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The hero warrior cop is ready to get roided up, rape, and drink and drive

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Old 07-02-2014, 12:53 PM
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recurring theme: arrested for resisting.

Woman says she was assaulted by HPD officer in front of 5-year-old son | San Antonio

"Get out of the car,” the officer says while trying to get Neykeyia Parker out of her friend’s car.

“Why are you doing that? What are you doing, that is unnecessary," her friend can be heard screaming on the video.

Parker says that she was simply trying to put her five year old son Devon into the car to drop him off at a relative’s house when the officer essentially attacked her.

"Get out of the car! You are under arrest!” the officer yells on the video.

When they ask him for what he responds, “for Trespassing.”

All that just ten feet from her front door.

The officer was not happy to have this arrest recorded either, at one point smacking the phone recording the video out of her friend's hand.

"You see it on TV but you never think that it will be you," said Parker. "My baby was in the back like the whole time."


Now her problem is a charge of interfering with a public servant. Her brother, Nelson Brown, does not understand.

"No gun. No radio. just a mangy little dog on a string," said Brown. "Why would I think you were police?"

Brown was called to the scene to pick up 5-year-old Devon because his mom was going to jail. He talked to the other officers who arrived when neighbors called about the commotion.

“They said trespassing and everybody was laughing," said Brown. "It was like a joke. Everybody was laughing."

Everybody except Neykeyia.
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Old 07-03-2014, 09:28 AM
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I planned on taking back [the ticket] if you called me.

then why did you write it?
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Old 07-07-2014, 08:29 AM
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recurring theme: cop smelled weed, so naturally he must use an outlawed choke hold to subdue this vile criminal

oh yeah, and of course he was charged for resisting.
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Old 07-07-2014, 08:34 AM
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recurring theme: we are going to let you go, you have committed no crime, but then arrest you for your "future" action when you violate our unlaw orders.

he was charged with trespassing when he tried to go back to his car after they let him go.

question: can police randomly trespass people?

As far as I can tell he was found guilty and is appealing.
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Old 07-07-2014, 08:44 AM
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Crime to post comments containing vulgar insults on police department Facebook page? - The Washington Post

From today’s State v. Smith (Wisc. Ct. App. July 3, 2014) (one-judge nonprecedential order) (some paragraph breaks added):

Thomas Smith appeals a judgment convicting him, after a jury trial, of disorderly conduct and unlawful use of a computerized communication system. The convictions for these misdemeanor crimes were based on two comments Smith posted on a police department Facebook page. Smith argues that the circuit court should have granted his motion to dismiss because his Facebook comments were protected speech.

The State argues that the comments are not protected speech because they are “fighting words.” The State does not persuade me that Smith’s comments can reasonably be construed as fighting words. And, the State’s briefing provides no other basis on which to uphold Smith’s convictions. Accordingly, I reverse and remand for the circuit court to vacate the judgment and dismiss the charges against Smith….
On July 20, 2012, the Village of Arena police department posted a status update on its official Facebook page:
We would like to thank the citizens … that assisted the Arena Police Department in attempting to locate two out-of-state juvenile males. The juveniles ran from a Sharon Street address after an officer attempted to make contact with them…. The same two males along with a third local juvenile male were also arrested later the same evening for burglary of a business…. Two of the males were detained by residents until law enforcement arrived, the third male was located and arrested a short time later….
Within the next 24 hours, several Facebook users posted comments on the police Facebook page. Some of the users appeared to have knowledge or opinions, or both, about the underlying facts of the arrests. The comments included:
Thanks for searching my house and accusing me of harboring so called dangerous fugitives … and since when is it ok for a resident to point a gun at a couple [o]f KID’S [sic] heads? If that was anyone else’s kids pretty sure it would be a big deal. Oh wait though, they were black so [i]t’s ok. Thanks to everyone that made our town look like nothing but a racist, prejudice[d] place to live. I’m embarrassed to say I’m part of that kind of community. If I were black I’d run too.

