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Chiburbian 05-07-2018 01:25 PM

I can't speak to the state of mind of others, I can only speak to my reasons for wanting to be able to open carry.

First, printing happens. In states that have strict open carry laws if you have your firearm concealed but only covered by a shirt and you reach to the top shelf exposing said firearm, you can be arrested for an unconcealed firearm. Would you? Probably not, but you can certainly be hassled. Exposure to people carrying openly makes this less of a threat to others and makes them less likely to call the police for a meaningless momentary glimpse.

Second, outside the waistband holsters are much more comfortable. If I wear an "OWB" holster it's usually because I will be wearing some sort of a cover garment that covers the pistol. But what if I have to take the cover garment off for a moment? For example, lets say i'm driving down the road wearing a light jacket because it's the spring time. I see a stopped vehicle in the road filled with two geriatrics. I get out and help push the vehicle into a parking lot. Halfway through, I start to get really warm from the exertion. I take off the jacket exposing my firearm. In some states that is against the law. I would prefer not to have to disarm just because I took my jacket off.

And, while I am not someone who would do this myself, I do think there is some value in open carry as a form of speech. Being seen open carrying with a proper holster, dressed nicely, and acting in a normal and non-threatening manner can be a great statement as to the actual safety of most people that carry a gun. Sure, they might be freaked out at first, but continual exposure will settle most people down.

z31maniac 05-07-2018 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by Chiburbian (Post 1480737)
I can't speak to the state of mind of others, I can only speak to my reasons for wanting to be able to open carry.

First, printing happens. In states that have strict open carry laws if you have your firearm concealed but only covered by a shirt and you reach to the top shelf exposing said firearm, you can be arrested for an unconcealed firearm. Would you? Probably not, but you can certainly be hassled. Exposure to people carrying openly makes this less of a threat to others and makes them less likely to call the police for a meaningless momentary glimpse.

Second, outside the waistband holsters are much more comfortable. If I wear an "OWB" holster it's usually because I will be wearing some sort of a cover garment that covers the pistol. But what if I have to take the cover garment off for a moment? For example, lets say i'm driving down the road wearing a light jacket because it's the spring time. I see a stopped vehicle in the road filled with two geriatrics. I get out and help push the vehicle into a parking lot. Halfway through, I start to get really warm from the exertion. I take off the jacket exposing my firearm. In some states that is against the law. I would prefer not to have to disarm just because I took my jacket off.

And, while I am not someone who would do this myself, I do think there is some value in open carry as a form of speech. Being seen open carrying with a proper holster, dressed nicely, and acting in a normal and non-threatening manner can be a great statement as to the actual safety of most people that carry a gun. Sure, they might be freaked out at first, but continual exposure will settle most people down.

Thanks for your response!

Has that scenario ever happened? I'm guessing no, but I do understand your point.

I do think that's an interesting point bringing in the idea that open carry is an extension of 1A.

sixshooter 05-07-2018 04:59 PM

The only time I have ever open carried was when I was hunting and needed a sidearm in addition to the long gun.

I don't want the very dipshits that I am worried about being trouble to know that I am the guy with a gun. I want to blend and I want to deescalate as much as possible. I do not want to become the focus. I do not wish to invite trouble.

Even if you are right and even if you are the good guy defending yourself or others using a weapon it will invite an absolute shitstorm of legal problems and expense. There is no winning when you pull and use your weapon unless a life has been saved in the process. I'm not worried about somebody robbing a store. Let them have the money. I'm not worried about someone taking my car. Let them have the car. But if somebody is going to kill a store clerk or kill my family or myself then I am forced to reluctantly succumb to the reality they have created. I sincerely pray that may never happen.

I really do understand that many who do not carry perceive those that do as envisioning themselves as modern-day Cowboys. I get that. We all know nerdy people who are fascinated by wielding powerful objects like hustler's vibrator. And it may be like that for some. But for many of us we consider it to be a sober duty as citizens to provide for our protection and the protection of those around us when forced to do so. I see it as a responsibility of those who are able and willing to step up and defend those who cannot defend themselves against great bodily harm if placed in a situation where it is necessary. I would likewise step up and defend my country If it became necessary. I see the two is being similar responsibilities. I don't require anyone else to think it or feel it but that is the way I understand my responsibilities. It is a civic duty as an American and it is also my duty as a husband and father to be prepared.

