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Old 12-11-2017, 01:52 PM
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Or gentleness until you feel my touch.
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Old 12-11-2017, 03:58 PM
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I'm not really understanding the issue with the Hitler assignment. It was a creative way to get the kids engaged in history. It's known fact that Hitler experienced little opposition at the beginning of his campaign due to European powers not being eager to jump back into to all out war after WWI. Seems perfectly acceptable to me.
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Old 12-12-2017, 08:44 AM
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no it's not all that bad, but I thought joe would like the Hitler pony. And yes, even the king (former) of England was working with Hitler during and after his reign.

enjoy, wusses:

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Old 12-12-2017, 09:34 AM
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That crap makes my head hurt.
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Old 12-12-2017, 09:46 AM
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Default For my fellow hetero white-male-supremacist engineers
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Old 12-12-2017, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by xturner
I'm confused by this article. Is it the word 'rigor' specifically that she had a problem with or is she speaking out against high standards for engineering standards. I don't see a whole lot of actual substance there. It's just a lot of references to race, gender, sexual orientation, oppression, and erect penises without any specific explanation of how the idea of academic rigor causes this oppression or what she means when she says it needs to be abolished.
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Old 12-12-2017, 10:39 AM
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Her definition(if you can call it that) - “the aspirational quality academics apply to disciplinary standards of quality,”

I think that might mean that if you failed "Statics" it shouldn't disqualify you from designing bridges.
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Old 12-12-2017, 10:45 AM
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the secret guide to being miserable and alone forever:

10 Things Every Intersectional Feminist Should Ask On a First Date
December 8, 2017 by Lara Witt

As a queer femme of color, I keep close relationships with people who go beyond allyship; they’re true accomplices in the fight against white supremacy, queerphobia, and misogyny. If you’re not going to support marginalized folks, then we can’t be friends, let alone date. The personal is political.

Beyond the lovely cushioning, happiness and support that we receive from our platonic relationships (which are, in all honesty, soul-feeding and essential), feminists also date! But there are questions we have to ask before we get close to someone.

The following list of questions is applicable to all relationships — certainly not just cisgender, heterosexual ones:

1. Do you believe that Black Lives Matter?

Yes? Wonderful. Let’s start here. There are three categories that are non-negotiables for me: an understanding of race, class, and gender. Not everyone understands how these three can be insidious, systemic and intertwined, but anyone who doesn’t take the time to learn how systemic racism works isn’t going to care about how racism affects me or people who are darker-skinned than I am.

I don’t want to have to have laborious discussions where I have to prove to someone that white privilege or non-black privilege exists. If they are willing to learn and listen and make the space to decenter their whiteness (if they are white), that’s a good place to start.

2. What are your thoughts on gender and sexual orientation?

The gender binary is a tiny box and I wish it didn’t exist, but it does. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone who is queer-phobic. One out of many important elements to dismantling patriarchy is to abolish gender roles as well as the limited understanding that we have about sexuality and gender itself. I can’t imagine being with someone who is transphobic; as a feminist and woman of color, it would be a betrayal of what I stand for. Ignoring trans-misogynoir would be to deny one of the biggest, most despicable problems that we face.

3. How do you work to dismantle sexism and misogyny in your life?

I’ve met cisgender heteronormative (cishet) men who hate women. They say they love women, but that love is conditional on not having their toxic masculinity questioned or threatened in any way. And they love us as a monolith, they love what women have to offer, whether it is sex, food, love, care, emotional labor: they love us for what we can do for them, not because of who we are for ourselves. It is crucial for cishet men to learn how to decenter their male privilege in order for them to understand the multitudes of interpretations of femininity and womanhood.

Beyond Misogyny 101, does the person you are with understand rape culture, systemic sexism, and misogynoir? Are they willing to learn if they don’t? Misogyny is more than the pay gap. Walk away from anyone who believes that “boys will be boys” and that women are supposed to be mothers because we’re nothing but ambulatory incubators.

4. What are your thoughts on sex work?

You may scratch your head at this one, but much like racism and misogynoir, being pro-sex worker is a necessary pillar of dismantling the patriarchy. I don’t mean pro-sex worker in the sense where non-sex workers write op-eds and think pieces about how sex work is amazing and feminist.

I mean the kind where we pass the mic to sex workers because they know their experiences better than anyone who hasn’t ever engaged in sex work. I mean the kind of pro-heauxism where you understand the labor of sex workers of color, especially trans women of color who engage in sex work, because their experience and knowledge is crucial to understanding the oppressive structures of our world.

