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Braineack 12-07-2018 02:13 PM



Dick’s Sporting Goods Says Gun-Control Stance Hurt Business, May Close Field & Stream

'We can either take a look at closing that store … or reconceptualizing it into a more of an outdoor type concept'

Dick's Sporting Goods told investors during the Goldman Sachs Retailing Conference that its gun-control stance hurt sales of its hunting business, outdoors business, and that it may close its outdoor-focused Field & Stream stores.

Edward Stack, chairman and CEO of Dick's, said during the event that the sporting goods chain's recent 3.9 percent drop in same-store sales was the result of a mix of factors beyond their control as well as some he called "self-imposed." Specifically, he said, "the decisions we made on firearms" negatively affected their bottom line but the drop in sales was something they expected. They did not, however, regret their decision to change a number of their gun-sales policies and back new gun-control legislation.

"Well I think it's definitely a factor, and it's nothing that we didn't anticipate," Stack said during the call. "As we put out kind of our guidance for the year and our earnings guidance for the year, we knew this would happen when—we've made some decisions on firearms in the past and we've had a pretty good idea of what these consequences were going to be. We felt that was absolutely the right thing to do. We would do the same thing again if we had a mulligan, so to speak, to do it again."


I bet the stockholders are thrilled...

Braineack 12-10-2018 09:48 AM

Braineack 12-18-2018 03:58 PM

why you need RPGs:

U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom dismissed a suit filed by 15 students who claimed they were traumatized by the crisis in February. The suit named six defendants, including the Broward school district and the Broward Sheriff’s Office, as well as school deputy Scot Peterson and campus monitor Andrew Medina.

Bloom ruled that the two agencies had no constitutional duty to protect students who were not in custody.

Braineack 12-18-2018 04:46 PM



The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission overwhelmingly voted last week to allow teachers to carry guns.

The commission, part of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, voted 13-to-one for the measure, which requires teachers who volunteer to carry to undergo extensive background checks and training. The decision came as commissioners wrapped up their investigation into the deadly February shooting at the high school in Parkland, Florida.

stratosteve 12-18-2018 05:44 PM

Well, buh bye bumpstocks.....not sure how I feel about this.

Joe Perez 12-18-2018 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1515563)

I listened to a story recently on All Things Considered about a program very much like this. Can't remember which state it was in, but it's actually done, not just a proposal.

The educators (not just teachers, but all school employees) may elect to receive a pretty extensive amount of training and firearms qualification from the police department, are required to undergo annual re-qualification to police standards, and actually become sworn law enforcement officers.

I have to admit that one of the thoughts that went through my mind was how you'd react if all the teachers were able to carry guns in school (which you like) but were technically also required to become police officers in the process (which you hate.)

samnavy 12-18-2018 08:44 PM

volunteer to carry to undergo extensive background checks
I'm not sure what this means? You mean the background check to be a teacher that allows a person to spend hours every day alone with my kids isn't enough to trust them with a gun? I totally get the training requiremen, but what happens if they find something in the "extensive" check the makes them unable to carry at work?

If they can qualify to be a teacher, then likely they have no felonies and no domestic violence priors... which means they can legally own guns unless there's some sort of documented mental health thing. If their documented mental health thing has been reported to NICS properly and they are deemed too unsiuitable (dangerous) to own guns, then do I really want them with my kids?

It's the same thing with these bullshit "red flag" laws that's all the rage with anti's today... person X is a dangerous wack-job who really is going to murder somebody if we don't stop them... but we really can't legally lock somebody up for just being an asshole until they do something bad... so we're going to go confiscate their guns and hope that works. What we're not going to take this person to a hospital... or take away their drivers license... or their scissors... or charge them with a crime... or get them any help... we're just going to take away their guns, and it'll be OK if that person resists because the police who come will have guns and can just shoot them and solve the problem that way.

samnavy 12-18-2018 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1515617)
all the teachers were able to carry guns in school (which you like) but were technically also required to become police officers in the process (which you hate.)

Probably just "peace officers"... which gives them certain powers, but restricts others. I don't think "peace officers" can write traffic tickets, for example. But they can make arrests. This requirement probably has union roots... if teachers carry guns at work, somebody is gonna have to pay for the increased insurance costs for that risk, and a few extra lawyers, and blah blah blah...

So far as I know, there are teachers currently carrying firearms in schools... probably even public schools. And I know that if one of those teachers ever even pulled out their gun (we're not talking about actually firing it, but just pulling it out) in the face of a threat, it would make national news with both side slobbering to twist the narrative of the debate in all directions.

Joe Perez 12-18-2018 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1515628)
Probably just "peace officers"... which gives them certain powers, but restricts others.

I believe you're correct.

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1515626)
... we're just going to take away their guns, and it'll be OK if that person resists because the police who come will have guns and can just shoot them and solve the problem that way.

I understand that this may sound harsh, but I'm personally of the opinion that nobody is inherently owed much aside from basic liberty. And if you've allowed yourself to get to a point in life at which you are looking at the wrong end of a firearm held by a police officer (presupposing that you've done something which reasonably justifies being in this position, such as assaulting another person), then this might be the best thing in terms of overall cost-benefit ratio to society.

sixshooter 12-19-2018 09:57 AM

I like arming the teachers. Especially the ones having sex with their students. Lol.

samnavy 12-19-2018 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1515630)
I understand that this may sound harsh, but I'm personally of the opinion that nobody is inherently owed much aside from basic liberty. And if you've allowed yourself to get to a point in life at which you are looking at the wrong end of a firearm held by a police officer (presupposing that you've done something which reasonably justifies being in this position, such as assaulting another person), then this might be the best thing in terms of overall cost-benefit ratio to society.

