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stratosteve 12-22-2015 01:38 PM

Ouch. Need to go to my safe zone.

Braineack 12-22-2015 01:45 PM

I'd conceede to just PG residents.

stratosteve 12-22-2015 04:10 PM

Stag Arms Pleads Guilty To Violating Federal Firearms Law; Owner Will Sell Company - Hartford Courant


z31maniac 12-22-2015 05:00 PM

That's funny they are keeping it with OK, it's an incredibly easy to get your CCL here.

A lot of places don't even make you do a full 8 hour course.

samnavy 12-23-2015 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by Joe Perez (Post 1294059)
Virginia to end concealed carry reciprocity with other states

So here's the deal. Governor McAuliffe of VA wants to be Hillary's running mate next year. VA Governors can only sit for one term, so every one of them is a lame duck. The AG won his seat by 165 total votes and knows his time is short... he wants to "be somebody" if Hillary gets elected. So, these two assholes got together and basically said... "We can't get anything through the Republican controlled VA legislature, so what is our fuck-you-gun-owners silver bullet going to be so Hill-dog will love us... OH, plus we need to pay back Bloomberg for the millions in campaign dollars he gave us and the sweet spoiler candidate he ran that got McAuliffe elected"... and they came up with this reciprocity debacle.

Unfortunately, they have the full support of the State Police for a very simple reason... the State Police processes all permits. So if VA dumps 25 other states, several of whom will dump VA in return, the number of non-resident permits applications will sky-rocket.

Last year, the VCDL (Virginia Citizen Defense League) had a very strong "All-State-Reciprocity Bill" easily pass the House, and then get canned in a Senate finance committee. The State Police intervened last year and said "We'll lose a lot of money if we go full-reciprocity because nobody will need non-resident permits anymore". They sold this under the guise that the money they collected was used in a "General Fund" for public safety or some shit, and that the finance committe would need to pony up some cash from somewhere to cover the losses. WHEN IN FACT, the money the State Police collected for processing these applications went directly into the overtime paychecks of the officers that process them. No more non-resident applications... no more sitting behind a desk working as slowly as possible collecting OT. The VCDL didn't learn about this lie in time to expose it and keep the bill rolling... but the State Police will not get to use the trick again.

Despite all of that, there is an almost certain chance the VA "All-State-Reciprocity Bill" for 2016 will pass the House and Senate and head to the Gov's desk... which he will immediately veto. AND, we probably don't have the votes in the Senate to overturn the way it will initially get to him.

However... McAuliffe will have to answer for it in the end. Moves like this are what gets gun-owning liberals (of which there are quite a few in VA) pretty pissed. He will certainly lose a bunch of support in the State Legislature on other things because of this fuck-you. Republicans may convince enough Democrats in the Senate to vote for an override... you never know.

However... this means I will have to get my Utah permit now. I've got Florida and Virginia Resident licenses, but my VA license will be worthless if this doesn't get fixed... I guess Colonial Shooting Academy is going to get $50 from me for the class.

samnavy 12-23-2015 07:02 PM

The VA process is pretty simple... don't be a felon or have been convicted of a few misdemenors and show proof of a safety course. Being in the military, I didn't even have to do that... my ID satisfies the proof that I've been trained. I appeared in person at the courthouse with my military ID, orders, and DL... and walked away with a temporary permit. Interesting that New Mexico is on the list of States that don't meet the VA "standards"... except:

New Mexico: 15 hour class and a shooting test, submit fingerprints, birth certificate, take a 2-year refresher course + shooting test, and a 4-year course + shooting test + resubmit fingerprints for a renewal.

It's going to be interesting to see the "Reason per state" that the AG is using to justify this move... so far that data is not available.

samnavy 12-23-2015 07:16 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Liberals, avert your eyes...

First pic is sorting brass by headstamp... about 3000 total cases. I separate all the military 5.56 stuff from the commercial .223 stuff and then sell the .223. All my plinking loads are 5.56 because I usually get about 2 more reloads out each piece of brass. I've got a butt-ton of Federal and Hornady .223 for more precision/hunting work, so all other .223 brass gets sold off cheap so I can buy more mil-brass.

Right now, 1000ct of 7.62 runs about $90, and 1000ct of 5.56 gets $33... brass is freaking dirt cheap right now and I'm stocking up.

The white 5gal bucket on the floor has about 1200ct of 7.62x51 Lake City once-fired.

The pic of my workbench is some 7.62 ready for loading... I run 110gr FMJ bullets designed for .30Carbine at 2500fps, I get under 2moa groups from my bargain-built Aero/DMPS gun and each round is about .25cents, which is less than half price of the absolute cheapest commercial crap that is less accurate. I couldn't afford to shoot this gun unless I reloaded for it. I honestly don't know how dudes afford to feed heavy calibers without rolling their own.