And don’t anybody say it isn’t about race because it is when I ask the cop specifically what they look like and his response is they will stand out because they don’t belong here[.]

Sooo happy I left that town.

Good thing the s[c]enario didn’t go down in my hood it would have ended a lot differently … bang sheee bang[.]
Smith posted two comments, subsequent to those quoted above, which read:
**** the ******* cops they ant **** but ******* racist basturds an ******* all of y’all who is racist[.]

**** them nigers policy bitchs wat the you got on us not a darn thing so **** off dicks[.]
There was no allegation, and no evidence at trial, that Smith was in physical proximity to Arena police when he posted his comments.

Based on Smith’s comments, the State charged Smith with disorderly conduct and with unlawful use of a computerized communication system. Smith moved to dismiss the charges on First Amendment grounds. In opposing Smith’s motion, the State argued that Smith’s Facebook comments were not protected speech because they were fighting words. The circuit court denied Smith’s motion…. The jury found Smith guilty on both counts….
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Old 07-07-2014, 08:52 AM
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Jail takedown leaves man bloodied, raises questions about cops' behavior -

The jail video shows Davis walking into the one-man cell, where he appears to be listening to the officers. The cameras recorded no audio. After a few seconds, Davis steps forward, putting his hands against the wall. Then, suddenly, deputies swarm him, forcefully taking Davis to the ground. In reports and testimony, they would later acknowledge pepper spraying him and delivering hand and knee strikes to his body, saying Davis was resisting them.

"My eyesight was taken away, I had no control over my body," Davis said. "I don’t know what they did to me, but they were laughing at me. That’s the hurting part."

Davis couldn’t see at the time because deputies pepper sprayed him. When they were done, he can be seen motionless and appears unconscious.

"They just took him down and beat him and beat him and beat him and kicked him and sprayed him and kicked him and sprayed him for no reason," Romano said.
Said one deputy under oath, Davis was removed from the general holding cell for “causing a ruckus,” “getting loud…trying to intimidate” other inmates by “balling up his fists.” Another had a different version: saying Davis was removed not for anything aggressive, but for taking another inmate’s seat.

Story number three came from then-Undersheriff James Gage. After readings his officer’s reports, he testified Davis “was pounding on the door…and hollering...”, aggravating other inmates.

The video shows none of that. In fact, Davis is inside the general holding cell for barely two minutes. A federal magistrate, who watched the video himself, wrote that Davis “...appears to be nothing but cooperative with the deputies.”

"There’s no combative behavior. There’s videotape of the holding cell, shows him doing nothing wrong," Romano said. "There’s no explanation, at all. Other than bullies".

Once Davis is in the isolation cell, the deputies’ stories still don’t square with the tape. Deputy Terry Cocking said Davis was tackled because he “balled up his fists” and “started coming towards” an officer. But in the moments before he’s swarmed, Davis’s right hand is clearly visible: it’s open, and against a wall.

Another said when deputies ask Davis to remove his shoes, he made an “aggressive move” to try to escape from the cell. Again, on tape, Davis appears to be leaning against the wall before deputies take him down. And several deputies testified that Davis aggressively kicked his shoe at the officers, striking one.

"I never kicked my feet, my shoe off at anybody," Davis told Channel 7's Ross Jones.
"Why would they say that?" Jones asked.

"I don’t know...I really don’t have any idea. I never kicked my shoe off at anybody," Davis said.

When the sheriff’s office tried to get the case thrown out of federal court, Judge David Lawson
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Old 07-07-2014, 08:57 AM
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recurring theme: fat cop creates crime

The Somerville Police Department has devised an ingenious method for catching dangerous criminals.

It is against the law to enter a crosswalk while there is someone crossing the road.

Obviously a driver can drive through a crosswalk while simultaneously remaining cautious and being aware of pedestrians. But where would all this extra revenue come from?

Somerville police are using undercover crosswalkers to set up questionable traps at crosswalks throughout the town.

