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LukeH 04-16-2013 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by shuiend (Post 1001739)

But one of the Temple police officers told Grisham that anyone holding a gun is considered dangerous, according to the video.

“When you alarm people, and they call us,” one of the officers in the video begins to say, after Grisham asks why the officiers failed to ask for his concealed-carry permit.

“And did you explain to them what the law is, sir?” Grisham asks.

“They don’t care what the law is,” the officer replies. Grisham then shoots back, “Do you care what the law is?”


The answer is obviously no, they don't care what the law is.

I don't understand the charges against him.. Originally they booked him for resisting arrest, which they then change to "interrupting, disrupting, impeding and interfering with a peace officer while performing a duty".

Texas, you're letting me down.

mgeoffriau 04-16-2013 05:50 PM

Ammunition shortage sending shooters towards "reloads"

The nationwide shortage of ammunition is creating a potentially dangerous trend that's showing up in Southwest Florida. Many gun enthusiasts are bringing reloaded ammunition to shooting ranges.

Ammunition manufacturers say they can't keep up with the demand so that has left many gun owners reloaded ammunition. That's when used casings are re-packed with gunpowder.

Experts say without the right ingredients, or if it's done incorrectly, reloaded ammunition can be dangerous.

Improperly loading a shell can cause a gun to explode.

"A round that is over charged is going to take the path of least resistance, which could be through the grip, where your hand is placed. That can blow the entire side of the gun out," said Josh Hackman of Fowler Firearms.

In fact it's so dangerous, Fowler Firearms doesn't allow reloaded ammo on their shooting range.

We contacted multiple gun ranges in Southwest Florida and all reported that they've turned away people wanting to shoot or purchase reloaded bullets.

Experts recommend sticking with the well-known manufacturers like Remington, Winchester, and Federal Cartridge.

Those in the industry say it's likely the problem will only get worse since there is no end in sight for the ammunition shortage.

The shortage began after congress began talking about gun control.
Two things strike me about this article.

1. The writing and grammar are terrible.
2. Despite the hysterical tone, it's pretty much factually correct.

yellowihss 04-16-2013 06:13 PM

I thought Texas was not an open carry state unless on private property.

Originally Posted by LukeH (Post 1001749)
But one of the Temple police officers told Grisham that anyone holding a gun is considered dangerous, according to the video.

“When you alarm people, and they call us,” one of the officers in the video begins to say, after Grisham asks why the officiers failed to ask for his concealed-carry permit.

“And did you explain to them what the law is, sir?” Grisham asks.

“They don’t care what the law is,” the officer replies. Grisham then shoots back, “Do you care what the law is?”


The answer is obviously no, they don't care what the law is.

I don't understand the charges against him.. Originally they booked him for resisting arrest, which they then change to "interrupting, disrupting, impeding and interfering with a peace officer while performing a duty".

Texas, you're letting me down.

LukeH 04-16-2013 06:16 PM

Originally Posted by yellowihss (Post 1001763)
I thought Texas was not an open carry state unless on private property.

Open carry of rifles is legal in texas. In the video, the guy is also carrying a concealed handgun, which he says he has a license for. The cops only realize this after having him in cuffs for a length of time and THEN asking him if he has any other weapons.

yellowihss 04-16-2013 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by LukeH (Post 1001765)
Open carry of rifles is legal in texas. In the video, the guy is also carrying a concealed handgun, which he says he has a license for. The cops only realize this after having him in cuffs for a length of time and THEN asking him if he has any other weapons.


I knew there was something, but searching "open carry Texas" kept bringing up HB700, and nothing about long guns.

samnavy 04-16-2013 09:26 PM

Originally Posted by LukeH (Post 1001749)
But one of the Temple police officers told Grisham that anyone holding a gun is considered dangerous, according to the video.

“When you alarm people, and they call us,” one of the officers in the video begins to say, after Grisham asks why the officiers failed to ask for his concealed-carry permit.

