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Braineack 06-25-2017 11:12 AM


Instead of voting on the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act (CCRA), a bill which has enough co-sponsors and supporters to pass, Congress is preparing to pass legislation that expands the 2nd Amendment, but only for them.

That's right.The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act would give all licensed Americans the right to carry nationwide. But instead, Congress wants to give that right only to themselves.

samnavy 06-29-2017 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1423989)

The average guy who carries on a regualar basis could give a shit about National carry. Most people never leave their home state... and I totally feel for those guys who live in New Hampshire and might commute into Mass and can't carry to work... but they are small in number. The NRA totally fucking blew it when they threw a shit ton of political capital behind this law. There are a dozen other avenues the small number of hard-core liberal states have to keep people from carrying. You think California is gonna be cool with somebody from Texas carrying in there? They're not gonna let a little thing like a national carry law stop them from coming up with some way around it. It's totally fucking wasted.

On the other hand... getting the Hearing Protection Act passed should have been a no-brainer for Trumps first fucking month in office. Suppress all the things.

Braineack 07-03-2017 07:24 AM

The three suspects allegedly broke into the man’s home before and threatened to harm the victim if he reported the incident to authorities.”

It is reported by AL.com that the suspects stole all of the veteran’s medication (he is currently battling colon cancer) the first time they invaded his residence.

According to the outlet, the veteran told police that when the three suspects returned to his house on June 22 he believed they were once again trying to break into his house.

Several rounds were fired through the veteran’s front door, hitting him in the shoulder.

Seemingly unfazed, Irving returned fire with his pistol, wounding all three suspects.

“It surprised me too but when someone just shot and is trying to kill you it just wakes up the dragon,” Irving said to News 5.

“I learned that in the Marine Corps. You react and do before you get scared. Always react and do it before you get time to get scared.”

Two of the suspects managed to flee the scene before stopping at a store around two miles away. There they were found on the ground by MCSO deputies while Dulabhan was found on the ground outside of the veteran’s house.

Gann was charged with one count of first-degree robbery, Heathcock was charged with first-degree assault, first-degree robbery, discharging a gun into an occupied building and felony probation violation and Dulabhan was charged with first-degree robbery.

All three suspects have prior arrest records.

Braineack 07-14-2017 02:39 PM

how to gun control:


\While Chicago gets the majority of headlines when it comes to cities that are plagued by gun violence, Baltimore’s murder rate actually laps the Windy City.

That’s in spite of the fact that – or perhaps it’s a result of the fact – the state of Maryland has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.

Mayor Catherine Pugh (D) is actually pushing for more gun control in response.

As Breitbart points out, that news is not exactly putting the fear of God in criminals.

“Baltimore’s murder rate is “more than double Chicago’s,” the site states, adding that the city’s murder rate is also higher than both Philadelphia and New York City.

Both cities also dwarf Baltimore in terms of population. Gun violence in the city is so out of hand that desperate residents are calling for a ‘72-hour ceasefire.’A group known as Baltimore Ceasefire has dropped a press release that asks residents to pencil in the dates of “August 4 through August 6” as a time to put the guns away.

stratosteve 07-14-2017 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1427752)

You have got to be kidding me.

StanTheMan 07-27-2017 02:41 PM

I'll leave that here & hide....

stratosteve 08-06-2017 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1427752)

24-Year-Old Killed During Cease Fire Weekend « CBS Baltimore

AlwaysBroken 08-06-2017 11:28 AM

Baltimore's problem is that huge portions of the city are basically post-apocalyptic wilderness controlled by armed gangs. And as far as I can tell, the locals like it this way and the politicians have just stopped trying to fight it.

Look at that prosecution in the eddie gray case a while back. Almost nobody was prosecuted for the riots despite hundreds of people being caught on camera repeatedly. The cops were told to stand down and not interfere. Cops were prosecuted despite abundant evidence they were innocent. The city is being run for the benefit of the barbarians.

