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Monk 01-29-2018 06:12 PM


mitymazda 01-29-2018 08:20 PM

Ban guns...see how that works out for you.
I'll live my own life, don't really need someone else to tell me how to do it thank you.

psreynol 01-30-2018 10:51 PM

want one.. super fun to shoot. sadly my state will not allow that flavor.

mitymazda 01-31-2018 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by psreynol (Post 1464632)
want one.. super fun to shoot. sadly my state will not allow that flavor.

She's Russian but the guns German you should be fine.

psreynol 01-31-2018 02:34 AM

what? SBR is not supper cool in IL

mitymazda 01-31-2018 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by psreynol (Post 1464662)
what? SBR is not supper cool in IL

True, tax stamps suck. On the other hand the old pistol brace is actually pretty nice

mitymazda 01-31-2018 06:04 PM

Either way you feel about it....one thing bus for sure, fun safety is important.


samnavy 05-03-2018 04:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Oklahoma Senate passes 'Constitutional Carry' gun bill, sends to governor | Fox News

Oklahoma will make the 14th state to enact Constitutional Carry.

Attachment 236820

Chiburbian 05-03-2018 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by psreynol (Post 1464662)
what? SBR is not supper cool in IL

Last I heard you could have an SBR in Illinois by applying for and getting a "Curio and Relic FFL". The bill was intended to allow collectors and reinactors to be able to own period correct SBRs, but the way the law is written all SBRs are legal provided you fufil the requirements. You still have to get the proper transfer etc...

Look into Illinoiscarry.com and check in there somewhere.

(blocked at work, but check this lin: http://illinoiscarry.com/forum/index...howtopic=56359 )

z31maniac 05-04-2018 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1480273)

I know many of you will likely disagree..................I think if you NEED to be seen carrying a gun in public, you are already in the wrong state of mind to be carrying.

But the rednecks out here like to pretend like getting in their crew cab Chevy 4x4, to drive through their upper-middle class neighborhood to eat at Applebees and buy more dog treats at Wal-Mart, is the same as walking down a dark street at 1am in a gang riddled neighborhood.

samnavy 05-04-2018 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1480389)
I know many of you will likely disagree..................I think if you NEED to be seen carrying a gun in public, you are already in the wrong state of mind to be carrying.

But the rednecks out here like to pretend like getting in their crew cab Chevy 4x4, to drive through their upper-middle class neighborhood to eat at Applebees and buy more dog treats at Wal-Mart, is the same as walking down a dark street at 1am in a gang riddled neighborhood.

Are you seriously saying that nobody would ever need to defend themselves in a Walmart parking lot? You're trying and failing to make an argument that almost all anti anti-carry people focus on that nobody who legally carries ever considers... the "scary dark ghetto". People who carry in public are likely to be far more safety conscious than your average anybody. My personal experience with those who conceal carry (including myself) lead me to conclude that as a group, we are univerally extremely safety conscious, and actively seek to avoid confrontation, to a degree exceeding the average person's desire to avoid confrontation. The "dumb redneck looking tough and itching to draw" is a statistical zero in my experience. You may have the occasional dumbass that makes the news a few times a year, but compare that to the millions who carry daily.

Sterotyping an image of the "redneck in the 4x4" is designed to make yourself feel better about your decision not to carry. "I'm not one of those guys". You're trying to convince yourself that there's something wrong with those people because they "need' to carry a gun. What most people who carry "need" is to stay alive. Playing the odds that you personally will never "need" a gun is your choice, but to internalize that another person's decision to carry vs. your decision not to somehow makes you morally superior only works until your life is in danger and the first thought you have is "I wish I had a gun".

What about a mom, with her kids, going to the theater... can't fight, can't run... is she a stupid redneck with a small penis too if she carries a gun?

z31maniac 05-04-2018 04:46 PM

I knew there was no point.

Monk 05-04-2018 05:03 PM

Are you talking about everyone who carries, or just those who open carry?

sixshooter 05-04-2018 05:18 PM

I have a pickup truck, a penis, and a gun. If the truck and the gun are small, does that mean my penis will be okay? Or does it need to be small too? Asking for a friend.

z31maniac 05-04-2018 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1480389)
I know many of you will likely disagree..................I think if you NEED to be seen carrying a gun in public, you are already in the wrong state of mind to be carrying.

But the rednecks out here like to pretend like getting in their crew cab Chevy 4x4, to drive through their upper-middle class neighborhood to eat at Applebees and buy more dog treats at Wal-Mart, is the same as walking down a dark street at 1am in a gang riddled neighborhood.

Originally Posted by Monk (Post 1480416)
Are you talking about everyone who carries, or just those who open carry?

