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Braineack 06-10-2020 09:06 AM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1573466)

Not that I pay attention to such matters, but we basically just set an all-time record for gun sales last month. Yup, NICS checks does not even come close to a 1for1 metric of how many new guns enter the market, noted. And the only month ever to see more NICS checks than last month was Dec'15, widely considered an anomaly month combined with Xmas and the San Bernardino shooting. Even though exact numbers are very hard to come by, a review of the numbers by the NSSF basically tells a reader that last month, more new guns were sold in this country than any other month ever.

With COVID, the riots, the war on police, an election year, the records of first-time gun-buyers, the recent evisceration of most anti-gun talking points, and a dozen other factors, I'm gonna go on record here predicting 35 million checks this year.


Homicides this week have increased 250% in L.A. compared to last week, LAPD says

Published 15 hours ago

LOS ANGELES - The Los Angeles Police Department announced Tuesday that homicides in the city increased 250% over the previous week, and the number of people who were shot increased by 56% during the same period.

The increased numbers were recorded during the week of May 31-June 6, but officials also reported continued violence this week.

Diamond Dave 06-11-2020 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1573466)
Even though exact numbers are very hard to come by, a review of the numbers by the NSSF basically tells a reader that last month, more new guns were sold in this country than any other month ever.

With COVID, the riots, the war on police, an election year, the records of first-time gun-buyers, the recent evisceration of most anti-gun talking points, and a dozen other factors, I'm gonna go on record here predicting 35 million checks this year.

And just like that, the gravity of the Second Amendment was reinforced with supporters and reached new levels of adoption with new converts. Now if we can get back to making sure the First Amendment doesn't slide due to all the "hate speech" and cancel culture BS.

BGordon 06-11-2020 03:09 PM

The various demonstrations show an excellent example of why every law abiding household should have at least one firearm and some ammunition.
You simply cannot depend on the police for immediate personal protection.

I had two different people here at work ask me questions about purchasing a gun as a result of the demonstrations.
Neither actually bought one but for a couple of days they understood the need.

Diamond Dave 06-12-2020 01:50 PM

Originally Posted by BGordon (Post 1573627)
Neither actually bought one but for a couple of days they understood the need.

Chalk this up to one of the things in the long list of Good things that were proven with Covid and/or Black Lives Matter protests.

Braineack 06-16-2020 02:46 PM

Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning firearms."

"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office. I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine, even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, we're Number One. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth'. The five of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."

Columnist Burt Prelutsky,
Los Angeles Times

xturner 06-16-2020 03:55 PM

Wish I could send a poscat to Burt Prelutsky.

someguy0474 06-17-2020 08:09 AM

If you haven't seen it yet, Garand Thumb did an interview with the marine who had disarmed two rioters during a Seattle protest. He has some great takes and perspective on handling dangerous situations, preparation, and training for this sort of mess.

Braineack 08-14-2020 08:57 AM


Braineack 08-14-2020 02:32 PM


California Ban on High-Capacity Gun Magazines Struck Down

SAN DIEGO (CN) – A federal judge Friday declared California’s ban on high-capacity gun magazines over 10 rounds unconstitutional, blocking the state from enforcing the voter-approved ban outlined in Proposition 63.

U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez, a George W. Bush appointee, prefaced the introduction to his 86-page order released Friday afternoon granting summary judgment in favor of gun owner Virginia Duncan and the California Pistol & Rifle Association by stating “individual liberty and freedom are not outmoded concepts.”

He proceeded to cite the stories of three women who were at their homes – not in California, but in Florida and Georgia – when they were shot at by intruders toting guns.


samnavy 08-14-2020 03:28 PM

This is the 3x panel decision of Becerra. Here is the text if you want to read it... https://dl.airtable.com/.attachments...rraOpinion.pdf

Coming from the 9th, and making sure this issue is about strict scrutiny application, this is pretty damning for ban states. Just like most states who get this far, it's a gamble to ask for en banc. The other ban states in the 9th are likely shitting themselves now.

Here's another synopsis with the main language of the dissent... I could have written a better dissent... utter weaksauce and all her points are addressed and crushed in the decision.

