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Joe Perez 08-10-2015 08:53 AM

Angry about gun violence? Shoot at the police.

Gunfire erupts to cap off peaceful anniversary of Michael Brown’s death

FERGUSON, Mo – A peaceful night remembering 18-year-old Michael Brown turned into a violent one as a gunfire exchange left one man critically injured in Ferguson, Missouri.

PIX11 reporter Jay Dow and photographer Kenton Young were standing at least 100 feet away from the shooting.

Police said the young man was hurt after shooting at plainclothes officers who then returned fire. The man is said to be “critical, unstable condition.” This was one of at least two shootings in the Ferguson area.

The gunfire comes one year to date when unarmed teenager was killed by police officer Darren Wilson, who was exonerated for his death. His killing sparked outrage and protests nationwide against police brutality.

Before bullets flew, PIX11 caught tensions brewing between protesters and police on video.
Among the hundred or so protesters late Sunday night was Yolanda Allen and her 11-year-old son.

She defended her decision to bring him amid friction between demonstrators and police.

“He gotta see what we [are] teaching our sons now,” Allen said. “I am worried about his safety but at the same time he got to be educated.”

Another Ferguson resident had a contrasting opinion regarding significance of the protests, questioning the large group of young people in attendance.

“I’m seeing stupidity,” this 43-year-old man said. “What are we going to do.”

Prior to the shooting, civil disobedience rallies commemorating the life of Michael Brown were peaceful and constructive.

PIX11 in Ferguson: Gunfire erupts to cap off peaceful anniversary of Michael Brown?s death | New York's PIX11 / WPIX-TV

Braineack 08-10-2015 09:07 AM

yeah but at least they arrested the photographer that filmed it.

z31maniac 08-12-2015 06:58 PM

Those gun toting kids were probably just trying to get to Bible study.

Braineack 08-25-2015 07:42 AM

Feds Go Door-To-Door To Inform Gun Owners Rights Not Absolute | Cop Block

Government revels in the idea of asserting itself over the population – so it is no surprise that a joint initiative launched in New Orleans is doing just that as the ATF, New Orleans Police Department and the Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office go door-to-door across the metro area informing gun owners that they have no rights in school zones.

“Federal law makes it an offense to possess a firearm within a 1,000 feet of a school,” U.S. Attorney Kenneth Polite, who joined in the ridiculous display of hubris, said. “So we wanted to get the word out to the community about this work.”

The resource sucking initiative is being sold as “just a friendly reminder” by local media outlets but startled homeowners answered their doors over the weekend to costumed storm-troopers and plain clothes agents informing them that federal gun laws penalize self-defense in school zones with minimum fines of $5,000 and up to five years in prison.

“This is the second time we have focused on a school here in New Orleans East,” Polite said of the 7th District. “[The area has certainly] suffered from a lot of crime over a long period of time.”

Brilliant! What better way is there to ensure the safety of schools than by going to homes and telling everybody no one can legally defend themselves there?

Whereas a genuine market-based security service would reward individuals with lower insurance premiums who took the necessary steps to ensure their own safety, government thugs are happy to revoke your rights and tell you its for the safety of your children.

Braineack 08-25-2015 12:23 PM

DC police doesn't track magazine capacity of seized guns - Story | WTTG

Mayor Muriel Bowser and Police Chief Cathy Lanier have been saying that "high-capacity guns" are a major cause.

But police sources tell me that they don't track the capacity of seized guns, so they have no reason that is the cause for the spike in homicides.

“Guns continue to make their way into the hands of violent criminals,” said Bowser. “Unfortunately some of those guns have high-capacity magazines that inflict maximum harm.”

“Multiple of our cases have high-capacity magazines and multiple rounds fired making the shots more lethal,” said Chief Lanier.

Last week, I asked the chief to back up her claim.

“In D.C., over ten rounds is high capacity, but your department doesn’t trace what kind of magazine size guns have. I’m asking when you say high capacity, where are you getting that information?" I asked.

