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Old 09-16-2010, 01:55 PM
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Default How To Truly Take Back America

Longish read, but worth it. Nails 95% of the current situation.

How To Truly Take Back America

Here's what the mainstream media isn't talking about, but the Republicans better be paying attention to.

Notice how some Tea Party candidates are knocking off Republicans in primaries? That's mostly because the "big spend, big bailout, no matter how you do it" crap has worn out its welcome with the American people.

Oh sure, you "saved the banks." Or did you? But you didn't do a damn thing for the American people, and worse, you didn't really save anything - you just let people lie.

The people have figured it out, and they're ****ed.

So here's a winning agenda. Run on it, you win. Don't, you might get votes this time, but you're in trouble in 2012 - maybe enough to be unseated as a national party.

Without further ado, here it is:

* Roll back the bankruptcy "reform law." Specifically, drop all exemptions from discharge, with the possible exemption of Stafford Student Loans. If you're broke, you're broke. Fraudulent conveyance and similar remains, so if someone's trying to game the system it can still be denied. This means, among other things, that private student loans suddenly become not so safe for all those lenders. Good!

* Set up a special bankruptcy court option, good for three years, that all individuals may access once. You can walk in, leave your assets (ex qualified retirement accounts such as 401ks and IRAs) on the table, and walk out clean. Fast, easy, no games. No you can't have a free house, but you're also not saddled with one you can't pay for either. Yes, your credit gets trashed. But the lender gets trashed too. Mandate that the lenders must dispose by public auction of all assets within 180 days to establish a price through the market. This is the right way to do it and it has to happen - we must clear the system, and this is the only way. This will also establish prices for all the assets - whether they be cars, houses, boats, or whatever.

* Adopt a deflationary platform. Yes, I mean it. Nobody complains about computers being cheaper every year - not even the computer makers. If you want there to be more of something in the economy and for it to be more accessible, the easiest way is for that thing to be cheaper. No more price supports for houses, stocks, anything. Period. Make it an explicit goal that people should be able to buy houses for 1x their incomes. Really. Yeah, ok, they won't be mansions. And? It's a damn house, not a showpiece! Apply this to the rest of the economy as well. Force The Fed to either actually deliver price stability, defined as exactly that - zero inflation - or replace them.

* Make it a policy that state taxation systems must change so that ad-valorem property taxes are abolished. You don't own something if you have to pay a tax to keep it - you're renting it from the government. That must stop. It also prevents states from tying their budgets to bubble housing, which is absolutely essential and must be done right now.

* Recognize that people have a right to be left alone - and stop acting like a police state. The government has put in place at all levels the essential requirement to use some sort of vehicle to get around. Just try to ride a horse in any urban area and tell me how that works out! You can actually get a DUI riding a bicycle in many states, including Florida. The founders would have never tolerated "horse-riding licenses", but we tolerate "driver licenses" along with prosecuting people for activity that, realistically, can only cause harm to themselves. This is insanity, especially when current technology is used to robotically scan every license plate on the road. We have become a nation where sticking your head out of your front door means you are effectively wearing your official government barcode on your damn shirt, enforced by Federal and State law. This is increasingly being used to screw people for profit. I am noticing an increasing and very-disturbing pattern - a citizen is stopped for some routine traffic violation and given a ticket. They don't have the money and don't pay; the state revokes their driver license and plates. The insurance company then revokes their insurance (being notified by the state.) Two weeks later the same citizen is pulled over (likely due to a robotic scan of their plate) and now they are arrested for driving with a revoked license. This results in a short jail sentence and now the citizen loses his job! He gets out and has to drive to get a new job, and gets caught again. After the second or third time this guy is now facing a felony charge. His actual offense, when you boil it all down? He has to get to work to put food on the damn table and fed his kid instead of paying a traffic ticket! SINCE WHEN IS ATTEMPTING TO FEED YOUR FAMILY A FELONY OFFENSE? WE HAVE TO STOP DOING THIS SORT OF CRAP DAMNIT! Adopt the official position (and back it up with repeal of laws to the contrary) that what i do in my bedroom, behind the closed door of my residence or in the ordinary course of living my life is none of the government's damn business until and unless I hurt someone else, or until I wish to cross a national border. This means no more driver licenses, no more license plates, no more drug war and no more "red light cameras." If and when I hit someone in my vehicle due to something that's my fault, I should be hammered for the harm I did to the other person and/or their property - but not until then. Make it the law of the land that if I do said harm and can't cover the damage either personally or via insurance then the state comes down on me with a criminal charge. We don't need new laws for this, incidentally - felonious assault is already illegal! If I want to smoke a joint or screw a goat (that I own) behind the closed door of my home, it's none of the government's damn business. Likewise if I want to pray facing Mecca, a Cross, or the graven image of some Nordic Deity, or I am traveling not in commerce going about my personal life. There is every reason for the government to police our national borders and be absolute jackasses about what comes in and out - or who - but those who are here lawfully in this nation have every reason to expect to be left alone. This is indeed the foundation of America. Start acting like the party of limited government instead of lying out both sides of your mouths.

