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mgeoffriau 04-17-2013 06:58 PM

High-cap magazine ban amendment fails.

rleete 04-17-2013 07:38 PM

Still sucks to be in NY.

Pen2_the_penguin 04-17-2013 07:53 PM

I think I am going to celebrate by loading up the 110 round drum.

samnavy 04-17-2013 08:07 PM

If my local Walmart gets its usual Wed night shipment of ammo tonight, it will put me over 3000rds of 9mm tomorrow morning... but for the love of sweet baby Jesus, can we please start seeing some buckshot in stock.

samnavy 04-17-2013 08:38 PM

Lots of votes today.

Feinstein- AWB
Lautenberg- ban hi-cap mags
Burr- protections for veterans
Corryn- National reciprocity for CCW
Leahy- trafficing

You can read all about them and the individual vote counts:

I would like to point out that there was only ONE REPUBLICAN in the entire Senate who voted for Feinsteins AWB . He was also the only Republican who voted for the Lautenberg mag-ban. He was also the only republican who voted against the Corryn- national reciprocity amendment. He was also the only Republican who voted for the retarded-as-shit Leahy- trafficing crap. He was one of only 2 R's who voted against the NRA backed Grassley Amendment, and one of 2 R's who voted for Toomey-Manchin... his name is Mark Kirk... anybody care to hazard a guess which state he's from without using Google?

He was also a co-sponsor of Toomey-Manchin and will probably be out of a job in a couple years.

olderguy 04-17-2013 09:31 PM

I had to google him. It figures!

fooger03 04-17-2013 09:48 PM

Well, I suppose "republican" is a relative term....

samnavy 04-17-2013 10:26 PM

Writing your reps are easy... everybody in Congress has their own web-page... on the page somewhere very obvious will be like to "WRITE YOUR SENATOR" or something like that.

Your letter/comments can be short and sweet, but need to illustrate an attempt at professionalism... ie,

"Senator Smith. I would like to thank you for voting FOR/AGAINST the blah blah bill. I've been watching the debate over this for weeks and wanted you to know that you are representing me well.
Please note that I am very interested in the upcoming vote for the blah blah bill, and encourage you to consider a YEA/NEA. As a concerned citizen, I feel it would be very hard to blah blah blah if this bill blah blah.
Mr. Jones"

I just wrote to Tim Kaine (Virginia Democrat Senator) with the following:

Senator Kaine, I am an active duty military officer stationed in Hampton Roads. My wife and I are not residents of VA, but have purchased a house here and intend to retire in Virginia Beach. My first year as a VA voter should be 2016.

I would ask you to vote AGAINST any future AWB’s, magazine limits, or anything that smells or hints of registration. This will keep my 2nd Amendment rights intact.

I would ask you to vote FOR funding and enforcement of current federal firearms laws (specifically to prosecute straw-buyers and crooked FFL’s), and improved education for the greater medical community into reporting into the NICS system. These are things that would have a visible and measurable impact almost overnight on crime in the US.

Thank you for your service.

Samuel Kesler

So far, he's voted lock-step with the other Democrats... but it can't hurt.

samnavy 04-17-2013 10:59 PM

My 03 C&R FFL came in today... sent off March 15th. I think it's absurd that a Class-3 stamp takes 6-8 months (and costs $200), but I can get my collectors license in 5 weeks for $30.

So... now I can purchase in person, or online, and take posession of (or have shipped directly to my house) WITHOUT A NICS check, any weapon that is classified as a C&R.

I'm not currently in the market, but just for shits, anything on the following pages:
C&R Eligible - Curio & Relic Firearms - C&R Guns - C&R Rifles - C&R - Shotgun - C&R AK47 Plus More!
C&R Guns

If you'd like to get your C&R, it takes about 20 minutes to fill it out:
How to acquire your C&R FFL license

Braineack 04-18-2013 09:32 AM

There are new developments tonight in the bombing investigation here in Boston. But that investigation could be moving faster were it not for the successful lobbying efforts of the National Rifle Association. The NRA's efforts to guarantee that American mass murderers are the best-equipped mass murders in the world is not limited to murderers who use assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The NRA is also in the business of helping bombers get away with their crimes. Gunpowder could be traced by investigators to a buyer at the point of sale if gunpowder contained a taggant, an element that would enable tracing of the purchase of gunpowder. But thanks to the National Rifle Association, identification taggants are required by law only in plastic explosives. The NRA has successfully blocked any requirements for such taggants in gunpowder. So such supremely helpful evidence as taggants are not available to the FBI in this investigation.
Things Braineack did not know until watching the news:
  1. The NRA was in control of the FBI and able to slow FBI investigations.
  2. The NRA supplies bombs, IEDs, and RPGs to mass-murders suchs as what kills mass causities in the Middle East.
  3. The NRA is in the business of helping bombers get away with their crimes.
  4. The NRA is a super-member of Congress with 56 votes at their own disposal.

Braineack 04-18-2013 09:43 AM

Only cops should carry guns:

Cop in slow McDonald's line accused of aiming gun at customer ahead of him | 11alive.com

They'll be able to make McDonalds cook food faster...

Scrappy Jack 04-18-2013 09:46 AM

The NRA's efforts to guarantee that American mass murderers are the best-equipped mass murders in the world is not limited to murderers who use assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The NRA is also in the business of helping bombers get away with their crimes.
Wow. :facepalm:

Braineack 04-18-2013 09:48 AM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 1002717)
Wow. :facepalm:

MSNBC is a news outlet, and FOX lies....so it has to be true.

Braineack 04-18-2013 01:15 PM


"He's attacking the NRA, he's attacking our members, he's attacking citizens and senators of the United States, threatening them and all the rest. I think that's really not a seemly way for the President of the United States to respond to a legislative defeat."

Pen2_the_penguin 04-18-2013 02:36 PM

LOL at all the butt hurt in the liberal world.

Braineack 04-18-2013 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Pen2_the_penguin (Post 1002857)
LOL at all the butt hurt in the liberal world.

what butthurt?



Jason Alexander: Our Congress is officially owned but not by us. 90% of us wanted gun reforms. We got shot. That's NRA. And that is representative govt. now.

Comedian Richard Lewis: Many in the Senate and the Congress care more about their jobs on a watered-down bill over potential mass murders and suicides with guns.


Pen2_the_penguin 04-18-2013 03:50 PM

I am still trying to figure out where the "90%" came from... are they considering all the US was at the wall st. protest?

Braineack 04-18-2013 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by Pen2_the_penguin (Post 1002905)
I am still trying to figure out where the "90%" came from... are they considering all the US was at the wall st. protest?

I believe it was hitler that said something about lies and repeating them...

he was a right-wing neo-nazi after all.

Scrappy Jack 04-18-2013 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by Pen2_the_penguin (Post 1002905)
I am still trying to figure out where the "90%" came from... are they considering all the US was at the wall st. protest?

If you asked a random population, "Do you think there should be required background checks for firearm purchases in order to prevent felons and the mentally ill from purchasing them?" and gave them a "yes or no" option, I would not be surprised at all if you did get a 90% polling in favor.

olderguy 04-18-2013 07:06 PM

I am the gun lobby!


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