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samnavy 01-16-2013 02:50 PM

Congress won't do shit because AS I'VE SAID BEFORE, they are all very smart people. Smart people know that an AWB or mag-limits will have no affect on any kind of crime... but not only will the media not interview smart people who can talk to why this is true, not even they have access to the back-door meetings or phone-calls between politicians that get the laws written, so we never really know how something got done.

It's always been curious to me why the media in general appears so blatantly on the side of "gun control"... kinda seems counter-intuitive since the job of new agencies is to make money through advertising. You'd think more people would tune in if the news media would start talking mad shit about how gun control doesn't work and the President is a socialist and has the backing of big-city mayors who love bankrupting their state just to get re-elected... but that's me.

So for now, Obama can mandate all the mental-health shit he wants, as it has the effect of reassuring all the white soccer moms that there kids are now safe because the crazies won't be able to get guns, and doesn't really piss off gunowners in the process because there's nothing to worry about if you don't have mental health issues. But what it really does is result in every single doctor in the county reporting everybody who comes in with a headache as a potential murderer just to cover their asses.

The rest of that shit is just smoke and mirrors designed to keep the ball rolling until the next "incident" when he can roll the dice with SCOTUS and throw down a full federal AWB.

Stein 01-16-2013 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 968978)

It's always been curious to me why the media in general appears so blatantly on the side of "gun control"... kinda seems counter-intuitive since the job of new agencies is to make money through advertising.

Well, they always say that "blood sells" and they aren't going to cut their cash cow. If gun control goes through it's a story. They know it won't curb killings so they won't lose the blood (stories) to run. If it doesn't go through, there will be less killings (as backed by data showing that more guns = less killings) which means less blood which means less stories which means less ratings and advertising.

So now you know why they back it. They know it won't work. So there, you have it.;)

Erat 01-16-2013 08:34 PM

In plain English:

Braineack 01-17-2013 02:34 PM

Journal News map-listed guns, permits stolen from New City home, cops say

remember commrades, it's okay to break the law, so long as we are doing it for a noble cause. For the common good!

Tekel 01-17-2013 09:37 PM

In case you were wondering what their goal was...

Erat 01-23-2013 01:48 PM

I don't see this being talked about anywhere. I guess preventing terrorism is not very interesting.


Armed homeowner shoots intruders while children have sleepover.

Sacramento, Calif. homeowner recently defended not only himself, but several children that were having a sleepover at his house, when three men attempted to break into his home. According to a report on December 23, 2012, by News 10, at a little after 3:30 a.m. Saturday morning the suspects attempted to break into the home and opened fire. The homeowner reacted quickly by grabbing his own gun and defending his home and the children inside.

The homeowner shot all three of the suspects, killing one and injuring the other two. The two suspects were taken into custody later that night after showing up at a local hospital with gunshot wounds. The homeowner was also shot, but his wounds were non-life threatening. The suspect’s name that was killed has not yet been released, and an investigation continues into both the robbery and shooting.

Firearms are used in self-defense approximately two million times each year. Thanks to the homeowner being armed and thinking quickly, the report was on a failed home invasion rather than a mass shooting at a child’s slumber party.

Braineack 01-24-2013 02:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)

UrbanFuturistic 01-24-2013 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 971698)

Ha, yeah right. Much like the man, that way of thinking is dead in America.

Braineack 01-24-2013 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by UrbanFuturistic (Post 971711)
Ha, yeah right. Much like the man, that way of thinking is dead in America.

no, it's not. You need to get over your white guilt.

UrbanFuturistic 01-24-2013 10:06 PM

I'm sorry, but what is this "white guilt" you speak of?

MD323 01-24-2013 10:29 PM

"that way of thinking" is not dead, but its side in media is, even fox bows to its corporate owners unfortunately and no fringe media outlet is fit to be trusted unfortunately. victims make better ratings than responsible boring citizens.

hustler 01-25-2013 02:00 PM

Look at this elected thug. Rahm Emanuel is threatening banks who provide credit to gun manufacturers in other states. This nation is changing, fast.
Rahm Emanuel presses banks on guns - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com

rleete 01-25-2013 02:13 PM

Shi-cago is a hell hole. Can't control the gangs or violence with the strictest gun laws in the entire nation, and he want's the same for everyone?

Lib-tard in all his self-proclaimed glory. I hope he gets stabbed.

Braineack 01-30-2013 12:48 PM

Hey look, just like austrailia!

Run On Guns Has Now Forced Poor Robbers To Stick Up Banks At Hammerpoint | The Smoking Gun

Also, criminals apparently dont like to follow laws:

Fearful Of Possible New Gun Control Laws, Man Tried To Break Into Pawn Shop To Steal Himself A Gun | The Smoking Gun

imagine that.

viperormiata 01-30-2013 10:35 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by rleete (Post 972007)
Shi-cago is a hell hole. Can't control the gangs or violence with the strictest gun laws in the entire nation, and he want's the same for everyone?

Lib-tard in all his self-proclaimed glory. I hope he gets stabbed.


Braineack 01-31-2013 08:48 AM

Chicago News:

Girl who performed at inauguration killed in Chicago shooting | Reuters

Splitime 01-31-2013 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 973762)

On the plus side... a decently drafted CCW bill is being presented. Maybe the fact that it was put up by a Democrat in Illinois and the recent court ruling commanding the state to have CCW in less than 180 days might make this work.

No Lawyers - Only Guns and Money: Shall Issue Concealed Carry Bill Introduced In Illinois

Scrappy Jack 01-31-2013 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by Braineack (Post 973762)

Really sad, but goes to exactly what I have been talking about. Some quotes from various news outlets:

"A 15-year-old Chicago girl who performed at President Barack Obama's inauguration last week was shot to death in a city park in what police think was a case of "mistaken identity" related to a gang turf war.

"'Mistaken identity -- wrong place at the wrong time,' Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said[...]"

"Pendleton was not part of a gang, but most of the teenagers who were fired upon appear to be gang members, police said. None of the teens near Pendleton stayed at the scene to help her or wait for help, police said."

From what I can tell - knowing very little about the nuances of Chicago - this seems to have been a gang-related shooting, possibly done with a revolver as police said there were no casings found at the scene, in a socioeconomically segregated part of an inner urban area. AKA "black-on-black" hangun violence in the ghetto.

I would really like to hear from an intelligent, rational person who believes that any of the measures put forward so far would reduce that sort of gun violence, which appears to make up the vast majority of incidents.

shuiend 01-31-2013 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by Scrappy Jack (Post 973778)
Really sad, but goes to exactly what I have been talking about. Some quotes from various news outlets:

"A 15-year-old Chicago girl who performed at President Barack Obama's inauguration last week was shot to death in a city park in what police think was a case of "mistaken identity" related to a gang turf war.

"'Mistaken identity -- wrong place at the wrong time,' Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said[...]"

"Pendleton was not part of a gang, but most of the teenagers who were fired upon appear to be gang members, police said. None of the teens near Pendleton stayed at the scene to help her or wait for help, police said."

From what I can tell - knowing very little about the nuances of Chicago - this seems to have been a gang-related shooting, possibly done with a revolver as police said there were no casings found at the scene, in a socioeconomically segregated part of an inner urban area. AKA "black-on-black" hangun violence in the ghetto.

I would really like to hear from an intelligent, rational person who believes that any of the measures put forward so far would reduce that sort of gun violence, which appears to make up the vast majority of incidents.

Stop being RACIST!!!!!

rleete 01-31-2013 12:20 PM

Why? When can we all stop the bullshit about guns and blame the blacks for their own problems?

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