Schuyler 12-24-2015 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1294408)
The VA process is pretty simple... don't be a felon or have been convicted of a few misdemenors and show proof of a safety course. Being in the military, I didn't even have to do that... my ID satisfies the proof that I've been trained. I appeared in person at the courthouse with my military ID, orders, and DL... and walked away with a temporary permit. Interesting that New Mexico is on the list of States that don't meet the VA "standards"... except:

New Mexico: 15 hour class and a shooting test, submit fingerprints, birth certificate, take a 2-year refresher course + shooting test, and a 4-year course + shooting test + resubmit fingerprints for a renewal.

It's going to be interesting to see the "Reason per state" that the AG is using to justify this move... so far that data is not available.

It's funny too, because in SC I had to take a 8 hour class and shooting test + finger prints.

We are being denied reciprocity, but to get a Virginia Non-Resident CWP, all I have to do is mail in $100 and a copy of the Hunter's Safety Course I took in SC at age 8.

fooger03 12-25-2015 09:21 AM

Can't wait until federal reciprocity tells them all "GFY"

AlwaysBroken 12-25-2015 02:15 PM

Not if we end up with Hillary as president. The current republicans in the legislature are disappointingly spineless. IMO, Trump is running as a favor to Hillary. He's the only person who polls worse than her in the general election and his plan is to either lose as a Republican or split the Republican base by running third party.

The only plausible scenario that allows us to have nice things is:
1) The tricky part, but definitely doable.

Trump's supporters realize that Trump is a gigantic scumbag and he craters in the polls. There are a lot of ways this could be accomplished before the primaries start- his decades-long relationships with the philly and nyc mafia, his massive hiring of illegal aliens for construction projects, his political connections in NY and NJ (hint, his friends are all democrats), the rape allegations, the cheating of the vendors, etc, etc.

2) A sure thing, unless the establishment goes full retard and forces Jeb or Christie on us once Trump falls.

Rubio or Cruz becomes the establishment's fallback candidate. They're at least pro-gun and would probably nominate reasonably good supreme court justices.

3) Win the general election with Rubio or Cruz. Rubio is pretty, articulate, and well liked. He would wreck Hillary in the general. Cruz has some likability issues but would have a very solid odds of beating Hilary.

Braineack 12-31-2015 10:01 AM

Don't bring a room temperature IQ to a gun fight.

stratosteve 01-05-2016 04:57 PM

Sooooo our president cried today during his usurping of congress. I dont recall him crying when his muslim brother and sister shot up a Christmas party in San Bernardino.

samnavy 01-05-2016 05:08 PM

When I get home from work, I'll break down all this new bullshit which amount to zero change for even totally gun-crazy gun nuts. Totally reaffirmed that the guy has zero balls... this new stuff, LITERALLY NOTHING!

Braineack 01-05-2016 05:10 PM

i background checked your mom last night.

samnavy 01-05-2016 09:53 PM

If you took your Virginia legal "assault dick" to California, then I need to inform you that you've committed a felony despite my Moms potential consent?

OK, let's get down to it... the President has no balls. So he and Loretta Lynch sat down and this crap was the best they could come up with? His big move on background checks was to ask the ATF to "define" a definition that basically can't be defined any clearer? A good amount of the gun community thought he was going to go off the deep end and try to completely ban face-to-face sales or swing for the fence with another AWB... actually give us something to be angry about.

I like the fact that he's attempting to give the ATF some help in the form of additional personnel... but 4 people per state won't make a difference (and some of them will be janitors).

The only thing that has me really pissed is the mandate for TRUSTS. In the history of the NFA, there have been only 2 crimes committed with legally owned NFA items, and I'm pretty sure both of those were by cops. The last one was in the 70's... but now, I've gotta submit to a 4473 and provide fingerprints for every single stamp... WHAT A FUCKING JOKE! Oh yeah... the ATF got over 200,000 comments on what they should do about this issue, and only 12 for it... yup, 200,000 vs. 12 and the ATF sided with the 12.

Here's the bullshit press release by the White House:

Here's the synopsis breakdown line by line from the VCDL:
Analysis of Obama's Executive Orders on guns (VCDL analysis)

Joe Perez 01-05-2016 09:55 PM

St. Petersburg [Florida] considers fees on gun, ammo sales to help curb gun violence

Charlie Frago, Times Staff Writer Thursday, December 31, 2015 4:41pm

ST. PETERSBURG — Rattled by a bloody end to 2015 that left seven young men dead in less than two months, St. Petersburg officials are considering a variety of legal measures to address gun violence.

It was only two weeks ago when Mayor Rick Kriseman, during a street march protesting gun violence, said the city's hands were tied by the state and federal government when it came to regulating guns. He urged marchers to contact their state and federal representatives.

But according to his spokesman, Ben Kirby, Kriseman has taken a more active role in exploring options. He wouldn't elaborate.

City Attorney Jackie Kovilaritch provided limited details on what she has been researching on behalf of council member Karl Nurse.

Among the ideas is the assessment of a fee to gun or ammunition sales tied to a specific service. The revenue it raises would pay for a service, much like how the city's $2.95 monthly recycling fee is assessed on residents' utility bills in exchange for the pickup service.

The idea is a modified version of a recent move by Seattle to tax sales of guns and ammunition to offset the costs of gun violence.

