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Braineack 03-23-2017 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by ridethecliche (Post 1400577)
I wonder if the NRA is going to start supporting democrats* now that sales are down with trump as #45.

*or those in favor of gun control

the NRA isn't concerned with gun sales, they are concerned with citizens being able to exercise their inalienable rights.

Considering democrats, today, want to limit free speech, it wouldn't seem self-serving for an institution that's concerned with keeping freedoms, to start supporting democrats who are hell bent on limiting/reducing/removing freedoms and untimely controlling individuals.

samnavy 03-25-2017 12:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by ridethecliche (Post 1400577)
...now that sales are down with trump as #45...

It's more accurate to say that gun sales were abnormally "up" under Obama. Statistically, gun sales are still "up" under Trump.

I think it important when dealing with the eventual propaganda that the anti-gun groups will make of the "decline in gun sales under Trump" that the facts be presented with no spin. The spin here will be "Have Americans lost interest in guns now they're not afraid of having them taken away by Democrats?" It has very little to do with anything Trump is/has done, and everything to do with Democrats being "the Party of Gun Control".

The whole truth regarding the numbers is "gun sales are down for the months of Dec/Jan/Feb compared to the same months totals of the previous year... ie, Dec15/Jan16/Dec16"... which is a neat statistic.

However, there are a lot of factors that go into how many guns are sold during what times of the year, and no doubt that the Obama/Hillary/Trump factors play big. However, it's just as accurate to say something like this:

"More guns were sold in February of 2017 than were sold in April, May, June, July, August, and September of 2017..." so the spin is "GUN SALES ARE THROUGH THE ROOF THIS WINTER AND ARE INCREASING!" So just last month, there were more guns sold than last Spring/Summer/Fall months when the Hillary fear was in full swing... tough to say "gun sales are declining under Trump" considering that.

In fact, the number of guns sold over the last 3 months are still hundreds of thousands higher than any other year ever except 2016 and 2013 (Sandy Hook fallout)... and February numbers are only about 4% less than 2013. So it's far more accurate to say "Gun sales were up huge during 2016 due to the Hillary factor and just an anomaly. Now that Trump is in office, the sales curve is right back to it's the same gradual 10% yearly increase we've seen for the past 20 years or so"... something like that.

So yes, what we will probably see this year is a decline in total NICS checks over the 2016 numbers... but will not probably drop below 2014 and 2015 numbers. The industry is still on track for 24'ish million this year.

It's not that Trump is selling less guns than what is normal for America, it's that Obama/Hillary just sold more in a very compressed timeframe than what is normal for America.

Braineack 04-03-2017 09:24 AM

Grandfather of Teen Killed in Oklahoma Burglary Says Homeowner's AR15 Made for 'Unfair' Fight

Grandfather of Teen Killed in Oklahoma Burglary Says Homeowner's AR15 Made for 'Unfair' Fight

Three teen suspects were shot and killed during an attempted home burglary in Oklahoma last week.

Now the grandfather of one of the suspects says the “fight” was “unfair” — because the homeowner's son killed the trio with an AR-15.

Joe Perez 04-03-2017 09:32 AM

Yeah, I think that's kind of the point of having a home-defense rifle. When three burglars break into your house at night, it's not supposed to be a fair fight.

Roda 04-03-2017 10:43 AM

If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck...

Braineack 04-03-2017 10:55 AM

Originally Posted by Roda (Post 1403088)
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck...

I learned that in school!


samnavy 04-03-2017 02:00 PM

That's a pretty standard response from relatives or the lawyer attempting to shift the conversation towards the bad guys being the "victims". Guns are evil and anybody who owns one must be evil too.

"They didn't deserve to die..."
"... just for breaking in."
"... over some Skittles."
"... he should have just given them the money."
"... because they only had brass knuckles and a bat, and the other guy had a gun."
"... he could have shot them in the legs."
"... he didn't have to shoot them twice."
"... he could have fired a warning shot."
"... he should have just called the cops."
... etc.

Braineack 04-04-2017 08:15 AM

i hope that was a trayvon reference.

Braineack 04-04-2017 10:22 AM

i like Crowder's point on the subject at the 2:00-3:02 mark:

Braineack 04-05-2017 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1403373)
i like Crowder's point on the subject at the 2:00-3:02 mark:

Goes exactly to the above, if any of you bothered to listen for a minute...

watch the guy in the yellow hat get attacked.

and now read a gushing story about how the attacker was a victim of gun violence:

'I refuse to be like them': why the man shot while protesting Milo Yiannopoulos doesn't want revenge

The details of the shooting:

On the night of Trump’s inauguration, Dukes travelled to Red Square, a plaza on the University of Washington’s Seattle campus, to protest against a speech by the rightwing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos. Unlike some of his fellow anti-fascists, Dukes made no effort to disguise himself. While protesters in black face masks squared off against Trump supporters in red “Make America Great Again” hats, Dukes says that he attempted only to “peacefully de-escalate” conflict.

Then, he was shot.

The bullet ripped through his abdomen and exited his back. Anarchist street medics raced to apply pressure to the wound. An ambulance arrived and rushed him to the hospital.

nice journalism! leave out that he was caught on tape being an aggressor, leave out he was shot in self defense, basically leave out any and all truth...

Joe Perez 04-05-2017 08:53 AM


Braineack 04-06-2017 10:35 AM


Braineack 04-28-2017 02:25 PM

lol. look at the gun; pretty sure the cashier noticed as well:

Facebook Post

that or he was too high to tell...

Braineack 05-01-2017 12:40 PM

Joe Perez 05-04-2017 06:12 PM

Recent pen-related antics got me to looking at the Cross Pens website.

For starters, holy cow, these are some expensive pens.

More to the point, a pen company is also on a crusade to destroy AK-47s, which seems like an interesting tangent:


Braineack 05-10-2017 06:52 AM

Facebook Post

olderguy 05-10-2017 09:03 AM

For Joe Perez:

How to Apply for or Renew a Concealed Weapon License / Concealed Weapon License / Licensing / Divisions & Offices / Home - Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services

rleete 06-16-2017 10:52 AM


Braineack 06-20-2017 06:58 AM

Joe P will like this headline: Racist murder destroyed by peace loving Americans


An active shooter entered a Texas sports bar armed with two guns and opened fire, killing an innocent man. Then, before the shooter knew what was happening, his body gained an extra pound of lead, ending the threat.

James Jones, 48, appeared ready to go on a deadly rampage on Wednesday evening when he entered the Zona Caliente Sports Bar, started yelling about “F—-ing Mexicans,” and shot Cesar Perez, 37. Jones did not know Perez and he may have been targeted for being Hispanic.

The witnesses said that they thought they would be next, as Jones, armed with two guns and multiple knives, scanned for additional victims.

“He definitely had the capacity, if he wanted, to commit further violence and potentially kill other patrons in the business,” Arlington Police Lieutenant Chris Cook told NBC News.

However, James Jones must have forgot he was in Texas. An armed concealed carry hero was eating with his wife in the restaurant at the time. The hero told his wife to get down as he drew his gun, and opened fire on Jones, fatally shooting him in the back.


Joe Perez 06-21-2017 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1422876)
Joe P will like this headline: Racist murder destroyed by peace loving Americans



You pretty much gotta expect that sort of thing in Tejas.

In other news, the SKS is apparently a variant of (or derived from) the AK-47, despite predating it by several years and not having a detachable magazine.

Just learned that today.

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