also thought that market competition was "inefficient" and that a planned economy was more efficient. It was the latter part that caught the interest of Big Business, and thus "regulations" were born, as a means of reducing market competition:
book review Kolko, Gabriel. The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900-1916.

In the 1920s the Marxists of Europe (who also believed in social engineering) came together in Germany and formed the Frankfurt School. They taught that instead of preaching economic Marxism, social engineers should go forment culture wars (which later evolved into race wars).

Later in the early 1980s, the wealthy socialist Robert Heilbroner, wrote that academics and intellectuals (meaning social engineers), should abandon socialism because it would never out-produce capitalism, to "get behind the ecology movement":

So there you have it, a piece of the history of how leftists picked up the race war and environmentalism. Gun control is just the natural tendency of megalomaniacs. They don't want the people to have guns.

Last edited by JasonC SBB; 07-15-2013 at 01:16 PM.
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Old 07-15-2013, 12:16 PM
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February 26, 2012 - George Zimmerman Shoots and Kills Trayvon Martin
Zimmerman claims self-defense. After an investigation, the police agree and decide not to press charges.

March 8, 2012 - The AP Falsely Describes Zimmerman as "White"
The story of the grieving parents of Trayvon Martin demanding Zimmerman be arrested first achieves national attention on March 8 when CBS This Morning runs a report.

Later that same day, the Associated Press throws the first log on the racial fire by inaccurately describing Zimmerman as white.

March 13, 2012 - NBC's Al Sharpton Uses MSNBC Platform to Stoke Phony Racial Narrative
Sharpton devoted a portion of his program on MSNBC, PoliticsNation, to the Trayvon Martin case. He interviewed Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump, who reiterated the accusation that Zimmerman was “white”: “We think Trayvon Martin didn’t know who the heck this white man was who approached him before he got killed.”

Earlier that same day, Sharpton's National Action Network released a statement calling for...
...a “complete and thorough investigation” into Martin’s death. He added: “[W]e are told that racial language was used when the young man reported his suspicions to police[.]”
The story about Zimmerman's use of racial language was false.

March 13, 2012 - ABC News Reporter Claims Trayvon Shot Because "He Was Black"
About ten days before Al Sharpton and President Obama would launch the Zimmerman story into the stratosphere, Matt Gutman, an ABC News correspondent based in Miami, Florida, was already (and without a shred of evidence) laying the track for a racial narrative.

Gutman covered the case for the network, and his Twitter feed at the time was full of falsehoods, innuendo, and irresponsible speculation. In one tweet, Gutman came right out and claimed Trayvon was shot "bc [because] he was black."

Gutman would also recklessly accuse Zimmerman of "stalking" and shooting down Trayvon.

March 19, 2012 - CBS News Falsely Claims Zimmerman Is White
A small detail that the Obama administration and the media apparently missed was that the white versus black racial narrative they were preparing to invest so much into was missing just one thing: a white person.

Proof of this is that CBS News falsely claimed Zimmerman was white about a week before the story exploded.

In their venomous zeal, the media and Democrats likely assumed that someone with the last name Zimmerman had to be white. But they were wrong, as Zimmerman is Hispanic.

Never ones to back off a good narrative, rather than use this revelation to tamp down tensions or correct their reporting, the media simply made up out of whole cloth a new racial category: the "white Hispanic."

March 22, 2012 - Zimmerman Described as a "White Hispanic" by The New York Times
Just in the nick of time, before the story was engineered to explode the very next day with the Sharpton rally, The New York Times put its stamp of approval on the term "white Hispanic."

March 21, 2012 - CNN Falsely Accuses Zimmerman of Saying "F**king Coon"
Knowing full well the phony racial storm brewing around the Zimmerman case was about to have gasoline thrown on it the next day, CNN went to extraordinary lengths to claim Zimmerman had uttered the racial slur "coon" when he had not.

CNN wouldn't officially retract their defamation until April 5th, long after it was too late.

March 22, 2012 - NBC's Al Sharpton Goes to Florida
Though the police had investigated the shooting and saw no reason to charge George Zimmerman, in March of 2012, President Obama's reelection chances looked dim. He would need the crucial swing state of Florida to win another four years, and nothing brings out the Democrat vote like a good old racial bonfire.

With the help of thousands of dollars from Obama's Justice Department, it was then that Rev. Al Sharpton (anchor of MSNBC's Politics Nation) held his incendiary rally:

At the protest, Sharpton was flanked by Martin's parents. "Trayvon could have been any one of our sons," he said. "Trayvon could have been any one of us."

He continued:
"We are tired of going to jail for nothing and others going home for something. Zimmerman should have been arrested that night ... you cannot defend yourself against a pack of Skittles and iced tea. Don't talk to us like we're stupid! Don't talk to us like we're ignorant! We love our children like you love yours. Lock him up!"
Sharpton said that he would stay on the case.
"We cannot allow a legal precedent to be established in this city that tells us it is legal for a man to kill us, tell any story he wants, and walks out with the murder weapon," he said.
March 23, 2012 - President Obama Repeats Sharpton's Talking Point
The day after Sharpton held his rally and said, "Trayvon could have been any one of our sons," President Obama made huge news when he stepped before the cameras, demanded action in the Zimmerman case, and famously said, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon."