And I gave an oath as a Boy Scout.

Chiburbian 05-07-2018 05:31 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1480768)
Has that scenario ever happened? I'm guessing no, but I do understand your point.

"Ever" is a long time.

Has it happened? Yes. Does it happen often? No.
If firearms related sites weren't blocked at work I could look up some links. News articles are hard to find because it's not really reported on. "A guy had a gun, the guy wasn't a threat to anybody so the police arrested him without incident. Because he cooperated and wasn't a total dirtbag the charges were dropped or he got off with a fine." No "newsworthyness" there but it certainly impacted the guy it happened to.

The pushing the car thing actually DID happen to me, but I was carrying concealed.

z31maniac 05-07-2018 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by sixshooter (Post 1480796)
The only time I have ever open carried was when I was hunting and needed a sidearm in addition to the long gun.

I don't want the very dipshits that I am worried about being trouble to know that I am the guy with a gun. I want to blend and I want to deescalate as much as possible. I do not want to become the focus. I do not wish to invite trouble.

Even if you are right and even if you are the good guy defending yourself or others using a weapon it will invite an absolute shitstorm of legal problems and expense. There is no winning when you pull and use your weapon unless a life has been saved in the process. I'm not worried about somebody robbing a store. Let them have the money. I'm not worried about someone taking my car. Let them have the car. But if somebody is going to kill a store clerk or kill my family or myself then I am forced to reluctantly succumb to the reality they have created. I sincerely pray that may never happen.

I really do understand that many who do not carry perceive those that do as envisioning themselves as modern-day Cowboys. I get that. We all know nerdy people who are fascinated by wielding powerful objects like hustler's vibrator. And it may be like that for some. But for many of us we consider it to be a sober duty as citizens to provide for our protection and the protection of those around us when forced to do so. I see it as a responsibility of those who are able and willing to step up and defend those who cannot defend themselves against great bodily harm if placed in a situation where it is necessary. I would likewise step up and defend my country If it became necessary. I see the two is being similar responsibilities. I don't require anyone else to think it or feel it but that is the way I understand my responsibilities. It is a civic duty as an American and it is also my duty as a husband and father to be prepared.

And I gave an oath as a Boy Scout.

Very well put. And again, I don't have a problem, in any way, shape, or form, with concealed carry. But what you said better explains my point, open carry to me, seems to escalate situations that may not have been otherwise. And why would you want to bring attention to yourself like that? That's what irks me about people that want to open carry. It seems like purposeful provocation for the sake of it. Much like officers in this country do all the time, but we have a different thread for that.

Thanks for the thoughtful, polite response. No reason we can't have differing points of view and be civil to each other.

Originally Posted by Chiburbian (Post 1480809)
"Ever" is a long time.

Has it happened? Yes. Does it happen often? No.
If firearms related sites weren't blocked at work I could look up some links. News articles are hard to find because it's not really reported on. "A guy had a gun, the guy wasn't a threat to anybody so the police arrested him without incident. Because he cooperated and wasn't a total dirtbag the charges were dropped or he got off with a fine." No "newsworthyness" there but it certainly impacted the guy it happened to.

The pushing the car thing actually DID happen to me, but I was carrying concealed.

Yep, totally understand. Thanks for your response as well!

shuiend 05-10-2018 09:08 AM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1480822)
Very well put. And again, I don't have a problem, in any way, shape, or form, with concealed carry. But what you said better explains my point, open carry to me, seems to escalate situations that may not have been otherwise. And why would you want to bring attention to yourself like that? That's what irks me about people that want to open carry. It seems like purposeful provocation for the sake of it. Much like officers in this country do all the time, but we have a different thread for that.