5. Are you a supporter of the BDS movement?

BDS stands for “Boycott, Divest, Sanctions” — an effort to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians. I grew up with Jewish (Israeli and non-Israeli) friends and Palestinian friends. Before even understanding how power and oppression worked together, we understood the trivial hatred that colonized and put in constant danger the lives of Palestinians every single day.

Eventually, I learned about Apartheid from a theoretical perspective, and I began to understand the terror, trauma, and stress of having everyone you love and care about get killed, simply because one nation has the military backing and power to destroy your land for them to settle on. Being pro-Palestine is not the same thing as being anti-Semitic. I shouldn’t even have to express that, but being pro-Palestine and BDS is a necessary part of intersectionality.

6. What is your understanding of settler colonialism and indigenous rights?

I didn’t grow up in the United States. I was raised in Switzerland, so my understanding of how Europeans committed genocide against indigenous populations here in the U.S. was fairly limited. It required a good deal of my own research to really understand how settler colonialism works and how devastating the erasure and violence against Native Americans is and was.

Your date thinks Native Americans are tropes or relics of the past? NO THANKS. A key part of intersectionality is having a complete understanding of how historical and current policies endangered the lives of millions of people, simply because of white supremacy and the colonialist entitlement to finite resources and land.

7. Do you think capitalism is exploitative?

Anti-capitalism, especially in the U.S., is imperative if you have an understanding of systemic racism, the prison industrial complex, the 13th Amendment, and exploitation. Capitalism, for one, teaches us that we are only valuable if we produce capital. That means that if you aren’t contributing to the system with your labor, your life means almost nothing.

If your date says they’re anti-fascist and part of the resistance but they’re cool with exploiting labor from communities of color and they support the school to prison pipeline, then there’s a good chance they’ll only value you for your ability to nurture them without any reciprocation.

8. Can any human be illegal?

We live on a tiny planet, with land and water within a galaxy surrounded by a universe with an inconceivable number of other galaxies and planets. Yet here we dictate where we are and who is allowed to be where we are. It’s mind-boggling that borders are even a thing, so to call people “aliens” or “illegal immigrants” is so inhumane and despicable.

White Americans stole this land, colonized this land, created so many borders, pushed out, killed and enslaved people of color and somehow they have the audacity to claim that this land is theirs and that black and brown immigrants are stealing their jobs, land, and homes? Miss me with that bullshit.

9. Do you support Muslim Americans and non-Muslim people from Islamic countries?

I can’t think of any other religion which has been vilified and lied about more than Islam in a cultural and systemic way. I am not Muslim, so I will stay in my lane, but I cannot imagine for a second even claiming to be a feminist if I didn’t stand in solidarity with my Muslim friends and family — especially now, especially after 9/11.

Don’t waste your time and energy on dating someone who thinks that Islam is inherently violent or misogynistic. Instead, read some Huda Sha’arawi or Mona Eltahawy to educate yourself further on Muslim feminism.

10. Does your allyship include disabled folks?

As an able-bodied woman, again, I will stay in my lane, but intersectionality has to include a solid platform for disabled people — and not just the visible disabilities. If you have disabled family or friends, please make the effort to listen and learn about their lives and their experiences. Disabled folks are subject to shaming and violence because humans are awful and lack empathy. Be mindful of others who mock disabled people; that kind of cruelty is inexcusable.

On a date with someone who uses ableist slurs? Walk away.

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Old 12-12-2017, 11:02 AM
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What is an ableist slur?
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Old 12-12-2017, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by z31maniac
What is an ableist slur?
let me get that door for you, m'lady.
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Old 12-12-2017, 12:20 PM
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^^I see Marxism and Post-Modernism displayed in all of its divisionist, America-is-not-special glory.
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Old 12-18-2017, 11:04 AM
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University of Northern Iowa professors’ paper claims white “hegemony” makes civil conversation a racist tool of oppression, justifying the constant leftist violence that ensures no dialogue can exist.
Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

According to the academic article written by two communications professors,“whiteness-informed civility,” supposedly “functions to assert control of space” and “create a good white identity.”

“Civility within higher education is a racialized, rather than universal, norm,” the C. Kyle Rudick and Kathryn B. Golsan wrote while citing “critical whiteness studies.”

Rudick and Goslan interviewed ten white college students and asked them racially based questions Campus Reform reports.

“What do you consider to be civil behavior?” and “How do you think your racial identity may affect your understandings of civility when talking with students of color?” were some of the questions asked by the two professors.