That won't work in Florida, Kovilaritch said. State law explicitly prohibits local governments from imposing special taxes on firearms.

But assessing a fee on guns or ammo tied to a service might work, she said. The fee would have to be legitimate, perhaps funding gun education or some sort of research and prevention programs, she said.

"It couldn't be a tax disguised as a fee," she said. "I expect we'll be looking into this more in the near future."

Kovilaritch hasn't talked to Kriseman yet about fee options, but she said she knows he has an interest in doing something about the shootings that have left seven young men dead since Nov. 10.

"They're going to be thinking outside the box," Kovilaritch said. "We're going to be doing the same. We're not going to assume something is preempted."

Nurse had sent the mayor a link to an article about the Seattle tax, which was recently upheld by a judge despite opposition from the National Rifle Association and other gun rights groups. He welcomed further discussion of a fee on guns and ammunition.

The revenue could be used to fund gun locks or gun buy backs, Nurse said.

"Anything that we can think of to reduce the chances of guns ending up in the hands of teenagers would be a good thing to look at and an admirable thing to do," he said.

Florida Carry, a gun-rights group, said it would likely wage a legal challenge to any attempt by the city to raise revenue off the sale of guns or ammunition.

Calling it a fee is disingenuous, said Eric Friday, the group's general counsel.

"A fee is what a politician calls a tax when they don't want to call it a tax," Friday said.

Florida's "preemption" law, which cedes city and county regulation of guns to the state, was created for just this purpose, he said.

"Some local governments can't be trusted to keep their hands off our gun rights," Friday said.

Florida's preemption law contains language allowing private entities to sue local governments that violate the statute. Many states don't allow such private enforcement, meaning the attorney general must challenge such laws, Friday said.

"We will not take kindly to any attempt to further tax gun owners," Friday said.

But City Hall is facing mounting pressure from residents of southern St. Petersburg who are frustrated by the gun violence. During a Wednesday neighborhood meeting at Silver Lake Park, residents complained about what they perceive as government inaction.

"It's in our interest to change this," said Kelvin Stewart, vice president of Silver Lake Boys Associated. "The powers that be, it's not in their interest. Forever, it's been in their hands, and nothing has been done."

Kriseman didn't respond directly to the fee proposal on Thursday. The two haven't had a chance to talk about it and the mayor wants to reserve judgement until he speaks with her, his spokesman said.

Although Kovilaritch was appointed by Kriseman, she also works for the City Council.

Kriseman is committed to reducing gun violence, Kirby said, but recognizes it may be a difficult road in light of current law.

"He is currently considering a lot of creative, innovative options to help reduce gun violence in St. Petersburg," Kirby said. "The role of cities and municipalities on this issue is severely limited by the state Legislature's preemption."

St. Petersburg considers fees on gun, ammo sales to help curb gun violence | Tampa Bay Times

Savington 01-05-2016 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1297055)
The only thing that has me really pissed is the mandate for TRUSTS. In the history of the NFA, there have been only 2 crimes committed with legally owned NFA items, and I'm pretty sure both of those were by cops. The last one was in the 70's... but now, I've gotta submit to a 4473 and provide fingerprints for every single stamp... WHAT A FUCKING JOKE!

Agreed, that's a terrible idea. But here's the problem: When you have the NRA backing the anti-regulation movement, bad/ineffective/annoying gun laws are exactly what you will get.

I think there a lot of people in this country who own guns, like owning them, are responsible about it, and want to continue to buy them. The problem is that these people have absolutely no representation in this discussion. On one side, you have the NRA, who objects to every single gun regulation at every possible moment, and on the other hand, you have ultra-liberals who don't think that anyone should own a gun of any kind. These two sides scream at each other, nothing gets done, and so there's no debate in the middle on what kind of control would be effective but unobtrusive. No debate gets you bad laws, and here's where you end up.

Gun control is coming, and it's a travesty that there's no pro-gun organization that's smart enough to acknowledge that and smart enough to cooperate with moderates to write good gun laws that don't affect law-abiding citizens.

sixshooter 01-05-2016 10:26 PM

Gun Rights: Should you be allowed to own an RPG?
St. Pete has some rotten hood areas. The pussies in charge get push back from the animals when they attempt to police the south side. Then they get criticized when they don't have enough presence in the hood. Reap, sow, something something. Not surprised. Not impressed.

Raising the price of a box of 50 by 5 bucks wouldn't stop a hood rat from popping some other hood rat. But it might stop the average person from spending useful time practicing at the range.

The nice neighborhood folks just sigh at the wasteful, foolish city leadership and their lack of focus on actually running the city. I'm glad I don't live there.

Monk 01-05-2016 10:27 PM

I wonder if their "out of the box" thinking will lead them to the root of the problem.
It seems like politicians can't recognize what even the roidyest, rapyiest, cop can: dumbass gang-bangers.
Young, violent, organized: the trouble with gangs | Tampa Bay Times
My favorite self aware quote:
"Be Aware — We All Da Way — RETARDED."

stratosteve 01-05-2016 10:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Arfcom trolling of the ATF facebook page.


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