I have mostly stayed out of here, mostly because I have better things to do. I used to open carry. The reasons were that you could not conceal carry in any place that served alcohol in Virginia. So if I went into Chipotle to grab a burrito I had to OC since they sold beer. Same with the local Pizza joint that I would frequent. They changes the law back in 2010 so that is when I stopped OC because then I could CC.

samnavy 05-11-2018 10:11 PM

Oklahoma governor vetoes gun carry bill in defeat for NRA | Fox News

Scratch that idea... looks like it came down to money. In almost every state, whatever law enforcement agency that regulates carry licences is not given a budget from some larger state agency, and are forced to eat the burden on an internal budget. Some of the cost is covered by fees for the licenses themselves... which goes directly into some communal coffer and not actually used directly to offset the costs of paying officers to run background checks and process paperwork, but it gives that agency a bargaining chip when they can say "we're gonna have to fire cops if you do this."

So it comes to no surprise to me that the reason law enforcement at the state level opposed this bill, is because they're gonna lose out on a bunch of money, which may (or may not) go directly into overtime wages for the regular cops that process licence applications after hours. "Losing 60 jobs" is a bullshit statement. I don't have any statistics, but I've read that states who enact Constitutional Carry continue to see a rise in applications for CCW in order to be able to carry in other states with reciprocity. The idea that overnight, there will be no more CCW applications is a scare-tactic.

So for now, OK can relax... there aren't gonna be any untrained, unlicensed open carriers out there terrorizing playgrounds and murdering cops anytime soon.

z31maniac 05-14-2018 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1481666)
Oklahoma governor vetoes gun carry bill in defeat for NRA Fox News

Scratch that idea... looks like it came down to money. In almost every state, whatever law enforcement agency that regulates carry licences is not given a budget from some larger state agency, and are forced to eat the burden on an internal budget. Some of the cost is covered by fees for the licenses themselves... which goes directly into some communal coffer and not actually used directly to offset the costs of paying officers to run background checks and process paperwork, but it gives that agency a bargaining chip when they can say "we're gonna have to fire cops if you do this."

So it comes to no surprise to me that the reason law enforcement at the state level opposed this bill, is because they're gonna lose out on a bunch of money, which may (or may not) go directly into overtime wages for the regular cops that process licence applications after hours. "Losing 60 jobs" is a bullshit statement. I don't have any statistics, but I've read that states who enact Constitutional Carry continue to see a rise in applications for CCW in order to be able to carry in other states with reciprocity. The idea that overnight, there will be no more CCW applications is a scare-tactic.

So for now, OK can relax... there aren't gonna be any untrained, unlicensed open carriers out there terrorizing playgrounds and murdering cops anytime soon.


The word "jobs" doesn't even appear in the article. The word "money" doesn't appear in the article.

Braineack 05-14-2018 12:34 PM

Braineack 05-14-2018 12:43 PM

How The Congressional Baseball Shooting Didn't Become The Deadliest Political Assassination In American History


When the shooting started, Matt Mika started running toward the Capitol Police, who were parked about 20 feet from the first-base entrance. He ran for the open gate, just behind the first-base dugout, trying to get out, trying to get to the police, hoping to be helpful.


They kept waiting for the Capitol Police to fire back. (At least one person worried that maybe the agents had been killed, and then...?) They kept waiting for it to end, hoping that they could get out to Scalise, who some could see trying to drag himself into the outfield. They just kept waiting, for what felt like forever, for any noise that wasn’t the shooter. “If we could hear sirens, we would know somebody’s coming to help us,” Williams says.

And then came the shots from the Capitol Police.


samnavy 05-14-2018 06:17 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1482057)

The word "jobs" doesn't even appear in the article. The word "money" doesn't appear in the article.