* Adopt a 100% energy independence plan and mean it. This means nuclear power and lots of it. The Thorium Fuel Cycle (liquid salt reactors) is the obvious way forward. We discard more fuel for these devices (it's a natural part of coal) by a factor of ten (in terms of thermal energy available) than we burn in coal every year! That's idiotic. Put a gigawatt reactor on every military base in the nation for starters, and have the Navy run 'em. They have a history (since the Nautilus) of being able to do so with zero accidents. No, this is not risk-free. But within 20 years we will be able to exit the Middle East and most of our other "international" entanglements related to energy dependence - which, incidentally, is what drives the actual necessity of most of that involvement, whether we wish to admit it or not. Liquid hydrocarbons are used for transportation because they have excellent energy density. We can't get close to that energy density with anything else today, and won't be able to to for a long time - so deal with reality instead of denying it, and put in place the infrastructure to make all of the liquid hydrocarbons we want to consume. Pass a law that any vehicle that can achieve 75mpg at 70mph on a level road on a continuous basis and will run on any mixture of two or more of ethanol, gasoline and diesel fuel (including biodiesel of any percentage) is emissions exempt. Do this and within five years half the car fleet will be getting that 75mpg which will more than double the fleet mileage from today's levels.

* Fair Tax. Two words. Not just because it will stop most of the games (although it will) but because it exposes the cost of government to everyone, with no hiding of the sausage. It also gets rid of the entirety of the tax code and compliance costs, which are huge. This will unleash an economic boom at least as powerful as the one following WWII.

* Everything is marked to the market, all the time, with no games. If this blows up the banks then it does. Close 'em and spend the money to pay the depositors.

* One dollar of capital. If a bank wants to lend unsecured in any amount they must have one dollar of capital at all times behind that loan, and everything in this regard has to be marked nightly. This instantaneously removes systemic risk from the system. Yes, it also makes the 33:1 leverage games impossible and severely constricts bank profitability. Banks are public utilities, since by definition their "strength" and "trust" come about as a consequence of the currency of the nation - and nothing else. Start treating them as utilities instead of gambling houses and 99% of the problems we have with credit bubbles and all of the ill effects therefrom (e.g. meteoric rises in the cost of health care, college, houses, etc) are impossible to sustain. The immediate whine will be "but all these institutions will go to other countries!" Fine - let 'em. If someone wishes to play with financial nuclear weapons I prefer they do it over there, not here, and blow up their economy instead of ours. The truth is that they'll comply - they want access to our markets and our people, and if this is the price, they'll shut up and swallow.

* Outlaw public unions and transfer all their pensions to the PBGC at whatever they have - and close them. These "promises" were extracted by extortion. If you get me to "agree" to give you money at gunpoint that's unenforceable. What's happened here is no different, and besides, we don't have the ability to pay even if it was just to do so, and it's not. So shut 'em down. If the teachers, firefighters and cops don't like it fire 'em all - with unemployment north of 10% there will be no shortage of people lining up to get a nice middle-class job.

* Allow citizens to bring suits in the name of the government for frauds and scams, with them getting 50% of the recovery, with no exceptions. Basically, radically expand the "Qui Tam" provisions. And while you're at it, change the anti-fraud laws so that any fraud committed by a financial institution is punishable by a fine 100 times the amount of the gross handled or the profit made, which ever is greater. If you want to stop this crap you have to make it so bad if you get caught that there are good odds you'll be out of business. That ought to turn loose the Landsharks to clean up the slop that has infested our financial system.

