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samnavy 08-24-2018 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by AlwaysBroken (Post 1498129)
I just found out that my local SOT has a fingerprint and photo station for 41F. Thinking of getting a Silencerco Omega when money allows.
Edit- that is less soon than I would hope.

Still over 7 months for an E-file Form4...

We might have the HPA by now if it hadn't been for Hillary right after the Vegas shooting.

AlwaysBroken 08-24-2018 03:08 PM

That's annoying. Still that's about the same wait as I had in 2005.

Sucks about the HPA.

samnavy 08-25-2018 01:16 AM

As we are currently "in-between" mass-shoooting mass-hysteria, it might be a good time to slip it as s rider onto some random bill that politicians don't bother reading anyways.

Roda 08-25-2018 09:47 AM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1498284)
As we are currently "in-between" mass-shoooting mass-hysteria, it might be a good time to slip it as s rider onto some random bill that politicians don't bother reading anyways.

If only the Repubicans had the balls for something like that...

Braineack 08-26-2018 04:19 PM

how are those new gun laws working out for you Florida?

Facebook Post

this liberal nation is sick of pussy kids who cant handle reality -- then blame the tools of their own demise...

samnavy 08-27-2018 03:23 PM

Not sure anybody is gonna care about this one... a liberal with a handgun doesn't fit the narrative. Even MSNBC has this story about 6 deep down the page.
Top stories today all related to McCain v. Trump, with any-angle-they-can-come-up-with Trump-bashing spin.

Braineack 08-27-2018 03:31 PM

yeah because the left loves a RINO #nevertrump.

they dont love when their agenda of mob violence/rule gets discovered -- the real agenda of the left is to disarm the right so it's easy to take over with the guns they took without getting shot back. Then everyone can live in nirvana as a card-carrying red party poet.

Braineack 08-31-2018 09:27 AM


Braineack 09-03-2018 10:13 AM

I love FB sometimes:

Lawrence Ruff
Even if we suppose that the 97% of mass shootings occurred outside the US between 1998 and 2012 is correct, lets try the math:
There are 196 countries in the world. Lets say that there were 1000 mass shootings worldwide over that 15 year period. 3% would be 30 attributed to the US. That leaves 970 to distribute between 195 countries which is 4.9 per country. That means the US has a mass shooting rate 600% higher than the average distribution worldwide. Its called “spin”, wording negatives to sound positive. This is why cognitive thinking is important.

Daniel Cerdeira
This guy tried to make a point about cognitive thinking using the most absurd statistical technique ever. I applaud you Sr. https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/e...5/16/1f923.png��https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/e..._200d_2642.png��-♂️

New research indicates that, not only does America not have the most mass shootings, we actually have far fewer as a percent of our population than the rest of the world. The study finds that, despite having 4.6% of the world’s population and 40% of the world’s firearms, just 2.88% of the world’s mass shootings take place here.

Researchers used the same criteria that the original paper purported to use: a mass shooting which killed four or more victims in public places such as malls, schools, places of worship, businesses, government buildings, etc., motivated by hate or terror or crime etc. They excluded shootings that resulted from gang or drug violence or were the government sponsored (ie. war).

Unlike the original paper, which only used an FBI database and a search of english language websites, the new research used multiple crime databases, Nexis, and media searches for mass shootings, and hired people who spoke Chinese, French, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and other languages to scour international sources.

Their findings obliterate the narrative that mass shootings are a uniquely American problem.

Mass shootings between 1998 to 2012:
• United States: 43
• The rest of the world: 1,448

In other words, just 2.9% of mass shootings happen in America. 97.1% of them happen elsewhere.

Some of the countries that have higher rates of mass shootings than America include Finland, Norway, Russia, Israel, Yugoslavia, and Slovakia. 57 in all. 61 countries have more killed per capita in mass shootings than the U.S. And since the paper only looked at up to 2012, it doesn’t include the more recent terror related mass shootings that would likely put France and other European countries on the list.

As for why the original paper that claimed 31% of mass shootings happened in the U.S. was so off isn’t known, because, incredibly, its author refuses to share his data with researchers or the media.

And yet it’s been the basis of so much uncritical media coverage, and continues to be the widely cited to this day.