“First, participants stated that they tried to avoid talking about race or racism with students of color to minimize the chance that they would say something ‘wrong’ and be labeled a racist,” the professors write, as cited by Campus Reform. “Another way that participants described how they tried to be civil when interacting with students of color was to be overly nice or polite.”

According to the professors, students who attempt to be nice to minorities are only encouraging “white privilege” and “white racial power.”

Rudick and Goslan also targeted students who believe in equality.

“I feel like I treat everyone the same…To me, if you’re white or black…, then I’m going to treat you like you’re a human being. I guess I don’t see skin color whenever I see someone,” one student, told the professors, according to Campus Reform.

Rudick and Goslan claimed that this view of equality “functions to erase racial identity in the attempt to impose a race-evasive frame on race-talk.”

The professors called for other faculty members to intervene, stating “it is incumbent upon instructors to ensure that their classrooms are spaces that challenge, rather than perpetuate, WIC [whiteness-informed civility].”

“One way that instructors can challenge the strategies of WIC is by ensuring that White students and students of color engage in sustained, sensitive, and substantive conversations about race and racism,” Rudick and Goslan said before adding that professors should, “encourage White students to understand how using WIC to downplay issues of race or racism in higher education serves to elide their own social location and reinforce the hegemony of White institutional presence.”

They are communications professors, of course, or they’d know that asking ten students a question does not a study make.
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Old 12-18-2017, 11:10 AM
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Old 12-18-2017, 11:16 AM
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You can't make this stuff up, no one would believe you:

C. Kyle Rudick | University of Northern Iowa -

Time to end third party funding of "pretend" education. Restore academic rigor and classical subjects. Not everyone can, or should, have a college degree.
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Old 12-18-2017, 11:23 AM
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Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the very agency tasked with saving and protecting the lives of the most vulnerable, are now under order by the Trump administration to stop using words including "vulnerable" in 2018 budget documents, according to The Washington Post.

In a 90-minute briefing on Thursday, policy analysts at the nation's leading public health institute were presented with the menu of seven banned words, an analyst told the paper. On the list: "diversity," "fetus," "transgender," "vulnerable," "entitlement," "science-based" and "evidence-based."
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Old 12-18-2017, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Braineack
Apparently the recommended replacement for "science based" is, "CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes," which makes this kind of a non issue. It seems like they're just trying to avoid buzz-words. Some of the salty headlines about this are amazing though, including, "Why CDC 7 word ban is really a matter of life and death," from CSNBC. Nobody is telling the CDC to base their decisions on casting bones and astrology, it seems like they're just being told to avoid twitter-activist buzz words.
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Old 12-18-2017, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Dann0 base their decisions on casting bones....
I have a funny story about this.

Years ago, when I worked in manufacturing engineering, I'd frequently get calls from the production floor from someone who had been trying to troubleshoot some issue which had eluded their grasp, but which from the description was immediately obvious to me.

One day I was out at lunch. We had chicken wings. I saved all the bones and brought them home, whereupon I cleaned them, bleached them, and stuck them into a leatherette pouch.

Thereafter, when I got such a call, I'd head down to the floor with my little bag. I'd spread the big E-sized schematic drawing on the table, stare at it, reach into my bag, and toss the bones onto the drawing. Then I'd ponder them, and proclaim "Look for a short circuit between point such-and-such and point such-and-such. You'll find a bent pin at connector X."

And then I'd gather up the bones and walk away.

I loved the reactions that got...
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Old 12-18-2017, 05:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Joe Perez
I have a funny story about this.

Years ago, when I worked in manufacturing engineering, I'd frequently get calls from the production floor from someone who had been trying to troubleshoot some issue which had eluded their grasp, but which from the description was immediately obvious to me.

One day I was out at lunch. We had chicken wings. I saved all the bones and brought them home, whereupon I cleaned them, bleached them, and stuck them into a leatherette pouch.

Thereafter, when I got such a call, I'd head down to the floor with my little bag. I'd spread the big E-sized schematic drawing on the table, stare at it, reach into my bag, and toss the bones onto the drawing. Then I'd ponder them, and proclaim "Look for a short circuit between point such-and-such and point such-and-such. You'll find a bent pin at connector X."

And then I'd gather up the bones and walk away.

I loved the reactions that got...
Santeria a la Joe
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Old 12-22-2017, 10:00 AM
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Old 12-22-2017, 10:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Braineack
You gotta be shitting me.
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