They've edited the article since I linked it 3 days ago. It's now showing only 2 days old, which means they've submitted a new version. There was a paragraph that talked about "overwhelming objection of law enforcement" to the bill, the dollar cost amount, and a specific number of jobs that would be eliminated if it passed. Here's a similar article with a blurb that FOX has deleted:
Governor May Fallin Vetoes 'Constitutional Carry' bill

The state bureau of investigation, which issues handgun licenses, had opposed the bill, saying it would cost the agency about $4.7 million annually and result in the loss of about 60 full-time positions.
I follow this stuff pretty closely, and I don't just make shit up to have a talking point. I don't need to. I see the exact same political plays pan out in state after state for years as they go through gun legislation. What is happening in OK is no different than what is happening in 20 other states right now. When Republicans control the state legislature and the Governors office, Constitutional Carry is going to go pretty far, but OK is not the first state to have a governor veto this particular legislation. Both Utah and W.Virginia recently had the same thing happen. In the case of WV, the legislature actually overrode the veto. Politicians only have so much political clout to swing their agenda. It's all a give and take... perhaps Gov. Fallin veto'd it on some backdoor promise that she wouldn't oppose the next thing that comes through that makes everybody look good. This is stuff us minions will never know.

What I do know, is that when you hear that "law enforcement objects" when it comes to CC, it's either the agency who makes money off issuing licenses (shit loads of overtime for cops), or it's a appointed police chief in a town with a liberal mayor (ie, every single major city in America). Bottom line... there is a reason the governor veto'd this, and it's not because it "erodes public safety" or some other crap. It's because somebody worked a deal to kill it, and it was probably all about money.

z31maniac 05-15-2018 08:53 AM

$78k in salary and benefits per year to issue CCLs and do background checks (Assuming 4.7 mil divided by 60)? That's beyond excessive. But this is a "good ole boy" state if their ever was one when it comes to that crap.

"We won't fund education, but we will damn sure pass laws that won't stand up in court so we have to spend lots of tax payer dollars defending it, just to keep the bible thumpers on board."

samnavy 05-15-2018 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1482232)
$78k in salary and benefits per year to issue CCLs and do background checks (Assuming 4.7 mil divided by 60)?

Granted, in OK, it's the State Bureau of Investigation that issues permits, so not "cops", but not regular civilians either, and definitely state employees represented by a union. I don't doubt that people in those jobs might make that much money after all their benefits and overtime are factored in... at $100 for a 5yr permit, the yearly numbers might average out to $4.7million/yr in revenue just from application fees.

Oklahoma Concealed Carry Permit Issues by year:
2017: 35k
2016: 53k
2015: 40k
2014: 44k
2013: 60k
2012: 40k
2011: 24k
2010: 27k
2009: 35k
2008: 18k
2007: 16k
2006: 10k
Something I found very interesting about those reports... nowhere does it break down the difference between new applicants and renewals. I'm sure the information is available somewhere, but it seems like an intentional omittance not to even mention the word "renewal" anywhere in any of the reports. In OK, you can get a 5yr or 10yr license... so every year there will be a significant amount of approvals that aren't "new". Somewhere in those numbers is a political angle to be exploited by either party. For example... you could say that "Between 2013 and 2017, the number of approvals dropped nearly in half... it's obvious that Oklahomans desire to carry is shrinking." Until you find out that in 2013, most of the "approvals" were actually 5yr renewals, and that in 2017, all of the approvals were new. Or you could say that "Between 2010 and 2017, the numbers of applicants jumped by over 30%, making it obvious that people overwhelmingly desire to carry..." blah blah blah... and manipulate that cherry-picked statistic for whatever angle you want to exploit.

Semi off-topic... want your skirt flipped up... just google "city-name police starting salary". I'm gonna assume these numbers are for the most basic description of "basic salary" and are for high-school diplomas. A 2-yr or 4yr degree is likely a 10-20% increase? I know a lot of departments require degrees, so factor that in. And these numbers don't include any benefits or overtime (which I know can more than double a salary).

Basic day1 beat-cop starting salary via Google:
OKCPD $53k
LAPD $65k
NYPD $45k
SAN FRAN: starting: $83k (after 7yrs, $115k)
CHITOWN... looks like they have a retention issue: The current starting salary for a CPD officer is$43,104, which increases to $61,530 after a year and$65,016 after 18 months.