“And did you explain to them what the law is, sir?” Grisham asks.

“They don’t care what the law is,” the officer replies. Grisham then shoots back, “Do you care what the law is?”


The answer is obviously no, they don't care what the law is.

I don't understand the charges against him.. Originally they booked him for resisting arrest, which they then change to "interrupting, disrupting, impeding and interfering with a peace officer while performing a duty".

Texas, you're letting me down.

This incident went viral in a matter of hours within the gun community. There is some background info about this soldier that you can read about here:
Army sergent arrested for legal possession of a firearm - The Firing Line Forums

And some more details about the guy and what happened:
War Veteran Arrested for “Rudely Displaying” Rifle | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Apparently, when this guy gets his date in court, several TX gun-rights organizations are planning on a huge protest. This has the attention of several TX legislators as well.

samnavy 04-16-2013 09:37 PM


The AP is reporting that the vote is very close and that Democrats are pushing the vote out to allow more time for lobbying. Also, for those in Georgia Senator Chambliss has stated, “I'm not going to vote for it. It's not the right thing to do".

S.729 and S.730 (both gun bills) offered to be read into the calendar. Senator objects. Bills placed on the calendar (this means they will be delayed 30 hours until they can be considered by the Senate).

A HuffPo whip count for Toomey-Manchin (52 for, 39 against, 9 undecided):

Gun Control Vote Will Be A Nail-Biter, Whip Count Shows

Tim Kaine up saying that that the Senate has lacked the courage to look at these issues for 20 years (i.e. 1994). Apparently he forgot this was thoroughly discussed and rejected by the Senate in 2004.

Warner sounds off in support for Schumer-Toomey-Manchin amendment (hereafter STM).

Senate resumes S.649 debate. Senator from Iowa slams STM and says gun control supporters do not have the votes despite all the arm-twisting.

Senator from IA rips them for voting to conduct debate on S.649 and then blocking all votes on all other amendments because they can't get support for Toomey-Manchin. Tells them the votes aren't going to be there.

Loser Senator from IL (pick one) up to babble. Durbin gives an example of murderer who bought through private sale. Durbin seems to think that because said murderer was denied under a NICS check and never prosecuted for it, it is a good example to sell background checks.

Durbin blames the NRA for blocking prosecutions of NICS denials because they won't approve the Administration's choice of ATF directors.

Senate stands in recess until 2:15 Eastern for weekly party caucuses. Sounds like the votes are still not there.

Senate back up again. CT Senator blood dancing. Still no votes scheduled which suggests that STM still doesn't have 60 votes.

Sen. Murphy still blood dancing. Several people who are contacting their Senators are being told the STM amendment will not be voted on until Thursday now; but no official word on that yet.

Murphy finally relents. Quorum call.

5:01 - Boxer up babbling about AWB. Talking about School Safety act to harden schools now.

Boxer will support Toomey-Manchin, AWB, magazine ban and school safety act. No shockers. Senate Majority Leader up at 6pm Eastern.

stratosteve 04-16-2013 09:54 PM

More bad news for Maryland this week:

Kachalsky (NY) was denied cert. This is similar to our own Woolard case over carry permits.

Woolard was denied en banc review. This decision came rather quickly after Kachalsky was denied. We assumed this was going to happen but not this quick. On to the big show.

samnavy 04-17-2013 08:20 AM

It's kind of a big deal for Maryland, but like you said, there are several other cases out there making their way through the Circuit Courts. The eventual goal is for Gura to get a strong case before SCOTUS that will effectively make the process of "may issue" illegal at the Federal level.

Hell, if the IL anti's don't get their shit together in the next couple months, they'll have Constitutional Carry. I've been reading that Gov Madigan may still have a few options, but they all end in additional lawsuits against the state to enforce the ruling in Moore.

