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Old 10-04-2012, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by shuiend
We all know Obama is going to walk all over Romney, he has the public speaking skills.
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Old 10-04-2012, 06:36 PM
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I didn't see much of the debate due to BF3 interference, however, from what I did see, Obama looked a little intimidated by Romney.
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Old 10-04-2012, 07:05 PM
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Romney Lied his way through and apparently won the admiration of the public based on style. I find it interesting watching it on CNN with the live polling trends the low point for Obama was when he was explaining the mathematical impossibility of Romney’s so called revenue neutral tax plan cutting taxes and making up for revenue losses with eliminating deductions while it not raising middle class taxes. And I’m thinking WTF is he Romney saying, He is not going to change anybody’s taxes? What is the point of messing with the tax code at all then? People don’t want to be bothered with reality or common sense they seem to just want to hear things like “I’ll cut your taxes” “I’ll create Jobs” recess all day, no homework, and cookies and ice cream for lunch. Here comes Idiocracy if Romney is elected.


Last edited by bbundy; 10-04-2012 at 07:43 PM.
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Old 10-04-2012, 07:13 PM
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So I was just trying to catch up on parts of the debate I missed last night and have been watching critiques by some very left news sources and I have one question. Did they watch the debate last night or are they just being hypocrites.

I watched 6 videos talking about Romney's "lies" last night. Yet the only statement that was actually a lie was the one Romney made about his healthcare plan covering those with pre-existing conditions which was corrected by his own people almost right away. Everything else I heard was taken out of context and then twisted or it was not even a fact.

"He said he wasn't going to cut taxes for the rich. What about the 20% cut across the board, Mitt?" What was actually said was that he would not cut the portion of taxes paid by the rich which means something entirely different.

Are they really going to accuse someone of lying as aggressively as they are and then blatantly twist everything that was said to make it a "lie"?
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Old 10-04-2012, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by bbundy
And I’m thinking WTF is he Romney saying, He is not going to change anybody’s taxes? What is the point of messing with the tax code at all then?
  1. To lower taxes on corporations
  2. To simplify the tax code

Romney Lied his way through
Provide specific examples.

Obama was when he was explaining the mathematical impossibility of Romney’s so called revenue neutral tax plan cutting taxes and making up for revenue losses with eliminating deductions while it not raising middle class taxes.
The more people that are working, the more people there will be paying taxes. This can be used to increase overall revenues without increasing individual taxes. That math is quite simple.
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Originally Posted by concealer404
Buy an MSPNP Pro, you'll feel better.
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Old 10-04-2012, 07:16 PM
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Bundy you do realize that the "bogus math" Obama referred to last night has been proven to not be bogus many times over. I can make a study to disprove any tax plan you want if I can use bullshit projections instead of real IRS data and make blind assumptions about details that have not even been reported yet.
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Old 10-05-2012, 02:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Ben
  1. To lower taxes on corporations
  2. To simplify the tax code
The Fortune 500 corporation I work for paid negative 35% in taxes between 2008 and 2010 how much lower do they need?

Originally Posted by Ben
Provide specific examples.
1) "The president said he’d cut the deficit in half. Unfortunately, he doubled it.”

When Obama took office in 2009, the deficit was projected to be $1.2 trillion during that year, and it ultimately turned out to be $1.4 trillion, according to Congressional Budget Office data cited by The New York Times. The deficit is expected to be $1.1 trillion for fiscal year 2012.

2) "I just don't know how the president could have come into office, facing 23 million people out of work, rising unemployment, an economic crisis at the -- at the kitchen table, and spend his energy and passion for two years fighting for Obamacare instead of fighting for jobs for the American people. It has killed jobs."

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that healthcare reform will reduce the health care industry's workforce by only about 0.5 percent, largely because workers will decide to retire early or work fewer hours. And if Romney's Massachusetts health care reform law is any indication, job loss won't be a big problem; employment trends in the state have mirrored national trends since Romneycare took effect.

3) "It's hurt the housing market because Dodd-Frank didn't anticipate putting in place the kinds of regulations you have to have. It's not that Dodd-Frank always was wrong with too much regulation. Sometimes they didn't come out with a clear regulation."