The new study thoroughly debunks its methods, here: https://poseidon01.ssrn.com/delivery...118103&EXT=pdf

Braineack 09-10-2018 10:26 AM

the face of gun control:

Braineack 09-24-2018 07:58 AM



Braineack 11-06-2018 01:36 PM

No one is trying to take your RPGs away -- every liberal ever:


Two Anne Arundel County police officers serving one of Maryland’s new “red flag” protective orders to remove guns from a house killed a Ferndale man after he refused to give up his gun and a struggle ensued early Monday morning, police said.

The subject of the protective order, Gary J. Willis, 60, answered his door in the 100 block of Linwood Ave. at 5:17 a.m. with a gun in his hand, Anne Arundel County police said. He initially put the gun down next to the door, but “became irate” when officers began to serve him with the order, opened the door and picked up the gun again, police said.

“A fight ensued over the gun,” said Sgt. Jacklyn Davis, a police spokeswoman.

One of the officers struggled to take the gun from Willis, and during the struggle the gun fired but did not strike anyone, police said. At that point, the other officer fatally shot Willis, police said.

Neither officer was injured, police said, and neither of their names was released.

tl;dr a government sanctioned armed mob came to steal property from a citizen and he was killed when he refused to give it up. poor comrade.

Joe Perez 11-06-2018 01:53 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1509798)
The subject of the protective order, Gary J. Willis, 60, answered his door in the 100 block of Linwood Ave. at 5:17 a.m. with a gun in his hand, Anne Arundel County police said. He initially put the gun down next to the door, but “became irate” when officers began to serve him with the order, opened the door and picked up the gun again, police said.

This is why I find the whole "from my cold, dead hands" crowd to be sadly deluded. Because that is literally the exact way that it usually happens.

I fully support the constitution, and am not in any way against civilian ownership of firearms. But that's an idealistic viewpoint. The pragmatic reality is that if a government really wants to suppress your liberties, there's not much you can do about that in the context of an armed, one-on-one encounter. They have more guns, better training, and more reinforcements than you do.

Braineack 11-06-2018 02:37 PM

dont forget and rigged grand juries.

Joe Perez 11-06-2018 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1509807)
dont forget and rigged grand juries.


Protective orders, search warrants and the like are issued by judges, not juries.

The point here is that if you truly adopt a "from my cold, dead hands" attitude when faced with a lawful seizure, you are ensuring that you will never have the opportunity to appear before any jury, grand or trial, rigged or not.

Sometimes your logic is about as easy to follow as the episode of Jerry Springer where the lady is claiming that her transsexual brother is secretly her husband's mistress, and then it turns out that he is also her uncle and the father of her child.

stratosteve 11-06-2018 03:47 PM

I would have to research this a bit but I thought I read somewhere there is no due process with this gun grab?

AlwaysBroken 11-06-2018 04:01 PM

It's the after the fact kind of due process where if you have money you lawyer up and fight them for a few years for your guns. If you don't have money, you lament having not moved to Florida or Texas before it happened. It's a shit law designed to produce situations like this where owning a gun means a chance of either years of inconvenience or death.

Joe Perez 11-06-2018 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by stratosteve (Post 1509821)
I would have to research this a bit but I thought I read somewhere there is no due process with this gun grab?

There is a limited form of due process, in that such orders as these must be issued by a judge after hearing evidence to support the request.

Procedures such as this are generally issued in situations in which there is sufficient evidence of an imminent risk, and are generally followed by a more formal hearing which which the subject of the order is given an opportunity to challenge it. (The specifics vary by state- in some states the defendant must effectively prove their innocence, in others the person requesting the order must provide and defend evidence to substantiate it.)

It's a similar concept as a restraining order, a bench warrant, etc. Merely the first step in due process. Not idea if you happen to be the subject of the order, but ostensibly preferable to allowing harm to come to another because the system moved too slowly to prevent it.

Still, I think I'd rather be deprived of property unjustly than be deprived of my life in a lawful police shooting. If the cops knock on my door demanding that I surrender my gun to them, I'll probably ask if they have a warrant, but even if they don't I'm probably not going to pick that exact moment to challenge the constitutionality of their actions. Basically the same rules as arguing with a cop during a traffic stop.

Braineack 11-15-2018 09:02 AM

imagine being this dumb:

Braineack 11-19-2018 09:50 AM


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