Braineack 04-17-2013 08:42 AM

Who really cares about MD?

stratosteve 04-17-2013 08:45 AM

Woolard has a better chance of getting cert due to a lower court ruling being reversed. I guess the SC is waiting for the right case.

Isn't Illinois running out of time to request cert?

stratosteve 04-17-2013 08:48 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 1001935)
Who really cares about MD?


You'll care when our gun grabbers get voted out and move to a neighboring state to "protect the children" ala Colorado.

Braineack 04-17-2013 09:11 AM

Originally Posted by stratosteve (Post 1001939)

You'll care when our gun grabbers get voted out and move to a neighboring state to "protect the children" ala Colorado.

They should move to VA and turn it back red. Then we can get all the blues to migrate north with their own people.

psreynol 04-17-2013 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by stratosteve (Post 1001938)
Woolard has a better chance of getting cert due to a lower court ruling being reversed. I guess the SC is waiting for the right case.

Isn't Illinois running out of time to request cert?

IL state they will not comply with supreme court ruling on concealed carry

fooger03 04-17-2013 01:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Worst case senario, the militia, being necessary to secure the freedom of men, will deal with IL if they can't figure it out themselves.

Actually - I think the liberal government of Illinois is not worried at all that gun violence and violent crimes will INCREASE if they become shall-issue - I think the exact opposite is true - the liberal government is worried that, if concealed carry becomes legal and commonplace, gun violence and violent crimes will DROP dramatically...

Think of the absolutely dire consequences this would have on "anti-gunner" agendas nationwide...Chicago / Illinois is not a state issue, it holds national, and potentially global consequences

samnavy 04-17-2013 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by psreynol (Post 1002046)
IL state they will not comply with supreme court ruling on concealed carry

What exactly does this statement mean?

The "state" of Illinois as it pertains to gun control is almost entirely in the hands of the Governor and Attorney General... the other liberal politicians in the state will fall lock-step in with whatever they decide to do.

The "state" has lost several court rulings recently, the most important being Moore, which says the states "no-issue" law is federally Unconstitutional and ordered them to fix it.

Due to the makeup of the IL legislature, it will be impossible to get a "may-isse" law to replace the "no-issue" law... which means unless the liberal anti-gun crowd in the state legislature doesn't suck up a very-favorable-to-gun-owners "SHALL-ISSUE" set of laws, on August 22nd, the "state" will become Constitutional Carry.

There are still a few legal wiggles that can be achieved by the State, but none stand a chance of reversing the decision or even delaying implementation of CC should the legislature fail to implement a law.

samnavy 04-17-2013 03:22 PM


In January, folks were claiming another AWB as a foregone conclusion. That didn't happen. Then they claimed we'd have limits on magazine capacity. Nothing came of that, either.

As it stands now, the Fix Gun Checks law is so hopelessly gutted that hardcore antis are bemoaning it as toothless. Many will settle for passing anything related to gun control at this point, but this thing has gotten pretty feeble.

If it does pass the Senate, it'll be by a very slim margin, and it'll be a pale shadow of what advocates wanted. Then it goes to the House Judiciary Committee, where its fate is even less rosy.

If it does get killed, that leaves Gottlieb (SAF guy who actually wrote it) facing pitchforks and torches.

Here are all nine of the amendments to be voted on Wednesday:
Manchin-Toomey amendment #715

Grassley substitute amendment consistent with the summary which is at the desk;

Leahy-Collins amendment #713 (trafficking)

Cornyn amendment #719 (conceal carry)

Vote on Toomey-Manchin, AWB, and Magazine Bans scheduled for 4pm Eastern tomorrow. I am hoping that the late in the day vote indicates the Dems are still searching for enough votes to pass Toomey-Manchin. And they may end up delaying the vote yet again at this rate.

Here is a discussion of the Grassley Alternative to Toomey-Manchin. It is co-sponsored by Ted Cruz so I remain cautiously optimistic.