The undercover just walks back and forth in the crosswalk all day long, while the unit pulls over the unsuspecting “criminals” to issue a citation.

What do you think? Is this really protecting and serving?
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Old 07-07-2014, 09:02 AM
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CA Hero Screeches "Officer Safety"! to Justify His Beat Down of Unarmed Woman » Eric Peters Autos

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The California Highway Patrol has vowed to carry out a thorough investigation after a video emerged of one of its officers repeatedly punching a woman he had pinned down on the side of a Los Angeles freeway.
The woman had been walking on Interstate 10 west of downtown Los Angeles, endangering herself and people in traffic, and the officer was trying to restrain her, CHP Assistant Chief Chris O’Quinn said at a news conference. O’Quinn said the woman had begun walking off the freeway but returned when the confrontation occurred.

The video shows the woman struggling and trying to sit up while the officer punches her in the face and head until an off-duty law enforcement officer appears and helps him handcuff her.

Passing Driver David Diaz recorded the Tuesday incident and provided it to media outlets including The Associated Press. He told the AP in a phone interview Friday that he arrived as the woman was walking off the freeway. He said she turned around only after the officer shouted something to her.

“He agitated the situation more than helped it,” said Diaz, who started filming soon after.

Los Angeles attorney Caree Harper said the woman’s family wants authorities held accountable for “beating a great-grandmother in broad daylight.”

Quit resisting, this beatdown is for my safety. - hero cop*

*presumed dialogue.

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Old 07-07-2014, 09:03 AM
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recurring theme: stay out here so i can beat you!!!!

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Old 07-07-2014, 09:10 AM
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this is the kid that got arrested last July 4th.

things have changed in a year:

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Old 07-07-2014, 09:16 AM
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recurring theme: under what grounds? cause i dont know who you are.

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Old 07-07-2014, 10:19 AM
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recurring theme: And with the magic words "I smell weed", I can make the 4th Amendment disappear!

in this video, it appears the driver drives through a checkpoint and didn't know they were getting flagged to pull over. a cop procedes to hit their car in an attempt to stop them. claims he smells weed in order to make it legal, but then proceedes to make sur ehe mentions they actually just stop every third car.
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Old 07-07-2014, 10:22 AM
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recurring theme: im not trying to give you a hard time, but I wanna make your life hell and waste your time and hassle you and illegally search your car.

wired how a french fry smelled like weed.

recurring theme: And with the magic words "I smell weed", I can make the 4th Amendment disappear!

keep in mind he was pulled over for a license plate being out, and he has to id everyone, and then start looking/smelling drugs. good comrades give up their IDs easily, and allow him to search the car without a second thought.
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Old 07-07-2014, 09:46 PM
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Recurring theme: police officers get murdered more frequently than those in pretty much any other occupation, and have good reason to be paranoid and twitchy.

HE SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN HIS SQUAD CAR: Cop-Killer’s Family Blames The Police For Officer’s Death

Major Davis, Jr was brandishing a semi-automatic rifle Saturday night in Indianapolis, which led to a 911 call that dispatched police. When IMPD Officer Perry Renn found Davis at 34th Street and Forest Manor Avenue, Davis opened fire on Officer Renn. Davis was critically wounded in the gunfight, but survived. Officer Renn died of wounds sustained in the firefight. Davis now faces a charge of murder.

It’s probably a shock to no one that Davis’s family is blaming the police for his actions:
"He wasn’t a bad person. His father was killed by IMPD. That is enough to hurt a person and scar him for life," said Moornan. (His father died of a heart attack.)

One of the officers listed in that 2003 police report is Officer Perry Renn.

“I imagine he figured they were going to try and kill him. I mean cause look what they did to his father,” said Moornan.

On Saturday night, the family says they were having a cookout.

“Next thing, I just heard shots and everybody running in the house and everybody hit the floor,” said Yvonne Moornan, Davis Jr.’s aunt.

