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Joe Perez 11-20-2018 11:38 AM

The problem isn't one of reality, it's one of perception. Lawmakers answer to the electorate, which is comprised of people like the one below.

This FB post was made a few days ago by a woman I know personally. She is in her late 40s, well educated, intelligent, and successful in her career. Outwardly, she displays most of the signs of being a rational person.


(strikeouts in red are mine, those in black were done by her.)

Basically, she is horrified that people who live in her community in Georgia, in prime hunting territory, are able to freely buy and sell shotguns.

AlwaysBroken 11-20-2018 11:47 AM

Jesus Christ. You'd think they were handing out sawed off shotguns to homeless people or something. It's just a fucking fudd gun. Everyone has them. Ok, not everyone apparently. Did she move here from fucking New Jersey or something?

Braineack 11-20-2018 12:36 PM

you have to buy a fishing license in order to fish, so we can confirm we are aware of local fishing laws. i.e., not kill too many fish. we already have requirements to buy a gun, and laws not to kill anyone -- it's also a specific constitutionally protected right.

AlwaysBroken 11-20-2018 12:43 PM

Cars for off road use are essentially unregulated.

Incidentally, most of the uses of guns in public are restricted- carry, hunting discharging weapons in general. The general principle is that you can have guns but you better have a good reason for firing them.

Joe Perez 11-20-2018 12:59 PM

Originally Posted by AlwaysBroken (Post 1511942)
Did she move here from fucking New Jersey or something?

Yes. She used to work in field sales for a NYC-based company and lived in Jersey. Moved to a small town in GA about a year ago when she took a new job.

Originally Posted by AlwaysBroken (Post 1511954)
Incidentally, most of the uses of guns in public are restricted- carry, hunting discharging weapons in general.

You know the "change my mind" meme? People who are hysterically afraid of guns, and believe that their uterus is more strictly regulated by the government than firearms, are not especially receptive to facts and truth on the subject.

What we have to bear in mind, and should not lightly dismiss, is that these people vote, and influence others who also vote.

skylinecalvin 11-20-2018 01:30 PM

So in her mind, we should regulate firearms in a similar manner to vehicles. Does this mean any firearm used for private use only do not have to be registered or regulated? If I kept my car for private use only and not to be driven on public roads, the government doesn't really care about it. In the same sense, my firearms will only be for private use so I should be able to buy/sell as I please with no limit on use or type of firearm.

Braineack 11-20-2018 01:40 PM

also, to protect yourself from guns, in relation to car safety standards, the government would require us to walk around in body-armor as an equivalent to protect from everyone's bullets.

sixshooter 11-20-2018 05:25 PM

Bigotry against gun owners and strong feelings against guns originates in the same sort of ignorance that generates ethnic and religious bigotry. It comes from a place of insolation and lack of experience.

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime."
-Mark Twain

rleete 11-20-2018 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1511940)
This FB post was made a few days ago by a woman I know personally. She is in her late 40s, well educated, intelligent, and successful in her career.

She may have some college degree, but she is certainly not well educated. And I question your appraisal of her intelligence if she doesn't know a thing about gun laws, yet seems perfectly content to tell other people how things should be.

whitrzac 11-30-2018 02:51 PM

500,000 hunting gun deer season licenses sold, 3 people were injured.

Half a million people running around the woods shooting things and only 3 people were injured. Seems pretty safe to me.

How do we stop criminals from breaking the law?

samnavy 11-30-2018 03:53 PM

Gotta post a link to wherever you got that data. Most states don't differentiate between means of take on your actual license, therefore every license is by default a "gun season" license. Yes, you can buy "archery tags" in some states for some critters, but in most states, your hunting license for whitetail is inclusive of all means of take. Also, not everybody with a license actually goes hunting, and not everybody with a "gun license" actually uses a gun.