Senator Manchin now saying Toomey-Manchin does not have the votes.

Burr now up promoting his bill to remove veterans put on NICS by VA without adjudication or being found a danger to themselves or others. (S.720 I think)
(THIS IS ACTUALLY A HUGE FUCKING DEAL... basically, the law can be interpreted as forcing the military healthcare system to report a Veteran to NICS for any "treatment" (which can be as simple a Veteran saying he has a headache, and being prescribed ibuprofen) for any ailment that may fall into the category of "mental health"... which pretty much means EVERY VETERAN.

Feinstein amendment #711 (assault weapons/clip bans)

Burr amendment #720 (veterans/guns)

Lautenberg-Blumenthal amendment #714 (high capacity clip ban)

Barrasso amendment #717 (privacy)

Harkin-Alexander amendment relative to mental health, the text of which is at the desk.

samnavy 04-17-2013 03:36 PM

I haven't been able to find the actual verbiage of the Grassley-Cruz piece, but basically it's designed to fix NICS and put a substantial burden on the ATF to prosecute Straw-Purchasers (a huge but widely unreported source of guns used in crimes) and crooked FFL's.

Grassley-Cruz gun bill allows interstate transport of firearms - The Hill
Grassley, Cruz Introduce Alternative Gun Legislation | National Review Online

As much as I dislike the taste of National Reciprocity from the point-of-view of States Rights, I'm kind of hoping something along those lined is being back-roomed as part of the compromise.

The most important piece of this puzzle is still that no matter what bill ends up making it's way out of the Senate... it still has to pass the Republican controlled house... so anything that isn't VERY Republican supported in the Senate bill won't make it... might not even make it out of Committe in the House.

APPARENTLY, at some point this afternoon, Senator Grassley (when proposing his/Cruz amendment) goes point-by-point through the Toomey-Manchin bill and destroys it... can't wait to watch it later.

mgeoffriau 04-17-2013 04:51 PM

Manchin-Toomey failed, 54-46.

dstn2bdoa 04-17-2013 05:22 PM

FYI. This article was on the Guns America site.

Please be aware that there are what we call “Bloomberg shills” lurking in the comments of gun blogs and forums at present. It has been going on since before the election, and we first noticed it as far back as our January 8th, 2012 article “2nd Amendment Voters Should Vote Ron Paul.” At first it seemed like fun because they got a lively discussion going, and many of our articles have over 400 comments just because of a few anti-gun comments peppered in by a shill here and there. But as more and more of them have come in, we have begun to realize that it is better to delete them. The anti-gunners have a plan, and that plan is to make gun people look stupid, heartless, and separate from the values of mainstream America. A recent “whistleblower” post about the Boston Marathon explosions is especially troubling. If you are part of a gun blog or forum, please don’t allow this post to spread, and beware that more attempts to make 2nd Amendment defenders look bad are coming.

As most of us have come to understand, this crisis has gone far beyond politics. We have seen an unprecedented and sustained attack on not just our guns, but the entire pro-2nd Amendment and avid shooter culture itself. We are being sold to the public as stupid and selfish people who don’t care about the safety of children. I got a forwarded Facebook post from an 86 year old family friend and staunch Libertarian yesterday that said “The NRA Doesn’t Represent Me.” If only he knew what a fool he is being played for, but if you read through the lines, it is pretty clear that Bloomberg’s media campaign is working. The medicated masses are buying the story, because it is being presented in social media environment where people have already let their guards down.

For that reason, we have ceased to allow any anti-gun comments on our articles. This was a difficult decision, but we only did so after calling out several of the commenters and directly accusing them of being hired Bloomberg shills. None of them defended themselves, and we believe that this is exactly what they are. The anti-gunners aren’t just buying TV ads. They are hiring what are probably unemployed young people in New York City to fish around in pro-2nd Amendment social media to plant seeds of division, trying to hook the emotions of the vulnerable and anti-depressant medicated.