In just two days, a network news anchor and an American president had blasted the Zimmerman case into the nation's top story and did so based on a racial narrative without a shred of evidence to support it. Almost every other major news outlet would now commit every journalistic sin imaginable to fabricate evidence.

March 24, 2012 - Reuters Describes Zimmerman as a "White Hispanic"
To keep the white versus black narrative alive, Reuters jumps on the ridiculous "white Hispanic" bandwagon.

Many others would follow.

March 27, 2012 - NBC News Edits 911 Audio to Make Zimmerman Look Racist
On the storied Today Show, NBC News told America Zimmerman said this on the 911 call:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.
When the truth is that the unedited audio actually went like this:
Zimmerman: This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.
Dispatcher: OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?
Zimmerman: He looks black.
After the fraudulent editing was discovered by the New Media (first by Breitbart News), former NBC News president Steve Capus would claim that the edit was "a mistake and not a deliberate act to misrepresent the phone call."
Eventually, several NBC producers would be fired (without being named), and Zimmerman would file a lawsuit against NBC; it remains unresolved.

March 28, 2012 - ABC News Falsely Claims Zimmerman Wasn't Injured Night of Shooting
The day after NBC News released its falsified 911 bombshell, ABC News released a phony, hyped-up story of its own. Using grainy surveillance video of Zimmerman at the police station on the night of the shooting, ABC News claimed, "A police surveillance video taken the night that Trayvon Martin was shot dead shows no blood or bruises on George Zimmerman."

Obviously, if true, this would go a long way towards proving Zimmerman was not in fear of his life the night of the shooting and had lied about being beaten up.

The only problem is that the ABC News story was not true -- not even close. The network didn't bother to enhance the video before breaking the news. Had they, Zimmerman's bloody head would have been quite apparent.
It would take four days for ABC to retract its falsehood.

March 28, 2012 - Boston Globe Falsely Describes Zimmerman as White
By late March it was widely known that George Zimmerman was Hispanic. This did not stop the Boston Globe from using its pages to describe him as "a white neighborhood watch captain."

This error has never been corrected.

March 29, 2012 - NBC's Chris Matthews Contradicts Guest to Claim Zimmerman Not Injured
By the next day, ABC's false story about Zimmerman not being injured had already gone viral. However, some were already doing the job ABC apparently didn't want to do: enhancing the video. A guest on MSNBC's Hardball told the show's host, Chris Matthews, that his enhancement did show bruises on the back of Zimmerman's head. MSNBC even broadcast the enhancement, which clearly showed cuts and bruising.

Regardless, during the same show, Matthews stridently claimed:
George Zimmerman says he shot Trayvon Martin after Trayvon broke his nose and repeatedly slammed the back of his head into a concrete sidewalk, but newly released video tape of Zimmerman arriving at the police station--we're looking at it there--appears to show no evidence of a broken nose or obvious wounds to the back of Zimmerman's head.
Late March, 2012 - Zimmerman's "Black Friend" Vilified by Media
Even though Zimmerman is Hispanic and there was no evidence of any racial motivation behind his actions, the media's racial-hysteria was, at this point, in full bloom. To try and tamp things down, Joe Oliver, a black reporter who had worked with CNN and an Orlando television station, started doing the national media interview rounds to speak on behalf of his friend, George Zimmerman.
The counterattack in the media (CNN, New York Times, and MSNBC, among others) was exceptionally vicious, personal, and effective.

Oliver went away.

April 1, 2012 - The New York Times Maliciously Edits Zimmerman's 911 Call
Although the NBC News malicious edit of Zimmerman's 911 call broadcast on the Today Show had already been loudly and publicly debunked, days later the New York Times did the same thing on its front page.
By rearranging the words of the call, the Times falsely made it look as though Zimmerman had profiled Trayvon as black:
Here is the 911 call transcript:
ZIMMERMAN: This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about.
911 DISPATCHER: Okay. And this guy, is he white, black, or Hispanic?
ZIMMERMAN: He looks black.
And here is what the Times reported:
“Hey, we’ve had some break-ins in my neighborhood,” Mr. Zimmerman said to start the conversation with the dispatcher. “And there’s a real suspicious guy.”
This guy seemed to be up to no good; like he was on drugs or something; in a gray hoodie. Asked to describe him further, he said, “He looks black.”
The print edition of the story was even worse than the online edition.
April 9, 2012 - PBS Anchor Gwen Ifill Describes Zimmerman as "White"
Desperate to keep a non-existent racial narrative alive, during a broadcast of the PBS Newshour Gwen Ifill falsely stated:
Martin, who was black, was on his way to a convenience store in a mostly white gated community when George Zimmerman, who is white, shot and killed him after a disputed altercation.