Joe, I've been thinking of a word to describe the type of people I think you're talking about... a person who takes from society and gives nothing in return. A deep net negative. There are a lot of poorly educated and brainwashed people running around who fit the definition, but who simply don't have the knowledge base to comprehend that they are this type of person. Those poor brainwashed souls, I can forgive as long as they just sit on their asses and collect welfare but otherwise leave me alone. But there are others who take pride in this viscous consuming and fully understand that the world would be a better place without them... yet don't have the decency to off themselves. Basically everyone I ever met with a "Only God Can Judge Me" tattoo.

Joe Perez 12-19-2018 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1515780)
Joe, I've been thinking of a word to describe the type of people I think you're talking about... a person who takes from society and gives nothing in return. A deep net negative. There are a lot of poorly educated and brainwashed people running around who fit the definition, but who simply don't have the knowledge base to comprehend that they are this type of person. Those poor brainwashed souls, I can forgive as long as they just sit on their asses and collect welfare but otherwise leave me alone. But there are others who take pride in this viscous consuming and fully understand that the world would be a better place without them... yet don't have the decency to off themselves. Basically everyone I ever met with a "Only God Can Judge Me" tattoo.

That's definitely a problem, but the people I was thinking of are a subset of the net-negative group.

In other words, if someone is merely an unproductive member of society who demands that I (as a taxpayer) fund their sloth, then while I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for them (and would prefer that they not exist), but I'm not going to go so far as to suggest that it is actually proper that they be summarily executed.

I was referring more to those people who have done something which has justifiably resulted in their looking down the barrel of a firearm wielded by a police officer. Examples here would be rioting & looting, assaulting an innocent person (real assault, not shouting hateful words at them), burglary, kidnapping, not turning off your phone's ringer at the theater, and so on.

In those cases, as you said, "we're just going to take away their guns, and it'll be OK if that person resists because the police who come will have guns and can just shoot them and solve the problem that way." And while I assume you were being sarcastic, I actually believe that this is, in fact, an effective means of solving the problem of their existence.

BGordon 01-21-2019 04:03 PM

Interesting story out of Houston, TX over the weekend.

Short summary based on preliminary news stories:
Approx. 1am (middle of the night) at least 5 armed and masked males (ethnicity unknown and unimportant) kicked down the front door and entered a private residence.
A single resident grabbed personal defense weapon (rumored to be some sort of assault weapon) and exchanged gunfire with 4 or 5 intruders.
Superhuman resident dodged all the intruder bullets while effectively returning fire as the intruders exit the residence.
4 or 5 intruders shot, 3 of which died after exiting the residence.
First dead body was found either on the porch or in the yard of the residence.
Second body was approx. 2 blocks away where the getaway vehicle wrecked with the second deceased being either the driver or one of the passengers located inside the vehicle.
Third body was near the getaway vehicle on the ground.
Early stories indicate a single person being taken to the hospital for gunshot wounds but the later story indicates two people being treated for gunshot wounds.

Give it a week or ten and we might find out the accuracy of the initial reports and "The rest of the story".

sixshooter 01-21-2019 04:32 PM

Thou shalt not home invade lest the wrath of interested parties be dramatically presented.

samnavy 01-21-2019 05:41 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1519698)
Thou shalt not home invade lest the wrath of interested parties be dramatically presented.

Some sleuthing shows the house is a double shotgun-style rental unit. Google-street view shows different cars in the driveway yearly, and a FOR RENT sign one year. Different news reports show a big dog cage on the front porch along with a rotting lazy-boy, dart-board nailed to the fence, plus some kids play-structure in the yard. Neighborhood looks lower middle-class with mostly maintained yards... not what I would call a ghetto despite the Indian "food mkt" across the street.

News reports tell that the guy was 20yrd old and had an AK-47... he knew the guys who were trying to rob him and thought it was a joke when they first walked in... likely for money and jewelry they knew he had. Dude got really lucky that the guys robbing him weren't serious about using the guns they brought.

samnavy 01-29-2019 08:57 PM

Thanks to some backdoor political bullshit, Constitutional Carry is killed in Virginia again this year... not that the Governor (bought and paid for by Bloomberg) would have signed it, but would have been nice to see.

Congrats to South Dakota... Governor Noem will almost certainly sign:

That will make 14 Constitutional Carry states.

Braineack 01-30-2019 09:45 AM

Well VA is a blue state, so I'm not surprised. They gotta keep all the gardeners safe from all you rednecks.

Hell, our governor is trying to allow abortions after birth...

samnavy 02-04-2019 02:24 PM

You're damned right I would!

Braineack 02-05-2019 01:04 PM

as opposed to this:


LA Contractors May Be Required To Disclose Ties To NRA

A Los Angeles City Council Committee approved an ordinance Monday that will require city contractors to disclose any ties they have to the National Rifle Association.

The full City Council in October approved a motion from Councilman Mitch O’Farrell which authorized the drafting of the ordinance by the city attorney’s office. The ordinance would not ban NRA-connected contractors from doing business with the city but would require them to disclose any contracts or sponsorships they have with the gun rights advocacy group.

The Budget and Finance Committee approved the draft ordinance on Monday. It will now go back to the full City Council for consideration.

sixshooter 02-05-2019 04:28 PM

Sponsorships? The NRA isn't sponsoring any contractors for construction projects, LOL. Bunch of dumbasses.

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