Open carry since this is what the bill is about. I'm perfectly fine with concealed carry (I guess I should have been more clear, but if you're SEEN carrying a gun in public, it's not concealed is it, I thought the context made it understood).

And closed carry is legal in this state once you pass a safety course (albeit not like it's CLEET or something) and get your license. This bill would no longer require training and allow open carry. I think that's a bad idea, agree or disagree. Hell my brother who is an undercover narco in some of the most meth ridden parts of this state think it's a bad idea and so do his colleagues.

samnavy I'm very safety conscious, you're assuming because I don't carry that I'm not. I grew up in Tulsa, you know nearly Top 10 per capita in homidice and violent crimes? And I worked all those neighborhoods from 16-21 years old, sometimes overnight shifts at various chain gas station locations (even got robbed at knife point one night!), many of which are now closed because of how dangerous they were and still are.......and they didn't have a security guard there for us. So I'm well aware of what it takes be safety conscious.

This is why both sides never get any where. Both sides completely lose their shit if you don't 100% agree with their side.

Roda 05-04-2018 05:35 PM

We've had open carry in AZ forever, constitutional concealed carry for nearly a decade. The only people that hyperventillate about open carry are the libtards that keep moving here because their blue states suck, and are trying to turn us into CA. Us "rednecks" consider a gun a tool, and sometimes we carry tools on our belt where others can see them. Get over it. If you automatically think it's some kind of compensation, it's probably time to take a long gaze in the nearest mirror.

Disclaimer: as SamNavy noted, there's always dipshits out there, on any side of any issue. But they are usually statistically unimportant.

Monk 05-04-2018 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1480419)
Open carry since this is what the bill is about. I'm perfectly fine with concealed carry (I guess I should have been more clear, but if you're SEEN carrying a gun in public, it's not concealed is it, I thought the context made it understood).

And closed carry is legal in this state once you pass a safety course (albeit not like it's CLEET or something) and get your license. This bill would no longer require training and allow open carry. I think that's a bad idea, agree or disagree.

That's what I assumed.
Sam's reply made me think I missed something.
Even I sometimes dissaprove of some of the jackasses I see open carrying, but likely for different reasons.
As for removing the requirement to undergo training, I have some experience here.
My state doesn't require it, and we offer lifetime permits.
There aren't any more problems with ccw holders here than anywhere else (read statistically 0).
That's because the vast majority of ccw holders take it upon themselves to undergo training.
I'd take an average ccw holder over an average cop as backup in a shootout any day.

sixshooter 05-05-2018 07:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I don't open carry because it's bad tactics, but if I did it would be in this custom rig I commissioned a leatherworker to make many years ago. It was for the sixshooter that is my namesake.

samnavy 05-05-2018 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by z31maniac (Post 1480419)
Open carry since this is what the bill is about. I'm perfectly fine with concealed carry (I guess I should have been more clear, but if you're SEEN carrying a gun in public, it's not concealed is it, I thought the context made it understood). And closed carry is legal in this state once you pass a safety course (albeit not like it's CLEET or something) and get your license. This bill would no longer require training and allow open carry. I think that's a bad idea, agree or disagree.

Missed the context clues, but I've read the synopsis and the bill itself. OC is not new to Oklahoma, you can currently OC with a valid CCW permit, so that's not really what the bill is about. This bill is unencumbered Constitutional Carry. OPEN or CONCEALED without a permit.
Bill Information

There aren't any more problems with ccw holders here than anywhere else (read statistically 0).
Truth. This is the case in every state. People who carry (regardless of the manner) aren't a problem. They've never been a problem. They never will be a problem. They avoid trouble to a greater extent than those who don't. If tomorrow morning, we all woke up and somehow every state had enacted Constitutional Carry, there still wouldn't be any problems. It doesn't make cops jobs harder to find the bad guys and it doesn't turn playgrounds in to Dodge City.

z31maniac 05-07-2018 10:32 AM

You have to understand, what bothers me and what I think will bother most are different. Hell did you see the story about someone calling the cops on the Native American students on a campus tour at CSU because it made her nervous? Everyone is so over the top, hypersensitive nowadays. And I think most people have a very, VERY unrealistic idea about the chances of something happening where you need a gun or will even be able to pull it in time. And yes, you don't need to repeat the "better to have a gun and not need one, then need one and not have one."

But I think you have missed what I was trying to get at. I THINK, and neither of us have any objective data to back up either position, my point was I think if someone wants to openly carry (that isn't an LEO) they are already in the wrong state of mind to be carrying at all. Open or concealed.

I did a poor job of enunciating that, so my apologies.

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