By the time they got outside, they realized those shots were Davis Jr. and Officer Renn shooting at each other. Davis had an assault rifle.

“Major is not a bad person in spite of what happened. Things happen,” said Pam Moornan.

Now, the Davis family is worried about their son’s reputation and again, questioning police tactics.

“It’s horrible about what took place, but, I mean, I don’t think it’s fair though for them to keep dragging him through the mud,” said Moornan.

And again, questioning police tactics.

“I don’t know how the police was shooting. I don’t know if they took concern of any kids running around,” said Yvonne Moornan.

The family did say it is sorry for Officer Renn’s family, but they said the tragedy may have been avoided if Officer Renn would’ve stayed at his car since he could see Davis had a gun.
The alleged cop-killer’s father, Major Davis, Sr. had been arrested 15 times and did three years in prison on a drug charge. He died of a heart attack in 2003 while in handcuffs after fighting with police as he attempted to avoid a public intoxication charge. The family (of course) blamed the police for his death.

Here is the family’s reasoning/justification for Davis’s murder of Officer Renn:
  • Davis, Jr’s convicted felon father had a heart attack and died in police custody while attempting to avoid his 15th arrest… which is enough to “scar him for life.”
  • Davis, Jr. must have thought the cops were trying to kill him, again blaming the father’s heart attack on police.
  • “Things happen.”
  • Officer Renn shouldn’t have shot back at Davis, Jr. because there were kids in the area.
  • Officer Renn should have just stayed in his car, since he could see criminal Davis, Jr. brandishing a weapon.

It probably won’t surprise anyone that Davis, Jr. had multiple arrests on drug charges dating back to 2006.

I’m at a loss to explain a mindset that seems to have an unswerving ability to justify any and all criminal activity from their family members, while finding a way to blame authorities who are simply attempting to keep the peace.

Our deepest condolences to the family of Officer Renn.

HE SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN HIS SQUAD CAR: Cop-Killer's Family Blames The Police For Officer's Death - Bearing Arms

Murder suspect’s family speaks out about shooting | WISH-TV
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Old 07-08-2014, 08:11 AM
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recurring theme: Cops voluntarily signed up for the job, in exchange for a paycheck, in which they understand the risks involved and have to go through extensive training in self defense/offense, as well as physical fitness, written tests, and psychiatric evaluations, before they can start work.

recurring theme: Cops are sworn to uphold and protect the constitution; yet they trample all over it because they are paranoid and twitchy.

recurring theme: Cops have no obligation to protect people from harm so they trample all over them because they are paranoid and twitchy.

recurring theme: Cops treat everyone like a criminal from being so jaded because they are paranoid and twitchy.

recurring theme: Cops would rather arrest and confront you over stupid trivial infractions in order to collect money for the state to further their oppressive reign, filling our prisons up with non-violent criminals, victimless criminals, drug addicts, or people that just happen to make them paranoid or twitchy, instead of doing anything about real criminals that rape, or slave, or rob, or injure, or that do go out and shoot police officers because they hold some stupid grudge. And because of this recurring theme, one-quarter of the world's prisoners are held in US jails, a quarter of those being held on drug charges alone, yet somehow there are still criminals out there which just fuels the necessities for more twitchy and paranoid police to parole the streets until one day we all are living in Judge Dredd and we ask ourselves: how did we get here? But Joe Perez always knew the answer. Joe Perez always knew.

recurring theme: Joe Perez again tries to argue, that since a cop signs up for a job that puts them under a lot of pressure, stress, danger, or what have you, it's okay for them to become paranoid and twitchy, violate your constitutional protected rights, violate the law, violate court orders, violate common sense, violate common courtesy, violate your privacy, cause you bodily harm, destroy your property, tase you, shoot you, shoot your dog, steal your money, set you up, and ultimately act like common criminals themselves because they are paranoid and twitchy and because the means justifies the ends.

future theme: Joe Perez will be arrested for taking panoramas of the streets of NYC and charged with wiretapping, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct because a paranoid and twitchy cop will claim that Joe's camera phone could have been a gun/weapon and when Joe used his superior intelligence to try to calmly defend his position, the moron cop would take it as an insult, and since he has daddy issues he never worked out, will flex his chest and make Joe's life a living hell because he can and because he was twitchy that day--his herpes was flaring up.
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Old 07-08-2014, 08:53 AM
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New Theme: Memphis, TN residents have no reason to be twitchy or paranoid today.