Note Ifill's reporting of Zimmerman's gated community. The condos in Zimmerman's neighborhood sell for about $120,000.
April 11, 2012 - George Zimmerman Is Arrested, Charged with Second Degree Murder
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Old 07-15-2013, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Joe Perez
Jason, I don't know what to say here except that you are making a highly uninformed argument to someone who actually works in the media industry.

I wish that there was some way I could impart to you the first-hand knowledge and experience which I have gained in a decade and a half of working hand-in-hand with the exact people and agencies which you are attempting to caricature as being somehow comparable to the League of Evil. Trust me, most of these people are too dumb to have any kind of agenda, and the ones who aren't only care about winning awards and making money.
The dumb lowly ones blindly believe in "guns bad, white racists bad, government good". They wouldn't be hired otherwise. The higher ups are smarter, but probably really believe in the KoolAid, or maybe even pretend to believe it because it helps their personal careers. The lowly ones are dumb and merely repeat and circulate what Reuters and AP and the NYT give them.

I never said they are organized and controlled like "The League of Evil". They are merely believers in a self perpetuating philosophy. But at the top, they are in bed with the gov't and Big Biz.

And how else do you explain the constant, blatant "lies by omission" of the mass media, such as editing the Zimmerman 911 call to make him seem racist, and publishing a photo of 12 year old Trayvon Martin? Or that he tutored black children for free, and helped an elderly black woman neighbor when she was burglarized, after which she gave him a copy of her key? Or how MSNBC declares that racist white male "Tea Partiers" are carrying guns to anti-Obama rallies because he's black, tightly cropping a shot showing a man carrying a gun, not showing the man's face... because he's black:
Bill Whittle on The Narrative: The origins of Political Correctness - YouTube

And look at the photo below with the headline
Missouri gov. signs gun-safety course for first-graders
Missouri gov. signs gun-safety course for first-graders | Fox News
The first sentence is
Missouri schools will be encouraged to teach first-graders a gun safety course sponsored by the National Rifle Association as a result of legislation signed Friday by Gov. Jay Nixon
Makes you think the NRA wants to teach kids how to shoot. This is NOT TRUE. The Eddie Eagle program is all about not touching guns, preventing other kids from touching them, and telling adults when a firearm is discovered. Even Fox used the same photo.

This kind of deception in the media is absolutely intentional. It shapes our subconscious response to issues, and the visual cue is what we will remember even if we don't remember the particulars of the story.

Anyway I'm waiting for a better explanation than "they're just trying to make money". If so, why wouldn't other news agencies attack the ones that intentionally mislead the viewer?
Attached Thumbnails Trayvon Martin: What say y'all?-gunsafetymissouriap.jpg  

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Old 07-15-2013, 12:28 PM
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how disgusting and demeaning:

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Old 07-15-2013, 12:39 PM
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How does the gov't exert control over journalists? Some detail, by John Pilger:
MSM Lies –

What happens to journalists who don't drink the KoolAid? They get harassed or fired:
Amber Lyon who told the truth of what happened in Bahrain
Why didn't CNN's international arm air its own documentary on Bahrain's Arab Spring repression? | Glenn Greenwald | World news |

Two reporters fired for writing something bad about hormones in milk:
FOX Reporters Fired For Reporting the Truth About Monsanto Milk - |

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Old 07-15-2013, 12:45 PM
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I agree, most journos are just dumb. I fell off my chair laughing at this. (COMIC RELIEF)

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Old 07-15-2013, 12:45 PM
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Thanks for the summarized timeline. Might use it.

Why does being of a certain race absolve someone of racism? As if it is completely impossible to be "minority" and racist.

Take out names and races - Hey I live in a crappy neighborhood and that individual (Guy2) is acting suspicious and shady. I should make sure it isn't A someone who is doing criminal stuff and stop them as a citizen or B an innocent that doesn't know he could get assaulted and warn him he is in a shady area and to be mindful. Call and tell police to cover butt, approach and ask whats up, who they are, and business to be in area. Not crazy to do.

Scuffle ensues and Guy1 feels he is in imminent danger. Uses legal carry weapon to defend himself.

0 ***** would be given if race was never thrown around by the same people who claim the rest of us should stop seeing race.
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Old 07-15-2013, 01:21 PM
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They are self serving:

In the 10-11 p.m. hour on Saturday night, when the verdict in, Fox News had 3,682,000 total viewers; CNN had 3,407,000 total viewers and won the coveted demo with 1,716,000 viewers aged 25-to-54.

In the same hour, MSNBC had 1,298,000 total viewers -- about one-third of Fox's total -- and a mere 510,000 viewers in the demo.
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Old 07-15-2013, 01:21 PM
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Fact:Obama is 1000x worse than Bush
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Old 07-15-2013, 01:25 PM
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Here's a demonstration that the news stations are too lazy to even change the key phrases in the news items they buy from AP/Reuters et al (This is the CONAN edition):

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Old 07-15-2013, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by JasonC SBB
Here's a demonstration that the news stations are too lazy to even change the key phrases in the news items they buy from AP/Reuters et al (This is the CONAN edition):
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