Also, hunters kill innocent people every year while hunting. This happened 3 weeks ago:

Braineack 11-30-2018 03:55 PM

mistaken for a deer. lol.

samnavy 11-30-2018 04:05 PM

^That kinda shit happens all the time. It's always the same story. Some moron, either before or after legal shooting light, ALMOST ALWAYS POACHING, sees some "movement" off in the distance and starts shooting. Sometimes it's a woman out walking her dog, other times it's another hunter, other times it's some old man with his grandkid going for a walk. It's total bullshit and at the very least, it should be whatever the maximum manslaughter charge is in that state.

Hint, don't go for a walk after sunset in upstate New York:

samnavy 11-30-2018 04:06 PM



Joe Perez 11-30-2018 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1513000)
Hint, don't go for a walk after sunset in upstate New York:

Those fuckers are everywhere up there. One thing I do kinda miss about Catskill was the deer that'd just roam around the house.


That, and chickens just randomly crossing the road in front of you.


whitrzac 11-30-2018 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1512997)
Gotta post a link to wherever you got that data. Most states don't differentiate between means of take on your actual license, therefore every license is by default a "gun season" license. Yes, you can buy "archery tags" in some states for some critters, but in most states, your hunting license for whitetail is inclusive of all means of take. Also, not everybody with a license actually goes hunting, and not everybody with a "gun license" actually uses a gun.

Also, hunters kill innocent people every year while hunting. This happened 3 weeks ago:

It was on NPR

~200,000 deer harvested.

samnavy 11-30-2018 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by whitrzac (Post 1512986)
Seems pretty safe to me.

Sorry man, but part of our responsibility in the defense/offense of gun rights is that when we make a point, we can back it up. 3 people were killed in Wisconsin in 2015 during hunting accidents, so how do you defend that? If you have to cherry pick a specific year to make a point, think twice before talking shit. I'm on your side on this, but when you say something that some informed anti is going to destroy you on before the words are out of your mouth, expect me to speak up.

"The agency hasn't released a final tally of gun deer license sales, but 570,000 hunters were expected to participate this season."

That statement says something useful if you understand that rifle season in Wisconsin only lasts 9 days, and that only about 17% of all gun hunters actually kill a deer. And that only means that 17% of the total number of sales actually report a kill, not how many actually went into the woods, or who took shots, or who just didn't report, or who poached, etc... Considering the number of "accidents" while hunting that occur after legal shooting light, it's difficult to look at the statistics of legally reported deer kills and legally licensed hunters and make a statement about safety when most accidents are committed by morons who are poaching and won't be reporting their kills anyways.. You also have to account for the decline in rifle hunting since 2000. In fact, in 2018, there will be less gun hunters in the woods than in any year since 1974 in Wisconsin.

Hmmmnnn... I'm having trouble mating a couple stats. Links below shows 197,000 deer killed during gun season in 2017. But 17% of 570,000'ish gun license sales is only about 100,000 deer.

More interestesting data that breaks down methods of take in Wisconsin.

Year by year breakdown of hunting incidents in Wisconsin:

whitrzac 11-30-2018 06:54 PM

If you go out of your way to spend $$ on a hunting license, you're generally going to go hunting. Weather or not you take a deer is irreverent.

So 3 people died in 500,000+ that were hunting.

You're magnitudes more likely to die driving to get your license than running around the woods with a gun, with other people that also have guns.:dunno:

samnavy 11-30-2018 09:25 PM

Originally Posted by whitrzac (Post 1513017)
If you go out of your way to spend $$ on a hunting license, you're generally going to go hunting. Weather or not you take a deer is irreverent.

So 3 people died in 500,000+ that were hunting.

You're magnitudes more likely to die driving to get your license than running around the woods with a gun, with other people that also have guns.:dunno:

I'm not following what you're saying at all. Are you seriously brushing off the fact that hunters murdered 3 people in your state a few years ago but it's OK because cars are dangerous? That's your argument to an anti-hunter who hates guns, because you're not talking to anybody on this forum with that logic.