The Dodd-Frank regulations aim to prevent another housing crash like the one that helped to cause the 2008 financial meltdown by banning high-risk lending practices, according to CBS News. In addition, the housing market has been on a slow rebound since Obama took office. If anything, it may be banks that are holding back the housing recovery. Many are slow to lend because they're concerned Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will make them take back any bad loans, the Wall Street Journal reports.

4) "The idea of cutting $716 billion from Medicare to be able to balance the additional cost of Obamacare is, in my opinion, a mistake."

The indirect effects of Obamacare have yet to be determined, since the law has yet to be implemented. But as the law is written now, Obamacare doesn't cut seniors' benefits as part of its plan to curb health care costs, according to USA Today. Obama's healthcare law would curb benefits to health care providers and insurers, but doesn't directly cut seniors' benefits. Critics allege however, that the cuts in payments would have the unintended consequence of hurting seniors because doctors would stop accepting Medicare patients, according to USA Today.

5) Obamacare "puts in place an unelected board that’s going to tell people, ultimately, what kind of treatments they can have."

Though Obamacare does create an independent board, the law prohibits the board from making recommendations to "ration health care," or "otherwise restrict benefits or modify eligibility,” according to Bloomberg.

6) "Up to 20 million people will lose their insurance as Obamacare goes into effect next year."

Some workers may switch from their employer-provided health plans, according to the Congressional Budget Office, but that number is more likely to be closer to between 3 and 5 million per year between 2019 and 2022

7) "The president has a view very similar to the view he had when he ran four years ago, that a bigger government, spending more, taxing more, regulating more -- if you will, trickle-down government would work."

President Obama's proposed budget is estimated to cut about $1.1 trillion over the next 10 years and, so far, Obama has signed $2 trilion worth of spending cuts into law.

8) "You never balance the budget by raising taxes."

President Bill Clinton managed to balance the budget during his time in office with a tax boost for those in the top 2 percent of earners, according to Duke professor William Chafe.

9) "My plan is not to put in place any tax cut that will add to the deficit."
Romney's tax plan would cost the country $4.8 trillion over the next 10 years, according to Tax Policy Center data, cited by NBC News.

10) "And these businesses -- many of them have gone out of business. I think about half of them, of the ones have been invested in, they’ve gone out of business."

Businesses that got government clean energy loans failed at a rate of about 1.4 percent at the end of 2011, according to The Washington Post.

Originally Posted by Ben
The more people that are working, the more people there will be paying taxes. This can be used to increase overall revenues without increasing individual taxes. That math is quite simple.
Yea Right because the republican Ideas have worked so well in the past. We still have the Bush tax Cuts of 2001 and 2003 in effect and capital gains tax rates half what they use to be, tax on the wealthy is the lowest it has been in like 100 years, giant corporations are being subsidized and don’t actually pay taxes. Where are all the jobs that was suppose to create?
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Old 10-05-2012, 08:32 AM
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My favorite was "3% of small businesses employ 50% of the workers [who work for small businesses]" or something to that effect after Obama talked about his plan to cut taxes on 97% of small businesses.

So what you are saying is, 3% of small businesses aren't actually that small.
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Old 10-05-2012, 11:44 AM
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Originally Posted by thenuge26
My favorite was "3% of small businesses employ 50% of the workers [who work for small businesses]" or something to that effect after Obama talked about his plan to cut taxes on 97% of small businesses.

So what you are saying is, 3% of small businesses aren't actually that small.
Obama says he cut taxes 18 times in 4 years targeted at small businesses. The fact checkers give credit for 14 due to what they consider double counting and 5 are ongoing currently effective and taken advantage of.

Romney comes out and even in his stump speeches Lies and says Obama raised taxes on small business and says that a Romney administration will lower taxes on small business. He offers no specifics on his tax plan is going to accomplish that and just expects you to trust him. I can look at the Ryan tax plan and it basically makes it tax free for the money guys that buy business and loot the profits and if they can’t make it profitable they loot the assets take all the worker retirement lay them off default to the creditors take all the money and run tax free under their plan. I don’t trust these guys at all. This concept was I believe a very big driver for the decline of our economy for a little over the last decade. It has destroyed small businesses and big business with Capital on their side has swallowed most everything up.
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Old 10-05-2012, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by bbundy
Obama says he cut taxes 18 times in 4 years targeted at small businesses. The fact checkers give credit for 14 due to what they consider double counting and 5 are ongoing currently effective and taken advantage of.