“From the guns that we’ve recovered,” Lanier responded.

“So I'm talking about 100-round drum magazines -- that would be high capacity.”

She also added, “High-capacity magazines are magazines that are designed to enhance the normal capacity of a firearm.”

But a form police use when they get property in a crime has a section for firearms. It asks for a brand name -- a Glock would be an example for that column -- and then type -- such as a handgun or rifle.

Then there are other specifics. No. of shots is for how many rounds of ammunition is still in the gun when the police seize it.

But there is no section for ammunition capacity on the form, which means how many rounds the gun could hold. Sources in the police department said they just don’t track it.

“Information is power, so if I don't have anything to compare it against, I have to accept what you tell me,” said Sgt. Delroy Burton, chairman of the D.C. Police Union.

The police union said the lack of transparency is all about politics.

Joe Perez 08-26-2015 09:49 AM

Here you go, Scott- one from your neck of the woods. Video of a TV reporter and her cameraman being shot to death live on the air during an interview on WBDJ.

click to play



Braineack 08-26-2015 10:15 AM

it's awful, but they could have easily been walked-by stabbed...

the weapon of choice doesn't matter, sick fucks with no parents to teach them right from wrong typically is.

Joe Perez 08-26-2015 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1260465)
it's awful, but they could have easily been walked-by stabbed...

That's a highly speculative statement.

Guns, and handguns in particular, make it far easier, faster, more convenient and safer to kill people, by acting as a force-multiplier and enabling the assailant to have some distance between himself and the target. By comparison, killing someone with a knife requires you to come into close physical proximity to the victim and takes much longer, thus greatly increasing the risk to the assailant of injury either from the victim herself or from bystanders, as well as the risk of capture.

Any time you make something easier, faster and safer, more people will do it.

Braineack 08-26-2015 12:05 PM

this was a disgruntled person that was going to kill them no-matter the method.

he literally walked up to them and shot.

not having access to a gun was not going to stop him with his plans to injure/kill.

mgeoffriau 08-26-2015 12:25 PM

He also GoPro'ed the whole thing and then live-tweeted his run from the law. Not sure exactly what that says, but I'm not sure we can build an argument around the idea that he might have decided against this course of action if he didn't have access to a gun.

Braineack 08-26-2015 12:48 PM

sees a video of two people getting shot, wants to outlaw guns for citizens.

sees at least 1000 videos of cops killing unarmed civilans, calls braineack crazy.

Joe Perez 08-26-2015 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1260541)
sees a video of two people getting shot, wants to outlaw guns for citizens.

Who said anything about outlawing guns for citizens? This problem can be mostly addressed simply by instituting a policy of complete ethnic segregation.

Braineack 08-26-2015 12:58 PM

i like hyperbole and drama.

Joe Perez 08-26-2015 02:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)

rleete 08-26-2015 04:51 PM

Stealing that for FB. :likecat:

Braineack 08-26-2015 05:40 PM

wanna know what's funny?

Originally Posted by braineack
How bad would it be If I went outside With picture of that girl
And sign that said: White lives matter

Originally Posted by shuiend
2:24 PM
you would probably get ignored
because no one where you are at has time for that shit

shuiend 08-26-2015 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1260638)
wanna know what's funny?

True story bro!:giggle::giggle::giggle:

Girz0r 08-26-2015 06:46 PM

I'm sure plenty of stares, mean mugs, & confusion :bigtu:

samnavy 08-27-2015 08:44 AM

Guess what? While their bodies were still warm, Gov. McAuliffe of Virginia(you know, the guy who Bloomberg spent millions on and bought him an election because geniuses at the GOP couldn't get their shit together) went on a rant about how awesome background checks are and that we need new gun laws blah blah... oh yeah, dipshit murderer guy bought the gun legally and passed a background check. Who would have guessed that?

Braineack 08-27-2015 09:12 AM

I really think instead of outlawing guns, they should outlaw murder. problem solved.

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