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The hero warrior cop is ready to get roided up, rape, and drink and drive

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Old 10-01-2014, 08:44 AM
Boost Czar
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Old 10-01-2014, 08:46 AM
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stop resisting.*

*we know it's a natural reaction to defend yourself when getting beat with fists and betons, but we are going to enter into a thing we like to called circular logic and just keep punching you until you die/pass out and we can finally handcuff you when your body stops tensing up from the shock of being tortured.
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Old 10-01-2014, 08:50 AM
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Wanna use the 4th?

okay. we'll just seize the car instead.

Cops Seize Car When Told to Get a Warrant, Tell Owner That’s What He Gets for “Exercising His Rights” | The Free Thought Project

But this should have resulted in something better than the response given to Zully when he finally made his way to the precinct to retrieve his vehicle (as well as being told he was responsible for the towing fees).

When Mr. Zullo asked the defendant’s employee why he had to pay for the tow, the defendant’s employee told him that the tow cost was Mr. Zullo’s fault for exercising his rights.

There’s the now-familiar lesson: exercise your rights and cops will make you pay — one way or another — for making their jobs difficult. This was plainly stated by an LAPD member shortly after the situation in Ferguson blew up: be anything but compliant and you’ll be hurting. If you have problems with us steamrolling your rights, sue us. That attitude brings us to this. Another lawsuit filed against a law enforcement agency simply because a police officer couldn’t handle being told, “No.”
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Old 10-01-2014, 08:53 AM
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in america, if you car gets stuck in the snow, you will be ticketed, then struck in teh face with a baton

This Man’s Car Got Stuck in the Snow, So Cops Show Up and Knock Him Out | The Free Thought Project

A Maryland man was relieved to see the police pull up as they were in need of help, however the police did no helping, only assaulting.

Tunde Adeyale is filing a multi-million dollar lawsuit against the Mt. Rainier police department after he was assaulted and ticketed for getting his car stuck in the snow.

The incident happened during a terrible snowstorm on March 17, 2014, when Adeyale lost control of his car and slid off the road, getting the car stuck in a snow embankment.

Adeyale was driving a friend home that night, and when the accident occurred, they immediately called AAA and waited in the car for help to arrive.

Thousands of people across the east coast had found themselves in a similar situation that night, but for Adeyale things took an ugly turn when a police car pulled up behind him. Adeyale and his friend were under the impression that police had arrived to help them back onto the road, or to at least see if they needed help.

However, according to Adeyale and his lawyer, police were immediately aggressive as soon as they arrived, and ticketed him for failure to control his vehicle and negligent driving. Next, the officers threatened to impound his car.

Adeyale pleaded with officers to hear him out, and explained that he did not want any trouble, but the officers refused to listen to him, and responded with more threats, one of the officers even threatened to put him in the hospital. Seconds later, another officer moved in and punched Adeyale, knocking him unconscious momentarily.
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Old 10-02-2014, 08:37 AM
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Cops are ALWAYS on duty:

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Old 10-02-2014, 08:38 AM
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cops love to taze people in the back for no good reason:


and wait for it...

...I felt that my safety was jeopardized by the incitement that Young was providing
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Old 10-02-2014, 08:53 AM
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watch how this cop handles a kidnapping at gunpoint in progress:


he was actually fired for this. the kidnapper was later killed in a gunbattle with police.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:26 PM
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we're the police and we're here to help kill you

NYC cops accidentally shoot and kill man they were trying to save from knife attack

Police accidentally shot and killed a Brooklyn man they were trying to save from a knife-wielding assailant.

An autopsy shows 51-year-old Rafael Laureano died Monday night from a single gunshot wound to the back, according the a spokeswoman for the medical examiner.

Officers also killed the suspect, 47-year-old Francisco Carvajal.

Police said they saw Carvajal stabbing Laureano aftern they arrived at an apartment where a disturbance was reported, and they ordered the man to drop his knife.

Officers fired at least 12 shots when Carvajal refused, and both men were killed.

The autopsy showed Carvajal had 13 bullet wounds, including entry and exit wounds and one graze wound, investigators said.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:28 PM
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remind me not to get arrested in Argentina

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Old 10-02-2014, 01:28 PM
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remind me to never get accused of a crime.

Accused of Stealing a Backpack, High School Student Jailed for Nearly Three Years Without Trial | Democracy Now!

We look at the incredible story of how a 16-year-old high school sophomore from the Bronx ended up spending nearly three years locked up at the Rikers jail in New York City after he says he was falsely accused of stealing a backpack. Kalief Browder never pleaded guilty and was never convicted. Browder maintained his innocence and requested a trial, but was only offered plea deals while the trial was repeatedly delayed. Near the end of his time in jail, the judge offered to sentence him to time served if he entered a guilty plea, and warned him he could face 15 years in prison if he was convicted. But Browder still refused to accept the deal, and was only released when the case was dismissed. During this time, Browder spent nearly 800 days in solitary confinement, a juvenile imprisonment practice that the New York Department of Corrections has now banned. We are joined by reporter and author Jennifer Gonnerman, who recounts Browder’s story in the current issue of The New Yorker. We also speak with Browder’s current attorney, Paul Prestia, who has filed a lawsuit against the City of New York, the New York City Police Department, the Bronx District Attorney, and the Department of Corrections, on Browder’s behalf.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:31 PM
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in america, if you dont immediately pull over for police, they will shoot and kill you.