* Enact my Health Law, repealing the Obama Abortion, piece by piece if necessary. We have to get costs down - bigtime. This is the only way to do it - true competition, forced published pricing so that there's no discrimination, and solving the "I don't have insurance" cost-shift problem by making such a person's debt theirs, enforced by what's left of the IRS. We in addition must end the arbitrage game played by device and drug manufacturers where they effectively charge off the entire R&D cost to Americans and then allow the rest of the world to have that developed technology at "reproduction cost."
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Old 09-16-2010, 01:56 PM
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* End Fannie and Freddie. Place them in run-off. No guarantees. If the bondholders take losses, they do. If the MBS holders take losses, they do. Again, the point here is to withdraw price supports so that house prices find their natural level. We can't do it so long as we have "back door" $1,000 down payments being funneled through these "agencies" who parleyed a guarantee that never really existed via political favors. Stop it! It should be damn expensive to borrow money for 30 years. The way to prosperity is to stop enabling debt slavery - if you want to borrow money to buy a house the price beyond 10 or 15 years to do so should be exorbitant. Yes, I'm well-aware that this contracts home prices to ~1-1.5x incomes. If we're truly interested in sustainable home ownership this is what has to happen - people need to be able to save the price of a house in 10-15 years and pay in cash by saving 10% of their income.

* Enact wage and environmental parity tariffs. We cannot have a solid middle class without manufacturing being it's base, and we cannot import 90+% of everything we consume that is manufactured. So long as multinational corporations can find a slave labor encampment that allows them to dump toxic waste into the air and water, they will - it's the profit motive stupid! The only way to stop it is to make it unprofitable, and that means exercising the just and lawful power in The Constitution to lay and impose tariffs. If we really care about employees and the environment then we care about them no matter where in the world they are. If these standards are not worthy of enforcement everywhere then we need to shut the hell up about them here and let the manufacturing take place here under the same conditions that it now happens there.

* End welfare - period. SSD (Disability) assistance is ok, provided it's not gamed. Right now it is gamed. Make gaming it a serious felony and actually prosecute it. When we let all the people in prison for smoking weed out, we'll have room for the fraudsters - including those who claim to be "totally disabled" who aren't. If you need public assistance you will have to work for it from the first day. Getting rid of public unions will fix the objections to this too - right now we "can't" use prison labor, we "can't" have workfare instead of welfare (e.g. maintaining roads, including light repair and trash collection) because it takes "public union jobs" and similar nonsense. We cannot pay people to sit on their *** if they're able to move their ***. The fundamental nature of an economy is that you must always produce more than you cost, or the economy eventually rolls over and dies. While we can, and should, help those who truly are unable to help themselves, this is a vanishingly small percentage of those who get government handouts - nearly all can, in fact, do some sort of work, from manual labor on up.

* Shut the hell up about "wedge issues." Get out of my bedroom, my bathroom, my doctor's office and my home. It's none of the government's damn business and you will never convince the people on the other side of these issues that you're right. So shut the hell up and understand that 225 years ago the founders put in a system of limited Federal Government because they understood that The Federal Government in fact can only secure and enforce rights - it doesn't grant that which it never had to grant in the first place.

There you have it. A political platform that ****es off all the "establishment" types but if enacted would lead to an immediate flush of all the bad debt and distortions in the economy, followed by a sustained, powerful and STABLE period of economic prosperity, along with a restoration of our Constitution and Rule Of Law.

We either choose a bright future - the future laid out in this platform - or we sink into darkness and ultimately will wind up as a failed state when the "powers that be" have stripped the carcass of America to the bone.
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:05 PM
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Adopt a deflationary platform - thumbs down. The whole purpose of a bank is to charge me interest based on my good faith that I'll pay them back each month. Banks should have the right to loan money out, it's their business and how they make money, and I should have the right to borrow. Who are you to say I can't buy a mansion. It's when the gov't forced banks to loan to people they normally wouldn't is when we got in trouble...

how about we simply: end the fed.