Try this. This forum is predominantly middle-class white'ish guys who lean moderatly right in the political spectrum. We support gun ownership and hunting and voted for Trump even if we didn't really want to... mostly. You quoted NPR (very anti-gun/hunting) and made a comment that any informed anti-gun/hunting person would argue and win. Your argument that "only" 3 people were injured last year hunting in Wisconsin doesn't make a difference when that person can say "But what about the 3 people who were murdered by hunters in 2018?" Then you try to blow that off? I love guns and hunting and I don't buy that shit at all. Those deaths are completely preventable and damn near intentional since you have to have a hunters ed class to get a license and you're taught proper firearms handling.

When you come to the table, you have to come with accurate data, presented in a way that will get a person to think about their own reasoning and prejudices. "Hunting is safe and criminals don't obey the law, so YOU should support my right to own a high-powered murder stick with mega mags thats fully clipped so I can kill Bambi." Granted, I'm embellishing, but that's basically what you're saying and that's all anybody will hear. I am the choir. I will hold you to a higher standard.

Also, there is a significant percentage of people who have licenses every year who don't go hunting. Elderly folks with lifetime licenses and just can't anymore, people who buy licenses for their spouse or kids who have no interest, regular folks with jobs who just can't seem to find the time, people who get sick or unjured, etc... What kind of percentage, I don't know. A quick search doesn't reveal any data... gut feeling tells me that it's certainly over 10%, and I don't think 20% is out of the question. It's statistically significant to whatever you're trying to prove from the data. Taking a deer is definitely relevant to just about all aspects of the likelihood of getting shot by a hunter. Most animals are taken in the first two days of any general hunting season within 2 hours of sunrise/sunset. After opening weekend, hunter participation drops off exponentially. Once a person tags out, they're not hunting anymore. Less people in the field means less probability. Until you get towards sunset of the last day, when a guy with a tag left and no morals to start with might shoot any movement they perceive as late as they can (and then some). As I mentioned earlier, almost all of the hunting related accidents where one person shoots another that they mistake for a deer happen after legal-shooting hours. A lot of them also involve poaching (shooting where you are not authorized to). It's tough to quantify those people in statistics, but the anti-hunter/gun type won't care in any case. Remember, all guns are multi-automatics and people who hunt are nature rapers. Especially right after one of us shoots a woman who we thought was a deer.

Anti-hunters actually love this:
"According to the International Hunter Education Association, in an average year, fewer than 1,000 people in the US and Canada are accidentally shot by hunters, and of these, fewer than 75 are fatalities. In many cases, these fatalities are self-inflicted by hunters who trip, fall, or have other accidents that cause them to shoot themselves with their own weapons. Most of the other fatalities come in hunting parties, where one hunter shoots another accidentally."

Hunters murder kids and call it an "accident":
  • A 14-year-old in Calaveras County, California who died after he was unintentionally shot by a 16-year-old while they were hunting.
  • A 17-year-old in Anderson County, South Carolina who died after she was unintentionally shot in the back by her stepfather with his high-powered rifle as they hunted deer.
  • A 10-year-old in Cache County, Utah who died after he was unintentionally shot by a hunting companion who was removing his rifle from the front of a four-wheeler when it fired.
  • Aa 16-year-old from Exeter, California who died while hunting with family and friends after he was unintentionally shot when he wandered in front of the other hunters.
  • A 14-year-old from Palisade, Colorado who died after he was shot in the chest while bow hunting with his father.
  • A 12-year-old in Stephens County, Oklahoma who was hospitalized after his 10-year-old brother unintentionally shot him in his backside after he tripped and fell with a gun in his hand while hunting.
  • A 15-year-old in Minot, North Dakota who died while hunting with his father during the opening weekend of deer season.
  • A man near Butte, Montana who was in critical condition after he was unintentionally shot in the abdomen by a 13-year-old in his hunting party who was unloading his rifle.

Joe Perez 12-05-2018 10:53 PM

Totally unrelated to Sam's post, with which I mostly agree:


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