A common theme among the shills is to make us look stupid and ruthless in the furtherment of our cause. We think that they threw some bait into the water yesterday that could make gun people look very bad. It is a “whistleblower” post about the explosions at the Boston Marathon, warning that it is some kind of false flag to ban the private sale of gun powder. I believe this “warning” is meant to be re-posted on gun blogs and boards, and on a quick Google search, I see that it has already hit the FAL Files and a few survival boards. We am not going to include the post in this email because there is no benefit in spreading it, but it begins “I work on a security commission and I’ve just received word to start on a campaign we’ve been working on for the last two months and now it all makes sense.”

The “warning” then goes on to say that that explosions were a pre-planned event meant to result in the banning of the private sale of gun powder, and that a young person is to be arrested Friday with NRA magazines in his possession. The creators of this farce are hoping Alex Jones and all of the conspiracy websites pick it up, and some of them already have. We believe that this is a Bloomberg shill to make us look stupid, and ruthless, that we would co-opt a tragedy to further our cause. Obama’s people have indeed already tried to tie the explosions to “Tax Day” in the hopes of making right wingers look like terrorists, but as we have explained before, Alex Jones is a turd in the punchbowl of 2nd Amendment freedom. You don’t have to have any “theory” about the conspiracy to take away our 2nd Amendment rights. American “gun control” was born in the aftermath of slavery, to keep guns out of the hands of freed slaves. Today it continues. The anti-gunners are using the deaths of 20 white kids to keep the guns out of the hands of their racial minority voting “slaves” in the inner cities.

It could very well be that consumer black powder, not smokeless powder, was used to make those bombs. Upon seeing the billowing white clouds of smoke from the explosions, anyone who has ever shot black powder should probably have suspected that this was the explosive used. Bomb detecting equipment, and most likely the dogs as well, are not trained to detect black powder. I know this because I freaked out one day when I had to go through a airport sniffer after shooting BP. I hadn’t even washed my hands and realized it only when I was far too deep into the line. But the sniffer didn’t even hiccup. We have all heard the reports that the police were doing bomb dog drills before the explosions, and it could very well be that one dog thought he smelled something early in the day so they brought in more dogs, who unfortunately weren’t trained to sniff BP.

Somebody grabbed the obvious possibility that black powder was involved and turned it into this fake “whistleblower” post about the more generic term “gun powder.” Apparently U.S. Rep. Mike McCaul, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said “most likely gun powder” was used in the devices. The “Lone Wolf” language of that article does make it sound like they will pin this on a “right wing terrorist,” but what makes this “whistleblower” warning so suspect as a shill is that they do not specify black powder. As many of you know, modern smokeless powder, the kind you find in normal ammunition, does not explode when ignited. It burns, and it is of course also fairly “smokeless.” Billowing clouds of white smoke like the ones we saw in Boston only come from black powder, and it is a lot easier to get than C4, and you don’t have to make it like the concoctions they speak about in the bomb making books. Granted, McCaul did specifically say “gun powder,” but it is just too convenient that this post showed up yesterday, at the same time the talking point was implanted into the discussion. The post is almost definitely fake, and planted by people trying to make us look bad.

It is your choice how you treat and respond to anti-gun comments in a pro-2nd Amendment environment here on the internet. Please just be aware that these Bloomberg shills are lurking in your comments and on your boards, and that this is most likely only one of what will be many attempts to make 2nd Amendment defenders appear to have different ideals than mainstream America. We are mainstream America, and after the Heller and McDonald Supreme Court decisions, we were on our way to giving the opportunities of “mainstream” to all Americans. Arm the permanent victims in our inner cities and we will give them back not just 2nd Amendment freedom, but all of the other freedoms they are robbed of by living under the umbrella of a permanent criminal narco-economy. The Wild West didn’t have the violent crime rates of Chicago and Washington DC, because in the Wild West, the good guys could shoot back.

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