Last edited by Braineack; 09-16-2010 at 02:15 PM.
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:23 PM
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It may not be clear from just that section, but if you read other stuff on that same blog, I think his point is that:

The Fed has intentionally pursued (mild) inflationary policies for the purpose of "price stability" and this has contributed (if not caused) all kinds of market bubbles, including but not limited to the housing bubble. The Fed is still trying to prop up inflated prices rather than allowing the market to correct (through deflation) those prices to reasonable levels. IE, rather than making it easier for people to borrow more money so they can "afford" houses (ie, generate much greater leverage than the lending industry ever considered prudent), allow houses to actually become affordable by letting the market deflate.
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:25 PM
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like i said: end the fed.
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:31 PM
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Where is the part on feeding "canned hamburgers" to the perpetual welfare class?
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:32 PM
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+1 on ending the fed

I mean I like most of what's posted...but when it really comes down to it, all we really need is a responsible government that spends as much or less as it levies, to decrease those levies, thereby decreasing the size and reach of government.

Government will never willingly downsize, but they will shrivel up some of those far-reaching limbs when there's no funding.

Repeal of idiotic laws will follow when there's no departmental resources to chase them down, or it becomes too expensive to enforce.

WE give them this power, and give them the means to enact it. Think about it...

Oh yeah, and this:

Originally Posted by hustler
Where is the part on feeding "canned hamburgers" to the perpetual welfare class?
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by hustler
Where is the part on feeding "canned hamburgers" to the perpetual welfare class?
it's in the part where they need to remove minimum wage laws...
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Braineack
like i said: end the fed.
Like you your edited post.
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:48 PM
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IDK about the go ahead be reckless or boarder line reckless with your vehicle. We'll get you once you **** up.

Originally Posted by hustler
Where is the part on feeding "canned hamburgers" to the perpetual welfare class?
^^ Seriously

I need to read the rest...
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:52 PM
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Lol at hustler. The government should just take the hands off the economy. Lassiez faire? Is that it? That works.
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:53 PM
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I am a fan of a lot of this.
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:58 PM
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The Taxpayer Bill of Rights consists of four principles designed to give working, taxpaying Americans some protection from the big spenders in Washington, D.C. These four planks are:

1. Adopt limits or caps to slow spending growth. As Rep. John Campbell (R.-Calif.), one of the architects of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights explained, “Congress should have constraints on spending so Americans have more freedom.” For the last few years, Congress and the Bush Administration have been borrowing and spending money at an unsustainable pace. Congress should adopt a basic principle that the government should live within its means, and growth in spending should be restricted to population growth and inflation.

2. Stop the raid on Social Security. As most people know, every year Congress spends workers’ Social Security payroll taxes on other programs [yes, even bill clinton did during his surplus]. Stopping that budget raid will be the first step toward allowing workers to keep their payroll taxes in personal retirement accounts that they own and control.

3. Sunset the entire federal tax code. America’s federal tax code is too complicated, wasteful and corrupt. It is time to scrap the code altogether. By killing the current tax code by a date certain, we will force Congress to finally get moving to pass fundamental tax reform that makes the system more simple, honest, fair and flat.

4. A balanced budget without raising taxes. As Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R.-Tenn.) said on Wednesday, “The federal government doesn’t have a tax revenue problem, it has a spending problem.” Congress needs to balance the budget through spending restraint, not higher taxes, as some Democrats are proposing.
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Old 09-24-2010, 12:34 PM
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I agree with a lot of the above, plus DUMP THE FED!
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Old 09-24-2010, 01:12 PM
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I love the basic principle of these ideas. Limited government.

I still think that Ron Paul's idea of getting rid of the IRS along with federal taxes and creating a VAT (value added tax) was amazing. The idea of how much the government could spend depended strictly on how much the country is able to spend is amazing. It also allows the government to tap into those who are here illegally, don't pay taxes, and also allows employers to pay their employees their full pay-check (only if the state doesn't tax).

The economists loved Ron Paul, but those that are in power feared him and how he would ruin everything they worked for to stay in power, but would force the gorvernment to work for the people, and no longer against. His ideas reflect plenty of what is said in that article.
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Old 09-24-2010, 01:27 PM
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Wirelessly posted

Ron Paul ftw.
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Old 10-06-2010, 02:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Bond
Wirelessly posted

Ron Paul ftw.
the original tea partier kinda
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Old 10-06-2010, 08:19 AM
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Originally Posted by bogaut
the original tea partier kinda
uhhh, you mean an original libertarian.
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Old 11-20-2010, 11:56 PM
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Brain, you have my attention.
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Old 11-21-2010, 01:15 AM
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Originally Posted by braineack
how about we simply: End the fed.
+1, qft.
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