Braineack 09-11-2020 12:39 PM


jamesalonso 01-09-2021 11:49 PM

Originally Posted by samnavy (Post 1578881)
This is the 3x panel decision of Becerra. Here is the text if you want to read it... https://dl.airtable.com/.attachments...rraOpinion.pdf

Coming from the 9th, and making sure this issue is about strict scrutiny application, this is pretty damning for ban states. Just like most states who get this far, it's a gamble to ask for en banc. The other ban states in the 9th are likely shitting themselves now.

Here's another synopsis with the main language of the dissent... I could have written a better dissent... utter weaksauce and all her points are addressed and crushed in the decision.

Just binged 8 years of this thread, and i really liked their arguments in that article
Pretty funny for someone to respond with "we disagree that limiting capacity burdens self defense as we have not banned handguns"
Ok what about limiting magazines to 1 round per mag maximum?
is that considered an adequate burden upon the second amendment?

most people would answer yes, yet the arbitrary 10 round per mag limit is totally chill and justified.
Feels like kangaroo court here in california if you care about logic, considering this ban LITERALLY only hurts law abiding citizens because of how easy it is to illegally acquire or build your own hi cap mags

california please stop spitefully going after these small potatoes and instead use some of those insane taxes and fees from gun purchases toward better mandatory training and mental screenings.
the current process to buy a gun (even in big bad california) is a fucking JOKE, yet theyre focused on banning bs that only hurts law abiding citizens instead of tackling the real problem which is keeping guns away from the unstable minority.

Dont even get me started on SBR or suppressor laws

sixshooter 01-12-2021 08:30 AM

I actually also worried about the mental status laws against handgun possession being used against reasonable law-abiding citizens. I see the laws possibly being manipulated against people who might believe there are not 463 genders or that global warming might not be a man-made phenomenon. Defining someone as being sane and reasonable of course varies by who is doing the testing and what purposes they may have.

Roda 01-12-2021 09:53 AM

The main issue with "red flag" laws is that the defendant's rights are abrogated without due process, and it can be a significant burden to have them restored.

Domestic Protective (Restraining) Orders are one example... they are issued by a judge after hearing only the complaint of a plaintiff, and these days with Covid most of it is done online. The defendant never has an opportunity to respond before papers are served and guns are confiscated. The burden is now on them to arrange a court date, and try to convince the judge that it was all BS. Very rare to see the plaintiff held accountable for false or exaggerated claims on the petition, and they're never held accountable for the defendant's loss of time/money/trouble.

These kind of laws are a clear violation of the 4th and 5th Amendments, but I also see big expansions coming from the federal government in this area. Much easier to sell to the sheeple than registration and outright bans.

Braineack 02-01-2021 10:11 AM


Diamond Dave 02-01-2021 12:39 PM

Originally Posted by jamesalonso (Post 1590372)
california please stop spitefully going after these small potatoes and instead use some of those insane taxes and fees from gun purchases toward better mandatory training and mental screenings.

No to mental health screenings and absolutely NO to mandatory training. Gun ownership is a Human Right - the Right to protect yourself. Are there such standards for the Right to Free Speech or the Right to a swift Trial?

If you're scared of mentally unstable people using guns improperly/illegally, then address the problems with mental health in the country. You don't get to restrict the rights of EVERYONE because of a small percentage of nut jobs.

Originally Posted by Roda (Post 1590555)
The main issue with "red flag" laws is that the defendant's rights are abrogated without due process, and it can be a significant burden to have them restored.

Precisely. The Libs changed it to Guilty until you prove your innocence. All under the guise of how helpful government is and how much government will protect you. Truly scary.

Braineack 03-11-2021 02:37 PM

7 Rhinos voted with Democrats today.


Gee Emm 03-11-2021 04:26 PM

actually, it was religious zealots.

stratosteve 04-08-2021 03:22 PM

Biden started a new firearms division? Cant seem to find much info on the "AFT."

Braineack 04-08-2021 03:59 PM

I'd like to see the AFT crimes statistics on a pistol braces used in a crime; let alone rifles...

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