More than 400 Tennessee cops call in sick in apparent health care protest | Fox News

MEMPHIS, Tenn. – Memphis police say more than 400 officers have called in sick in the past week in what appears to be a deliberate action to protest planned health care cuts.

Memphis Police Department spokeswoman Karen Rudolph said Monday that 404 officers have called in sick since June 30, an increase from 308 officers who had called in sick through Sunday. The department has about 2,280 officers.

According to The Commercial Appeal, Memphis Police Director said Sunday that the actions come in an apparent protest to a City Council vote that will reduce health care subsidies for city employees so that the funds can be redirected to the city's troubled pension fund.

Because of the number of officers out, the Shelby County Sheriff's Office is helping patrol the city.
Apparently Memphis, TN employs 400 too many police officers and life goes on without them.
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Old 07-08-2014, 08:58 AM
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new theme: In Germany, they can arrest someone who's resisting, and deal with a large unruly crowd without throwing one punch, tazing any children, killing any dogs, or confronting/assaulting any photographers.

much not be very twitchy over there...
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Old 07-08-2014, 09:01 AM
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recurring theme: paranoid and twitchy police officer who treats everyday people like criminals and give them trial by fire without a jury of their peers, denying them various rights and life, costs citizens 6.5 million dollars.

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Old 07-08-2014, 09:06 AM
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recurring theme: twitchy police shoots and kills dangerous attack TURTLE that was threatening all life and limb. AHHHHHHHH BEWARE OF TURTLESSSSSS1saedsfdsavad

BBC News - Uganda: Police officer shoots 'aggressive' tortoise

The incident happened in the Nebbi district in the north of the country near the Congolese border. The officer - named as Charles Onegiu by the New Vision newspaper - said the animal entered his home and attacked him while he was enjoying a post-work cup of tea. "I tried to scare it but the tortoise became very aggressive. I took a stick to chase it but it instead became more violent," he told the paper. After attempting to fend off the tortoise with a plastic chair, he said he "instinctively" drew his firearm and shot it dead. A local Christian group later prayed for Onegiu, "before burning the dead reptile to ashes."
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Old 07-08-2014, 09:10 AM
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Recurring theme: Paranoid police were able to stop this criminal from denying the rights of the fire to burn free.

SANTAQUIN, UT -- A man was arrested for disorderly conduct and obstructing justice when he refused to stop spraying water on a brush fire that had ignited in a field behind his home.

The incident happened on July 4th in a field located behind a row of houses. At approximately 9:30 p.m., some brush caught fire due to errant use of fireworks.

"Last night, while watching fireworks, an apparent spark lit a tree over there from an old orchard on fire," said 36-year-old Santaquin resident, Jason Thornton. "Myself, my two nephews, and a few neighbors rushed to action, got our hoses out, contained the fire to one tree, waiting for the fire department to show up."

Mr. Thornton continued: "While fighting the fire, somebody said, 'stop!' I told them, 'no' in a very unpolite way. He told me again to stop. I said, 'No, I'm manning this fire. I'm not stopping until the fire department gets here.'"

"Then the man came over and put me in handcuffs and told me I was under arrest," he said. "They gave me a citation for disorderly conduct and obstruction of justice."

"While he was spraying down the ambers, the cop told him he was arresting he put him in handcuffs and took him to his car," Kelly told Police State USA. "The fire department was not there yet. It was a crazy, intense situation. The cop did not even try to help with the fire."
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