Romney comes out and even in his stump speeches Lies and says Obama raised taxes on small business and says that a Romney administration will lower taxes on small business. He offers no specifics on his tax plan is going to accomplish that and just expects you to trust him. I can look at the Ryan tax plan and it basically makes it tax free for the money guys that buy business and loot the profits and if they can’t make it profitable they loot the assets take all the worker retirement lay them off default to the creditors take all the money and run tax free under their plan. I don’t trust these guys at all. This concept was I believe a very big driver for the decline of our economy for a little over the last decade. It has destroyed small businesses and big business with Capital on their side has swallowed most everything up.

You couldn't be more wrong, Bob. There were SIX (actually 5) studies which say that Romney's tax plan is best tax plan. What's that? Only one of the 5 studies was written by someone who wasn't a Romney advisor?

I also lol'd when he accused Obama of being partisan and not working with republicans in congress. Seriously?
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Old 10-05-2012, 02:17 PM
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Originally Posted by thenuge26
You couldn't be more wrong, Bob. There were SIX (actually 5) studies which say that Romney's tax plan is best tax plan. What's that? Only one of the 5 studies was written by someone who wasn't a Romney advisor?

I also lol'd when he accused Obama of being partisan and not working with republicans in congress. Seriously?
Where are these studies? I cant see how it adds up because Romney has not given enough spacifics on how he will replace lost revenue from tax cuts. The numbers I seen that somehow show it working assume unemployment goes away and everbody makes more money thus pays more in taxes. something that has never happend to that extent before when taxes were cut. Pipe dream leaving the country with more debt and making the rich more rich and the poor more poor.

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Old 10-05-2012, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by thenuge26
You couldn't be more wrong, Bob. There were SIX (actually 5) studies which say that Romney's tax plan is best tax plan. What's that? Only one of the 5 studies was written by someone who wasn't a Romney advisor?

I also lol'd when he accused Obama of being partisan and not working with republicans in congress. Seriously?
24% cut in federal Revenue over current policy! is this assessment even with Romneys latest etch-a-sketch moments adjusting what he is hiding from the public about his plans.

TPC Tax Topics | romney-plan

That’s going to work real well with his plans to increase military spending by 2 trillion.

Defense spending to spike by $2.1 trillion under Romney - May. 10, 2012

This guy wants to take the portions of Reagan and Bush policies that were Epic Failures and turn the **** up to 11.
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Old 10-05-2012, 02:52 PM
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i dunno why you guys are arguing this. we dont pass budgets anymore.
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Old 10-05-2012, 02:57 PM
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Kid Rock for president. Strippers and canned beer, can't lose.
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Old 10-05-2012, 03:12 PM
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Why can't we just return to the Clinton-Gingrich years of prosperity? What's wrong with inflating a bubble and then blaming the long-term consequences on the next guy?

Edited for pusha.

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Last edited by mgeoffriau; 10-05-2012 at 03:45 PM.
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Old 10-05-2012, 03:15 PM
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^needs to stop sucking the glass dick
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Old 10-05-2012, 03:15 PM
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seriously bro, lay off the rock
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Old 10-05-2012, 03:25 PM
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Improve your posts. It's getting irritating again.
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Old 10-05-2012, 03:29 PM
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Originally Posted by mgeoffriau
Improve your posts. It's getting irritating again.
Why? You're asking dumbass hypothetical questions. BRO YOU WORK IN A ******* BOOK STORE, READ ONE.

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau
Why can't we just return to the Clinton-Gingrich years of prosperity?

Originally Posted by mgeoffriau
What's wrong with inflating a bubble and then blaming the long-term consequences on the next guy?
There's nothing wrong with it, except that it's turned our society into a bunch of finger-pointing pussies. No one is willing to accept responsibility these days and that's fucked up.
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Old 10-05-2012, 03:42 PM
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Holy ****, are you that bad at sarcasm?
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