I remember when I lived there (a long long time ago), there is a narrow section of the city which is really nice (universities, museums, the inner harbor) but if you wander a block or two in the wrong direction, you're suddenly in mogadishu. And there's a hell of a lot more of this than there is nice areas. I'm sure cops go into these areas from time to time, but for the most part there's little evidence of them existing.

Joe Perez 08-06-2017 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by AlwaysBroken (Post 1432059)
I remember when I lived there (a long long time ago), there is a narrow section of the city which is really nice (universities, museums, the inner harbor) but if you wander a block or two in the wrong direction, you're suddenly in mogadishu.

Sounds a lot like Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

samwu8k 08-06-2017 01:38 PM

Today is this threads 5th birthday!

Braineack 08-07-2017 06:59 AM

Originally Posted by samwu8k (Post 1432088)
Today is this threads 5th birthday!


samnavy 08-07-2017 02:17 PM

^Lots of gun goodness since then... thanks Obama!

samnavy 10-05-2017 04:29 PM


The back-tracking begins.

I know a couple guys who bought these. They said it was fun for about 10 minutes and then came off the gun and has been sitting in a box ever since. My only experience with one was the same... a couple mags and I knew what I needed to know about them.

vehicular 10-05-2017 06:51 PM

I really don't care. It was just a matter of time until the BATFEces changed the rules and made them machine guns anyway. I wish they had done it last week, that's for damn sure.

Braineack 10-06-2017 11:05 AM

“We already have controls on what kind of guns you can have, where you can have them, when you can use them and what individuals can possess even a single bullet. So the question to me is whether or not current controls are adequate and there are two fundamental questions that you should put your finger on. What law had it existed at the time would have prevented this mass killing or another mass killing. What law, but for its lack of implementation could have prevented this. That’s one question. The other question is, among all the panoply of current gun laws, how are we doing enfocing them?”

bahurd 10-06-2017 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1444281)

Hard to argue with his comments. Until we know how the Vegas shooter bought the guns he used i.e. gun show or via dealer, does that answer if that loophole made a difference in this case.

czubaka 10-06-2017 12:39 PM


vehicular 10-06-2017 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by bahurd (Post 1444283)
Hard to argue with his comments. Until we know how the Vegas shooter bought the guns he used i.e. gun show or via dealer, does that answer if that loophole made a difference in this case.

The gun show loophole does not exist. Effectively every table at a gun show is manned by a person representing a Federal Firearms License, and every one of them runs a background check on you when you buy a gun. Period.

The only time you can buy a firearm without a background check is when you buy from a private party. Because, you know, you're legally allowed to sell your stuff without encumbrance.

bahurd 10-06-2017 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by vehicular (Post 1444366)
The gun show loophole does not exist. Effectively every table at a gun show is manned by a person representing a Federal Firearms License, and every one of them runs a background check on you when you buy a gun. Period.

The only time you can buy a firearm without a background check is when you buy from a private party. Because, you know, you're legally allowed to sell your stuff without encumbrance.

So, what is this “gun show loophole” if it doesn’t apply to gun shows? I honestly haven’t been to a gun show in like 25 years. When I did go, not ALL the tables were dealers requiring a FFL if I recall.

vehicular 10-06-2017 09:25 PM

It's misdirection (in some cases) or ignorance (in most cases) depending on who you're talking to.

You can buy a weapon without a background check from a private party if they have a table at a gun show, but if you get caught selling firearms with the intent of making a profit (an intentionally ambiguous description by the ATF) without an FFL you will go to jail. What this means is that the only people for whom it would be worthwhile to pay for table space at a show (it's typically ~$100-200 per day per 8ft table) are people who are in business to sell guns (FFLs). There's the edge case of people who are trying to liquidate a sizable collection, but that's pretty unusual. Guns aren't like cars. People don't buy and sell regularly, they mostly just buy and keep.

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