Read this:
Average pay for California cop: $93k
Average nationwide: $65k
Average pay for Mississippi cop: $35k

That's beyond excessive. But this is a "good ole boy" state if their ever was one when it comes to that crap.
"We won't fund education, but we will damn sure pass laws that won't stand up in court so we have to spend lots of tax payer dollars defending it, just to keep the bible thumpers on board."
"Won't stand up in court" depends on what court system you're counting on. For the 9th circuit in California, you can assume that anything that hints of "gun rights" is gonna get shot down. California legislators (for example) can pass whatever gun laws they want because they're sure to win every circuit court decision, and even if the appeals court overturns, an en-banc will hold up the circuit court... activist judges.

Just read the wikipedia article about Peruta... a man sued the state because his county was no-issue and the state had recently banned Open Carry, so he couldn't carry at all. Circuit court obviously ruled for the state, saying that there is no right carry a handgun in public. Appeals court panel ruled for Peruta. Then, after the court denied an en banc request by Kamala Harris, the Attorney General of the State of California, one of the court judges (wonder if the judge was a liberal) requested sua ponte and got the court to agree to en banc, which of course was approved, and which of course ruled in favor of the state. 9th Circuit judge breakdown: 18 Democrats and 7 Republicans... how do you think the en banc was gonna rule?

For info, 8/11 Appeals Courts are solidly left... including the 10th of Oklahoma.

z31maniac 05-15-2018 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1482371)
Semi off-topic... want your skirt flipped up... just google "city-name police starting salary". I'm gonna assume these numbers are for the most basic description of "basic salary" and are for high-school diplomas. A 2-yr or 4yr degree is likely a 10-20% increase? I know a lot of departments require degrees, so factor that in. And these numbers don't include any benefits or overtime (which I know can more than double a salary).

Basic day1 beat-cop starting salary via Google:
OKCPD $53k
LAPD $65k
NYPD $45k
SAN FRAN: starting: $83k (after 7yrs, $115k)
CHITOWN... looks like they have a retention issue: The current starting salary for a CPD officer is$43,104, which increases to $61,530 after a year and$65,016 after 18 months.

As for OKC, https://www.okc.gov/departments/poli...e-and-benefits I wouldn't want their job at any salary, but it bothers me that someone with a GED and less hours of training than someone with a cosmetology is able to enforce laws with deadly force.

Not much of a pay increase for any type of degree.

Contrast that with Tulsa (which is smaller in population), requires a a Bachelor's degree with a min 2.5 GPA (not spectacular but better than only needing a GED) and less pay. But lots more fringe benefits, like the ability to save up 150 sick days, and start converting to vacation after 120. etc etc

Braineack 07-09-2018 04:55 PM

tell me again when we dont need guns?

samnavy 07-10-2018 08:39 PM

The woman who drew was ready to draw from the start of the video... she knew what was gonna happen and was reaching before the guy even came into the picture. Lucky when she pulled that the gun didn't get hung up in her shirt. Never carry a gun in your pocket... too much can go wrong, starting with the fact that usually you can only pocket-draw if you're standing up.

samnavy 07-11-2018 10:32 PM


I can't believe somebody wrote this and managed to publish it. Unfuckingbelievable... a perfect example of how you can't really trust any article title from any source until you actually read the article and then follow up on sources and methods. The only reason his graph works to illustrate the authors point is because of the huge spike in some months in 2016... it also works for January of this year. March, April, and May of 2016 did not have huge spikes, and the graphs for those months would show exactly the oppposite of the authors point. In other words, he cherry-picked a month that fit his narrative when almost every other month this year says EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE... that guns sales continue to steadily increase, month after month, year after year... 2016 was a total anomaly. Stats directly from the FBI don't lie.


Chiburbian 07-16-2018 03:28 AM

With friends like these...

Some background: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/...ron-cohen.html

Braineack 07-19-2018 12:49 PM


sixshooter 07-19-2018 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1492175)

Just communists doing communist things. It's just a shame they weren't doing communism right or else it would have been utopia, right?

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