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Braineack 01-28-2020 01:13 PM

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fooger03 01-30-2020 06:29 PM

Hopefully he doesn't ever get into a situation where he needs a gun quickly.

z31maniac 01-31-2020 11:08 AM

I found it funny the "Lots of guns" drawer in fact has FEWER guns than the "guns" drawer.

samnavy 01-31-2020 02:32 PM

While I appreciate the element of "cool", and the Matrix reference, also obviously a terrible idea from an 'access" and security standpoint.

Thieves figured out these little tricks long ago... the "hide in plain sight" American flag safes and "freedom cabinets"... if I was a thief and walked into a house that even remotely smelled of 'Merica, I'd be knocking everything that looked like this off every wall in the house. A thief would absolutely try opening that bureau and when they discovered it wasn't as deep as it should be, would destroy it in place to get at whatever was inside.

And since assholes who store their guns like this clearly enjoy keeping them loaded, now you have an armed meth-head coming down off his high running around your house and then through the neighborhood with a suppressed AR. Fuck people who buy these! Get a real goddamned safe and bolt it to the floor and wall, and if you're so fucking worried about having access that quickly, just carry in your home.



Roda 01-31-2020 02:41 PM

I can get into this a lot faster than those automated cabinets can open.


samnavy 02-17-2020 01:04 PM

AWB fails in the Virginia Senate.

I just got an email from the VCDL... don't know how they got half the Democrats in the Senate to vote against it, but it's dead for the year. I'll be interested to hear if any statements are released, but my gut feeling is that they'll dodge answering any questions. Kinda solidifies my feeling that Bloomberg realized he'd bit off more than he could chew. Still, could be a tactic to bring it back next year when the heat has died off... but that could backfire because then it'll be that much fresher at the polls in '21. I don't think VA gun owners are gonna take anything laying down regardless.

Still have background checks pending and a few other things. I'll post some links when they hit the wire.

BGordon 02-17-2020 02:31 PM

My guess is that a bunch of state lawmakers have suddenly figured out that they might get voted out of office if they play follow the leader.
Amazing how quick that makes people change their tune.

samnavy 02-17-2020 04:15 PM

^It's not just Virginia state lawmakers. The whole country is paying attention to what just happened in Virginia.

The conspiracy theory I'm leaning towards most is that this whole circus was agreed to by both parties. The DNC wanted a huge show, and wanted to make Bloomberg look bad so he quits trying to be president. But, Republicans know he'll never get the nod to run on the Democratic ticket, but his ego is so big that he might spend his own money and run as an Independent...which would hand the popular vote to Trump on a gold platter. SO, the GOP ran small campaigns and allowed some districts to go uncontested... and "allowed" the state to go full blue. Democrats WIN! First order of business, TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY! This energizes all the sleeping Republicans in the state and start the "sanctuary counties" movement and triples the membership in VCDL... and all but guarantees the next election cycle that the state will wing all the way back to full red. Republicans WIN!

In the meantime, Democrats run a train on the state, and Republicans in every other state learn what happens if you're asleep at the wheel. Isn't this fun!

Braineack 02-17-2020 07:29 PM

VA is proposing bad law after bad law. Some of them will stick...

Braineack 02-20-2020 01:27 PM

Facebook Post

Braineack 02-26-2020 08:06 AM

Watch a stroke victim talk about guns:

Facebook Post

Braineack 02-26-2020 10:52 AM


Braineack 03-03-2020 08:39 AM


Braineack 03-23-2020 07:11 AM

gun cam is cool:

samnavy 03-24-2020 04:55 PM

If you don't like looking at numbers for the sake of "hmmmnnn"... then this will not interest you.

February 2020 saw 2.8 million NICS checks. That's 800k more checks than Feb of last year. That's the 3rd highest month ever. The other 2 highest months were Dec 2020 and Dec 2016.

I've posted all this before, but let's recap...

NICS checks do not equate to new firearm purchases. Some are sales of used guns and LOTS are concealed carry permit applications or renewals. About half of all NICS checks are CCW permits. Illinois and Kentucky perform about 100k checks PER MONTH EACH, which drastically skews numbers.

However, some states do not require a NICS check if you have a firearms purchase card. For example, I live in Hawaii. I have a state long-gun purchase permit that needs to be renewed yearly. With that permit, I can buy as many long-guns as I want through an FFL... that FFL does not actually run a check. They do make me fill out an additional 4473, but it's just for their in-house records. So last year, I bough 6 guns on one NICS check.

Also, there is no limit to the number of guns you can purchase on one 4473 in regular states. Most people will tell you that the limit is x5. But, that's just the number of lines on the form. There is an additional form for the FFL to fill out if you want to buy more than 5 guns at a time on the same 4473... just an extra sheet with more lines on it.

You also need a 4473 for a suppressor or SBR/SBS/AOW... and are averaging about 1.4 million/YEAR over the past decade... but most don't actually add a new "gun" to circulation.

It's a common misconception that manufacturers don't publish numbers. THEY DO! It's an ATF requirement. These numbers also don't include military sales.

Data shows, if you add them up, 9,052,628 firearms "manufactured and disposed of in commerce" in 2018.

I think March is going to set a new record... will likely see well north of 3million checks this month.

Braineack 03-25-2020 08:26 AM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1565071)
I think March is going to set a new record... will likely see well north of 3million checks this month.

doubtful, but a lot of state closed gun stores. Like VA just did... Gotta make sure the democrats can get their fairshare of your property without too much of a hassle.

samnavy 03-25-2020 05:58 PM

Will see. I think the amount of inventory sold before the states started locking down will be enough to push numbers. Both stores here on Kauai were fully sold out of all firearms, ammo, and magazines early in the month.

What will be interesting is the market flip later in the year... come fall, people out of work, holidays coming up, hunting season... how many of these panic-buy guns will be for sale?


Braineack 03-26-2020 07:44 AM


Braineack 04-02-2020 01:40 PM


mudd_butt 04-03-2020 12:05 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1565124)
doubtful, but a lot of state closed gun stores. Like VA just did... Gotta make sure the democrats can get their fairshare of your property without too much of a hassle.

3.7 million

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