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Braineack 08-19-2019 09:22 AM

Originally Posted by Diamond Dave (Post 1546040)
The thing is, it isn't for you to agree with weapon choices, nor is it about justifying the purpose - and since the Founding Fathers had just finished fighting a battle to maintain control of their country from a foreign dictator, guess what - they weren't thinking guns were only for hunting. It's about defending yourself or your country.If I were a nefarious government whose citizens had lots of guns, the first thing I'd do is either ban them or severely restrict them so they were less effective than the military. This alone is an infringement. On the same token that you should be able to defend against a foreign military (and guess what kind of awesome weapons they are using; automatic weapons with large capacity magazines) with like firepower, the entire point of the Second Amendment was defending against an unjust govenrment or preventing a government from taking things from the Free people.

Imagine going against the U.S. Military with an AR...

samnavy 08-19-2019 06:24 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1546310)
Imagine going against the U.S. Military with an AR...

But you don't have to go up against the "military". They won't be the ones rolling up your street.

It'll be a militarized force within your local PD, or a SWAT team, or the Gestapo, SS, FBI, secret police, safety enforcement squad... and don't fall into the trap of imagining "defending freedom" by yourself. It's a grand tool of the left to paint "patriots" as lone-wolves or some other stereotype. In reality, all your neighbors, whether your neighborhood, or the entire city/town/state will be with you.

The rancher standoff with Cliven Bundy is a prime example of the how the 2A works. You put out the call, and hundreds of bro's with rifles show up and stare down the FBI... who rather than risk a bloodbath, stand down. Granted, Bundy was eventually arrested to stand trial (and he was an asshole stealing from the American people), but that part of it was all pre-negotiated with the lawyers so nobody lost face.

The point is, if you disagree with the government, and you have lots of friends with guns willing to show up at your place and defend it with their lives, then the government has to be ready and willing (SENT THERE WITH ORDERS) to kill you if you resist, and willing to take losses, perhaps heavy, on their side. See Waco, Ruby Ridge, Edward Brown, and some others of note. The point is not whether those people were crazy nutjobs, the point is that the government is accountable to the people, and if they burn 20 children to death (Waco) with the cameras rolling, and 10 agents get killed, they have some explaining to do.

Braineack 09-03-2019 07:16 PM

so glad walmart is banning open carry. pretty much going to stop these sort of scenes:

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Joe Perez 09-03-2019 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1547832)

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we avoid Baltimore.

z31maniac 09-04-2019 08:26 AM

I was impressed by the high-pitched squeal and expansive vernacular.

Ryan_G 09-04-2019 09:13 AM

The second video really confuses me. The guy looks like he maybe has a knife or box cutter in his hand. There are like 9 cops there and not one of them attempted to use a taser. If it's one cop I could see not wanting to risk getting cut up if it misses or fails but you could have had half of those cops hit him with a taser or pepper spray while the other half kept guns on him and no one would have needed to be shot. There really is a training problem in the police force.

Braineack 09-04-2019 09:56 AM

They are trained to shoot people who threaten them. It's not a training problem; it's a training problem.

Joe Perez 09-06-2019 06:22 PM

Sure glad we elected that Republican president, under whose leadership the US is in no way turning into Oceania:

Feds Demand Apple And Google Hand Over Names Of 10,000+ Users Of A Gun Scope App

By Thomas Brewster Forbes Staff
Sep 6, 2019, 03:50pm

The federal order calls for the release on the data of users who downloaded apps used to calibrate scopes from a major manufacturer.

Own a rifle? Got a scope to go with it? The U.S. government might soon know who you are, where you live and how to reach you.

That’s because the government wants Apple and Google to hand over names, phone numbers and other identifying data of at least 10,000 users of a single gun scope app, Forbes has discovered. It’s an unprecedented move: Never before has a case been disclosed in which American investigators demanded personal data of users of a single app from Apple and Google. And never has an order been made public where the feds have asked the Silicon Valley giants for info on so many thousands of people in one go.

According to an application for a court order filed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) on September 5, investigators want information on users of Obsidian 4, a tool used to control rifle scopes made by night-vision specialist American Technologies Network Corp. The app allows gun owners to get a live stream, take video and calibrate their gun scope from an Android or iPhone device. According to the Google Play page for Obsidian 4, it has more than 10,000 downloads. Apple doesn’t provide download numbers, so it’s unclear how many iPhone owners could be swept up in this latest government data grab.

If the court approves the demand, and Apple and Google decide to hand over the information, it could include data on thousands of people who have nothing to do with the crimes being investigated, privacy activists warned. Edin Omanovic, lead on Privacy International's State Surveillance program, said it would set a dangerous precedent and scoop up “huge amounts of innocent people’s personal data.”

“Such orders need to be based on suspicion and be particularized—this is neither,” Omanovic added.

Neither Apple nor Google had responded to a request for comment at the time of publication. ATN, the scope maker, also hadn’t responded.

Story continues: https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasb...-gun-scope-app

Braineack 09-09-2019 08:35 AM

Only cops can have guns because they are responsible and not emotionally triggered goons.