Police Officer Shoots, Kills Unarmed 68-Year-Old In His Driveway

Craven followed Satterwhite at low speeds for nine miles as the 68-year-old man drove home, the Associated Press reports. When Satterwhite arrived at his house and pulled into his driveway, Craven ran up to the man's driver’s side door and fired multiple shots, killing him instantly. The elderly Satterwhite is accused by Craven of trying to grab Craven’s gun when the police officer approached his car, but no evidence exists to support that claim.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:32 PM
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police like to install keyloggers on your computer under the guise of installing safety software:

Police chiefs, sheriffs, and district attorneys have handed out hundreds of thousands of copies of the disc to families for free at schools, libraries, and community events, usually as a part of an “Internet Safety” outreach initiative. The packaging typically features the agency’s official seal and the chief’s portrait, with a signed message warning of the “dark and dangerous off-ramps” of the Internet.

As official as it looks, ComputerCOP is actually just spyware, generally bought in bulk from a New York company that appears to do nothing but market this software to local government agencies.

The way ComputerCOP works is neither safe nor secure. It isn’t particularly effective either, except for generating positive PR for the law enforcement agencies distributing it. As security software goes, we observed a product with a keystroke-capturing function, also called a “keylogger,” that could place a family’s personal information at extreme risk by transmitting what a user types over the Internet to third-party servers without encryption. That means many versions of ComputerCOP leave children (and their parents, guests, friends, and anyone using the affected computer) exposed to the same predators, identity thieves, and bullies that police claim the software protects against.

Furthermore, by providing a free keylogging program—especially one that operates without even the most basic security safeguards—law enforcement agencies are passing around what amounts to a spying tool that could easily be abused by people who want to snoop on spouses, roommates, or co-workers.

EFF conducted a security review of ComputerCOP while also following the paper trail of public records to see how widely the software has spread. Based on ComputerCOP’s own marketing information, we identified approximately 245 agencies in more than 35 states, plus the U.S. Marshals, that have used public funds (often the proceeds from property seized during criminal investigations) to purchase and distribute ComputerCOP. One sheriff’s department even bought a copy for every family in its county.
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:34 PM
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In America, you are threatened with arrest if you try to make a complaint against the police

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Old 10-02-2014, 01:38 PM
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in america, police attach chains to their black slaves through tazers

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Old 10-02-2014, 01:40 PM
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in america, if you pay for the train, you get the pigs all wilded up

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Old 10-02-2014, 01:43 PM
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in america, you are always a suspect.

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Old 10-03-2014, 07:43 AM
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when police go fishing, you lose

Vermont Cop Pulls Car Over for Nonexistent Traffic Violation, Tows It to Search for Evidence of Nonexistent Crime - Hit & Run :

Trooper Lewis Hatch stopped Zullo, a 21-year-old resident of Rutland, on Route 7 in Wallingford around 3 p.m. on March 6, ostensibly because snow partially obscured the registration sticker on his rear license plate. But as the ACLU points out, that is not a traffic violation under Vermont law. In fact, the complaint says, "Mr. Zullo was perfectly obeying all applicable traffic laws when driving through Wallingford that day."

After detaining Zullo for an hour and unsuccessfully pressing him for permission to search the car, Hatch had it towed to the local state police barracks. In his application for a warrant to search the car, Hatch claimed to have smelled "the faint odor of burnt marijuana coming from within the vehicle." He also mentioned seeing an air freshener and eye drops in the car, and he reported that a drug-sniffing dog at the state police barracks "alerted twice on the trunk," then "climbed up on the hood." In Vermont, the ACLU argues, such evidence does not constitute probable cause to believe a search will reveal evidence of a crime, since possessing up to an ounce of marijuana is no longer a crime in that state, which last year made it a civil offense.

Hatch reported that he found a pipe and a grinder in Zullo's car, both containing "marijuana residue." (Did he find them in the trunk, to which the dog supposedly alerted? Hatch did not say.) Zullo was not charged with any offense, since there was none to charge him with. But he did not get his car back until about 10 p.m., seven hours after he was stopped. "To add insult to injury," says ACLU of Vermont Executive Director Allen Gilbert, "the state police made him pay $150 for the tow, as if the situation was his fault."
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Old 10-03-2014, 07:46 AM
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my favorite part is when they shoot him in the back with his arms raised up

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Old 10-06-2014, 07:43 AM
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This guy wore an interesting shirt to court to fight his plate obstruction ticket:

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Old 10-06-2014, 07:47 AM
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im a cop, you understand me ************

The nearly two minute long and highly disturbing video shows Holloway being brutally beaten, while face down and handcuffed, by Officer Escobar.

Escobar began working for OPD in 2012, and has already been the target of several citizen complaints, none of which have led to formal internal investigations or discipline, The Sentinel reported.

Holloway was not charged with assaulting an officer or resisting arrest, despite the blatant lies in Escobar’s police report.

According to Escobar’s report, he meant to punch Holloway in the back, but instead hit him in the head as he was trying to stand up while resisting being handcuffed.

The video uploaded to YouTube shows that to be a lie, as he was already cuffed and face down as the officer began assaulting him.

Escobar proceeds to drag Holloway several feet and claims he kicked Holloway after Holloway “curled up” his leg as if to kick the officer, WFTV reports.

This was also a lie, disproven by his sister’s footage.

The Orlando Police Department also lied for the officer in their checklist that they sent to the State Attorney’s office, claiming there was no body camera footage, which we now know does infact exist.
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