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Braineack 09-17-2019 10:20 AM


Homeowner shoots, kills 3 teens wearing masks; 1 had a gun, police say

why you need a medium power sporting carbine.

sixshooter 09-17-2019 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1549237)
https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/hom...10u4cHwTF_qp0kwhy you need a medium power sporting carbine.

I believe the other hood rats in Conyers will take notice of this outcome when they are contemplating armed robbery. I really think it's interesting that the little scumbag they interviewed somehow thought this wasn't how the game was supposed to be played. Three masked men with the gun should be allowed to scurry off no harm no foul. I really don't understand how they think this is supposed to go down or what the rules of the game are in their minds. I'm seriously bewildered by it.

Roda 09-17-2019 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1549314)
I believe the other hood rats in Conyers will take notice of this outcome when they are contemplating armed robbery. I really think it's interesting that the little scumbag they interviewed somehow thought this wasn't how the game was supposed to be played. Three masked men with the gun should be allowed to scurry off no harm no foul. I really don't understand how they think this is supposed to go down or what the rules of the game are in their minds. I'm seriously bewildered by it.

Well, the left and the media have been portraying justly served young hoodlums as the 'true victims' since before Trayvon Martin. Why should we be surprised when they believe it?

Braineack 10-21-2019 08:28 PM

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Also, to answer the OP's question. The mexican cartel thinks so...

Braineack 11-04-2019 09:45 AM


Pregnant Florida mom uses AR-15 to kill home intruder

BGordon 11-04-2019 10:18 AM

I saw the article on that earlier this morning.

While reading the article it seemed they were stressing over and over that she used an "AR-15" to kill the intruder.
Not sure why it was being so pointedly noted.
Outcome would probably been the same if she had used a shotgun.
Pistol, probably not.

I also find it funny that the never mention the ethnicity of the intruders or homeowners.
Guess it stirs the race pot too much.

Braineack 11-25-2019 09:05 AM

Red Flag laws are the best laws.


samnavy 11-26-2019 03:30 AM

Just in case any of you bought into the propaganda that when Trump took office, people stopped buying guns because they were no longer afraid of Hillary, or some other conspiracy. Here you go...

April, May, June, August, Sept, Oct of 2019 saw more NICS checks in those months than any year previous including 2016. It looks like we're on slope to have close to 28 million checks... certainly going to pass the 2016 (Hillary is gonna win and take our guns) numbers of around 27.5 million checks. Granted, yes, about half of those checks are people getting their CCW's issued/renewed... but NICS check data doesn't account for multiple guns on a single 4473, or other kinds of transfers such as FTF and gifting. In any case, A LOT of guns are being sold.


Braineack 12-16-2019 04:07 PM




olderguy 12-16-2019 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1555826)
Just in case any of you bought into the propaganda that when Trump took office, people stopped buying guns because they were no longer afraid of Hillary, or some other conspiracy. Here you go...

April, May, June, August, Sept, Oct of 2019 saw more NICS checks in those months than any year previous including 2016. It looks like we're on slope to have close to 28 million checks... certainly going to pass the 2016 (Hillary is gonna win and take our guns) numbers of around 27.5 million checks. Granted, yes, about half of those checks are people getting their CCW's issued/renewed... but NICS check data doesn't account for multiple guns on a single 4473, or other kinds of transfers such as FTF and gifting. In any case, A LOT of guns are being sold.


On the other hand..........


samnavy 12-18-2019 11:09 PM

^You can see this playing out right now in Virginia.

We can have the discussion on "where were the gun owners on election day" when we talk about how VA will go full-blue here shortly, but you can now apply the "woken a sleeping giant" description.

About halfway down the page you'll see the "sanctuary map"... it's pretty telling. Of course it's all "symbolic" or however you want to look at it, but telling nonetheless. I've been saying for many years that VA will be the new ground-zero for gun control... and Gov. Newsom went full-retard on election night when the Democrats won both houses... first order of business, "gun control".

What's happening is that people who were previously not engaged or thought it would never happen in a state who's official motto is "Sic Semper Tyrannis," translated "Thus always to Tyrants"... a place where the state seal is the bare-breasted Goddess of Virtue carrying a sword and spear standing over the man she's killed symbolizing Britain... those people who weren't paying attention are now coming off the sidelines in huge numbers.

There are plenty of state-level Democrats who are now scared that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. Newsom has tried to double-down with various tactics... like threatening to utilize the National Guard for enforce gun control laws... you can imagine how well that went over. You can also bet that every swing-county Democrat in mostly gun-loving states is paying very close attention to how this plays out.

At this point, I'm not sure what's going to happen. Democrats control the Senate by 2 votes and the House by 10... no Republican is gonna flip, and I definitely see plenty of Democrats who know their jobs are on the line.

I think the most likely action is that they pass a watered-down bill with background checks, expanding the age for long-guns to 21, and red-flag laws. I don't think they'll manage an AWB... but if they manage, it'll sit in the courts well through 2021 where I can see the state flipping back RED in a big way.

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